LIAM NEESON: Dante Brassen - WILLA HOLLAND: Kira Brassen1157Please respect copyright.PENANA69y8G3ctXX
KSENIA: T'Lara1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxQVCJ8pXvm
BLAKE LIVELY: Abigail Dayton - MIRANDA KERR: Norah Guild1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHir3vHdQgM
AMY ACKER: Emma Brassen1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZ34CQTe0I5
JUSTIN HARTLEY: Ian Hoyt - ROBBIE AMELL: Derek Hall1157Please respect copyright.PENANAma3SjaBzkQ
FRIDA GUSTAVSSON: Quinn1157Please respect copyright.PENANA01rJnpZAYF
ZENDAYA: Zoey Gaines - DAVID LYONS: Asher DeSani1157Please respect copyright.PENANAj3SAwdjPUj
HENRY CAVIL: Carter Schimias - ARIANA GRANDE: Lyla Koren1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2MySzzpla
MADS MIKKELSEN: Drew Brassen - GARRETT WANG: Harry Kim1157Please respect copyright.PENANARx5me351Hz
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJtrdCJrieU
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1Wp4GjIlf6
INT. DESANI CAPITAL SHIP1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkZfKR6Dpjc
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxBRZCdLzl7
Zoey runs behind a plant and hides from a group of men that1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjN5HQMLB1G
walk past. She comes out from behind the plant and follow the1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8LC3Q2yO6d
beacon on the padd.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgO3RZVmdRD
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjZGd22A2qa
She slides into the shadows as a few more men walk by her.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9vr8rwWxne
She comes out of the shadows once again. She continues to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJijdVVLsY9
following the padd map.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdKFte5yAp7
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmrBMjFXKrT
She finally arrives to a cell like area. She looks up to the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMb4J7ghA6q
top seeing a man strapped to two lines. Carter hangs above.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOzPpsCnLmA
His eyes fall on Zoey with a tired look in them.1157Please respect copyright.PENANABeZnErRwFX
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8OwMBHrSic
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6alx8dx9Hh
What are you doing here?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnxJ5vjhbgr
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAu35hlPh2O4
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANATGvK9y1kxd
Saving your butt. You're coming1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2n2qmaBHXU
down.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPZ6gPLnR5g
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHMbUX0JSZQ
Zoey throws her swords into the ropes holding Carter. He1157Please respect copyright.PENANALssa73xogL
falls to the ground. He rolls forward and comes up to his1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqrAVkZIKLV
feet. His eyes change to anger.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGedrApAH9k
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4ldSw8Il2A
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9dXfPymQ9j
I have a face I need to punch in1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoFATl4J6nb
right now.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAojrx7ZogjR
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAHyPPyd2S1
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMwKRM4GhuD
You don't want to get involved with1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1DpFYtiSQv
that man right now Carter. You're1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxGBbPIaDU0
not well right now. Let's get you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAraXITx3Aq6
healed up and then you will be good1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXsN0h6oPW5
enough to attack the man who hurt1157Please respect copyright.PENANACMLaU4KGRL
you.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2CCApu8lqV
1157Please respect copyright.PENANALbBTmFWPdc
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGvFttasM4g
He took me away from Lyla ,Zoey. He1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvoYg3zxndA
forced her to give me to him. He's1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkcEjWDAUp5
dying right now. It's the way of1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2WOXNv8Gu0
Elite.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZ0FeIMSWR5
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZpBduwRqh4
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANApQoAoUeEoo
We're more than Elite... always1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGQthQjiUIE
have been. Why are we alive now? We1157Please respect copyright.PENANAf1uPuKGv9r
didn't follow everything the Elite1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYdoxqJt7wD
taught us.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAII5GcLHPo7
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6xhBpbF6lE
Carter twitches. He nods to her and walks with her. He then1157Please respect copyright.PENANArtLiMzHcS4
hits her in the back knocking her out. He snatches one blade1157Please respect copyright.PENANAv6DIM37zPx
from her sheath.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtiCQMwm52Y
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0Bxw2DIXP7
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5CytMBanAM
I'm sorry little sis', but a man1157Please respect copyright.PENANA484AabjN23
has got to avenge himself of1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUUpqBtZ7yz
injustice. You wouldn't understand.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA53UdQ8MoXI
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUPKhosILhK
Carter bends down and pinches on a nerve point. He then gets1157Please respect copyright.PENANAz4lGF83aTa
up and disappears.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXmV4cXlO6n
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfj2GrsR5ho
DESANI BRIDGE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtGgYDTK1QZ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqYNT8KVq7L
Asher looks ahead at the USS Grimace. He does not look very1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhGEuJprURg
happy at all.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQcZ7jN8qd7
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdw4n29mJmq
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5ydPb3JRSA
I could blow his ship to tiny bits1157Please respect copyright.PENANAU8lb9x0z7C
and pieces if I wanted. This is1157Please respect copyright.PENANAU7paBo9HxP
pathetic that wwe are forced to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdNaEqH5IA0
play with these weaklings and1157Please respect copyright.PENANAot9jrNDgUq
follow their rules.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0G7cXjHHGc
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWCkRvp1NBv
GUARD1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEXBoktLNUA
Yes sir.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkiuVmQhC7F
1157Please respect copyright.PENANApqZzFlQMzR
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwqwbZKGFlG
I was not talking to you. I was1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbpCuGLO6dD
talking to myself. You will have to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcxTd5flc3q
understand the difference if you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHgeauKsgWW
want to live a long time. I'm not a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJtUsYLBscw
kind man.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqcIdSwFaP8
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA78gqIfendP
There is a bleeping sound. Asher taps on his chair buttons. A1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVKZ9k5Z3Ah
dark figure appears in holographic form.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9PDJ3WdVIq
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOMiKcFZ6nv
ASHER (CONT'D)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtw0gZFlTFq
What is it? Why do you call me?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlY1DcjhSRP
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXzMeC80Q23
DARK FIGURE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZfBBuEtOJk
I bring you a good idea. On earth1157Please respect copyright.PENANAriGZ697lpX
it was once customary to use1157Please respect copyright.PENANAosufe95wMH
marriage to create an alliance. So,1157Please respect copyright.PENANAithCDeKbLN
added with the alliance you will1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJWIQjl87rJ
form... you will request Lyla1157Please respect copyright.PENANAs7wBHqI2Tj
Koren's hand in marriage in order1157Please respect copyright.PENANAN2VgvIifWa
to keep the peace.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuHjiVC5Pmd
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoQBEZRwNKi
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYrmuvXYTxS
(Smiles) What a more than wonderful1157Please respect copyright.PENANAh6m7aV9Wxd
idea. I love it... she will be mine1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMozLFSC74q
now and no one can stop me.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1fcK0O4GJo
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFj3xN5s4fe
DARK FIGURE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOKWNEo7zTM
Now you can stop whining about what1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaunfHWylz2
you want and finish what I want.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGjY55BUIeR
Does that sound good?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkat6mTYW21
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbRQEXfl9VL
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAegmtghnTSv
I will master...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaioLMKEgIX
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA08ANhUgMGW
The figure fades from sight. Carter, peeping through the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYnMpKTNXNp
turbolift brings his sword down. He looks at a panel and1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxWtZIt9Hl9
manually inputs the destination.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmCQeip2CTx
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6LcGE7UBOu
CELL BLOCK1157Please respect copyright.PENANAf8FOBkrRXf
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAR71RHbzZKI
Zoey wakes up in a flash. She looks around quickly and fully1157Please respect copyright.PENANABZhcwWdD6w
alert. Her eyes fall on Carter walking towards her with her1157Please respect copyright.PENANARLr6x15jKG
blade held down. He drops it in front of her.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXmNcofXjOo
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAozZcThl2kD
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANANaKNOqQ2LM
Why didn't you do it?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtFM8tc7t4a
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIsSyKM0d9E
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFQhKbGrGAn
Because there are more pressing1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7ifRNLyFAZ
matters at hand and we need to get1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYg11h5dZIg
to an ally now. Is there a way back1157Please respect copyright.PENANAawuCqnN7Wr
to the Grimace?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHL9bChMWsn
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAa4Kf1eWsG3
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANAz5MPLTQ1jL
No. We're going to have to wait1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoqmpRIUTFk
till we reach earth before we can1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWsfxOrDqzP
get out without being detected.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9hxPvxdbZp
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdivvpQezOq
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgW4yHBJFi4
So we have to hide? (Sighs)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPqS5jhPhCM
alright. I know a few places we can1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFTu2EGtm3b
stay without anyone thinking about1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzYsSkHL6Ie
them.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVv3u2JJJ9T
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAr5ZpOMaqcK
Carter leads her off. Zoey sheathes the sword and she follows1157Please respect copyright.PENANAw3rYYv2H3v
him.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAj2xwiAIV0Z
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAY2o94A8zjt
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAd7sxZ5DPoN
1157Please respect copyright.PENANArifFCRZ4nk
INT. LEGACY BRIDGE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1jCa3c0rR
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYhCCR4quuI
Dante stares out of the screen. His eyes has a hint of green1157Please respect copyright.PENANApDCd7lWpju
light in them glowing. He turns to his daughter seeing her1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHBqxt6UfUT
eyes glowing a faint purple.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhaGHkonpxC
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAed43BKTQoj
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhvUS6kJXAs
Something seems funny.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6zuDcf01aE
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOUtmT3EOlt
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANA05A24dqU0i
It does, doesn't it?1157Please respect copyright.PENANARJFZrKJH4t
1157Please respect copyright.PENANASRkyuVjDox
DEREK1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVvx2xpDTX6
We're about to arrive to the planet1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6tcrUpLqZ4
Kinar VIII sir.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6A5u6XtHbu
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcZUHbyFerq
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvVF1939eYt
Hmmm. Kira, Ian, T'Lara... You'll1157Please respect copyright.PENANASi0jBlsGfA
be on the away mission searching1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9wKRYOzz2z
for the possible dilithium viens.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFKlZSxnRyA
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoYdi3d1gff
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMVzaX4LB0h
Yes sir.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7tuXyukuPk
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7NSb1VDvUx
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjFf2Cyoy2r
You're in command Lieutenant.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuE6VWYmpbH
1157Please respect copyright.PENANADSFQG5FW9B
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9iU6bYVB2c
Yes sir.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjy1y1GOYZa
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAE7m6xjcQUo
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnqsfqmF3xD
In the meantime... Mr. Hall and Ms.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJK97jS09P8
Dayton, I need to see you in my1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiQ4bu1Y8HB
office.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAR5XNNgeXVQ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKqbNtA7MGr
Abigail looks at Derek. He shrugs his arm at her. Dante gets1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwyOqZnu0v8
up and walks to his ready room. He turns back with a dark1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwhlNod5JHm
look on his face.1157Please respect copyright.PENANArNE3rnJiFY
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA256TZu9zsw
DANTE (CONT'D)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAn14DXagnZY
(Commanding Voice) Now.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOSVHLu6Plz
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOGQ2e4pciV
READY ROOM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmF2Qxezmcj
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAx136wukUOm
Dante sits in his chair. He claps his hands together and1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjHikaa4K7K
smiles at them both. He motions them both to take a seat.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAki0pDWsjSB
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsMaLhFnZHY
DANTE (CONT'D)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAX4eLjuECwE
You are both of very good value to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAyJVCVQcq5
me. Hey, do you want something to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEM7FNEPDrF
eat?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdLaw9kVZqk
1157Please respect copyright.PENANALLfFeepjUY
DEREK1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEm44B3FpvP
I am a little hungry.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0AjdCDYavU
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmPGZifeDmY
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3cUMCIYhZ9
Let me get you something to eat.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIlRRHF7BFN
I'll surprise you.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKQODyIhEjI
1157Please respect copyright.PENANARKm7x0lhcc
Dante taps on the replicator. He turns back with a smile to1157Please respect copyright.PENANARgm6feztOv
the both of them.1157Please respect copyright.PENANArHvr2KZpJY
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0AhYWT2Jwv
DANTE (CONT'D)1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7ZNPA85hol
You want to know something, being1157Please respect copyright.PENANAogiAHH4kzY
the captain, you often get the best1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPRWK02w7sr
of things. The replicator here1157Please respect copyright.PENANArPoML5K1uR
though... is the same crappy one I1157Please respect copyright.PENANAw3Kf6zdiI8
shared my first meal with my wife.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAeVAuA8SKG9
We had installed in the new cottage1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmmSAxUocJ5
that we were building on earth.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAB38tzakS4x
We had this installed happened to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoMsX5n079L
be a very bad replicator but we1157Please respect copyright.PENANAl2PjiSL8RW
kept it. It made the worst meals1157Please respect copyright.PENANANY8pH8myiQ
but I've kept it with me all these1157Please respect copyright.PENANABw6I745ItI
years out of sentimentality. Now,1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwGoKEu5Bnn
now, I'm going to share a meal with1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgy0u21rReF
you from it.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnUcIVd6qjh
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvtwnyfMJ9u
Dante brings over a heart shaped cake. He places it on his1157Please respect copyright.PENANAld8Qth8ihQ
desk and smashes it with his fist. He slams his hands on the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWkgPDmzKTI
desk looking at them both with evil eyes.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAv8NW4txQdu
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4lEXXas3Zq
DANTE (CONT'D)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiUJG6NxAxx
Did I not lay the rules on my ship?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGMhDcpXFMC
Did I not? I gave you those rules1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzVbrgomEQO
and EXPLICITLY BROKE THEM!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQH21qvs7Lt
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnsMP6MIcnz
DEREK1157Please respect copyright.PENANAePlOnhEWdN
Sir...1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8PDfPnpB1r
