LIAM NEESON: Dante Brassen____WILLA HOLLAND: Kira Brassen1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9GZjGzMbC1
KSENIA SOLO: T'Lara1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwkl6KFa6Bq
BLAKE LIVELY: Abigail Dayton___AMY ACKER: Emma Brassen1201Please respect copyright.PENANAHT9aKwXyAI
PATTON OSWALT: Deintin Keiru1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6wIjZde9gJ
JUSTIN HARTLEY: Ian Hoyt___ROBBIE AMELL: Derek Hall1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXMQMT1MorA
ARIANA GRANDE: Lyla Koren___HENRY CAVILL: Carter Schimias1201Please respect copyright.PENANAE0m6hsSKb0
REBECCA HALL: Vessa Doransy___BILLIY BURKE: Prime Minister Doransy1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbvyq1bBUvi
MICHELLE MONAGHAN: Thesara___KEVIN SPACEY: Satar1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4Ubv0GAJWg
INT. LEGACY HALL1201Please respect copyright.PENANARW3ZbLePez
Dante walks briskly down the hall. He is chased by an Ensign.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAL7YPfoliNZ
The Ensign taps on his shoulder and Dante stops in his1201Please respect copyright.PENANAq5ND7f4JJ7
tracks. He turns back to the Ensign and the Ensign takes a1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfYBB6EAaOs
step back in almost a fearful manner.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAi9A8OwB9Jl
Can I do something for you?
ENSIGN1201Please respect copyright.PENANADLv2nF8BuK
Yes sir. There has been a request1201Please respect copyright.PENANAgCHVKq0NML
for you. I am to inform you that1201Please respect copyright.PENANAile3RcZ7sU
the Constant is here.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMmMN45stZB
The Constant? What is it here for1201Please respect copyright.PENANAI8GfuNrslR
ENSIGN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdzAwbGccX2
To receive Ambassador Lyla Koren1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWWDQAmTyCf
and take her to the nearest DeSani1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdwCa2Mklyv
vessel for negotiations.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1QQDfa7P1D
Oh. Go to the bridge and inform1201Please respect copyright.PENANAl9a6EPG9LQ
them to delay the Constant for as1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5kLXib7L1u
long as they can. I need to go do1201Please respect copyright.PENANAc1pW6s6JHD
ENSIGN1201Please respect copyright.PENANApG59WWP2n3
Admiral Brassen being transferred1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnfD1MrFO8x
back to Earth also sir.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2lHmB7vet5
Oh, dear. Yeah hurry.
Dante continues to walk down the hallway. He gets on a1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZmUfIFTnmL
1201Please respect copyright.PENANABjuUlm2n3B
Lyla Koren sits to the left of Emma and Carter sits to the1201Please respect copyright.PENANA09UxcycnUK
right of Emma. Dante stands before them all.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANALxpb9NOWRp
I have to inform you that I can't1201Please respect copyright.PENANADO6c2Id4tF
do anything about them taking you1201Please respect copyright.PENANABscqnE2Xc1
back, but I can tell you that it1201Please respect copyright.PENANACNcnQ5WnfU
may seem innocent but there is1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUoiWak0fKf
something bigger at play here.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAj8ZQ9j9cCe
I really don't have to tell you all1201Please respect copyright.PENANADh5FSL1XVF
how dangerous Drew Brassen is but1201Please respect copyright.PENANAYeUivQJ1gU
be wary anyhow.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVEvQM6Su1q
Lyla, I'm giving you this1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJAmOjQa3Tr
communicator. You give me call if1201Please respect copyright.PENANAEGOVCfnfiF
you feel uncomfortable on your1201Please respect copyright.PENANA0o5MNCI9JS
mission.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnR5vXcTybF
Emma breaks Drew's hold on the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAiF4ZIq54tw
council. It's our only hope of1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyLiwkftyrG
breaking up his power.
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFns1r6icZv
And what about me?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAxiRaxHpSmg
You... go back to work.
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMDm7nIkj32
I'll go with Lyla. I can protect1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1FI8dBBu6t
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAE3ETWlkhIY
Cute, but you can't protect Lyla1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwiXUjqQVYU
from Drew.
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKQQm2D4efA
Well I can give her a few seconds.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAlzJCkxyyfb
I'm going with her sir. I don't1201Please respect copyright.PENANA91TMElPjpR
mean to be disrespectful but I am.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJbsiCWIJn7
Very well. You have my permission1201Please respect copyright.PENANAoIiXWi5jNF
until you're called back. Lyla, is1201Please respect copyright.PENANAYTf2InLL1w
this fine with you?
Lyla nods. Dante then motions them out. He looks out of the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmwK5OX1aVv
window at the Constant. He squints and follows suit after the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUPIRrRCUxT
other who left the room.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmjRKtCSyg5
Dante steps on the bridge. He sees Abigail chatting with1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5I9SXPi415
Captain Harry Kim. Kim sees the Captain and smiles.
CAPTAIN KIM1201Please respect copyright.PENANABjBLLMAd7j
Captain Brassen, so nice of you to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAHY9jIvd3GL
grace us with your presence. Your1201Please respect copyright.PENANAr2qvWB9HA9
little distraction was growing1201Please respect copyright.PENANAvVfz4jplUm
tiresome Captain.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAlwPeY7yCma
Sorry that I didn't have much of a1201Please respect copyright.PENANAL7jk2xun7P
conversation in my First Officer.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8Fp7g0320J
They are ready to be taken Captain.
CAPTAIN KIM1201Please respect copyright.PENANAy4XogI8IsU
Good. We're on a schedule here and1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXMiyATlV6G
we didn't really need to be held up1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbTupqC6F3U
by fabricated stories.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjlj1t1gDuV
Sorry about that also.
CAPTAIN KIM1201Please respect copyright.PENANApH5J9EfPGh
Hope you have a good time in the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAii5ZzPJEef
Beta Quadrant. We'll be seeing you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqmxRMLaMuA
around captain.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1Ihgg7Uyua
We will.
The screen returns to the view of space. Dante looks back to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAPpF6PCFgpE
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXmMi2QetNX
They have been transported over to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFiOeUt12jQ
the Constant sir. We are ready for1201Please respect copyright.PENANAOphdEcSLqz
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdRj6I3bZgx
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9kM3LFAACv
Where to now sir?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAc9aEGs3cII
It's time that I did something for1201Please respect copyright.PENANAv9zKZmPiZo
my daughter. I've been waiting to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAoWSaySNUaE
get this assignment for some time.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6m5qraVOYn
It's time I've revealed something1201Please respect copyright.PENANAv0weUhYVYC
that's been hiding for far too1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQ8rKELhWzz
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANASK8PjbY3yS
What sir?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA0MXQQFACjv
You don't know it but it is the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAPBOBRfwBNU
planet where my wife came from. The1201Please respect copyright.PENANAxbcwmpqfLZ
planet is called Cambria II.1201Please respect copyright.PENANATM0LFFb6WL
Set a course for these coordinates1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaXEWlHsFMO
Lieutenant and engage.
Dante has a seat in his chair and taps on the console on the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAHzQZ7XaAX5
side of the console built into his chair.
Derek taps on the console and the course is set. He taps the1201Please respect copyright.PENANArU5x4gggou
console once more and the ship jumps to warp.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAK7V5cRZrhA
Lyla sat at the window looking into the stars. Carter sat1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFkHsRDLLpD
beside her looking around. He looks at Captain Kim approach1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVlICP0Mj28
them both. He sits down at their table and Lyla looks at him.
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8SdTQAp6LS
Can I help you captain?
CAPTAIN KIM1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjvxbzoj0Vy
No. I just wanted to congratulate1201Please respect copyright.PENANAhNezsRRmTq
you on beating this whole issue1201Please respect copyright.PENANApkvL8BUgiU
floating around the Federation.
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwJGYevuffy
And that is?
CAPTAIN KIM1201Please respect copyright.PENANANU3kVyizlk
The issue between you and Drew1201Please respect copyright.PENANAItkOphtNFi
Brassen. It was found out that1201Please respect copyright.PENANAo9o9eMiO2W
Admiral Brassen was indeed wrong.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAv7y3aBZzOX
I see why you ran too. Drew is very1201Please respect copyright.PENANAED8C0Xd1v7
dangerous man, but big enough to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAb6RyLTCz4J
admit when he is wrong.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfe7wNaDdjC
The man killed was in fact killed1201Please respect copyright.PENANARGsIyrhIvH
by one of his Elite Officers Zoey1201Please respect copyright.PENANAuwAPJL4XcR
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANAae1vxL0hjf
Zoey Gaines?
CAPTAIN KIM1201Please respect copyright.PENANAEOvN63GGIk
Yes. She had killed the young1201Please respect copyright.PENANAxig2gtqZi1
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4yGIxZn03i
No, no she didn't. She did not kill1201Please respect copyright.PENANAifuIZ4Tp9F
that Ensign Captain.
Carter's face gets an angered look on it. He rises up and1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfGbWLkDYHw
looks at the Captain darkly.
CAPTAIN KIM1201Please respect copyright.PENANARC7G28b84E
But she did. All the evidence1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnDKiXCiGMR
pointed to her doing it. There was1201Please respect copyright.PENANACPSKv2Ut6W
even a video of her doing it.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAygUXpaUvNU
She murdered the man whether you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAF6mNA5dfgG
like it or not. Why are you so1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXOJ3saynvN
emotional about it?
