C H A P T E R - T H R E E
8:00 A.M
"Amber." Jade repeated my name several times, my alarm clock also going off. "Yeah, yeah, I am up." I groaned, and rolled over. "A,M,B,E,R." She practically spelled my name out, and I huffed, getting up. "Phone, please." I stuck my hand out, rubbing my eyes, my vision blurry. "Haha, you look like an Asian." Jade chuckled and pointed at my eyes. "Don't I always? I have the slight crease in my eyes." I giggled, and it was true, but, sadly I am an American, I only had Korean ancestors and heritage.
"Also, what are you hiding from me, Amby?" Jade asked, trying to guess the password on my phone. "Nothing, phone please." I begged again, but she stuck it up in the air. "I'm taller than you." I finally stood up, snatching the phone. "No fair." Jade crossed her arms, and I chuckled. I was suddenly hit with realization, and checked my notifications quickly. Choi_seung_hyun_tttop sent you a message. I practically almost fell over. Haha cannot wait to get pictures with you and friend! I smiled, looking at my calendar. The concert was in a few days, and I was already so excited. It's as if... he wanted to meet me again? This has to be an exaggeration...
"Alright, Amber. What are you hiding? You light up like a lightbulb whenever you check your phone nowadays." Jade put her hand on her side. "Can I not be happy?" I made my happy face, and she ran her fingers through her hair. "Just tell me, Amby." Jade pleaded with her blue eyes, and I sighed. "You cannot freak out." I pointed at her. "Promise." She lied, she would be so excited for this moment... I handed her my phone, and showed her all of me and T.O.P's conversation. Jade put her hand over her mouth, and almost dropped my phone.
"He, how, what, Amber- huh?" She threw her arms in the air and had no words. "I honestly can't believe it either. Trust me when I say I'm not treating this like oh cool, a celebrity messaged me." I replied, taking my phone back. "I can't believe this." Jade was trying to laugh. "You're so lucky, Amby, I wish GD could just... message me like that." She felt sad, and sat down. "Hey, hey, we're going to their next concert and getting free backstage passes, and getting pictures again!" I tried to cheer her up. "You have a celebrity messaging you freely and almost immediately. I cannot compete." Jade rubbed her face with her hands. "Come on, let me fix breakfast, okay?" I offered, and we walked downstairs.
"Pancakes, please." Jade sniffled. I nodded, and poured some milk into a glass for her while mixing batter afterwards. "Jam?" I smirked at her, and she finally smiled. "Song?" I asked. "We love all of them. But play your favorite." I replied, and turned back around to the mix. I immediately heard Zutter, and started to shake my hips. "How dare you." I glared at Jade, and she only laughed, twirling around. This is why Kpop is great- it gives you happy and energetic vibes. This is why BigBang are truly Kings of Kpop.
"Syrup." I said, handing Jade the bottle, and she smiled. "See, big sis can help." I sat down across from her, but she tried to give me her dead-eye. "Well, belated sister." I poked Jade's cheeks, and she smiled even more. "Haha, see, you can't fool me." I got up, and walked upstairs. I had forgotten to reply to Seunghyun... I panicked. How could I just forget? I grabbed my phone, reading the last message. I cannot wait either! Super excited for the performance, especially getting pictures again! As I went to close Instagram, what immediately caught my eye was that Seunghyun must've been on my messages tab because... he was typing.
Ok pretty girl. He replied, and my heart had completely fallen. "Jade, Jade!" I squealed, almost tripping down the stairs. She giggled and chuckled at me whilst I was so excited to share my own excitement! "Look, look!" I frantically pointed at my phone's screen. "Oh my God." Jade put her hands against her cheeks. I started to blush, and tears came into my eyes. "Lucky!" She smiled at me, wiping my eyes. "Don't cry, this is the most wonderful moment for you." Jade laughed at me, and I nodded happily.
Hey, if you don't mind me asking, my friend's ult bias is GD, do you think you could get him to message her? Even if it was just once, it'd make her day. I quickly replied to Seunghyun's text, and waited for the reply. It was hours before he finally did. That fine. He said, and I waited for Jade's reaction while I began to work on paperwork. "Oh my God! Amber! Amber! You're never going to believe this-" Jade began literally crawling up the stairs, and was frantically waving her phone in the air. I only smiled at her, and she dropped her mouth. "You did this, didn't you?" Jade placed her phone in my face, showing a message saying Hello beautiful international V.I.P from Seoul! from the one and only, G-Dragon. I nodded slightly, and she lit up. "Oh my God, Oh my God. This made my day. Thank you so much. What should I say? Oh my God." Jade started to freak out, and I laughed.
Jade just began texting away, but never showed me what she said. "Brat." I chuckled when she hid her phone from me. "This is really amazing, Amber." She said, hugging me, and I grinned. I remembered my reaction when I had gotten a message from T.O.P. Nervously, I scrolled through my phone. Choi_seung_hyun_tttop sent you a message. He, Seunghyun, wanted to start a conversation with me? Have good day, Amber. He said, and I chuckled at his English, it was adorable and great. I totally skipped work today and made it a me day. I watched compilations on Youtube all day of BigBang's Running Man series, and just all kinds of cute short clips of them, and Jade watched as well. "We're gonna get in trouble." She pouted, but I shrugged it off. "It's Friday, we can take breaks like this... and then, Tuesday is the concert!" I shook my hands.