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxeFC3wyE5g
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnldrgQr4kS
Nothing... sir... Don't sir me,1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnc1LQlN3fP
because you broke my rules. Do I1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvku56w8yho
care what you say? NO! I respect1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzi4H6vGH82
obedience. You think you have1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8HjBDgcexL
anything to say to me? WHAT DO YOU1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKxbVLB91T8
HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvTcKgOYssz
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2W9d1CduQM
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANAq3L4lmn3Ic
Sir... it was...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyHvvzqryCp
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAY3L2W5MsGl
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAt9ycZZ1tIg
I don't want to hear anymore. I1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaJ0TtvCfTA
will speak with you later Derek1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxo7GV75wgA
Hall. You are dismissed.1157Please respect copyright.PENANABS35BPWsBN
1157Please respect copyright.PENANACGrZdeEbiM
DEREK1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgG5gTXLsqR
Sir...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaRspABg7Ah
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAn9wSWt2Wf
Dante scratches at the ruined heart shaped cake looking at1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiIB9MMlkK3
Derek. He stands up to his full height with anger on his1157Please respect copyright.PENANAz0dYfXHhSK
face. Derek shuts his mouth and leaves.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuZSmdzfWHF
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUqSD3Gs8ZM
Dante sits back in his seat. He looks at Abigail a little1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9IMAuq3at6
softer.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyHYrsHMgZa
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZQ3gZDF6RW
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIgtEkU1Qwm
Ms. Dayton, you have no idea what1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8VCwL8kina
you have done.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4BdHpBwRVq
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbXcBcRfkOF
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdIt01nI4GU
Sir, there are no restrictions on1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2YE6D1H5bP
other vessels. There shouldn't be1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOJxsMyc7m0
any.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHhQHPvlcJy
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAamxY7DUjDF
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAATX5ANlcvQ
I'm aware of what others do. I'm a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAL28s2pZMTP
aware it inflicts on the freedom to1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9JPZ30Yfw2
choose love but for right now, I1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfZ2dwwDjW5
need my crew behind me. This is a1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1RB0vAuuKg
very important trip and very1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwaXjqTqp6G
dangeorous. Romance at times blinds1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlCJuhz7ZXh
us to facts and logic.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjutkkof8lP
Would if we were to get into a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWSPuDve9Yl
situation where the best man needed1157Please respect copyright.PENANAllbBK67CVp
has a very high chance of dying?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtZdSs7oW35
Would if that man was the person1157Please respect copyright.PENANArOc2r38PAX
you are dating? Could you honestly1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkVTQ4KlCOk
think clearly enough to make the1157Please respect copyright.PENANABKNOR7rUOH
right choice? Could you?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhm4pMJ6b26
It takes a certain level a maturity1157Please respect copyright.PENANArZ0ZQ3uNTs
on both parts to do the right1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbr6Ikq8sPD
thing. And I don't think you could1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJtnESUpz8m
and I honestly don't think Derek1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyszdaeiDNW
Hall would risk his life for the1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2k08vTpVaJ
sake of others. He is perhaps...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlxhdsROAW6
the most selfish person on this1157Please respect copyright.PENANA09noeCnkEk
ship. He values his life over1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmjIEfiHvQO
everyone else. IF you give him the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGTKtsrZ7ok
chance to live... he's going to1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6HJTKEJ5Kk
take it. Do you understand why I1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8mNQBkJM3P
set rules like that? I need all of1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7XKpUvqIpC
crew to be reliable. And1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAz459S4OlW
sometimes... sometimes a budding1157Please respect copyright.PENANASqCGPxOelr
romance can get in the way of that.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4sptItJ7wc
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqZ9CdzNvcV
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANAj7VySCNxzN
(Disappointed) Yes sir. I do1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9yPTifybsp
understand.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgKdzxxxtfU
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaxVCbcyUmm
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAREba06rGBf
You'll understand more when you're1157Please respect copyright.PENANAh41gaiHNVv
in a command. Now... you must1157Please respect copyright.PENANASrbIF6Nkpa
realize that I need to punish both1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxsbH1l9rrP
of you properly. Had this been any1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPRWGE9WGe5
other case I might have let it1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPiPhHQ5QIU
slide but you're both in a high1157Please respect copyright.PENANAV85mmQfvK0
duty roster and I can't let my1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0No7d5QP1G
leading men and woman drag my crew1157Please respect copyright.PENANATNFHGdnmie
down with them by their example.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8TLPHflnSD
I'm sorry.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjXLx8WmRoI
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfWe5eH3E02
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzOtynVjPTz
I understand captain.1157Please respect copyright.PENANABrKnD1dCZF
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAETJn7kIr7v
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoMuUvmZjbA
The away team will need help1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3r7hoCwJDe
getting prepared for tomorrow.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2MfkajCWkT
I would like you to assist them.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQOAqxrhbOf
Dismissed Commander.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzFoOmBcHK1
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKrMjJKSmtv
Abigail gets up. Dante claps his hands together under his1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKdeqwwO0ce
chin and rest his head on his hands. He gives a saddended1157Please respect copyright.PENANA86rIUa0civ
look.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKeHhgnhICC
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAKwEijWVrE
DANTE (CONT'D)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWWyIpCwAsL
I'm afraid that sometimes things1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEZFvqOBuCq
don't work out the way you want1157Please respect copyright.PENANAK8K0HTqWqD
them. I'm sorry for the both of1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0nKQIEmBxx
you. I know what it is like to care1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdVROxHD3fN
for someone without even knowing1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwgX4WyDVyW
it.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIviINBvSf6
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAe0tf61Yovj
He bows his head down.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUWPX5V5Tbj
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfT9sOiFNnW
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPiYaGx9uEt
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAydSE8M22cf
INT. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfpmoHQC3jP
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdlRvqQ3svx
Dante lies in his bed asleep. There is a flash of white light1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxD4eokdPzf
in the room. Dante's opens his eyes. They flash green and he1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkvb24vdRx1
rises from his sheets.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyx4zZVJvxR
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZh3w4C5t07
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1WnQTNEUCJ
Don't believe for one moment I1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJpA34KLOmn
don't know that you're there... ...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvhk181EEZL
...Q...1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6A4yyHNzN6
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8X1HcSfWr1
A figure walks out of the darkness in the room. The light1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbiTjXM2lOs
shines and a woman without a smile. She has a raised eyebrow1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9Rmt8IZ2h9
and she begins to smile.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAErbDBoLtSm
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVFQHmHQuE8
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbVRzVirp59
Well hello there Captain. You seem1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6FQTs2Hv6c
a little tense and defensive.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzI3uZgvFHn
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAe7ewtGHbrq
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9tIvVmSJYP
Why wouldn't I be? What is your1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0uzog1IPBJ
purpose for being here?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfhkpaMT6nA
1157Please respect copyright.PENANANacmkuWGS2
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6DWTCHTNpV
Oh, that reason? Well I'm just here1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAjrYtrHJV3
to ask you for a temporary position1157Please respect copyright.PENANATXHsDQnu25
on your ship.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwOY11cWQKP
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPTrIgLe0bX
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwqYSypyqmH
You jest. You have no reason for1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvlyRV4jm0O
being here. Leave my ship.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoDj8Ye8wCM
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbQbfPfeDUH
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhGISREQ5Sh
You don't trust me captain?1157Please respect copyright.PENANApLzGtcjMBQ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAl1ZHxjnLAO
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAN4KFFuzmES
I would never trust the Q. It is1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPp460Atu5E
something we do.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA91o0qoy8Ly
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWmjIMTYX9e
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfhiPmNw7vh
You mean you long line of Nirvanian1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZjU5t4ghib
blood? (Scoffs) That's nothing to1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6Pp87pkQj2
be really proud of Captain.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgHEUvJxpGP
1157Please respect copyright.PENANABSBp9beH9p
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWSxpLbqZ88
Maybe... maybe not but I want you1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6s6M2GN2Y0
off my ship now.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJgYzFCQbp5
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbiVOQ3NZD2
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5kKNVfRTJ7
I'm not going anywhere captian.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMsmYwSYUv4
(Smiles) Like I said, I would like1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4T3UY4WbSF
to join your crew.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcUpsIioBy6
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfU4oJtUsel
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7ma9Fpl2aS
Why mine? Why not another crew?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAt5vPFVgQEe
Hmmm?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAngeA63WvJF
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAV68SpYyh3r
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJP2XhfCZfY
This one is the most fun one! I1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMjfDqMwsAY
mean captain, you're way out here1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbNLpdR8kxa
exploring into the depths of the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAn08PlgTtsJ
humanly unknown! Why would I want1157Please respect copyright.PENANATKOeAlD2dO
to be on any other crusty old ship1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMim7XavKWF
when this is the most advanced1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKgRzP5UsJU
there is? It would be a true honor1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJFvyiAxUMF
to be here cpatian.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkcy3mQ7BRy
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvj6aiqfMZX
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8k1Md56eXf
Games... what is the game Q?1157Please respect copyright.PENANApmQco9z54t
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZrMhewy2IA
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANApiyrnqBLDn
Quinn, call me Quinn. Q is relative1157Please respect copyright.PENANAon15lHsbcz
to the younger Q. Q is a race not a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhwe1GS422I
name.1157Please respect copyright.PENANApo2AI0MIc9
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJvzKvSotDw
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2D7PcF5Jkj
Well, Quinn... leave me and my1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkLTAGQscqz
ship. Request denied.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHOzxoxN2uy
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAk8zKh6mTYX
Dante waves his hands in an odd fashion and Quinn flashes1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPFru64l1Dr
white disappearing. She reappears looking offended.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8wUq6N4Ye5
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7MTxWxSa3j
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAeWIfqF5q5g
Wow captain... you banished me?1157Please respect copyright.PENANApUY3h7URQR
That wasn't very nice, and after I1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6uvBzoN3y8
told you my name.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMxMkKfc726
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIuLRFQjt5h
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxQOSUgAMCi
Quinn, Q, I could care less what1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcdIZgiWvaG
you are. You're kind is bad news1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmVsUb9fy1T
and I want you off my ship. Leave1157Please respect copyright.PENANASpepr3uchI
me.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAX64tkCbGYi
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxUTARXnyFd
Dante waves his hands again. Dante starts walking to his bed1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtHLto8I0vr
again.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyLhgrgwoAv
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAr9caTxOlXF
Quinn appears right in front of him in a flash. She has her1157Please respect copyright.PENANAeAAGCgqpO7
arms folded.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJ6pFukCxI6
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZkRDDHZChn
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7oHxyftobb
You're very rude and mean to people1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUsWiUS6xIA
Captain. No wonder everyone finds1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOHFBUXnPzN
you to be a sour puss. All I asked1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJPLuN5jQmd
was that you make me a part of the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwyQTVNxLHe
crew. Besides... not all Q or1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZzrd215Fxx
bad... it's just their mischievous.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAl4TWDr2hhT
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAer33ZMvT5
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIwjEOBH9yl
Yes... all the new Q are1157Please respect copyright.PENANATpkxY0qRS3
mischievous and it is rather1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbiQF6LIVYQ
annoying to me. They're going all1157Please respect copyright.PENANAT4rOyq9B4v
over the universe breaking the laws1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIAVZrGzna8
of physics when they weren't meant1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4jAHFo4ZHu
to be broken?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoYqWeEoOQI
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMpfiBehePl
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcza6hKmq78
With you Nirvanian power... what1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2Fknz9ZW4M
you speak about against us is1157Please respect copyright.PENANArPXwkM48No
hypocritical captain.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAivJISlvTvO
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAA5NWiUCJe1
Dante waves his hands again and gets into his bed. He pulls1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKMMhJQ2yzC
the covers over himself. There is a flash again. Dante closes1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0MvveusTGM
his eyes.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgQYPMD0cab
1157Please respect copyright.PENANATiEAIGkYJb
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1EcFpC9IY0
I'm going to sleep.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgKehOqTx52
1157Please respect copyright.PENANABKqQ7Eliuh
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAW39rR6zMPX
I won't take no for an answer1157Please respect copyright.PENANAztfOEYd1Qx
captain. All I ask is to be part of1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0CIBcZMt2C
your crew for a little while. It1157Please respect copyright.PENANArfbF9L2n9U
won't be more than a day.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9i7aoksI88
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzp4PSuVdEi
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAg7zf8pLw5x
No. (Waves hands)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXVI7PnVUWZ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1V4YwFAcU3
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUt6wcYP31y
I'll be back! (Fades)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJGtm9HiiQ3
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4WPewHqToU
CUT TO:1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2uZBfgvw4w