Lyla looked at Carter with a raised eyebrow. Carter sits down1201Please respect copyright.PENANAYxA2Ux3WJz
and looks out the window seething. Captain Kim returns his1201Please respect copyright.PENANAo592avv0jx
attention to Lyla.
CAPTAIN KIM (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAhPvnsUAunt
Ambassador Koren, it is pleasure1201Please respect copyright.PENANAvDVwUyYQ2C
that you are back on my ship. You1201Please respect copyright.PENANACRwibZb0xn
tend to bring a little light back1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1lnS4Zrgpb
on board with you.1201Please respect copyright.PENANALsfA9ZS9VX
I've been meaning to ask, what do1201Please respect copyright.PENANAHNbMueLl7z
you make of the DeSani? Are they1201Please respect copyright.PENANAuli2NhBC6b
going to be our allies?
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAl7ddGh8eU5
I don't know. They are difficult,1201Please respect copyright.PENANA0n8eZSoVst
and well, they make me sick to the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwbaXHKtMJX
stomach. An alliance by hand would1201Please respect copyright.PENANAO0HzkURikI
be... difficult to say the least.
CAPTAIN KIM1201Please respect copyright.PENANAB1dWz2EpLY
Well, I have faith in you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzfTfUl7nMA
nonetheless. You have a wonderful1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4D73aFB1b5
record and you have good genes in1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtb55z8LLv3
you. Your parents are renowned at1201Please respect copyright.PENANAa4PNZ0LjZO
negotiations as judges in the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdWOOL7z7Wl
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAhHcBuotypx
CAPTAIN KIM1201Please respect copyright.PENANADjpQRvU2CY
Well, if you start a war or create1201Please respect copyright.PENANAG7jhuVogUJ
an alliance, I'll be proud either1201Please respect copyright.PENANAa4bbuo7Cmx
way. They killed a lot of friends1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbbtz7B4Ba1
during the war. So you can be sure1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnA49Rgath3
I'll be on the front lines blasting1201Please respect copyright.PENANAa9rTER08Ef
these suckers to the ground.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAztAH0yIsXl
You have a good old fashioned day1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqGb9BwEQrE
Captain Kim leaves. Lyla then looks at Carter who continues1201Please respect copyright.PENANApbvihokch2
to look out of the porthole.
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAs1lyqJcHCT
Carter, who is Zoey Gaines.
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6yWgU3WbLW
Friend... well, more than a friend.
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAN0fEhCPbhn
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANAp7eBu4jewt
No that way. She is... my adopted1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXMAp2zMZkM
sister. She grew up with me. I know1201Please respect copyright.PENANATl9H0dEs5d
her far to well.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA26gquDNF32
On the Federations Elite Ranking1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2JtpWETHti
list she is near the bottom. It is1201Please respect copyright.PENANASeirykCSEq
from #1-#35. Zoey is at 28. She1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWLlu3LKGXV
would never do a thing to leave1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1BzhCtjXiF
that ranking...1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6bfILsZaRD
Killing on the orders of Drew is1201Please respect copyright.PENANAEMkUQtarYl
not her forte. That is how I know1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmZ4aOrhRdK
she didn't do a thing.
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAYSHezp5qqX
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkgFzEMPdPW
She's been moved to #10.
Carter reveals the padd he was looking at. He gives it to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjDJ83dvCwO
Lyla and she reads it.
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANABYSrEUqZQU
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANAL5o941UlLX
She's in danger though. She was1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwSyF1L5qHW
placed in #10 because that is a1201Please respect copyright.PENANANrNr7LhhGK
message to all Elite that someone1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbzIOdkV1OR
is about to be executed.
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbXJeUXKAU0
Then you have to go save her.
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqkC1nuu0aR
I can't. I have to protect you.
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwehGHwWYi6
She's family. You go after her. As1201Please respect copyright.PENANAATdZBqmtJI
son as we're on the DeSani ship,1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWBUUB4ApWo
I'll try and get you a small vessel1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8A49yDtlgn
to you can track her down.
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMZFYk4sk0I
You need protection.
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6CqXADfCb7
I can handle myself for a while. Do1201Please respect copyright.PENANAuP7BbWoXbc
what you need to do Carter.
He nods to her. Lyla looks at the padd as Carter continues to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKdev0EcP1I
stare out of the window.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAumnFb5jQCS
The Legacy jumps out of warp and flies at impulse. It turns1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaQWsjtZDMH
starboard and begins to move forward quickly.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAOnjy3fdtcb
The captain looks at the screen. With his eyes, there can be1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8MT8DYVvjB
seen a planet the ship is flying towards. It gets bigger and1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtqxOGzMYud
bigger to the captain.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAE0ItIH143G
I don't see a thing out there.1201Please respect copyright.PENANANV4d6l05J2
There's only more blackness.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANANyPW2JgjpM
Trust me... it's out there. I'd1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFmvra00BXf
never forget that planet.
The screen remains black with the stars dotting the dark sky.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAd9FnaA03af
The captain looks back to T'Lara.
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAEEQR91cl5M
Are you picking up anything Ensign?
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAn1rnRc6XZV
I'm picking up small gravity1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXJ70yAW02k
distortions ahead captain.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJquducY72b
That's Cambria II. 20 years ago,1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7GHshzGN7Z
our sensors couldn't even pick up1201Please respect copyright.PENANApGyp8hVh5C
the gravity field.
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQP7KdqOiEh
Why would they cloak an entire1201Please respect copyright.PENANAB0RVZqjt5w
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbpnDlTJNOw
Why? Because they prefer to be by1201Please respect copyright.PENANARNoLJLyekN
themselves. They want no one to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAsVrJbo2Tp3
know who they are, what they are,1201Please respect copyright.PENANA19jqjcDx4g
and what they can do.1201Please respect copyright.PENANANM2uiMaAZ9
Their entire culture is built on1201Please respect copyright.PENANAYRTvjjxUrS
the premise that no one can know1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwt3dOO8rBq
who they. They want to keep to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAYuffVOoRr6
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqSJ065GWB8
Do they have ships?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6s6o1oyt5z
Yes. They have cloaking technology1201Please respect copyright.PENANAE2wqN9kROi
too. The Tech is deactivated as1201Please respect copyright.PENANAsK0c8g3hLC
soon as they enter the range of the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUw0WXAderG
planetary cloak.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7Ygk1EeDgL
The metal on the ship cloaks as it1201Please respect copyright.PENANADoUPVJmhpb
enters the cloaking radius so they1201Please respect copyright.PENANAeGpC7OWBha
don't need to use power.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmKb0Nj0i7P
The satellites on the outside of1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6i2vO3NA6m
the planet is also made of the same1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzHDUAoKNI4
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkEbagyBuLk
I believe they can see us sir. I'm1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIsZrt1psbX
picking up particles on the hull.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAX35VtebfYT
Yes. That is their sensor1201Please respect copyright.PENANAj1QO1kNimA
technology. They can get a clear1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUZ4zfNi4Wp
read of anything with the Vetrion1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9V2WAmY4xT
particles they manufacture.1201Please respect copyright.PENANACeC6VMPkJD
They can get past the hull into the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAi9TImikAEi
ship. When they touch down on1201Please respect copyright.PENANARjRGQWJSzB
anything, they create a network and1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5TcUcUQQiZ
tell them what kind of tech their1201Please respect copyright.PENANAudek2Gv05S
opponents have. It's the most1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9cbJSeb6Vf
advanced sensor read that I know.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQETNVJwHIE
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAay0ebXrDSo
What do you think we are? We're in1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzq9DFcj727
their sector space. Most ships1201Please respect copyright.PENANACiCCSc40VK
don't even get this far before they1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkWiwxMRe2v
are destroyed. We're enemies of the1201Please respect copyright.PENANARzF60U2gHh
Sovereign Planet Cambria.
Dante looks at the large planet in the viewscreen. He then1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdy2Aalt809
looks at Derek.
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAoV1Q0lXh6R
All stop Lieutenant. Shields at the1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9CSd4EdChD
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAR4pqSLgN3a
Aye sir.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANArulVIYFxh6
Hailing frequencies on the tachyon1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3Fq3GvFS1n
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANALd8gVUTaFd
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAEId36byLNu
It creates noise on our vessels but1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmjaRbJFWKT
not for theirs. Do it. I can speak1201Please respect copyright.PENANABV4NS2I5J7
and they'll hear it clearly.
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANA0B2V07HFk1
Aye sir. Frequency open.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcYRjYCWwtU
This is captain Dante Brassen. This1201Please respect copyright.PENANADmfbgmY7JH
is my ship the USS Legacy. I am1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUkBZXv6iud
here on a mission of peace.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAI61nM3yjqW
I am familiar with your planet. I1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqrquti2gG0
would like to see a man Prime1201Please respect copyright.PENANAILWRAjvk4x
Minister Doransy.
Large vessels almost 2 times the size of the Legacy1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfjjQTwbhN6
uncloaked. Dante sat down in his seat. He looked to Ian.
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyzpDiP9fSy
Red Alert. Divert all power to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZEWBcnm2m1
shields and weapons. We need to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdOZj5k6Wj9
show them we're not to play with.