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAz0c44FPpe9
1157Please respect copyright.PENANArqFfWLMDWs
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9yZbupvQZw
INT. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZVUUFND24O
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAeZlLSukH6v
Dante sits at the table with Kira and T'Lara. They are eating1157Please respect copyright.PENANANKCFXPfm6L
together.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcENqx981Mi
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOnwzJWaEQb
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjKmPFguZjr
Are you both ready for your1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUwIkDi54Oa
mission?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0ONdJixwF
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAc5zGLm3pPo
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAymniFjz5Qa
Ready as we can be daddy. Me and1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkEob18WWex
T'Lara are going to test out the1157Please respect copyright.PENANArvwBpmRHkA
Federation's new D-90 Class1157Please respect copyright.PENANAepCr26O5Eb
Tricorder's for this mission.1157Please respect copyright.PENANATInMieR4rC
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhkoWEL5aMP
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAl7x1A5X00P
Oh that is a good idea. They were1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQaRpJoXTiB
designed to pick up ratehr deep1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKFAP9PlA1Q
veins of Dilithium.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfLpvxEGVPc
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5I1gnQjpW8
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOefqgaEUr8
It was... the logical choice1157Please respect copyright.PENANADWxvZM35ju
captain.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAULvL9VmR4Y
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxvnkMHMvlx
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAofmk8g37PQ
Of course it was.1157Please respect copyright.PENANANhiD5CUrjf
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAv5s9trq7NW
There is a flash of light. Dante and Kira's eyes both flash1157Please respect copyright.PENANAojSX8qHmNB
with their respective colors. T'Lara looks into Kira's eyes1157Please respect copyright.PENANAanxU4KPHjk
and raises her eyebrows.1157Please respect copyright.PENANASfcpySHPFr
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAljxJczABi3
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANADZOPzvCqFa
I'm supposing there is a disturbing1157Please respect copyright.PENANACWficUmBOj
presence on it's way?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQ76H7DetHU
1157Please respect copyright.PENANANPMRLU489V
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxzKwm1zLv3
Oi.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaI1jjykTZS
1157Please respect copyright.PENANApniDmq5phl
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANATf8pNvo9F3
Who is it daddy?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9A7CN0r785
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIHdi78Sxgg
Quinn appears. She sits at the table with them. She takes a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFRZGSSWygI
bite out of toast. She smiles at them all.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZaZv2qgUij
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2MSrimASq8
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdIV8Yxjsp1
Hi. Quinn of Q. I have come to ask1157Please respect copyright.PENANAS4t4SXxy4R
your father to make me a temporary1157Please respect copyright.PENANApAspkWhOZl
member of his crew for like a day1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzsvxjCFW1H
or so and he's said now.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAU4VnxZHjdy
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAveky78yVJD
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyZelQp5KOr
Daddy?1157Please respect copyright.PENANANWBClaqfMD
1157Please respect copyright.PENANABnKRoVjNc0
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2LMlj9b7od
(sighs) She is Q my daughter. There1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuwN5qVrdyc
is no reason to fret. Do you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAr6SDNZfnio
remember what I taught you?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAt8YqhyaZTw
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYAcQILWJHW
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWZbWIpHoZb
Yes?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKpC04KDOYA
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAw0UBhTFjyU
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgHMbJmakFm
Then please get her out my1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVfHx4t6s4h
presence.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdz6CS5U0iy
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKoPzv45BM4
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYNZWR5P5jY
You taught your daughter?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPVe3YHtJjx
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAu78Iuws1FU
Kira waves her hands and Quinn flashes out. Dante keeps1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlXJHSZAPQp
eating.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0CN8MpDD3j
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKVycjL3EsK
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANADXobs6rLPq
You might have to reset the D-90's.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlQjBdF1c8t
They came a little used.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0rixWfTSHp
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoXgX4ookGN
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUmFQhPDEeq
We'll ensure that we do so sir.1157Please respect copyright.PENANATwrXEepo2D
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUsbYH9l9Of
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAT32wdkSWxa
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvqAd8cy6WB
INT. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXmVsMfpW92
1157Please respect copyright.PENANANxfogt2bQd
Dante looks at a padd. He scrolls on the padd. There is a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWjqWUXNFxV
flash and he doesn't even look up.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQBHTdjoyKZ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEPnhGG0sQl
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANATyZVhoR8t9
Captain? May I please join your1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAUrFBcyGAE
crew.1157Please respect copyright.PENANABXMtme3ELg
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAe7YbLBQlRY
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAW8mZPPmjKn
This is the twentieth time today!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAybtSzhXREP
It hasn't even gotten to be 9 a.m1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZpXLerPVL9
yet! Do you mind?1157Please respect copyright.PENANADHYQHbeyZa
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAznD3HxTcB5
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlhIA4jc1s3
Let me join your crew. I promise it1157Please respect copyright.PENANAETuGsrqqP7
will be your worthwhile.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVggwunaSJZ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2jTf5QKjo2
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5E93FCJKpC
NO! Get out!1157Please respect copyright.PENANApQphTSqp1i
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxv3qfAEahB
Dante waves his hands. She just reappears. She keeps moving1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnSjDs3Na3b
her mouth. Dante just looks at the padd the entire time.1157Please respect copyright.PENANACQ3lBLI80C
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqurwY0p5VN
CAPTION: 1 Hour Later...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjy8SPM1dek
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyZw8waqRuI
Dante starts walking out of his ready to the bridge.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbbI9spTh95
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxLtwy1hXNS
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsIvEBC1AU0
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjzTrUyGVLg
INT. LEGACY BRIDGE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7qCZpvZdLq
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlxNVbMgC3v
Dante enters the bridge. His eyes are wide and irritated.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAimIQ0G3k1G
Quinn follows him out of the ready room. Dante sits in his1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtBxy1N8zaQ
seat. Abigail looks at him confused and then at Quinn.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4QJ7GKYPY5
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0Lc6q4I4gG
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUqc4qAmqxS
Who is this captain?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA16sRRs1BVT
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2Yktycvcnz
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzsYKBW2o3f
Captain! I'm begging you to let me1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGIUd9XfVli
join your crew!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAedLo4Smt7
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6hJTdd3Ch7
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4YbLqvRjyg
(Violent breaths) FINE! Just stop1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZ7mKg3Xe6Y
asking me! You're much worse than1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoe72ytk5PU
my pestering daughter! Yes! You can1157Please respect copyright.PENANAweF9gN1uQ0
join the crew! Just give me some1157Please respect copyright.PENANABlLzGVsY9K
space!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaqD18mewN5
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4J8KVvvLZi
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiGD7PQ8iQx
(Smiles) Thank you captain. I won't1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcUYU2lmnsd
let you down. So where do I work?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAy8mbzsLblI
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAM6MKkldt1L
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAF0nZL2xFur
AWAY TEAM! Leave me!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAihoNA2blrB
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7iAZNV1qzQ
She flashes out. Dante throws his head into his head and1157Please respect copyright.PENANAv3UCprNMIy
leans forward. Abigail looks at Dante softly.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmd1Brxvj8V
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcR3if3h1m3
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANA22GhEXAZdR
Captain?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnoQSSCn6VF
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmsBW1hvQBS
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsE2dzutNVF
That was one of the Q... she calls1157Please respect copyright.PENANAm2zJrz493R
herself Quinn. She has been1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqoByyrXHLh
bothering me for the past 8 hours1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUihmcJ4i1u
to join my crew.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAREJ7nbtXPJ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaLA3XvCSO1
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9NtNn2lCQJ
And you got irritated?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYDHj5VQa1F
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFTTb8it0py
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYlhoNLiqIc
Imagines someone in your mind and1157Please respect copyright.PENANABCi1gubA7r
you can barely keep them out with1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZw5mnNtsts
your sheer willpower. I'm exhausted1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUpl6aGtmx1
Commander. Now... I think I will go1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgpAom1HgqA
take a nap. You're in charge... no1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2n2QEOJrCC
funny business commander.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAP0JfA2bjsV
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAI3sjnIqEo9
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANArvrrwVGmSX
Yes sir.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEVzzGnj6BF
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAj5vAyhf9gV
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAspwLKHbp8p
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAULfsfJUScj
EXT. EARTH SPACE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9sRQL1TY5m
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJzDsg1Qhmm
The USS Grimace drops out of warp in front of a fleet of1157Please respect copyright.PENANASCaFFkTrfa
starships. The Grimace falls into formation. Then the Desani1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjZSxDyRVSW
Capital Ship drops out of warp.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5O7Q9IRXXz
1157Please respect copyright.PENANApRxfcXRs5T
The Grimace pulls ahead slightly. The Desani Captain ship1157Please respect copyright.PENANAW59Tv8csmV
comes to an all stop.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAghqJgxAhfe
1157Please respect copyright.PENANACyuCw1r11Q
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7Ji4Uhvsu0
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAB8B7FR9sBE
INT. GRIMACE BRIDGE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEs5lnMwhb2
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqxgpAKVsbJ
Drew sits in the middle of the dark. His eyes are the only1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzCYsysSOIT
thing seen. The main view screen comes on with Asher's face.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmxsmXPVbMG
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAU2TngP6JkT
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANA812jMyDKIW
What is the meaning of this1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5oejcmZQCH
Brassen?1157Please respect copyright.PENANArQYQc6PY6H
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0AO1gIVl4z
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaWQQC37hI9
It means nothing Asher. This is all1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2M6NqAOIxD
in good sport. We are simply1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcHWab1OAqo
prepared for anything.1157Please respect copyright.PENANATCq1hdv8q6
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYkhIERGPbR
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAokk6v5FnZz
This was not you doing was it?1157Please respect copyright.PENANASShzbAevw7
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuOL1JwnDR6
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5YFdjhuRD2
Not even close. Earth has no reason1157Please respect copyright.PENANANBhElMQijV
to trust you. I believe they only1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPXUEGPMMaO
want to make sure things are safe.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWZpyueMBFu
I'm sure a man in your position can1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfDXVJwn0Ji
understand that notion.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwtNxcL0BmL
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1T8eeyv4Qq
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFAP5vui3ma
(Scowls) Yes... I'm sure I can1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZhFbspPUlo
understand that. Do you mind1157Please respect copyright.PENANADl9QevfwL0
letting my ship through?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKlKEAPTh5L
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAy6dR5F28CN
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANATRgpAyBZ7c
You stay behind the fleet. You1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5JofvH5FLq
follow us to earth. Once in1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3Sa9h73Iaf
transporter range, we will flank1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhBYeI3OsFb
your entire ship. How does that1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzOd5H8SoIU
sound?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXkWExzueLp
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxHp5Fhark1
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAm1o0hO8AHH
Like garbage made up to intimidate1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9VobOksRtr
my people. We are not afraid of1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYCO1PFovTx
you.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGUVOrRYhBT
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8bjNyCLXEo
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANADKJ1Vu7ot3
(Smiles through darkness) I'm sure1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdc9cyrHQkc
you're not.1157Please respect copyright.PENANADlanGNXrg9
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxEQZWtsVCk
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA31DSHclJDB
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFdKxen8gFL
INT. DESANI CAPITAL SHIP1157Please respect copyright.PENANASaBGXi5ExR
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlcZhCvm3nW
Zoey comes running at a guard. She swings her blade against1157Please respect copyright.PENANAF3n4M6qkvB
his side knocking him to the ground screaming. Carter takes a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhbPKLAIp08
few men with his martial arts. He finally finds a suitable1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJIAPX2Yssw
weapon for himself.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmGALwr7NHv
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAr8lYxBrUdY
He starts taking down ever more men with his weapon. He turns1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQLLjMpMfba
to Zoey who sheathes her swords. She picks up a rifle. She1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUH5iIjHl8J
slides behind a corner then comes out taking down three men1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnoMvlpDV7d
and getting to another corner.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAosbxK1a3Qv
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyGu0xAqVff
Carter fires his weapon into four men headed her direction1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaHkfqtaDTK
from her aft then rolls to the corner with her. He comes up1157Please respect copyright.PENANAV7gQ30OUy5
looking at her.1157Please respect copyright.PENANASsyluFHVLh
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIEoJcAPm9b
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAT6ltIn30tu
We're ready to go right?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAthCZbmxDIn
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0RT5YQsEIK
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMFXqh0Qmx3
We should be. We only need to get1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAzxHlqXgBX
to the transport zone. We can do1157Please respect copyright.PENANALFzsF4Jufp
that right?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXsuV0DgtCf
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIiJSSVan9O
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuRmSPq1sqW
As long as I am breathing. Where is1157Please respect copyright.PENANAw9EtBgnKrZ
the zone.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkOqlOkadtZ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZ3VkWRcQun
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANA04Hku5Bx0e
Just ahead. As soon as we enter,1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmQ6wlaq2Cl
according to Drew Brassen, we'll be1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4MIN1Wfqtm
transported safely.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmtpl1O9fa4
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbj8BUl8WRC
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlaz41LAJQE
According to his word... Hmm... I1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvT5eaqau1y
don't know if I trust that.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAn8SB0Xg3L6
1157Please respect copyright.PENANACzzPuqtxbw
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANAC6WFd7bjLG
Neither do I but it's better than1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgIoASN3Kzf
staying here. I don't think you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfkUe9BWnFI
really want to be in the hands of1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMAZOsjLjto
that guy do you?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzY2TR0JTH7
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAp21tKLgxwl
Carter sighs to himself. He looks around the corner seeing1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtN5apzfogI
two more men. He fires his weapon at them starts taking them1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmJBHVEUz3C
out.1157Please respect copyright.PENANApqOMeKSvb7
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWjprxPiJES
He comes around the corner and checks. He motions Zoey to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdx361JrCGf
come out. They start running forward with everything they1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmtR4scHvH4
have.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvd18YJfOLY
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvKJpXxgAzl
Asher starts walking from behind him. He has three other1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuMJfSeVZ3V
guards around him.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAeOT0MkhHJB
1157Please respect copyright.PENANADAJ8RFCXik
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAwMQKshANK
I knew something funny was going on1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZNWZCXpRmz
around here. You're not going1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbQqD9Vb0FR
anywhere Commander. You're my1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtcFZKMCqZB
prize. Give me the weapon.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXAmnJFYZdp
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA603gQwQfiD
A guard hands him something similar to an RPG. He pulls the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiD9Cpc2Vxh
trigger and a pulse of reddish energy fires from the weapon1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwUyxjQgkle
traveling rather slowly.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtj3gn20egi
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiSkcuqYfJF
Zoey and Carter look back. They speed up. Carter pulls ahead1157Please respect copyright.PENANADMUZR2fA3K
of Zoey. He throws his hand back and grabs her by the arm. He1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmivKqaSG2N
slings her forward into the zone and she begins transporting.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXK06X6Lt3o
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIY15zB5EuC
Carter leaps into the transport zone. The energy hits the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAeeBzW6GfDW
last of him transporting. Asher lowers the weapon in his hand1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXKeKrqtIC0
and grinds his teeth.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9G8Dd6o2Ji
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvkwzS8hR0U
ASHER (CONT'D)1157Please respect copyright.PENANABMYrfAbCSf
He got away! Track him.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIXVKFYUVN9
1157Please respect copyright.PENANArPrQgMSZSG
GUARD1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQLlCwZ688j
I doubt we can sir.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqVaLMOEktF
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjVk9RkL3RS
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXyUmIxEURP
Agh! I haven't the time for this. I1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHaJnJ7dlaV
want all your men looking for him.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcqfx02Igtx
I want my prize back! I don't care1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXVJssNcOkQ
what you have to do to get him1157Please respect copyright.PENANALvHDL5qU5f
back.1157Please respect copyright.PENANABVQgjhHDMp
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5qiNyIupI6
GUARD1157Please respect copyright.PENANASxBqDKdZSs
Yes sir.1157Please respect copyright.PENANArKAZKnw0eq
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwuhPdM0qBL
Asher spins around and leaves the guards. The leader of the1157Please respect copyright.PENANATKh0mzxpRT
Guards motions his men to follow him.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXVH8Y951Oh
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGoGYdZoeZo
CUT TO:1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcSWF9MAP5r
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYYfIEAmpqR
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiT5t4GBA53
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9SJjvSZj05
EXT. ROMULAN SECTOR SPACE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0nEeWWsfEB
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAys0IaLzKz2
The USS Constant flies ahead slowly. The deflector is glowing1157Please respect copyright.PENANACr9RzRH3DS
at a higher level than usual.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOGIYzrO9RM
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkDS6QdFRrC
It comes to an all stop. Five small DeSani vessels drop out1157Please respect copyright.PENANAj1kkHGCdWp
of warp ad begin attacking the USS Constant.1157Please respect copyright.PENANADTPLWa9is2
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQKjwxIcUG4
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAccaKpH4lfo
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyLhteKOr5Z
INT. USS CONSTANT BRIDGE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUb6r2XkjHv
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXGvxZolHHm
Captain Kim looks at the screen. He gets up looking ahead1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4aicq3hMEb
with wide eyes.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAezSHHizdUl
1157Please respect copyright.PENANADKJdd16N7e
ENSIGN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcOWyCt6fXq
They are powering weapons!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1BPKmF2OK
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7wTWactOqq
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnv3IrRIz2I
Hail frequencies!1157Please respect copyright.PENANA370fGPrHk6
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVoWsNFsp4m
ENSIGN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjZ9YStnOTY
Active sir.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAn2arymddxz
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAD2dYDChx6W
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtNlQSQCFo8
This is Captain Harry Kim of the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvLoN2UjcsV
USS Constant. Please stand down. We1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEVDyoiqbXM
have a treaty signed by your1157Please respect copyright.PENANABVvIYUnukS
leader. This is madness to attack1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxN6QVItM4z
us.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2Hy5pg6BVQ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfdgPqKMDaI
ENSIGN1157Please respect copyright.PENANA044hr6l9gK
They are not responding. Ten1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKi4v2xl52M
seconds till they are in weapons1157Please respect copyright.PENANAX9iLnjTA61
range sir!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoH2YxmDGei
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIUWhv3yLgT
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2na22jpK5R
Shields! Bring weapons online!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfuETOLPzpR
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAz9GuIHmyeS
TACTICAL OFFICER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAldGDpEOdYK
Aye sir! Weapons active.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3RXTrNTOtO
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAs8xFwlNvxm
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1Jz6L8hAM3
Don't fire until fired upon. We1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0aSLCPyQ1k
will only defend ourselves.1157Please respect copyright.PENANANeapVDyKWD
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAs9pHPtkCRX
Energy fire hits the shields of the Constant and the view1157Please respect copyright.PENANAg2xBu3hvRs
screen shows the shields pulsating with energy. The Constant1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOEZMz62BKS
fires it's phasers into one of the ships.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQDIhKrrc5a
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAl6ZPQ1RrHq
TACTICAL OFFICER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFmN2vG7Qu4
No damage captain. I think their1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmdLe55dk6S
shields are built to withstand1157Please respect copyright.PENANAklg7Kvavnr
phasers sir!1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7Q1FetLP2l
1157Please respect copyright.PENANApRN0CiCdkM
Captain Kim sits down in his seat. His eyes darken1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbsfsfQAbO7
drastically. His hands run over a large octagon red button on1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2srwQP9bC3
his seat.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmkofULhh1N
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMPFvrJ9edX
He stops from pressing it when two Romulan (Noraxean Class)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAE0yvER2U4B
vessels begin to decloak on the main screen. They fly at the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAu1PYsmrW1f
enemy Desani vessels and begin to fire at them.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEc2qxLFmKl
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1E0Oo42tq2
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvVAb53TVOM
Fire on their targets!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaS9yHNx9I2
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYm7cq4qQia
TACTICAL OFFICER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOwTRniO5n4
Yes sir!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsRGPVvXXyc
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9Y3lDeRta2
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVgnjbk3p7o
1157Please respect copyright.PENANARKma8r72LC
EXT. ROMULAN SECTOR SPACE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYRM0A0BnI1
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7eWz7UdEJ3
The Constant fires upon one of the vessels the Romulans1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVfiMkZ8IqJ
target. It is destroyed after two hits from all the ships.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAufMbk3l36z
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyRXs3gL3QD
The Constant banks starboard and the Romulan ships bank port1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1TiiSH90O3
and fire one shot each into the second Desani vessel. It is1157Please respect copyright.PENANARA2nYlvxw5
destroyed.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1C2mSDmqHG
1157Please respect copyright.PENANANY8lshljFp
Both Romulan ships cloak and split away from each other. The1157Please respect copyright.PENANATqGoKStGGG
Constant fires its phasers and photons into one ship directly1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtMd5F0nC5E
in front of them. The ship's shields drop and the Constant1157Please respect copyright.PENANA464PRkHsQC
fires 4 torpedoes into the hull of the ship damaging it very1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbZjMD5dTDD
badly. Two more photons are fired through the dropped shields1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqqtymj8DFu
and the ship is destroyed.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6LP4neFGij
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5Pvej9ZUh5
The Romulan vessels uncloak and fire on two separate vessels.1157Please respect copyright.PENANALHBGTeYAx8
They are destroyed after about 4 volleys. The Romulan ships1157Please respect copyright.PENANAO8Ij2gwwd0
converge on the last remaining ship and destroy it.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmBxOuduHe6
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIeOThG72rC
They then come to a direct stop right in front of the1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8JT5dz6pV7
Constant.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkbJbV93ZOc
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3tDc4gHTOV
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnr8fqYjFKV
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcBUYwVn16J
INT. USS CONSTANT BRIDGE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFEuyyXEi12
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYszyaoMtQe
Captain Kim gets up squinting at the screen. His eyes rest on1157Please respect copyright.PENANAra4llP4eGj
a small dot inbetween the two Romulan vessels. He turns back1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcnSyDFZsfe
to his science officer.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4SHJRxf6b
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6Ac99nYySl
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGUWeD5PyT9
Zoom in right there...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcF6BGgjuUl
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfEz6R8U5Yd
The screen zooms in. There is a person standing upon nothing.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvJJqhIEaPK
The two Romulan vessels emit a light on the person creating a1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4NImtDhw8A
hologram large enough to see.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAeWmFtf446T
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9oyLmAjKDe
NORAH1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVkm88QX2X3
Hello there captain.1157Please respect copyright.PENANASMo7ZXu010
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlPheD13Lkr
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6vMyqL8vyI
Hello?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmHqRkNRmbb
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAD2yfOqvtxq
NORAH1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhYJlAAS1Pq
Yes I know what you're thinking...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQBxfZRll4W
how in the world can I hear you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAzyeRHvStg
without you giving me access to1157Please respect copyright.PENANANYn9fAGOw3
your communications array. There is1157Please respect copyright.PENANApUn2iHHb2s
a simple answer to that question1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1rcFO0QMar
captain... I'm Starfleet.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdZid1CburE
1157Please respect copyright.PENANASQxYApH4s1
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3OgYsAMqzJ
It doesn't seem like it, the way1157Please respect copyright.PENANALwoAybSTW6
you're acting.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAT0IgwOJgRs
You just destroyed Desani vessels1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4t19aaV9ao
and we're in a treaty with these1157Please respect copyright.PENANAybIaJqjiB4
people!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbaGWtwRFyL
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVl8jdqHROl
NORAH1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhmyitj5ZtP
You should be happy you're alive1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6iAwfggRO6
Captain. These are our allies1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4Q37bbIH9C
remember? The Romulans and Klingons1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmthNBmJmbe
are our allies and they are being1157Please respect copyright.PENANAszo4RQYyqH
attacked by the DeSani. Many other1157Please respect copyright.PENANAs5Sw3dgAMu
Federation vessels have been1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZZZF3hgygA
attacked. You should be very happy1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6sNp8VeeNg
my family was in the area.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAagJw6b9VtP
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8mAqFSj7Py
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJ0gjX5xynq
This is your family?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYSRRglgy4w
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjQY7walf1O
NORAH1157Please respect copyright.PENANAF3mgQpvoLY
They are Captain. I am half1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3OIPuvDz9V
Romulan.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbYifE5SnM4
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVUkOlMiS0n
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWdHo6JOTpu
Who are you?1157Please respect copyright.PENANATsWhbEr93B
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfZqH440TOF
NORAH1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXOMCo6JZ1E
(Smiles) You're not aware of my1157Please respect copyright.PENANArnWXhkEIvH
existence yet here I am. I go far,1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbR2WIuWPrj
stay near... lurk in the dark. I1157Please respect copyright.PENANA32gu0xWMtu
live for others and not for myself.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEhKzRam4qv
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAl95ZSC23kS
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtTLs9rsQli
Black OPS... I didn't think they1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZlvN9YC9jw
were real.1157Please respect copyright.PENANARyaJgRnpEx
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwEC1k71TnA
NORAH1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4DZaw28Iaj
Of course they are. I lead them1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIkiceaKCVi
Captain. I am Norah Guild, daughter1157Please respect copyright.PENANALc17Ek45We
of Nera of Romulus.1157Please respect copyright.PENANABWGZ91CsW6
1157Please respect copyright.PENANATSETemWpVh
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANARYwuPX57Zn
What is going on?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMmLfDcPIGk
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5OASW2rfFD
NORAH1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGH0Zb0Jvey
The DeSani attacking you are1157Please respect copyright.PENANA93vKNTiMDy
rogues. The entire state of the1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5AyBRoisqZ
DeSani government, if you could1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwnL6RAcPvV
call it that, is falling apart.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAf2DT5dNXIh
They no longer want to follow their1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0aBL7Gr4Pa
leader. They believe him to be1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8fW6KdzHaH
crazy. They don't want an alliance1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzyUR6huFDl
with Earth. They intend to destroy1157Please respect copyright.PENANAr6bTHO1CsS
it.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKsbrn0Laai
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAnyI8Vx5P4
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjEIQjE7xeV
No...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKpmTdgbY31
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmDY8FBWVYL
NORAH1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWpLAwagwHd
And the only way through is through1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5plPKHiYZE
our allies. The Romulans have1157Please respect copyright.PENANAi3UsFwUwg4