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAuqm27OAFbv
Sir. You say we're on a mission of1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVyTDWIccUv
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnOYcg6Hx17
Trust the captain to do as he needs1201Please respect copyright.PENANAU8XGWUjgri
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyNbobp9UhS
The Legacy is fired upon and the shields fluctuate. The1201Please respect copyright.PENANApRJBQZyoul
Legacy turns to port and fires it's phasers into the enemy1201Please respect copyright.PENANAxIB21qMa7W
vessel. The vessel rattles and turns slowly.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAL7pCwyR4uA
Dante looks ahead. Abigail continues to stand looking at the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZKO0VOqxof
Everyone on the bridge shakes as a torpedo hits the vessel.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAgk6LPEVcBm
Derek maneuvers across the console.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANARjznqTsSoi
Our shields are down to 75% from1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2sB4VCJz7
that hit sir.
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtA0BdmST7D
They're firing Dark Matter beams1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcyZdO82SPP
sir. Our shields long.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAj1kZckikJt
They have even fired those yet.
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANACXgAJjEKWw
It's in their beam arrays.
Two beams come across the screen almost as black as the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4aJm6xzUY
blackness of space. The people on the bridge shake again.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAPVfamS3pXI
Shields at 40% sir!
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFruC7e5otS
Switch to Vetrion Beam weapons.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaj4dOGL0C8
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwuv5V1Xcfl
It's in the manual that was given1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfHrmiJEB2k
to you.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAsMD1CkTMbD
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAoE0QQwqwpp
You didn't read the manual?
Dante looks to Abigail. He motions her to the weapons1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2n7TIhtstO
console. She takes it and taps on the console. Beam arrays1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9XLiJjdJCt
reconfigure the metal workings and connect to other ports1201Please respect copyright.PENANACWAohbahf1
into the vessel on her console.
ABIGAIL (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIv6lSE07VB
Weapons ready.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANA43lx9i0U8v
I can take it from here.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAuduNPoeSGo
You're dismissed Lieutenant.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtfZlXpfmCd
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8AABwmlpaf
Brace for impact.
The shields ripple on the screen as the beams hit the ship1201Please respect copyright.PENANABmX3xjCmbv
once again. Dante looks to Ian and Abigail.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAA75lV5T3Le
What are you still doing on my1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzjhpnRMMuF
bridge? Get off. Fire back. Disable1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUtPXmpNSvy
their ships.
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANArzrUmzWYoT
Our sensors are unable to get a1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4ihzRNJaW4
clear reading on the ships engines1201Please respect copyright.PENANAf25NKGxejc
and weapons.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAs9EGbW4Y62
Fire anywhere. Somehow something1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjBx1B76MAX
important is connected to something1201Please respect copyright.PENANAO5I6FXz9y7
unimportant.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKRqTlXrmh2
Their idiots.
Abigail taps on the console.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbTVYCI7Ak6
The Legacy fires it's bluish weapons at the ship. Their1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaiCXdg96FM
shields are taken out the first firing at them turns about1201Please respect copyright.PENANA18QiNPPZtS
and cloaks once again.
The Legacy fires four more shots and disables the ships on1201Please respect copyright.PENANA20O5kupwZe
the other vessel. It tries top turn about and get away. The1201Please respect copyright.PENANAC3dI6CTk3X
Vetrion beams fire again and disable the ship's engines.
The ships starts to bob in space. The Legacy pulls beside the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAlGHHw77QbD
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmMhSbN0lqE
Dante stands up and walks to the view screen. He straightens1201Please respect copyright.PENANAS39oRe9sH8
his appearance.
The screen has an old and cranky face appear on it. Dante1201Please respect copyright.PENANAYWEF4o6rew
does not smile one bit and the bridge grows quiet as everyone1201Please respect copyright.PENANAEt6XK4r5No
turns to look at the screen.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnUznlLIzmH
Captain Brassen, you are in1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3SU79CIPmO
sovereign space and as you well1201Please respect copyright.PENANATpKzJBepXr
know, you are not invited. I am1201Please respect copyright.PENANA84i5AXFTzT
commanding you to leave this sector1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFYjeVYbgYK
of space immediately.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1pr3bkzFn2
Well, I would Prime Minister but it1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMFLYgS4fLO
is long past due that I return1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVArxhbTntS
here.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfCtgv5OLCR
Plus, I think you know that I am1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcLnA5Y9L4s
well prepared for a fight, if1201Please respect copyright.PENANAA08s3HEqXU
you've scanned my ship.
The Prime Minister throws his head up proudly and glares at1201Please respect copyright.PENANAk0tO5Cvizy
the captain from his right eye. He moves his mouth around and1201Please respect copyright.PENANA0gDv1NKMFA
somehow manages to frown more as he sticks his face closer to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAha58hkAbWb
the screen.
Very well. You have permission to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAlgklHICZ74
beam down Captain... but you and1201Please respect copyright.PENANAidZLOyKrkA
only you.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqE7QYZOdnp
Thank you.
The view screen goes off. Dante gets up and looks at Abigail.
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAB3rFW1QGB2
You have the bridge Commander.1201Please respect copyright.PENANATwAIL4e2KH
(Taps Combadge)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAAWX5jmhnj6
Ensign Brassen, meet me at1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMVZpdGSwXU
transporter room 5.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwUY3qQUUAe
Aye sir.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAu2EH2P4bm7
Kira and Dante are beamed down. Kira stands behind her father1201Please respect copyright.PENANAc3VVVoXOLX
and they are surrounded by men with weapons. The Prime1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMqaLSm6bvz
Minister walks towards them with a prideful glide in his1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWwv7jaPFQw
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAz5rRCZaun3
You should have never come here1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWsoiHlcWwS
Dante! You are an enemy of state.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANADSNFkSIIMX
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4Z8SM8bHZM
And furthermore... I don't...1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3Kp9Agj7Ts
daddy? Who is that behind you?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAduZE0a2Lqy
Sir, this is... Kira... Lonadi...1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3MNGz7LEqw
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyxhWEX1OHe
Pale Flower? This my Caroline's1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcd2g6GE1eP
Pale Flower?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6fmTHnDVGQ
Hut Chok Doransy po vu Lonadi.
SUPERIMPOSE: This is the Doransy's youngest Pale Flower.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAadOHta4s8R
Ick Von Bah. Aren Josil Orbant1201Please respect copyright.PENANA90NXdRDLsi
Porkanth Doransy bah?
SUPERIMPOSE: This is my grandchild. Aren Josil Orbant1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8LNA2c2n9p
Porkanth Doransy's child?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANASJwrnKjLyz
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQ21WzdSuri
Come closer Lonadi.
Kira comes from behind her father and looks at the Prime1201Please respect copyright.PENANAhuGHOtPJy9
Minister. She keeps a cautious look on her face.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwAvm5BllUc
You look like you mother... but you1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4U0ElPyDy2
favor your father more... a shame.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAu8DG3TM4po
I can tell who's spirit she has in1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZ1RhZ400rS
her. Come closer, I won't bite.
Kira gives her father a questioning look. Dante raises his1201Please respect copyright.PENANAEAhvRDeVit
eyebrow to the men with their weapons still pointed.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAvQEhGaIAV7
Joran jorchu manis! Orvant cor lie1201Please respect copyright.PENANAEqldMLBfNi
pellos T Doransy!
SUPERIMPOSE: Put your weapons down men! We do not point our1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7vsYQx8L9S
weapons at a Doransy!
The men bring their waepons down. Kira looks at he father1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3sfFSfax4r
once more. He nods to her. She begins to walk to her1201Please respect copyright.PENANACTSPddIjOC
He grabs her and hugs her. She does not hug him back. He1201Please respect copyright.PENANADBTM3Qwh0w
let's her loose and smiles.
Lonadi! I have much to teach you.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANACsnh52XNXY
Kira... Lonadi is my middle name.
Very well Kira. I have so much to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAhcSrdUjyWn
show you. You and your entire crew1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJhENCXoopd
is invited to explore anywhere they1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkyNHPFLgLD
want... except him.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqTl3ZGd7xI
Jorchu manis kovant!
SUPERIMPOSE: Weapons up men!
They bring their weapons up and point at Dante. He holds his1201Please respect copyright.PENANAlo3Izs2Azk
hands up in the air. The prime minister looks at Dante with1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzwUL3s1089
an evil smile.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaPu5ooKrYS
I want you off my world... You are1201Please respect copyright.PENANAHaPQkoNjcg
not invited!
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANALq16OuWGli
He is invited or I leave.
The Prime Minister looks at Kira with confused eyes. He looks1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6aNR7jGqoX
to Dante with a frown on his face. The Prime Minister motions1201Please respect copyright.PENANAg6ksPDBK3F
that the weapons be put down.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANALwWiA2rZqP
For my granddaughter's sake I let1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjTxsTBNeP2
you come. Do not think that we are1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkhkwWxgU5L
on good terms.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKDdl5XAXq7
Wouldn't count on it. I have to go1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7hPys34NL9
back to the ship anyhow. I will1201Please respect copyright.PENANASnGNNjlKed
return later.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAK458lHUlhH
Then I'll come with you.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANABIadle1kU2
I know my way around sweetie. You1201Please respect copyright.PENANACd7MHbToR3
go on ahead with your grandfather1201Please respect copyright.PENANAeDXwuBN3xh
and have fun.
Kira nods to her father. The Prime Minister places his arms1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGhLbjpJP7l
around Kira. She is guided by he and the men follow the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAav1n7pjOZj
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAAdXN19CK7H
(taps on badge)1201Please respect copyright.PENANATmckzOVJxV
One to beam up.
Dante is beamed up.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANASBzx1DJuml
Lyla sits at the desk brushing her hair. She looks in the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMSev7x6t6x
mirror. An image of Drew Brassen appears on it.