allowed passage in order not to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfFGSFTgkVo
have anything cost them their ships1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOyewlH1ram
and their economy. The Klingons1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3hWNFCosyL
have done so also. There are1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAfH4EkEj1H
vessels out here protecting the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQu8CLBtcKE
scattered Federation vessels but1157Please respect copyright.PENANAg4HN6kw8Ne
they will not venture into1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFMzwjfcYqg
Federation space for fear the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjtvJhwqyKL
DeSani might turn their attention1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6vvdkmT0j8
to their empires.1157Please respect copyright.PENANATg8GMxjOhl
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIAf2KcNEYG
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAI2WSyPnEaI
Goodness. Something must be done.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAi0uFZJ42Ot
1157Please respect copyright.PENANArcNufNPo5A
NORAH1157Please respect copyright.PENANARPGksPlutI
Yes... yes something should. There1157Please respect copyright.PENANAK4i5paGSZw
are fleets of ships on their way to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAN598ECH9yV
earth now. They need someone to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqSe1PootW8
warn them.1157Please respect copyright.PENANATjBBYCFn85
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAB8IkUfwOWG
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANArSoHQt8AyF
They need a leader.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxDE4bYqGAg
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAC8ntjl54VU
NORAH1157Please respect copyright.PENANAW3miILGIXg
I know just the person.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAljRi10gcVe
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZWTY9KapzN
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUhhFn0VsvB
Hmm. I hope you know what you're1157Please respect copyright.PENANAU6ZIJdpdDT
doing.1157Please respect copyright.PENANArzBWemH0yV
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUyzmA0yBhF
NORAH1157Please respect copyright.PENANArHDrn9fWJK
I know what I am doing Captain.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAExpJyApgVo
Right now, I want you go to earth1157Please respect copyright.PENANAI9t5895D0a
and warn everyone. That is your job1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFzxKa9LBX6
Captain. My family will guard you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAweZY3d0D52
and protect you on your way. You1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqT9BX9ldgy
must hurry.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAznFAV7wfeE
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjx5cttFFLJ
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOOu7NuIzCz
Setting course now.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5ulxz7I7Yr
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAl9GfoY0icZ
NORAH1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMSocGdRwGz
I will see you soon Captain.1157Please respect copyright.PENANABPExsKaIy7
Commander Guild out...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiT7fyUSWFU
1157Please respect copyright.PENANANJUrTiJxRg
The hologram fades away. Captain Kim sits in his seat.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAH4wrZu6tc7
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJu9BVQA3gt
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANACBVyhgvcqi
Set a course for earth right now.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQ8rTE5D2wI
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEdxsxtaVa3
ENSIGN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAt1zrqfghP1
Yes sir. Course set.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdE1KOCRN0O
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvtlG2yZxuq
CAPTAIN KIM1157Please respect copyright.PENANADsNA8ZhJ2k
Engage.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAckpVlCXzic
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEXA5jsycxy
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4PG45pjumM
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlRT7FQB2an
EXT. ROMULAN SECTOR SPACE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAY6I9ucnajM
1157Please respect copyright.PENANATFOsJ1fVP4
Norah stands upon nothing. She looks at the USS Constant jump1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQD9QDlEJ85
to warp from her glass. She nods. The Romulan vessels cloak1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaiFJY59Gmt
as they move forward.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAK4NKu97rE5
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA62pyJijBRg
Norah taps her foot on the something. A shop begins to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEl2suaORoG
decloak. It turns about and she begins to transport.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA47AssIzwmE
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyjAQ2c6waz
The sight she is standing on is the name, USS Omnimaru. She1157Please respect copyright.PENANA00lpuahxgC
is finally gone.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvaGwLMxpRh
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyci9nSdscY
The Omnimaru cloaks once again as it jumps to warp.1157Please respect copyright.PENANANrLIVA56P5
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAm4S8zjLBht
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAL3QYyoVA0g
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuOWNcnnEac
EXT. KINAR VIII1157Please respect copyright.PENANAi6ZS0KdeLi
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAny4Qv0tvHy
Quinn walks behind Kira in uniform. Kira has an annoyed look1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmGu1Yl9Tyq
on her face.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbvm6nQR7PX
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJKw7dNmOwm
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAk3c4sWCOpP
There may be a vein straight ahead.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEBmomdXI3H
What do you recommend Mr. Hoyt?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA33ZyGZMrOP
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAz41CjEygUQ
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtj4duPTyTi
Well, my data says there might be a1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7ptpVi71UK
vein to the right of us a few1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsU3yO3rNNj
hundred feet. I think we should1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlaMxXe0G25
split up.1157Please respect copyright.PENANABm4ajlrc0u
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9Uzhe22B9I
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFmkKyCvIBJ
I'm with Ian!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAje9g9J6EqQ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUapTGu8LQ1
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYz5V4eM4oQ
I'm in charge. The captain said so.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAH1fI7nhkIS
Just because you're Q doesn't mean1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8hloVX7igT
you're a higher rank than me...1157Please respect copyright.PENANASCNvv4xR7J
Ensign.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAX7yxcuFynC
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5JsKizMUhU
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOvO7O2EXUT
(Frowns) Well-played Mr. Hoyt, but1157Please respect copyright.PENANAa3o4RzQQJE
unless you want to see your outside1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8EuZoM5USf
held in your hands I really ask1157Please respect copyright.PENANAC7fktTZIV0
that I join you.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxXWb9NxVYR
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtBMQW0VOB3
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1J0kmx6pd2
(Scared Glare) Sure?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8xcP7QSLiX
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXfTyXsQFGU
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJ6bkeCKXEU
(Laughs) I wouldn't do that. The1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVDacUH6Fyl
captain would kill me if I did. I1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcaXF3XuJJj
was just kidding. You can't tell a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxYa8Npkmgp
joke can you?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVTSowCkt0j
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7fR3ucz2wE
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANABlnggwTcH3
You're an onmipotent character1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyRUhdpbCju
Quinn. It is hard to know if you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZqBb6kMzfW
mean what you say, because you can1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgiltnitFx1
execute it as you wish and desire.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGmXpXKXsyL
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQMrSy7goWv
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJE0KFOGwSc
Logic... Doesn't that ever bore1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAQ4mE3HTyP
you?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAySi8g74vHZ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvRaNqTjTvW
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKSJBUxPt3K
Someone of your caliber Quinn,1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtYE2DMgMCi
should appreciate knowledge more so1157Please respect copyright.PENANAT0JQfxaHUd
than a Vulcan. But you are free to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbxE0zFK160
do as you wish as I am.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4Jrh1LVuSn
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhow7Cs2SnP
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMs6THKm48Y
I suppose brainiac.1157Please respect copyright.PENANATePRueYFoC
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAc4P75M23lm
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyl9e365tQZ
Look, she's with me and you two are1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaNfE36p24F
together? Let's just go already.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAczzlePpiO0
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAobaxUdrlRy
Quinn and Ian are the first to leave. Quinn keeps close to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnqy0BBQhqv
Ian.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMJhpllNIMQ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaflikx0mF2
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuu1G7DDAfo
What do you like in a woman Mr.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAShsYESX8Zh
Hoyt?1157Please respect copyright.PENANArYzZ5F1xg8
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJCysrQPvlN
Ian frowns and looks at Quinn with a flustered glare. She1157Please respect copyright.PENANArIeD6dUMiO
keeps her eyebrow raised.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPRlQJUEgjN
1157Please respect copyright.PENANABMJyLct5Wn
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJq7hLcTZdD
Um... I don't really know I guess.1157Please respect copyright.PENANABfUa9huLqI
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQd3KbHhOR8
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhioha1FgjK
Of course you don't... not since1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVrzxFRgm0H
the breakup between you and your1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPMiYzssbRH
lady friend on earth. Hmmm.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWripSUCKh9
1157Please respect copyright.PENANApSVf4oizQd
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdoy0MjDLrg
Are you interested in me?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbpkpajj1YF
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlTTdQlC7xw
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyGFOgZhUGT
(Laughs) Far from it Mr. Hoyt.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmFZAy4HvA5
You're not good enough for me.1157Please respect copyright.PENANALTPSULXLIz
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAP3Re3Z4vdV
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWn03GZYaiL
Well that's comforting... but then1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKZhmGVJZ3I
again, coming from a Q...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAW87uoVVU07
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOOtOUJsBzN
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3I4pQVEKwj
It's not so offensive? Well you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaN0kRA8H7h
should be Mr. Hoyt. So, what do you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAozjjzwSPfP
think of Kira?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAG23ecfnEth
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsmghkIpDvh
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7hDQj8kj4n
She's pretty awesome. I like her.1157Please respect copyright.PENANARoGTaEBejX
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYUYFH2dRtN
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkeXNx3pCfZ
You do? I thought you two would1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWPDfFxq1Kz
clash. I mean... she's such a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAG86RarrLnU
domineering personality and so are1157Please respect copyright.PENANAR7NlcCStJI
you. She bosses T'Lara around and1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIx32yfervQ
you jerk Derek around.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoIah6i0tLv
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1zO2YyaW1j
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1bNCViLeF0
How long have you been watching us?1157Please respect copyright.PENANABxXQuYnWsG
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlS3Hvc90zN
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhZ2lR5Kj8Y
From the day of your birth to the1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8XDUQzuvYX
time of your death. A Q has no1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEOibI3dLzv
bounds Mr. Hoyt.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAeqnE5QCVnD
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFAvuVociXf
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAerzkgmcxj8
Right.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHdqxeTDaoX
1157Please respect copyright.PENANABehmfVCnn5
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANANsJeqN1j2H
Doesn't stay that way forever Mr.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4xEbZRzVwW
Hoyt. Things in life change.1157Please respect copyright.PENANApEChVOrwCa
1157Please respect copyright.PENANALZjwx359uU
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfzNyWTUpKn
How so?1157Please respect copyright.PENANANnnIxuUi1O
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZjXnc5kNNv
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1Y4ZGjWQSi
Ways you don't want to think about1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEaBzMpqjYj
Mr. Hoyt. Are you ready for those1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkN2y4x1wyq
changes Mr. Hoyt?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAx5mptguR5g
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAm5qSWBdYTq
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjt9XWEPf2y
I guess I am.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAS3xs6S5naJ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7E1QBmdX4n
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaYG1jSOPiC
Good. (Smiles) I like the way you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAL1QoOMOEL4
think.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiUOCScpNeB
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgpowe8CUse
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjGc4i9V5Y3
Why are you even here?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtUqCXpNyoP
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3EAU6sA2T2
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAruGO8pfWVM
I don't have anything better to do.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFIcA5EzKRA
Plus, I'm judging you all Mr. Hoyt.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiqE63M1cSg
You actions will tell me if I need1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgS2EF7KyqI
to do so or not.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEYUri30tUL
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6lFLLkNd73
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAL8PzUPjAEZ
This is a simple mission. We find1157Please respect copyright.PENANATO0QTYfjq2
veins and then we leave.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxMQS9hDP6C
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuLPFaYtlT7
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiHqAXua5kZ
It's not the mission that matters1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcbfTxjZZnz
Mr. Hoyt but the company! Are you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkNhXsNJyAF
good company?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAr97Q4fwT1F
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8hV3fF0Eur
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOTGblQ5Wcv
I've been told I'm pretty good.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAw0JF9idseh
(Smiles)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAohzDERgv5w
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAT2LhujF8EM
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAX2SHNuxhrp
Pride doesn't attract women Mr.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUSiRuncArO
Hoyt. It certainly isn't working on1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkuLnUmXS0L
me. Pride makes you lousy company.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA55g5goefGo
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA69Y6nJ4KBs
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFWT5U2k6hd
Okay! I get it. We're here.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzjuwMds1dt
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnw17rqm8dD
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxiZ9GvEZPX
There's nothing here. Your1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHSPgOZyDax
tricorder is calibrated wrong.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaBW4BAQwLX
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwRU6v9zpGz
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxjLECAd8lM
Then why didn't you say that1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnXSrDTAtxh
before? We could have saved a trip1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5kqA8OE8VA
here.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXTSWcD4uHh
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAC5o0uhQlqI
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXYWIpOy2dt
I just wanted to talk to you Mr.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXYS7xr9aUD
Hoyt. There's no harm done by1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9oY561NPdc
double checking.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkTV9tLxbos
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMXxwQ3M5Cd
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUjSTt2cEct
But you already knew! Should that1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8sPe1S3rpV
not have been enough.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYR83KijA5v
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAME3SRog6fu
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqsjM07omCT
I suppose you're right about that.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAECwwxZKWYz
Oh well. Shall we join the others?1157Please respect copyright.PENANARkCN5Xh9x9