Lyla drops the brush out of her hand and falls back on the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAK9ZDZT9SS5
floor. She screams and Drew smiles.
DREW1201Please respect copyright.PENANACwGIYUVdVF
No one can hear you Ambassador...1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyz8lmcgZCv
I've ensured that. You and me need1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7H4nYKyrEo
to have a little talk.
Lyla frantically grabs her combadge. She taps on it1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZqrJ2MqYok
DREW (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAYZRGbuknuY
I told you... no one can hear you.
Lyla looks at Drew. She places the combadge on the floor and1201Please respect copyright.PENANAv5tE2yl24W
stands up. She backs away from the mirror.
DREW (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWS8ReyUecS
I'm only in your head. You humans1201Please respect copyright.PENANAb6VjFobHDj
are mere idiots. Very then. As I1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFZAuDpKz5y
was saying?1201Please respect copyright.PENANAiMKdBfMv5K
You, Lyla, seem to be quite the1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2h7hNG6e2p
special girl. My brother went out1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMyOLpux5nf
on a limb for you, a dangerous move1201Please respect copyright.PENANAripM5xOIpf
in his position.1201Please respect copyright.PENANANe0wMg14Bq
Why is that? Can you tell me?
Lyla shakes her head. Drew turns his head away from her. HE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdVmaio5zyN
looks back with an angry face. \
DREW (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1mKfjNACbP
(darkly)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGdAmugBzAz
You will answer child! Why is my1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9Jy3VnluCb
brother so interest in you? Is he1201Please respect copyright.PENANAlbH5GOZ078
in love with you? Has he pegged you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFKzDLVHw5T
for his other?
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfQQZpREZyL
DREW1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUAqgUXLLTC
(laughs)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjG0VMW8vze
I thought that. You're not quite on1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJOyTlGtu6Z
par with Caroline. Now that was a1201Please respect copyright.PENANACC1VYhta1n
woman.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfKd362ymke
So there is something else. Can you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAY6LSoATKXl
tell me?
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZlIA2WaBGe
DREW1201Please respect copyright.PENANAp8wZghwkXv
Oh but I know you know something.
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVqmSnnAahM
Look... I don't know why the1201Please respect copyright.PENANADkM1Dd2g7R
Captain has taken an interest in1201Please respect copyright.PENANA13KOhTfVqO
me. If you want to know... go look1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkUwcsv4o0y
out of his mirror.
DREW1201Please respect copyright.PENANAgh6ySPj75M
That is a bit more difficult than1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5gaBLtURzG
you might believe Ambassador. Very1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtXgjxTLifT
well, I believe you. You have shown1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3iacCTaeLD
no signs of lying to me... plus, I1201Please respect copyright.PENANAH6LJddWtGu
simply know. You are as baffled as1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJGV2YZ3flf
I. But I warn you Lyla, I will get1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcfH2hla2o8
to you eventually.
Drew laughs slightly and fades out of the mirror. Lyla slumps1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7xRoxQT335
into her knees and cries. She looks up in anger and smashes1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbz0OyERkxU
the mirror with her brush.
Carter bursts into the room with a security team. He points1201Please respect copyright.PENANA952yvvFaBF
his weapons around and looks at the crying girl.
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANA25KKlOFYdI
Are you alright?
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZ7fiiDa1fi
I'm fine. Leave... just leave.
CARTER1201Please respect copyright.PENANAr9JTZCPkmR
You don't look fine.
Lyla looks up and shakes. Carter holds her in his arms.
CARTER (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANADwZu7P55e3
What happened?
LYLA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAN2qNCbKTpx
I just need to go to bed. Help1201Please respect copyright.PENANAs4xMR753XT
Carter nods to the security team. They leave. Carter guides1201Please respect copyright.PENANAeCrUByCTXD
her to her bed. She sits on it and looks at him.
LYLA (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyaiDK6KIMY
Find your sister.
Carter opens his mouth about to say something. Lyla holds her1201Please respect copyright.PENANAV6GaivQoAa
hand up and he stops. She lies her head on the pillow and1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQ3QHCuLDiR
looks ahead. Carter sighs. He then leaves the quarters.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAxDrwFX9PQL
Ian, Derek, and Abigail sit in a far corner to the right of1201Please respect copyright.PENANALgOqxRo8HM
the bar. They each have drinks at their table.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAB4wdyzXUbk
Ever wonder what the captain really1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzej1f3mxML
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAhvMcSe8xbt
About what Ian?
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXzhK8uJrIZ
Everything. He acts like he knows1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzghePtv5wn
everything there is to know about1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIAzoCskkQA
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXnYbzHDmzK
Perhaps because he has picked up a1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkj3EbBWnmg
book and actually read it?
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQ18y5R4m8v
Hey, starships don't come with1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaiGuEwIvK1
manuals. That's not normal.
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAH5a6FUKBdL
Shouldn't that tell you something1201Please respect copyright.PENANArhY4vwMClB
about the ship? She has a load of1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXIfQQSYjiY
secrets in her that no one can see1201Please respect copyright.PENANAR0Eyx0yAxK
on their own.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAstJAICk74o
Hmm... I made a mistake. I can1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6KJouxuzsl
assure you I will read it.
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAj9Xn6TDCr4
You better or we'll have one angry1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaAZV6ucciX
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnQpHNxvdjD
What made him choose me anyhow?
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3qB1BO8z4
Who knows.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIeWHt9AM4y
Why did he choose any of us?
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANA0uPszXmcYN
That is a good question. I'm not1201Please respect copyright.PENANAio7o2HEDrH
the best pilot in StarFleet.
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAiUSUejYJ0C
My father got me this commission.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAE1epqTixjC
But then again... he didn't even1201Please respect copyright.PENANArVj9QU5v0N
try to fight it.
T'Lara walks by. Ian grabs her arm and she turns to him with1201Please respect copyright.PENANAk3R3Yxx60S
a raised eyebrow.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAPoUud2ssiY
Hey... I hate to bother you, but...1201Please respect copyright.PENANAYN4VRXYSzA
we kind of stumbled over something.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAO21gAPuWbQ
You know the captain better than1201Please respect copyright.PENANABNHZcalGtL
any of us. Why did he choose us as1201Please respect copyright.PENANAz12DCujIFY
his Chiefs?
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANANEv0HEiSFH
Well, I personally do not know.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAR5D1RKROnA
Logic leads to all answers however.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAiMQcVMh1D3
Think hard about your interviews1201Please respect copyright.PENANADq2ycj0W3D
and perhaps you will find out why1201Please respect copyright.PENANAhvkTXTrGaP
he had done so.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUQ9yt0NNdw
You were interviewed?
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqChTTfKdNY
No, why would he? I've known him1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1PT2n6obRd
all my life, literally, or rather1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfenoqgRn6d
he has known me. I have nothing to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAj4oNKZfelQ
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAAJQEQoytp9
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmlbnIRlSd6
Excuse me but I must be going.
T'Lara walks to the bar. Ian watches. She grabs supplies from1201Please respect copyright.PENANA03E8g6E2Vl
the bar and leaves the lounge. Ian turns back the group.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7EYI5JnB1W
Well... let's use "logic".
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVLHgqWjtfy
You first Ian.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwf30bYVI8g
Let's see... I think it went1201Please respect copyright.PENANARxkb783YUV
something like this...
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWASYgg3Ri1
Dante sits in the chair looking ahead with an irked1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2EmvCJxtjs
expression. The door opens quickly and Ian walks in. He sits1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1iobCAJOIs
in the seat set for him. Dante looks him up and down.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6hx1Sj0dJB
Your name Lieutenant.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANATYSHQBk1Yk
Lieutenant Ian Hoyt sir.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAywhu5ebF9l
Hmm. Interesting. You felt the need1201Please respect copyright.PENANArSWzm3dYvo
to state your rank to me. I didn't1201Please respect copyright.PENANAhu8IuUluYL
need it. Let's begin Mr. Hoyt.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfgtW9w4mvr
Yes sir.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2FwUNJx5c8
This is going to be short and1201Please respect copyright.PENANAd6bNMNaYNA
brief. I have a specific method of1201Please respect copyright.PENANApJHZqZjdH5
choosing all my crew.1201Please respect copyright.PENANANvGIpbGR0d
You, I have positioned in my1201Please respect copyright.PENANARUa16hSvK7
Tactical Seat... Chief Tactical1201Please respect copyright.PENANAB4jS1jWHpq
Officer.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtO59gAqBsc
Why do you think that you would fit1201Please respect copyright.PENANA28i1vKl8A4
that profile.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANADNxjQ6NOJB
Well sir, I have trained for such a1201Please respect copyright.PENANAylwhsHe4RK
position. I am combat ready at all1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXPDX75Mr8y
times, I'm fairly skilled in hand1201Please respect copyright.PENANABsHUHdkgBP
to-hand, and I've got a great eye1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIUeVneHzDJ
for shooting.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAl1tyEcymOh
I can learn ships weapon weakness1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9rUfZdJg4v
and strength with a little time.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANACkTEWtP21h
Yes... sure. You're lazy, blunt,1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcu0pB7IibK
irritating, and you graduated at1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVaQeGIvQeb
the bottom of your class. That is1201Please respect copyright.PENANA804FE7RJBd
unimpressive Mr. Hoyt.
Ian swallows. Dante raises his eyebrow at him, maintaining1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2qEQECanfU
his stoic look.
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAksQd5F2UDZ
I've ready something more1201Please respect copyright.PENANAeGoGnD1lui
interesting. Your psych profile is1201Please respect copyright.PENANAAgYuDlBT6u
interesting to me.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbYORfYNuMI
Your father was being killed in a1201Please respect copyright.PENANA95dcT5xMTo
Klingon pub. He could fight back.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6FSCJDWg3G
You took on three irate Klingons1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6NOns96KgT
and fought them for you old man...1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7Rdgy6MZAr
a foolish battle that almost got1201Please respect copyright.PENANAoJjIcz1Ypj
you killed.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAhxg0JFaTh9
Better yet, you knocked one of them1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9S2r1q34F
out! But, your father was killed1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdweLdfDWEl
for being an honorless dog. You1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQCSSHxAssx
escaped by the skin of your teeth.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4sdfRLKF0H
The profile states you think1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1kt0wUCS1E
yourself invincible and that makes1201Please respect copyright.PENANARZrsrx5LE0
you a danger to yourself.
Ian swallows again. Dante tilts his head to the left.
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAC8yenVguuB
I think I can work with you.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANA038McSHnl9
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANABcWXA4HOeq
I look beyond what people say and1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmZftCUYqSy
think. Plus, you'll only get1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJNwUUN60n4
yourself killed, not my crew and1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdIs6J2fnui
ship. Mr. Hoyt, you have the job.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGcZg9VrajS
(Sticks out hand) (Smiles)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAk7zFCDHwLJ
Thank you sir!
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA873mRnpVtK
Get out of my office Lieutenant.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAM6RUtZrny1
Send in the next one.
BACK TO PRESENT1201Please respect copyright.PENANASTESiGNmNL
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAt5bKzDV17W
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7u6PJJTePR
That's how I got my job. He told me1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnHBlCxaMhU
things and asked me only one1201Please respect copyright.PENANADfod1EU33m
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjDMYCzTXFx
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANARWQUyaFllT
And what about you commander?
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFrEF8ZXQpB
Well, he did interview me even1201Please respect copyright.PENANAw5cKG5qHIh
though I got the job. It was about1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7cqIk4saof
the same...
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAamHeQUvUcJ
The doors open. Abigail walks in slowly. Dante looks up from1201Please respect copyright.PENANAH5MUWyLobJ
the padd on his desk. He has a stoic look on his face. Kira1201Please respect copyright.PENANAiNwYbz0zee
sits on the couch looking at Abigail.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzdLcgtztRD
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANASwKtuOCVnq
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAOodx1TtVrP
Dismissed Ensign.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7wV1fduul4
Yes daddy... sir... sorry.
Kira gets up from the couch and leaves the ready room.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAAIcXaKmVhe
Abigail sits down in the chair.
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzBrjJLhdME
Sir, I don't think that an Ensign1201Please respect copyright.PENANAipdzat1AjY
should be in your office when you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAgx8TnHSs3r
are reading important documents.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANANdJ23a3oOx
Let's me and you get one thing1201Please respect copyright.PENANAsHohlavjM0
ironed out. I do what I want on my1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUE2RmwcJVh
ship. Suggestions are welcomed,1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGdWwTOg7Qh
unless I don't want them.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAS9mTgIzu8M
The matter of Kira Brassen and1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5Pq3eXQQtg
T'Lara are my decision. If they are1201Please respect copyright.PENANAReZO8lvKWW
around me, then it is because they1201Please respect copyright.PENANAxaOjipsACp
have my permission. You may raise1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfzghCAcqQO
question of the others but not1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGujIg142GV
them. Are we clear?
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAItGCfwVOX6
Yes sir.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmSFE9LXq44
Good. One question, why do you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAD7c4uPDtrF
think that you fit the role as1201Please respect copyright.PENANAB8C1qv4Nry
first officer?
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7lm9vMGX34
I come from a long line of leaders1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3Klwte2KST
sir. I have demonstrated my1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4nosqnldUE
leadership skills in the Academy on1201Please respect copyright.PENANAljadfZOQWO
more than one occasion.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3dw52HwxvC
I have a record of my leadership.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9kpIlghXaA
There are over 125 occurrences when1201Please respect copyright.PENANAo9KsLiQwKe
I was placed as head on missions1201Please respect copyright.PENANAf9ZZDHa349
and enactments.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAlDYQXq3sgm
And you think it is in your blood?1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjW6dziCKHr
No. Let's see, why do I think you1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4XDbFpCJNV
can be a leader when I'm not here?
Dante picks up he padd. He taps on it a few times. He looks1201Please respect copyright.PENANATjx3QIh7GH
up from it and at Abigail who swallows.
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAYU2jsE4ea2
You, Abigail Dayton, have done1201Please respect copyright.PENANA15xLUPLGUS
something to impress me.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5TUvNdVoFF
It says here that you were given1201Please respect copyright.PENANABI6sXyYLUF
the Hiroshima Test.
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAxhkZPr7bKZ
Yes sir.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6g5yBB9mYE
It is named after the radiation1201Please respect copyright.PENANAiXgEkUN8a3
that destroyed Hiroshima. You gave1201Please respect copyright.PENANAY1pu8gktiA
an officer the order to go our into1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFGzEM7fYXh
the field of Hiroshima and get the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJ7OReNxgET
power back on to the base almost1201Please respect copyright.PENANA0dfspuhjGJ
150 miles away.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAN6e6dmwyfM
You knew he would not come back.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmqYXtL4yc0
Why? Why did you do it?
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVUjzdVmR8r
Because I knew someone had to. I1201Please respect copyright.PENANAPbrLNJRYVQ
was leader, and I am ready to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdoyUwz6Chg
sacrifice myself should the need1201Please respect copyright.PENANAddEZ3PsSvz
arise, but the leader is the head1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkHj6nN5kB4
of the body. I was still needed at1201Please respect copyright.PENANApmXRetueVA
the base to lead the fight coming.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAL8x7eD77SC
I sent who I thought could best1201Please respect copyright.PENANAH1vzQChWxo
complete the mission.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIg0zV6jBv3
You sent them to their death! Yes,1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQXdERInqkD
say it, say you sent them to their1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtx3GVZwcMO
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9tMx6MCqrH
Sir... I can't say that.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAlFWtNemv8l
Oh, yes I know. You have this1201Please respect copyright.PENANASL7JikOV6b
Perfection profile on you. You1201Please respect copyright.PENANAH73M7IXAwe
strive to be something impossible,1201Please respect copyright.PENANALzKP5RnMfv
which makes you weak and conceited.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzZHHFZZnFo
Your profile says that you lean to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAOjyO2VRTeZ
the more inhuman side of emotion,1201Please respect copyright.PENANAhFowQvl9Um
where you place yourself above all1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFnvuPFchBu
else. Fascinating. I think you will1201Please respect copyright.PENANAb5JGRAw8q5
learn the job well.
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqe9yNZsf0m
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAe3dPjwvtzk
Dismissed and send my daughter back1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQJH4LWes3I
Abigail leaves the ready room.
BACK TO PRESENT1201Please respect copyright.PENANAo7W5ZgLKI2
1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8cXNs86kMp
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAPaFCqXePcJ
He called you conceited and then1201Please respect copyright.PENANAgFIFKBkBCB
tells you you're perfect for the1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6SUlmagiaG
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7bVQXX3Nfq
I honestly do not understand the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAhEKIp74xJ8
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMkr6bHJQTR
Perhaps there is nothing to1201Please respect copyright.PENANALxO0v027XV
understand. Perhaps there is a1201Please respect copyright.PENANAciaLbrYaCM
reason for everything right in1201Please respect copyright.PENANAESAyLTtHxr
front of us.
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAx7bxQCoNXW
In your head maybe Derek.
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAy2WBGCNIDd
Well what about you?
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANArgRSTMtwzv
(Sighs)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQK64AbpYFE
I guess so.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAquR4hg700P
A hand appears in Dante's office. Derek walks into the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAxUOe7ZOBe3
office. He turns back and nods to the hand. The hand1201Please respect copyright.PENANAYnKqpeyo9h
withdraws and Derek sits down.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5c9GGGFTEM
Did I say that you could sit?
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAU9uzLgfKy6
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7Cu74AzjQv
You're fine Lieutenant. Remain1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmkgfopYrj0
Derek looks at Kira sitting there beside her father. She1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmji3pafIiO
holds a padd in hand.
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAiEiwKQh3nH
Sir... um...
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5DIrr7bWR0
You can speak freely at these1201Please respect copyright.PENANAvwcO3nfOlG
meetings lieutenant. You are not on1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaa264AY2TC
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7boLcG59CV
Well... I just... you... um...
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAD4haq70THl
(smiles)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAY1h3KU6ygZ
These things are supposed to be1201Please respect copyright.PENANAD7QBc8kr9t
private right?
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwepHhBhcjJ
Uh... well...
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA53o5n5J9xj
Well, yours isn't. There have been1201Please respect copyright.PENANASY4V7XOvRr
four people before you that have1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9fS3b9mam1
not complained once of her being1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnmKJ4hrKA9
here. This Ensign was invited.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAh3pdNOeAIh
So... I'm going to ask you one1201Please respect copyright.PENANAvqWSJ7GUO9
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZdvENjhB0S
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAF6U4hN0eOO
Why do you think that you qualify1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3BQkp2WKIB
for being my pilot?
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKSDRGIikbD
Um... well... I guess... uh...