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1rgCLJODtH
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3YDfxOnGMK
Yes! Come on.1157Please respect copyright.PENANADGMsHI39jr
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtqJMDKlXIt
Kira stands right over a mound. She jabs a marker in the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXWZ14dr1v8
ground.1157Please respect copyright.PENANATwHMTxSfyz
1157Please respect copyright.PENANATaw58Htsqj
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANACxZ48HGimP
Does it seem like she was way to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwNmwQEQZKh
eager to get to Ian?1157Please respect copyright.PENANArwWSas5zTz
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAipSXQcfLZT
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbyLT0YOep0
Does it matter?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEnCroc0nIw
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAm2yYvT1mm4
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcclL1diX7u
I don't know T'Lara. My dad gets1157Please respect copyright.PENANAW36a5J7end
antsy around Q and that makes me1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsBgriyHDv8
antsy. They aren't exactly the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGOiLfRdHwn
kindest most giving people there1157Please respect copyright.PENANAI6wWGMlCJK
is.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQkijUssWv8
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA64238GphVP
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANA04YRzREsoC
Does it matter? She simply wanted1157Please respect copyright.PENANAe3b3pDWVSJ
to come with us and play. This is a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZXdKDScEhF
game to people like them. They have1157Please respect copyright.PENANATlZFQUnuPJ
nothing better to do.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0NsbvIMhyr
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEhnRIKtvbc
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaP9co518Jf
I suppose so.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzYtnIQKP7a
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsvO9aYUOyZ
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZlmthVzj8Y
So let her play. Don't I do the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAL5pmyxJTg8
same to you?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlhtiTZAnBz
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtKAWpotg5S
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAs5D4cPy3Ur
Hey. I'm not like that nutcase1157Please respect copyright.PENANAi3w1Wvsy4t
flashing in and out driving my1157Please respect copyright.PENANALLTeTgU6zH
father insane. I do the last1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6OEiz6aKDo
part... but not the first part.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcNl1s7HMOS
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6wLxGDi9SC
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlX3IL4z0hu
(Sighs) There is another vein up1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXxiBc8bMHU
ahead.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9SVUJMrvEi
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUVmgKKIHCp
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhO9FDgn2df
Alright. Do you think Ian realized1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHe1ChU5VpB
his tricorde wasn't calibrated1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwM71zfB53v
properly?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgHVKAJ16AJ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANATzYYG5B43w
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOabrj3xGgV
No. Maybe now... but he is a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbdBGaL00JK
prideful man. Allowing him to find1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMidi4Tj5fJ
out on his own was probably the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAT68GbPRbYx
best thing to do.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAeBNfwnmsN0
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuvAwkpnhRK
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcV6xeFSm0C
It was funny... you have to admit1157Please respect copyright.PENANABh3ld7foWz
that.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAC81qtOhgwq
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGCA8OjznQk
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANADM0VfTIHk8
No I don't. Stop here. PLease place1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQ5BMcvriJ7
a marker on this spot.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxYvEHVcwDo
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXmKmHX7hUS
Kira puts a marker in the ground. She comes back up and sees1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbEou0RstYd
Quinn walking up with Ian.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKcgh5to8en
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1ecC5eEXNn
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjtKRs6FQkq
Well lookie here. Seems Lieutenant1157Please respect copyright.PENANASwfpvTHIs6
Hoyt stumbled on a problem.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzIphiKMGsw
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAatnqdpkHtQ
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJDiJizLBDs
My device was not properly1157Please respect copyright.PENANARcBRZBNIxR
calibrated. I'm going to guess you1157Please respect copyright.PENANANTiAVQRa4s
knew.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAN3k0u4Y2kr
1157Please respect copyright.PENANACt0Qtmm8BR
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8NgP2Eb2Eh
(Smiles) Of course I did. I just1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZcVeh8Xxz4
didn't want to wound your pride...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwlJM64pQIP
and to kind of you know... get a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJQ2PVUIxIo
laugh.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZvY0Ef5Qng
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAISN0AcFKmy
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5IbrgB3F8n
You're so smart and you waste it on1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhleL2UPgIl
cheap laughs?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAueIncDPwNX
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUP0MXv2o7K
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8LQXDAwqdu
What's that supposed to me.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAfZZlKYTKC
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiXp10gRLEc
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJPfMBVW2uj
This is how you deal with the1157Please respect copyright.PENANA11pT7cc1wd
distance of your father and the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAto2exOfjvr
death of your mother. You play a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgE1hBH2fg2
mischievous young woman.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQV1Ncmvrod
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAil8lQjgmRX
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhwboqm9d79
And what of it Ms. Snoop?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXVjMSlQDkm
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAl8zOrL9ePw
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANANsbcnfuMfZ
Nothing. I just find it interesting1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQUc7cXiLDe
that this Vulcan woman and your1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgGSrosTbCX
father put so much trust in you.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAf5rkcq89Rj
Maybe there is something they see1157Please respect copyright.PENANACB4bZyebth
in you.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlN1WyU7Rsq
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMTOzGLZI3Q
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAm9rUI6BNgj
A good heart Quinn. We should be1157Please respect copyright.PENANASFmtOLnJEM
getting back to work. Do you know1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcPCwVU3oe3
where a vein might be?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwUBP83SafL
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcBVgbJq9X3
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQZiMnlLjpk
An hour north of here. How about1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQj914AOUA9
it?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzd8D9zSFmN
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjeoAMgYD8d
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAukl10smaCd
Mr. Hoyt?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyEWNs85K2o
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA78OUEz15EA
IAN1157Please respect copyright.PENANA66utJgwLIz
Let's go.1157Please respect copyright.PENANASaYSxi372b
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAz7Jyql7xlt
Ian takes the lead. Behind him is Quinn then the other two1157Please respect copyright.PENANAamETA8p3Du
girls.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAayeufjIFsU
1157Please respect copyright.PENANArQ5EkSL1OV
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwcymMRt2p4
I'm good?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9z5s0naZ9Z
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAI7UCdoD7Kj
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANARc8QQz3zhc
Logic Kira.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAH3GlSiBNAN
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdVkfwz3D1j
They continue walking onward. Quinn stops back at T'Lara. She1157Please respect copyright.PENANAn1HLMZQS2R
walks with her.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjzO4KXDSck
1157Please respect copyright.PENANANMrU72x4Cl
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoRo4uBkfQe
Hi.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcnYjqAh9Q8
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4R69ktntUV
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAh63TS8RswU
Hello.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAweDhClmVRM
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAy48KQddVxy
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6mlQJzwk3U
You're not much of a talker are1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqJzlHXdvEm
you?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYxsytVwZ0t
1157Please respect copyright.PENANATXqcakLvHL
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUdhtdL3U3r
I can talk Quinn. It is a simple1157Please respect copyright.PENANAC1RfedPMhk
matter of when to talk.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnNfraBx5hE
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlDms17aUYk
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhGUkPdKmEI
So that's never?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0bUARG7WRz
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZiIv0oh8Sp
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2N0iZ9O7ug
I talk Quinn. What is it that you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHGC8fZYLSo
would like from me?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdEUHgUEOdF
1157Please respect copyright.PENANALH6RHEfqV5
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAev2hA5eLEh
Just to talk to you.1157Please respect copyright.PENANArG6kdNYWC9
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvs37dX04bc
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAx5btwy0cNl
Proceed.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxsDzkPKSUv
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhjXtIbPpmJ
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVTwtzqmxV0
You love Kira?1157Please respect copyright.PENANANq2Wi5yAwV
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAeMMhsKBNXX
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjznzoQexeG
You tell me.1157Please respect copyright.PENANANh9XwmrpFq
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAt70qR7Npvz
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjruhIrcnXi
I say deep in your bones, if1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9A8iyOkZJL
anything were to happen to her you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHriUPnhdev
would lose you head. You would1157Please respect copyright.PENANAh06gdqgERo
probably go insane.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhCMwg0Jby6
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHreaXLxXRD
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANACOSUlwnszn
Perhaps so. It's within the1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4PKnEmltt6
possibilities.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOtc4rcmaS2
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYO2iFr4VKY
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1zMmu8lFeL
Yes it is. And yet, you act so cold1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPKIkwmeZXL
around her.1157Please respect copyright.PENANANS5ewt0W4Z
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqJAgvAzHe6
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANABJFvKmoZji
I'm Vulcan. There are certain1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmX97XZYjdb
things we do not do Quinn, not even1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJv6osUrKzO
in the privacy of our own homes.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7DJJEOyblS
1157Please respect copyright.PENANASGJRewLxZu
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZT29EoRxZ3
I suppose so. But you're not1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6dbXzSIsn7
Vulcan.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5eZ5fbcrnx
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6scYTYAtBF
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWZAarz5tgf
What are you talking about?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA15APRenTpe
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFyyfV45OJh
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANABu92kdeasB
They never told you? Oi! Maybe the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXW7iyx2qYs
captain doesn't know himself.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYwVaj3QTkT
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWE8sL09cDw
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiq5r2F454s
Are you trying to tempt me with1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiNhfIhSqGn
information Quinn?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdEJoC0CuLZ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAexlTLI2MlF
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzO3V1JWi7w
Of course I am. How did you know?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4e3vUMDStW
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVD7Ptwe0wu
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAt2i86kDb8t
You let the captain slip out. You1157Please respect copyright.PENANASWi86w0Y3m
believe the captain would tell me1157Please respect copyright.PENANAF6gZmODnNP
anything and everything. That is1157Please respect copyright.PENANAot5zwsdVNO
not the truth completely.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXXacZdXdGH
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxI8OSm9dH4
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuKIgv2lpjJ
I see that now. What is he to you?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVybXSxlICs
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4BrJ3WL1DS
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFXTyOuzjok
A leader and a guide in my life. He1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIdCSvUtXbY
has lead me aright all of my life.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiRpsaHopxA
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqAA1qy8Fqb
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANApaeisM7ccC
He has done that for others too.1157Please respect copyright.PENANApWnjzPEd2Z
What makes you so different?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyjB9L8aiLt
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAC9XBWtFpZa
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcdaeSOdOmC
He saw a broken young girl and took1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtk1Q4WwRII
her heart into consideration and1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAScQ6kMKPy
helped her to overcome who she was1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3CnFBhUUVi
by embracing it. That is what he1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJcS77TfU4s
did for me.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmo8SF2YaL4
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8pBfXTC2Go
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFqY7IkyL88
I see. He sounds like a great1157Please respect copyright.PENANAI1KShtaBfW
captain.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6PGqjBPm6x
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqMXmE66OLZ
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHOaV9MmElj
He is like a father to me. I had no1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsHqCQJzENv
father growing up and he was there1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9OABzFtIGP
all the time.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkQx4bmTwxd
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAElOnaW5wsT
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqlealrjIU9
And you're not afraid to admit1157Please respect copyright.PENANArUJBhzEFEo
that?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwNe40mnAPD
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnYWrgvuAvR
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANABDROXzthBM
Not to a soul Quinn.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQv3rjBBWfm
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlFsUXsc53w
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAT5koTzy0f1
Huh. Well... thanks for the1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8T7ntomkV6
conversation. I think I will pick1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaOS0zWkE9o
on Kira now.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAh6qf10SOJN
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAb3ExpMl8hR
T'LARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZsZK1YJ2fg
Have fun.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqM79Fmdhx8
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwDIzqWRc2b
Quinn slows down even further. Kira turns her head to Quinn1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsfu8jrD8Vi
and rolls her eyes at her.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGDtttmMfWt
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHWjyXysger
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXKsCe368Bl
What do you want?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4Sx4GwX5xS
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyNJUhT7rg6
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4mWEmh9fLl
I'm not here to make you angry. Do1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmMnKJKt6I3
you think the captain is a sane1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4IC3NKRSZE
man?1157Please respect copyright.PENANALeksQjY5RQ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYxsL3Fgkyn
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3bLSzEwzTy
What?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUP6t3tG1f7
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA16weKDEAUB
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAs6ase8m6zC
I was asking do you think the1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5SEUIAnZrR
captain is a sane man?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhjbUyAiGNZ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUhXnicbFtO
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFAgiLkgkYU
Well, yes I do. What does that1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdkHJ5IU9kM
mean? What kind of question is1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6RMhM8cgIA