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANArSkNdQ2vRZ
(taunting smile)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAvWQeN9HomS
Is there a problem Lieutenant?
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6duvp5ovy3
Well... um...
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyJTuNFoQdg
(Firm)1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8hERHSK8Pv
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwmUjvQ1IhH
I'm a pilot?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGOS5hIHfCi
Are you sure you're a pilot? Are1201Please respect copyright.PENANAptnPnpviWB
you sure you're even a man?
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAH1qffTwvvz
Yes... I am... um... sir.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAE2GuLls2UT
(unimpressed)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUZZixnhJ3L
Yes... you're so manly. Ensign,1201Please respect copyright.PENANAH9J4XGO2GW
right this down.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAT7A6Bg1ri9
Got it down already.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8OUHcaYLaa
Well, I've seen your record. You've1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyaQuLh4YOA
made good grades but nothing1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3VFngxQ2Kk
impressive. You're not a go-getter1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwCZLrfFEJw
son. Why?
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAasXA5qQbzf
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAOEyAJ0fs01
Oh, you don't have to talk. You see1201Please respect copyright.PENANAxdmSf6b32e
I know more about you than you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAgKAsdOC3ln
realize. Your psych profile speaks1201Please respect copyright.PENANAL1ssiqXD1o
volumes.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAteiAzeEWKC
It says that you have the persona1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcpWyMDZrpl
of a person that never go's for1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFI427GdY1u
anything and henceforth is squashed1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkZMMbA5XUf
for it.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtJEUt9WqrJ
Now why would that be? Well, a1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUMh58FfHJ8
little digging and I found that1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWfI6bZBLZj
your mother was abusive to you!1201Please respect copyright.PENANAx3mVXL7nnK
Imagine that.
Derek looks away. He does not look up.
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmJpwi6Zbok
It was stated that she was recorded1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQGKMgJFYcW
saying things like "You will be1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdirT2qXL0S
nothing." "You disgust me." "If I1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2usQ5BdLDe
had the choice between rocks and1201Please respect copyright.PENANATCHSPPRIAY
you, I would choose rocks." That is1201Please respect copyright.PENANAy9BnsjvrOm
some of things she said.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9DxRnLbPwS
Must have made you think am I1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1uGpTnfkG
really that worthless. Are you?
Derek does not look up. Kira calms her smile and looks at her1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMJtEcsIIfH
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwCMua7wyox
Anyhow... I think you would make a1201Please respect copyright.PENANAp3w8BWVAWv
good pilot on my ship.
Derek looks up surprised. Kira then gives a warm smile. Dante1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6zg9u5sVTW
keeps his stoic look.
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAvsnt3rzskz
Get out of here.
Derek runs out. Kira looks at her father.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAPAaHh5xnfm
I think you made him pee his pants.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAlDdXVhE7K4
(smiles)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZupvLVXAgB
You always manage to get me to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVVcmLn1qfR
smile Lonadi...
BACK TO PRESENT1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3iKmY8o3dL
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKUanUa3J24
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKdy9JSAadQ
There is a pattern there.
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAW5OolD0Q2V
He chose things from our psych1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4CfBTw8pDe
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqXj3E7Y7Ke
Is he allowed to do that?
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4vyPN2lnhW
DEREK1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4HU2FQErCP
He has placed us in our positions1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtLeTpyEDyj
despite the fact that each of us1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMWMFagRnIC
has truly bad qualities that would1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9DbVcfdkR8
put us at the bottom of the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkDO6TSlOpu
requesting list and yet here we are1201Please respect copyright.PENANAORjg84Ycfa
on a flagship.
ABIGAIL1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJCyMO8qUlx
Wonder what he sees?
IAN1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1rM7wrhS7S
Who knows.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANApKV7QL5XDQ
Kira stands at the center of a large plaza. She looks up with1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnr1ishodZd
an amazed expression. She stares at the spiraling buildings1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIuDKsbhYmc
that reach into the sky.
A hand touches her shoulder. She turns to the Prime Minister.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6O5aO5NwAX
He points his hand towards a building that also reaches into1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKeMCMAwDv9
the sky.
She begins to walk and stops. She tilts her head as a strange1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbuoVCFhTp4
warbling sound is made.
KIRA'S POV- She sees everything in purple. She sees a woman1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2rRBcta9xA
running towards her. It is Caroline Brassen and she passes1201Please respect copyright.PENANADxuteqqCEQ
right through Kira. Kira turns to Caroline and sees her being1201Please respect copyright.PENANAosRXLc2L2c
chased by the Prime Minister.
Kira starts running after Caroline. The Prime Minister looks1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzSdH18cBo2
at her running and chases her. The Purple energy Caroline1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7n2ue6oHjq
rushes into the market. Kira passes through the market.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdCZ1pEOV9d
Caroline leaps over a cart. The purple energy Prime Minister1201Please respect copyright.PENANAV2WYADUmjO
catches up to her.
Caroline pushes hard and speeds up. Kira continues to follow.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAiqyLAT4TmH
Caroline then slides into an alley. Kira slides into the1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8a5uyKbrVa
alley also. The real Prime Minister passes by and stops. He1201Please respect copyright.PENANAp8kYjcoQcU
turns around and runs into the alley.
Caroline leaps on a wall. She pushes off and jumps on another1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtV9EGMRbjZ
wall and climbs to the top this way. Kira leaps to the top of1201Please respect copyright.PENANAucpwTCK8UE
the building with ease.
Caroline runs on top of the building and Kira follows. She1201Please respect copyright.PENANAvsyjaTqB9N
looks back and the purple energy Prime Minister leaps on the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAvnyxuq5Gl3
building. She dashes forward and leaps from building to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAHkpUv5whtm
building. Kira follows suit. The real Prime Minister jumps on1201Please respect copyright.PENANAj7H9gosqih
the edge of the building and chases after Kira.
Caroline stops and looks back. She drops into an alley. Kira1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXcWJJbr1K3
leaps down into the alley after her. She sees Caroline almost1201Please respect copyright.PENANAky8cWQiI16
grabbed by the Prime Minister.
Caroline runs and slides under a large vehicle. Kira stops in1201Please respect copyright.PENANAk597usYdjr
her tracks and waits a moment. She slides under the vehicle1201Please respect copyright.PENANAADkfpK2YMx
also and looks back. The real and energy prime minister stood1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWdtX5EFne0
there waiting.
Kira chased after Caroline to the edge of the city. Kira1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnUJVrNhrlx
stops and sees Caroline standing a short distance away.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZxGUdVpNih
Caroline turns back to the energy Prime Minister and real1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKBuKlsgwSQ
Prime Minister. There is a flash of technicolor and a faded1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3cEaR7al1N
color version of Caroline can be seen. She smiles and is1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2OO5fdY79l
transported away.
KIRA'S POV- The faded view of everything stops. She sees1201Please respect copyright.PENANAj8mFexjj4T
everything in HD vision once again.
Kira looks to her grandfather. He has tears in his eyes as1201Please respect copyright.PENANAx0Lmhlua3n
his eyes dart around the area.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAAgaBb5rCUZ
This is the same route your mother1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9hXZXDMYRf
took to get away from. How did you1201Please respect copyright.PENANACTSEouHcOP
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANA0QM67ca1eY
I don't know.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAOevd0RYiqv
(wipes eyes)1201Please respect copyright.PENANARLccYKD5Pe
Come with me.
Kira looks for a few moments more. She then follows the Prime1201Please respect copyright.PENANAteKJSVzrzK
Minister back into the city.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAH3ZUNYkW8D
T'Lara looks in a mirror and let's her hair down all the way.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8I9FzbXpsB
She brushes it and then backs away from the mirror. She sits1201Please respect copyright.PENANAj109avUrOw
on the floor and lights candles surrounding her.
She grabs liquids and starts to pour them into a vial. She1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUycz1EGYxI
mixes the few liquids together. She looks at her hand shaking1201Please respect copyright.PENANAuzAnEagJ7H
and feels her tears coming from her eyes.
She shakes the vial faster. She blinks a few times.
T'LARA'S POV- She is looking at the ceiling with blurred1201Please respect copyright.PENANAp0rlQuUe6D
vision. Her hand comes over her face with blood on it. She1201Please respect copyright.PENANACKEDiPnscD
looks at her other hand with a knife in hand.
T'Lara rises up and tosses the knife to the side. She looks1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKDpVLIIEpu
at her arm and sees it bleeding. She taps on her combadge.
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQ9h6MnQg4L
This is ensign T'lara to sickbay.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7mWF9YG3l7
There is a medical emergency.
The doctor enters into her room and finds her on the floor1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWGEM46ntvW
holding her arm. He bends down to her.
DEINTIN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcSbvpQVVGl
(stares at knife)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdXSPHdoltZ
What happened here?
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANArAWgpPXarF
I cut myself doctor.
DEINTIN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtUTmdODVgF
Have you been crying?
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcmbHVK0L73
Deitin looks at her shaking arm. T'Lara swallows and Deintin1201Please respect copyright.PENANATQMKkxE1vf
squints at her.
DEINTIN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAruwn86tLFX
What's going on here T'Lara? Is1201Please respect copyright.PENANA81iRqPhXJH
there something wrong?
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANANwZCjaomD9
There's nothing wrong doctor. Just1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIeRPaoHHlo
patch my arm up.
DEINTIN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMISdVGeRJz
Now I know you're lying? Are you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVqujuHwaK4
suffering from a mental breakdown?
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAo29IF2Fsgv
DEINTIN1201Please respect copyright.PENANApXAsqdJBS2
I think you are. You're crying for1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtZWZquYflE
no reason and cutting yourself. I'm1201Please respect copyright.PENANAxZyLG0bNVI
going to get the Federation on call1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtTLyFyZ98R
to pick you up.
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAogKTafWdIo
That will not be necessary Doctor.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfAWOQ2g8ej
Ask the captain. Just fix my arm.
Deintin takes out his tools. He patches her arm up. He gets1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqWVvbdEsu8
up and looks at the liquids that she had with her.
DEINTIN1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVDBrOh11Hp
What's all this for?
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANA0iUvXeHvCg
It's a personal matter. If you'll1201Please respect copyright.PENANAEAh3aHMCtP
excuse me?
Deitin gathers his tools and walks out. She walks to her1201Please respect copyright.PENANADT1GNoLA7y
bathroom with the final mix of the vial. She pours it in the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAl85X0mGkA3
tub and gets in.
A pinkish cloud of smoke rises and she breathes the cloud in.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAOithTUlWvL
She sinks into the water and stares straight ahead.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaBeXHOhMWA
T'Lara kicks her legs back and forth on the table. Dante1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnVgRTP4ptQ
patches the cut on her stomach. Kira looks at little T'Lara1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7o1xODAxbK
from below.
Dante takes Thesara into another room. T'Lara sits on the1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5OetgLGNHb
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAp9eIN7JbJh
I'm no doctor but I know brains.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqBzB9QxzRv
Hers... it's... wrong for a Vulcan.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3rfTPSgu78
What did you do?
THESARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5ujnyHesF
Things we shouldn't have. I can't1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcacYAxW1Un
really go into details. Those were1201Please respect copyright.PENANAvvLOhAlVEf
foggy times Dante.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFRDZlz3sn3
Well, she's imbalanced on a large1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIV1E9Q4q79
scale.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFwbbuVDjfu
She seems to retain the ability to1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2kYVAN13TZ
contain her emotions but, then the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAgp7BaGeTYv
brain corrodes the chemicals with1201Please respect copyright.PENANAuRvSkO8zDn
an unknown agent in her brain1201Please respect copyright.PENANActn6qqoorv
material. It builds itself back up1201Please respect copyright.PENANAsglSVjNleX
but when it breaks down she'll...1201Please respect copyright.PENANAayX8ggjZcM
She'll be out of control till it1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2q0wQWqMKQ
builds itself back up and the older1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaImyDD15en
she gets the longer it'll take.
THESARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcmyIG8S0yS
What can be done?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAI1EhJxsVMM
Nothing. She'll be emotional for1201Please respect copyright.PENANAR2E4UBMqVp
the rest of her life... well more1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcYgS32eL0z
so than a normal Vulcan.
THESARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAvb4KOxWEyI
Anything to help?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAv6CG2cXn7x
(sighs)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQGwHdlOjP3
I think I can come up with1201Please respect copyright.PENANAiW8qd6jZ6S
something that can help her. I'm1201Please respect copyright.PENANAuTLEUMfMs2
going to need a few things.
Dante swirls a mix for T'Lara and pours it in the bath water.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4NC6cAh65H
He looks at her with a smile.
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbn4lzOz6tC
You take this bath and you'll feel1201Please respect copyright.PENANAh9fuA8MH0W
better in no time.
Dante leaves the bathroom. Thesara helps her child into the1201Please respect copyright.PENANASkv1VaEPk9
bath and bathes her.
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcRgKkjpMGo
Am I alright mama?
THESARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwEAGGXqbYa
You're more than alright... you're1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5V3QbfrOGv
perfect just the way you are1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKg5Bip2QT2
T'Lara. Remember what your name1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6Pq8SYCLwf
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAepS3p8kCG4
THESARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAxrY2WJFPAw
That is what you are. Don't ever1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVcnnxy1Brp
think different of yourself my1201Please respect copyright.PENANAgZJrJiewha
BACK TO PRESENT1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbmmLqo2gn8
T'Lara stops staring into space when her combadge rings. She1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQpj99m49vr
walks to her desk wrapped in a towel and picks it up.
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANATzr4Mkuj2o
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAPi5eXmRAVN
Are you alright?
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMJX0OI6U2j
I'm fine sir. I've taken my1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5lxrjiOxec
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdNc7vkIpBk
Are you alright T'Lara. There are a1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6NOcJwdtCW
lot of ways to be fine. How are you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAoR9kQVp7lk
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwYPhv0r2VT
(breathes in)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAt6gju1N1Nk
Angry sir. I am angry at my father.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9Rz4xMBSx6
Well... just be honest with1201Please respect copyright.PENANAeInK8J0gAA
yourself and it will past. Remember1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXcSCdDRoNH
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7ryZllZv2C
Yes sir.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXfHCkbVujz
Rest. If you need anything tell the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXco3W0StD9
doctor. I will be planet side for a1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7zOKFbMtZq
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAuU7vLUFFsD
The doctor does not understand what1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5yTsTZ4K3O
is going on sir.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtqxeof2lAn
I've told him what he needs to1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3BGZYczzN1
know. He will do whatever you ask.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJw9VHgqweo
That is the beauty of being Captain1201Please respect copyright.PENANAI98cIxShKs
and friends with certain people.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbnh7mpQTNz
You call he answers. Take care of1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMVLPrxhOyy
T'LARA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGrLnDy1uRN
I will sir.
T'Lara places the combadge down on the desk. She walks back1201Please respect copyright.PENANApBdeVipU8w
into the bathroom and pulls the plug and lets the water1201Please respect copyright.PENANAU1VYPuYuC6
T'LARA's POV- She sees Satar in the water laughing at her.
T'Lara's eyebrows curl into anger and she spins around. She1201Please respect copyright.PENANAoMlETDK0lo
walks back into her bedroom...
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqIET7BzhOf
Dante is beamed into the home as the Prime Minister and Kira1201Please respect copyright.PENANAx6F8cLNZya
enter. He holds in his hands some food. The Prime Minister1201Please respect copyright.PENANAp0HebS30H8
gives Dante a scowling face.
Welcome to your home Kira.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4vRXhWWCgi
My home?
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMnbIxR2Wjv
What is mine is yours child.1201Please respect copyright.PENANADYiGRv5Zdn
Everything you see here, your1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9QTcc0amuI
mother has touched been on... or1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbxuM4acen4
put in her mouth as babies do.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZ6xr1Uhdy2
Kira... You've had an episode1201Please respect copyright.PENANAeZKefCvs01
haven't you?
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANALcVtszevNW
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANASTspp7nZ4h
Oh, this is good. You've had your1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8QDs6cRVjD
first look into the past. You1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWy2eZnpyQd
abilities are growing.
What are you talking about?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8UAkj5bacH
Her. She's peered into the past.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkdUgkQq6K2
Metas can see into the past through1201Please respect copyright.PENANAj7SHc38OIb
the left over electromagnets1201Please respect copyright.PENANAPM1G1AOO06
remnants of thoughts. They decay1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVgEZz7MVdW
over the course of millions of1201Please respect copyright.PENANAsdaSuaOufQ
years.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9OMC8hZq5L
We can see as far back in the past1201Please respect copyright.PENANAlfM4VW5Kjw
as we want as long as there has1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcnRzDrZvGW
been a mind in the area that is1201Please respect copyright.PENANASBVz4lQBYU
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANABQHcC6PPGa
I can?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnrK0R6KIjf
Of course when you start out,1201Please respect copyright.PENANAntbXc3aHrh
usually you have no control over1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyqCRNzR4wg
what happens. What did see?
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwvi8fBwBpG
Dante closed his mouth and nods to her. He smiles.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJyIOnsQhZq
How did she look?
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAuZsqjsnK3w
Like tomboy.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJZ5OEnxQql
Just like you.
VESSA DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8xHhdeTlL6
Is that a familiar sound?
FAVOR ON- Vessa Doransy
Vessa smiles at Dante. She opens her arms and he walks in to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAo19TFSswhW
her and she hugs him. She pushes him back and looks at him.
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmvH2GwTqar
You've gotten old haven't you? It's1201Please respect copyright.PENANAEntZIMZMVI
a cover?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAAXbCAQnRYT
Yeah. People have to believe I look1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQfeYyRvsQn
this way.
Vessa sees Kira standing there. She opens her mouth and then1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqXFeJvjWFu
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyGVqGhIikH
This one looks like Caroline...1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFDPbbqiuSP
well she favors you more. Those1201Please respect copyright.PENANATeeWO9GkYt
eyes... full of rebel spirit.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQO41FbSlPa
This is Kira, all grown up.
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmueW5Z3GBt
Your beautiful. I haven't seen you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAeqxR7XCOEw
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAB8rDEI0WMN
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANARlxgtIWLVq
Oh. Well, it's been a long time but1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWPyFClU7Lj
I came out to see you when you were1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIpzyHFqyRl
a baby. It was the perfect excuse1201Please respect copyright.PENANAg67vb26LS4
to get away.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAAmMuWnYZLu
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAX7oujeKBsR
How long will you be here?
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7VSANOAMae
A few hours. We have to get back on1201Please respect copyright.PENANAb4ICCQFzEE
schedule, but I wanted her to meet1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjtBbWMgKSn
her grandparents.