that?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3eSkWRnU2c
1157Please respect copyright.PENANASi4xS8b27J
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAni4EZUgaN
The one where I make sure I'm doing1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8bkQpEOaST
the right thing Kira. What do you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAShY6ufRxPP
like most about your father?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVQlVNwHCQc
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAC7qFSnDDSk
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEW3jPE6TNV
His unfaltering sense of justice1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOPL7w6bOXa
and kindness bound up in his bones.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyock78M6AV
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8WvMgW8vNT
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9uyCArVhAa
A lot of people say you're like1157Please respect copyright.PENANADGwPfw5Hi8
him?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbILBBDXNHb
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtL5cwh1BI0
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANANg7GUGoX98
Yes. He says I'm like my mother1157Please respect copyright.PENANAk2iWsXeZql
though.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGElJU1HcKt
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUv3f342BdB
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANABWqH3AMTvX
Your mother? What was she like?1157Please respect copyright.PENANASW8XXqcFVR
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsND3WnxmWd
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwaqgMvk3Bp
I... I remember everything about my1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4aeBRPSiAj
mother but it's a child's sense of1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfMcfevlom8
things.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvRum155411
I remember she woke up every1157Please respect copyright.PENANAN2UknolfXQ
morning with a smile on her face,1157Please respect copyright.PENANAr4Uy8e8Fzb
no matter how bad her day was or1157Please respect copyright.PENANAW3dPHbVEm1
how bad she was feeling.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAas8yKII76s
She would tell my father a frown1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9XtHSEkpRs
means it's just going to be a bad1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQt3dNR7wKE
day. Somehow she was always right1157Please respect copyright.PENANAG2s1vJr3LX
about that when he woke up1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzNv3XI820J
frowning.1157Please respect copyright.PENANASOaf3iw0Nd
She had the prettiest hair... and a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwVrKoj4glp
killer smile. She could get my1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdmV67J7V9H
father do anything for her. He was1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3teYXYbI8j
like her servant doing her every1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9HaQwOE3Uj
little bidding.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnP5yWKJIaJ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqiLAPKXXrO
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAA5iH4l6u7t
He loved her very deeply and she1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVTxwghojgD
him.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlQa7lNgvuJ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXEdNgXxo2f
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAC9zITiO3ja
Yes. My mother was odd though. She1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuPpkdxqT5W
was different around me. She called1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6lbnSHE7m3
me the future in the flesh.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAh9lGwaCAPu
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAXCR3JfQYhg
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqeyy1rVibc
Well most mothers think that way of1157Please respect copyright.PENANATOhaxnUC8A
their children don't they?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGTj7wXdMhf
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0gLXpmQNtm
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWSz4GEVHtL
I don't know. It felt different the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUQjAgsu6AI
way she said it. I have no idea1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuOO55TGJiQ
what she meant but it's a nice idea1157Please respect copyright.PENANAb0JqJ6ocUe
in my head that I remember about my1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfwtj93Ms8b
mother.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdvtPkHjGJr
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiGl5ivw73z
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjiQH3OFclM
That's a good outlook. (Smiles)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnXzpENL6rC
Your father is some kind of man1157Please respect copyright.PENANAadoKDhfFNF
isn't he?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnnOOX3279G
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAs773JW9Ri5
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANANWCeUKorX4
He wouldn't be my father if he1157Please respect copyright.PENANAO7h37QwZAO
weren't. It's more than true that I1157Please respect copyright.PENANAw2d3WgJbbW
get a lot of my tendencies from1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiGbiYvpFBh
him.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvL5Gm3dDGe
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoccYFDrSZ1
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIRWo1SdsWH
Yes it is. Well... do want to get1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEiG32XF90T
there faster? I think I'm all1157Please respect copyright.PENANAi4GYgeIz2C
through for now.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAQt6N45RwT
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjSmDuy2m7P
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbzqlGpl39r
That's fine.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOaXkhIhD3F
1157Please respect copyright.PENANApEkv6V61DS
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJnD8yeSh6V
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZlYiAfVb6o
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAndhk9HM3c7
Othara stands at the front of the doors looking with a smile.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYTVeTLEpJH
Beside her is Emma Brassen. She doesn't have a smile on her1157Please respect copyright.PENANApxNr06trTH
face.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPhTAygjV7Y
1157Please respect copyright.PENANATomAfsvGey
Asher walks towards the door behind Drew Brassen. Drew opens1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0PGXXeHp1v
the doors and let's Asher walk in. Asher stops at Othara. He1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfr3ASbJWLa
bends down on his knee and takes Othara's hand. He kisses her1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIoeTHBMbir
hand.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAakfSHB5V9q
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1XgEJrNRnf
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsSuD4fG7Pi
President... it is a true honor to1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9fd8ns7doV
be in the halls of the Federation1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcEOYER56PK
looking to a future of peace.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmjyMjhEYiv
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsFg2lkZkEX
OTHARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7dqXYlkCol
I'm sure it is. That wasn't1157Please respect copyright.PENANAe1xR3BVIzH
neccesary by the way. A simple1157Please respect copyright.PENANAe6CznDvCSL
handshake would have done the job1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFNu4SAQvwu
nicely.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxDYXKNkUMs
1157Please respect copyright.PENANALH80FEYLI7
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7k4lAElhiC
You would then think I have no1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyX15qTYLnb
manners President. I won't have it.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkQtTwOPQQu
Royalty treats royalty right.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuk0695sQai
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAM7Y1q79GJY
OTHARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1sr9GhKQs5
This is a Democracy. This is1157Please respect copyright.PENANANLeOcmtOKK
Admiral Emma Brassen.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8dUgN0vgps
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAd00CPfuwdu
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwiN37idd4t
A true beauty to be around.1157Please respect copyright.PENANABeM9sW7Vvq
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAr5jTwnWEQb
Emma keeps a frown on her face. Asher kisses her hand.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWsm4yyhmVm
1157Please respect copyright.PENANARJgRgwxvHp
EMMA1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0LiJ1njHwm
This doesn't make us friends Asher.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAn3P6O32ix3
It's no one's right to take a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUPgftnP90Y
person as a prize.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoZCdqWZEhf
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQIO3RYd68i
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2STW3QIgC0
That? I set him free. It was mere1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEZrjbHUiP5
pettiness that I had him. I don't1157Please respect copyright.PENANANp4JP4u2ad
know what came over me.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiWvhrQ15CV
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwgxooqeo6p
Emma's eyes fall on Drew. Drew nods to her. Emma rolls her1157Please respect copyright.PENANACZTHYZH0ww
eyes at Asher.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8O1nn0138x
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9ennG7p7Xc
EMMA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHQWE58LX17
They escaped. You can't fool me.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiUX3pplHXq
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAewAg25sRAu
Asher frowns at her. Othara elbows Emma in the side. Emma1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZjR83oAs8v
bows before Asher and he smiles.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAI3Y7hyEk6w
1157Please respect copyright.PENANASa8PcmSTzd
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1ig2wDKlPl
Thank you Admiral.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoJl7dfaHtp
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8GnduXdE0o
EMMA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfazXmsWeCN
It's not really an issue. We adapt1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZIoKImVh4p
to other cultures... as1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlkU9wvdhJu
necessary... keep that in mind. If1157Please respect copyright.PENANAirGhdSmKRf
you will excuse me President?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7n1It1wuhB
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2h0J5241w
OTHARA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIOkMvFWris
Excused. I would like to lead the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhJjv22UwHg
leader of the DeSani to his room1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgUhDOoS47h
personally.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8j4rk7indc
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7dZLqUz9MJ
ASHER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAU9QKO8aK7E
That would be very nice President.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAiFa5AvF4zG
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAy1b19vMydJ
Othara leads him out of the main area. Emma approaches Drew.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsQemyV6z39
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkj9vtgZcFD
EMMA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzGdJBa7Lba
Where are they?1157Please respect copyright.PENANALYfwBIK0rH
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqWNvSJeLt5
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKRHZMYDJPs
Who?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA062n7LiaiD
1157Please respect copyright.PENANADUoD2zLekb
EMMA1157Please respect copyright.PENANASAj0EMQgaV
The two remaining Elite? Hmm? Where1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwcQh6Q8W6w
are they?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAD5vejw0O6a
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhT5e9IlMDU
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANAk6jtLneG8t
Safe. That is all you need to know1157Please respect copyright.PENANAA9gG6ehOjP
is that they are safe Emma. I take1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYqEUiQOh6O
it that you're worried about them?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgI9IqHyf8q
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWfUeXS9Tvj
EMMA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhal6tZgDGf
Of course I am. They're involved1157Please respect copyright.PENANAL63zraLhVv
with you again Drew.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAspKa1JYbse
1157Please respect copyright.PENANApdGzLd4Vdf
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGQF6l7WN6y
And that is really a bad thing?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAeSsner9YmQ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAS97k244CfJ
EMMA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhsX3EMwt58
No it isn't but then again it is. I1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtIwQSMOCH0
better not find them dead lying on1157Please respect copyright.PENANAq2T4OurFsp
the streets Drew or I will call1157Please respect copyright.PENANABTH0VgC2dn
their blood back on you.1157Please respect copyright.PENANArhlhuWYycX
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAygbkZurU5b
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANAU3eYJDDbyM
Yes you will.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAupbfu4TqBm
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcz47nTH9rL
EMMA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHwESMsD4m1
I'm going to get ready for this1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVMgm9k9RmI
whole thing. They're bringing in1157Please respect copyright.PENANAotroIfRyCH
Lyla Koren to help out with these1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2bsXgNvxYA
negotiations.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1AKkxRa2B4
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhxUUkVR9h1
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqjEwkAw15D
Of course they are. They had to1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzjUYk3jxqj
bring her.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAS0VYt2AmF1
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYPxU6RB6ib
EMMA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxgOKpRUAeB
She did start this entire thing. It1157Please respect copyright.PENANA68dxaNMQXx
is only fitting that she finish it1157Please respect copyright.PENANATUMpY56C21
Drew. You don't seem very happy1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUi8woI7Nw4
with this.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhONZpNvbBD
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqOf5cD8mKs
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9d4RFlaZoQ
Not that she is coming, that she is1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6HJRTMQm3G
coming with Asher around.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyMhuyGxhaD
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjcoHwFKRBE
EMMA1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2m3VH5mTFL
You care about her?1157Please respect copyright.PENANACaOwBnMAGu
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4sMbjnkyBm
Drew smiles darkly at her. Emma shivers and turns her back on1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6q4lJ96poi
her brother.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyzUtGDXui0
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKTp8nURgei
EMMA (CONT'D)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIWQwVKtBdn
I'll see you around brother. Bye.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA29CfnK8Do8
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoQroIS3ojn
She leaves him standing there. Drew turns back to an Ensign.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbvkm2U7HDf
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4SVe5vh6VZ
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7Uvwup0L3O
Get me a shuttle ready. I have1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGGnWIXvMy4
somewhere to be right now.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA44GSyIdBKm
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5IZBfQj4X4
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAM3kPnmhpsa
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7LCkKM4ih2
INT. LEGACY BRIDGE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9sAtuxgNm8
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmsMKvWgE5J
Dante rubs his head softly. He looks at the view screen. The1157Please respect copyright.PENANACpO2ytJPOJ
map has veins upon veins of Dilithium being marked.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHHe3FBS3Kt
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1AHTBje92f
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANArwnjPxVNoo
Isn't this great captain? There is1157Please respect copyright.PENANAq1RkRana1N
so much more than we predicted.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcAO9LEjKVJ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAekFND0drB4
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAegfqetZSNk
Yes it is Commander.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAILFcsq18Pu
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlE8bBt4i0f
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyRDMUnFmfX
What is the problem?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAakvXvSQxDB
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAXz204ICwT
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAg0VxvMZUrL
Nothing. I'm just experiencing a1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHsKuNV1zNd
bit of headache on my part. I think1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuhZcw8rl0P
it is time to go. Don't you?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMwhAQWfvZ4
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6FMoN2Rc1y
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkZq1jPmYqo
Leave here? There's more to be1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUuTR3oNXZV
discovered.1157Please respect copyright.PENANACueSFEImNd
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUpHvO6EB3w
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlVFdMwLasT
This is a mission for another1157Please respect copyright.PENANAB6FQjapr4Y
vessel to finish Commander. We're1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkJBQJYeMWs
explorers not men who mine. We've1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4YJBSkA8n3
started the mapping and have done a1157Please respect copyright.PENANArvvK7N8Kis
great bit of work but now it is1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfIzAdUsrsH
time to get back to our real jobs.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0ICf7bTWtl
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjAwlcIxIH7
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANAheB9Jndu38
I suppose you do have a point.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlKlA8xPO7L
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgRyqbJJkIT
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAijLlvU6277
Alright. I will be in my ready1157Please respect copyright.PENANAx4Na1arIkc
room. You can call them back.1157Please respect copyright.PENANArl4W7wWcMj
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3kLxgoovN5
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAO3dYmofeu
Yes sir.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUC6DZmmrHD
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOKeGTIj3vK
Dante walks into his ready room.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAj5u0wvTtoU
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAa7IIHXjQuy
READY ROOM1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjw4gzuZBZP
1157Please respect copyright.PENANARQS7ctgAwO
Dante sits in his seat. There is a flash before him.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMWudxypxop
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8DL0xO54G5
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAWbzLPfHru
Quinn. What can I do for you?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfuHkKM8XeB
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAhLt17ZlmF
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANARmO0nrRuHo
I talked to the three of your away1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZeFPfwu3Y4
team. They're good people.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEjCFiDrLCY
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAixtHHgWNgZ
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJGrnIAxjyf
Mmm, hmmm.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1Tot9PCpHg
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkUrFif7DFd
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAC2U6GasCNQ
Better people on your account1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUjXXBsijgD
captain.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAC9FssQgJjj
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJaUq9j2zsI
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAuH2V5Q433l
Yes? What of it Quinn? Why does it1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8mQKNY8bLr
matter to me?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKOozaiTp8a
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAISUdevRKao
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfrI94jV6bi
Are you the man?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4kOEY9rpRj
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfFAASvHsQK
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjCc4JcGf1g
No?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAA4dLR8v2C1
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAinaOeZGHwm
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZQhylTQsnZ
Are you the man for the task ahead1157Please respect copyright.PENANAe10sHxfVDp
Captain?1157Please respect copyright.PENANASZbYdw6oIJ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIi5eLWGli4
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANACGdjOfkqwX
What task?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHuIjwrBIps
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAj6fI5EMKJf
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVFCdYXB4YQ
One that is difficult and will cost1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtRQS3ozeJH
lives. Are you ready to lead in1157Please respect copyright.PENANAT8dviis2bY
that way again?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnfLP0CHcXg
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAK7PEjc5jqn
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOTmAhQq2BP
I'm always ready to lead a war1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmyRyjcxLpO
Quinn. I don't have a choice to do1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxulbi4J09H
so.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMcGJEYDe7k
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAF8BhzOsS8J
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANATDwe21k9BH
I suppose not. I have news for you1157Please respect copyright.PENANATKHcau0KM7
captain. There are dark forces at1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqLBOqRnQLt
work trying to ruin this galaxy.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAp5nB4AoVjY
Everyone is a pawn captain.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAl66CrOQlD4
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1rvBYNx9kR
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQhbFdKeGF5
Including me?1157Please respect copyright.PENANADuhsqHz9Qa
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMP12J8sxfn
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsXm5hXopcN
No. Whoever is in charge doesn't1157Please respect copyright.PENANAD6kFp5bcqj
want you near the situation.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPK8s6aEi7O
The plan was to get you as far away1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1J3hBwaxns
as they could. You chose to get as1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOZ3M4FyvRK
far away as you could. So their job1157Please respect copyright.PENANA088qfE55NJ
was easy.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqX0HfW0AAj
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvHvWpJcsNa
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA4scl0bzJSY
They want to take over the galaxy?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5oR2wkXQRc
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdIDsn6kQE8
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlUlzhDKuUo
Starting with the Federation. It1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHPZX1DJoXI
happens to be one of most important1157Please respect copyright.PENANAwVSFeSf5Wf
and most powerful territories of1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3wNhLY8uIz
the galaxy. It wraps and touches1157Please respect copyright.PENANAL4KqDuZgmh
everything. A central takeover1157Please respect copyright.PENANAt4El38upwX
opens the way for invasion of other1157Please respect copyright.PENANAePVj9W0hnK
powers.1157Please respect copyright.PENANARHoBWjpN85
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAu61z5or1sm
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANApR4T9U3j6v
I see. It's a good idea... and1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkISrLWgLMW
really horrible at the same time.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAG45hFlqi9B
You need ships in order to do this.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0yd7Bsqcmj
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIRfqInAWuo
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANASSvysxI9E8
Of course they do. Look captain,1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8u7kdefpSe
you need to get back to Earth do1157Please respect copyright.PENANAq5kiWDKKwX
the job you do best... save the1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOpEr4EmT6S
lives of everyone. Only then will1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPQ2XMFpLlK
you be ready for what awaits you1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWG4iCHXm3T
out here.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3WWFuoHrMS
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIp19YiJML3
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAB56xiXdGku
Really?1157Please respect copyright.PENANASH3KNCM9QK
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhXrz7WyZsU
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHiZAALfeub
There are things out here that will1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdQHcANGXsz
shock you captain. You've only1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1Tr9jN4CjX
touched the surface of what is out1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcfMfWE6Qwi
there.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlkU4MSmk3y
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAdsICivWgUh
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANApBNqH6RgmH
Wow.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAwepJAMAFz
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5GTcGHroIg
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANADfLkQ0cBlh
Yes. So... turn this thing around1157Please respect copyright.PENANAk9M2QevuuE
and head home. You will know what1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHzfUGVl9Tw
to do when you get there.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmUrobo7ENR
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsq7iFyvPb7
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzUwwfa4CNv
I will.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzJPvbadT1u
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjHsxsGUJqI
Quinn smiles. She walks around his desk and kisses him. She1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVxGdmxugjs
pulls away with a smile.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9SPh8VAvI3
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVcTdDiB6aS
DANTE (CONT'D)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMEPbP1ogTU
What was that for?1157Please respect copyright.PENANATjSNilbvDa
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKKvqcXUQOa
QUINN OF Q1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFdBmI8r3dy
I wanted to see what it would be1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJXR7iGbOFJ
like to kiss a real man. I kind of1157Please respect copyright.PENANARsAJjDSftw
have a crush on you captain. Don't1157Please respect copyright.PENANAyADgCJmFcb
ruin it for me.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAupbg4TyqqN
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA9o3LZCjmeS
She winks and flashes out. Dante walks out of his ready room.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAtrKcdDx5Rt
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsqq4N2SZeG
LEGACY BRIDGE1157Please respect copyright.PENANA76YlV6GBS8
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWTfMRb1gcQ
Dante looks at Derek. Derek turns back to the captain.1157Please respect copyright.PENANApMRtRZ1bs9
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKbu8nYqoV3
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfptGxfBtU0
Set a course for Earth.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA55k3rx2wVB
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAThYGPB3gir
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqtFukptXz5
Sir?!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcGCcf4Wkwt
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA3C3ZYmkpkE
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAh5bwkHNBPD
Dad, what is going on?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAN2IH00DSfS
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAN3A9eCvUai
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAoRETsSLjEW
Doesn't matter.1157Please respect copyright.PENANArK0X2pl5xo
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgjI5MUm5Py
ABIGAIL1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvLilTXI98Z
This is because of that Q! Captain,1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMjFKkm3WZi
I can't condone this. Our mission1157Please respect copyright.PENANArWte13CLm1
is to explore, you said it1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqe5QMVnb1Q
yourself. We can't break away from1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2T4u4xwJd9
the mission assigned to us.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAy8eMEzPkOC
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAt0yYqfaCpZ
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcFWPrAKJuJ
Yes I can. If you don't want to do1157Please respect copyright.PENANAcb4zZzQmFF
this, get off my bridge. That goes1157Please respect copyright.PENANAVTacWVbUkw
for anyone else who thinks this1157Please respect copyright.PENANAhSuLTzBeAl
will affect their career.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzlkAtWAUuT
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAYzVdvgJH4k
Derek gets up. Dante turns back to Ian looking at Derek. Ian1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPcCVF1A7Sp
sighs and steps back from his station.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2PUKuXkkjc
1157Please respect copyright.PENANARzGZhVA3DF
DANTE (CONT'D)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsv4OWcaFMo
This will be noted. You are all1157Please respect copyright.PENANANzGHDfumcq
dimissed. Kira, take Lieutenant1157Please respect copyright.PENANApJ2TtFryIa
Hall's station and set a course for1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6RaWujuIT3
earth Maximum Warp.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWix1xh7KhL
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0H2QHXADyc
KIRA1157Please respect copyright.PENANAddEw36UNoP
Yes sir... ... ... Course set, Warp1157Please respect copyright.PENANAC5fA2cvnUQ
Level 2 selected... speed Warp 13.1157Please respect copyright.PENANANVKcglfbGv
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQPpjSqiaOr
DANTE1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfNaR2zqQa6
Engage...1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQbohB6ZSS7
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkv0c5Aknig
1157Please respect copyright.PENANATwqAc1PkkH
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAly2f3pFQff
EXT. KINAR VIII1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZpqKWQe35F
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKpj59Zsy25
The USS Legacy jumps to warp.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGjcLaCtCTi
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAr16xXWgNqJ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA94iiNEIsEy
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2x3IBnKlF2
INT. CLASSIFIED LOCATION1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZszWNYqMNf
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbqocpkss9K
Zoey and Carter are bound to the wall. Zoey has rapid1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfSyNg5kFck
breathes as the wires holding them pull at her.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUI9ZkPZfTi
1157Please respect copyright.PENANARysMzRgbYE
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANArTrh2c9lpt
So... why didn't you kill Asher1157Please respect copyright.PENANA5rdKxXCU00
when you and the chance.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbsoeJeU9pk
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkSca68NBbk
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANABMysq74v5m
I couldn't. I would have failed.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAU0a9fen4vk
The problem there is another person1157Please respect copyright.PENANAbuRAerfoCG
leading Asher around. I don't know1157Please respect copyright.PENANAHftaow1dSD
who it is though! I had to keep him1157Please respect copyright.PENANAM9mJIt6NQ5
alive.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAJIMv0Xy48r
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvUGlsgtUeY
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkLqetRMe0a
There's more isn't there?1157Please respect copyright.PENANAefTQ94XXZc
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUM3EH0My5O
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQa9OoHjHWk
Yeah! The guy told Asher a way he1157Please respect copyright.PENANAogR8QFczo6
could get Lyla. He told him to1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8g6NdjkFZa
request Lyla's hand in marriage as1157Please respect copyright.PENANAN9c34AQPPG
part of a contract.1157Please respect copyright.PENANApGuOkVsdhv
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWGU6KmbtJs
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANAFR0ovAKQaT
Oh no! Carter we've got to find her1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMOsIaarQ4M
and tell her to hide somewhere!1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkOFpy2tlgw
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxL0fSMQbnt
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmHgKWA0qlw
Even if we did, I think she would1157Please respect copyright.PENANA31GGEG7nca
go through with it... just to save1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0P7uMsR35i
the rest of the galaxy.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAMacxOMRIN1
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAgLFKpcQZtO
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANAlYgIdmWiT7
An Elite would not.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAEo6wXY27Qe
1157Please respect copyright.PENANALHIP6XuhH4
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnaJKfLa0QB
Maybe, maybe not, but right now, we1157Please respect copyright.PENANACM99UIUULn
need to focus on surviving this.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIL9CvcEYW9
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAroNm0CSAdz
ZOEY1157Please respect copyright.PENANA1WlPyRM6PF
I am focused, it just hurts really1157Please respect copyright.PENANAmz0UyUgZX6
bad Carter.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAZGkFdlDOdS
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQRCD1fPeZq
A cape furls in the darkness. Boots click. Carter frowns.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAOi4UG0xzE8
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAkmX0q0Mkzc
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANA68GEwg5fk7
You tricked us.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAzjEKRjkJ5J
1157Please respect copyright.PENANASlKva86Wvd
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANAvLetoyIZyq
I'm sorry that I did. I mean you're1157Please respect copyright.PENANAUdvSmCiBfd
in a much better situation than1157Please respect copyright.PENANAj10wdSuR6i
what you were on that Desani ship.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAm8fOc17rYv
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAjmci9MUK4T
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxQLdJrBTly
Really? You call this better? This1157Please respect copyright.PENANAIlqM6fy8jZ
is worse Drew?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA2I21Czsqoi
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAsLhbC6L8wW
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6Mad8U9sSB
In a moment it won't be. It's time1157Please respect copyright.PENANAh5cYwkwkFS
to draw from the bank now Carter1157Please respect copyright.PENANAw6RQK5Qgv4
and Zoey. Looks like you two are1157Please respect copyright.PENANANGIGhOlqIn
the two special ones in my plans.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKDMXOafwJr
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAQmOIuHQQYp
CARTER1157Please respect copyright.PENANANvvO88JUGc
What are you talking about?1157Please respect copyright.PENANA82GksDXV1F
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA8bGveOpSBm
DREW1157Please respect copyright.PENANALVRfTkhcBo
Doesn't matter. You won't remember1157Please respect copyright.PENANACGJgfZzDXM
anyhow.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAqSr2BR9Dr8
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAaszocVlkVU
Drew waves his hands over their eyes and they fall asleep. He1157Please respect copyright.PENANAKun3mTsxv8
snaps his fingers and they stare ahead as they open their1157Please respect copyright.PENANAxh6RisctIe
eyes. Drew cuts them from their lines.1157Please respect copyright.PENANANYpdMLpCvQ
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAfHcRFgiSPE
They stand up with a mindless look. Drew smiles at them both.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAAzRXGLfPvK
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA6eSfcaQce6
DREW (CONT'D)1157Please respect copyright.PENANAWU2geWQNOK
It is time my children. All my hard1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPBLSOivn3i
work finally comes to bear it's1157Please respect copyright.PENANAPoxGg2Nven
fruit my elite.1157Please respect copyright.PENANAGSNqugYC2t
Let's conquer a universe.1157Please respect copyright.PENANA7mbnJKwxeu
1157Please respect copyright.PENANAnvBSj8bNvh
1157Please respect copyright.PENANA0MsbCxApHi