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANArvcLxpiEBc
Oh. Well, we'll have to keep in1201Please respect copyright.PENANAPcePr4IfO2
contact Lonadi. Come, I'll show you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAv923691lOq
a few things of your mother's.
Kira looks to Dante. He nods to her and Vessa takes Kira's1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyrftUzq3wV
hand. They walk off towards the back rooms.
Dante and the Prime Minister look at each other with scowls.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAg6ZKWlO0Ju
They circle each other.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1Fat0lM0hW
Go ahead... say what's on your mind1201Please respect copyright.PENANAHx6jrrpSmZ
old man.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4FJnXz1R2h
You're nothing more than a1201Please respect copyright.PENANArJzQ9DDu4J
disgusting Nirvanain. You stole my1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqn0kNxbHrK
daughter away from me.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAj8J71KkDPO
I did nothing. You did it to1201Please respect copyright.PENANAMxcijcFZRc
yourself and pushed her away with1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtQO0kMGP21
all your restrictions.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8wd6QwnLjY
I protected her! I kept her safe. I1201Please respect copyright.PENANABvYctr30Wf
fed her, clothed her, gave her a1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaH1H0aMizQ
real home!1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbiIAo96rej
I did everything for that girl.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqAs5nl5QSP
What did you do but put her in1201Please respect copyright.PENANAW0F1o2hOE1
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7jHEJQqUUo
She chose that life.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANACzAml58Bmp
She died because of you. You were1201Please respect copyright.PENANAAhd2FeYMn1
supposed to protect her and you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmsyBb5d8eo
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANArXAqq2m7an
I live everyday with that same1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4nRCXYUE1e
thought in mind but at the end of1201Please respect copyright.PENANA49QpSzPYlk
the day I always know that it was1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyxervKPpRN
not my fault.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaZtvjmdqEj
She made a choice and she was1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmKCYEVsSZ4
killed for it old man. She said she1201Please respect copyright.PENANAyGnvJECD62
was protecting me but she wasn't...1201Please respect copyright.PENANAOEgLDk8jOj
she was protecting you and her1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjd78IFuqZX
mother. She was thinking about the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAHJNVJupzXG
universe.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzSPWhHcBF2
What would happen should they1201Please respect copyright.PENANABPEcKpIOTG
assimilate me? Answer me that old1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2K3i57yzdN
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmsjyrzdHOD
You kanth lo vie!
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANACJ4QzpOroQ
She was being selfless! She gave up1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQOW2Ka4IYQ
her life for the many. She hurt me1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGjwQWHjNVk
and you. She's not here so what is1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtJiMwYsQFx
the point of this pointless1201Please respect copyright.PENANARa0IvZQkm0
bickering and heated blood?
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkjWAnLzM7P
You took her from me. I asked one1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZQfyOmthMo
thing of you, to protect her and1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6fsKdm2hQI
you fail it. You failed at the one1201Please respect copyright.PENANADgh2WJ3S8Q
thing I asked of you. She was my1201Please respect copyright.PENANAntwSugLkAv
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZWAsqxg71y
She was more than that to me. She1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJOsMA3D9yc
was my soul... A part of me died1201Please respect copyright.PENANABhjaR1Jteh
when she died. Now all I live for1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKZTtIIfPwX
is my daughter. Get over it old1201Please respect copyright.PENANApvDsbxkmnn
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAovWgCQf2aB
The Prime minister pulls a blade and runs at Dante. Dante1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIR6MEpLaXu
yanks a blade from a sheath nearby and blocks.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAuTVZ508gcy
You die today... and I will take1201Please respect copyright.PENANAw0chD42HpK
your daughter and train her in all1201Please respect copyright.PENANAAKgD65HJnM
the ways of Cambria II! Then I will1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1lFD7GoROK
take you ship and use it as I see1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjJbPIB1Alk
fit and use your crew as nothing1201Please respect copyright.PENANANJGSsSM6Lz
more than mere slaves.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2DtTLZLSba
Stop! NOW! I beg you not to...
The Prime minister's blade swings. Dante blocks. Dante1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjYKaODI6qo
parry's. He strikes. The Prime minister blocks. They fight1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4X7tUY1aa
fiercely knocking furniture over.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANABJARQw5ETH
Kira walks around the large room waving her hands over1201Please respect copyright.PENANA7wq5hPU5HW
everything. She comes to the dresser. She opens it and there1201Please respect copyright.PENANAk93ycR8fzi
is nothing but boyish outfits in it. She pulls some out.
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAfWW134LD9x
Your mother was all girl but she1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIuoFpxm1JL
wanted to be one of the boys. She1201Please respect copyright.PENANAErcXv3k18s
was tough as nails.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQkx0xaizFC
She climbed trees, raced, arm1201Please respect copyright.PENANAvfvwScd17s
wrestled, at least when her father1201Please respect copyright.PENANARPVfZYWnTE
was no watching her every move.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbwSMe1IjsJ
He's like a hawk when it comes to1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6CE3UDtF6B
Kira made her way to the closet. She opens it to the most1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkKe6ttyif9
beautiful dresses. She takes out a black and gold one. She1201Please respect copyright.PENANA9qZ618Dbt4
smiles and rubs it.
VESSA (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAXhuwTo5iNk
That's what your mother took pride1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbttLKhR1L5
in, finding the best dresses in the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAlGJwkQotr2
world. Not all of them were made1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcO2cu2pTb1
with the hands of the famed. That1201Please respect copyright.PENANACygYI0yIrb
one was made by a girl younger than1201Please respect copyright.PENANAQhdl7EQ3Ne
her.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5sfRIJjAfs
This was the side of her that1201Please respect copyright.PENANAizUs5kgB6y
people rarely got to see in public.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAykJbIi8wzQ
She liked to put them on for no1201Please respect copyright.PENANARUDYxhY52N
reason in particular and prance1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkGGqg8AQIL
around the house like a walking1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJqw62Z1nwo
fashion show.
Kira placed the dress on the bed. She stepped over to the1201Please respect copyright.PENANATOF1ZJdl4X
dresser and started to look at all the make-up and perfumes.
VESSA (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAHwrJS1xjuI
You mother's collection of the1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5UFeMJUufR
finest make-up and perfumes. She1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGIPYAmUxqV
didn't use them all the time.
Kira then walks over and opens a door. In it were strange1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzvHBys75O9
VESSA (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqhp2U6lhxs
Those were the toys that she used1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqIV5wm0fOt
to play with. She was a wrecker1201Please respect copyright.PENANArPH07PLxeT
with those things.1201Please respect copyright.PENANACvkaDMkMi9
(laughs)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaF43rh2cUm
Those were the good days.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANArX436iK3TC
Daddy doesn't talk about mom much.
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAgBTMwSeJ9k
Why would he. A long time ago, when1201Please respect copyright.PENANAt8P12OkKRe
your mother was about 16, I knew1201Please respect copyright.PENANAzf73OyPBpg
she was something fierce. It'd take1201Please respect copyright.PENANAKOyNqyCHhA
someone especially special to win1201Please respect copyright.PENANAiCHB4Z6b6A
her.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwyxShCFHeY
She had suitors left and right but1201Please respect copyright.PENANAH20BXxrXgZ
none were good enough for her. Her1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjese9HBTmV
father was angry.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWB3UbSJ4tf
He seems angry all the time.
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcME0hxePyt
He is. Anyway, when you mother got1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGDSbQeTNY0
away, I hoped she would find1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkiD5Tz1sHd
someone. Well, it wasn't long1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqGh3IvOfUD
before your father was here on1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmxrasyxTCu
Cambria II.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA6PzkYH8n2V
When I saw him, I knew that he was1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVMuUaXd8Pd
just the person for my little girl.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUJfsCEEglc
She was just for him in return.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGU0OUGBhrI
Well... I don't know how my father1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGCbuF4uBIw
is doing. He's... cold.
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANALZSAbIAkGe
I can tell. He's not like he used1201Please respect copyright.PENANAT0inNJrAmX
to be. He was always dutiful but,1201Please respect copyright.PENANAtPqsCJqq52
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAqHC2NNz04C
Well, he's lonely, I can say that.
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUlnbngZbMf
Well, he'll find his light one day.1201Please respect copyright.PENANA1aW42xx0Jh
I have confidence in that.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAYchFO1tmMW
So, this is what I want. I want you1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwR7rZ2Jrpy
to take some of this stuff off my1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5vVhjOpNGX
hands. Their just going to get all1201Please respect copyright.PENANAIFknTmuCuK
dusty here.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANA0d0QkaUgMd
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAO0mSvntUya
Take what ever you like. You're1201Please respect copyright.PENANAnESeBKjQjq
almost the same size as your1201Please respect copyright.PENANAO29ipy0LS3
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAX0HPJ9ruWI
Thank you.
Kira starts sorting through things and throwing them on the1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4xlSnQrQhA
bed as she picked. Vessa takes out some paper and writes on1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbD3FltmqGt
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAsIMQWHvO5u
The Prime Minister stumbles back as Dante twirls his sword.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAE1Jt0PBRjU
He looks with anger in his eyes.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAhZxep5fCRE
Don't be a fool.
The Prime Minister charges and Dante swings. He slices the1201Please respect copyright.PENANAdZnBkCfJY7
Prime Minister's sword in half. The Prime Minister falls1201Please respect copyright.PENANAenrQO5vNik
forward. He turns towards Dante and finds a blade in his1201Please respect copyright.PENANAcoFP6R2qvY
DANTE (CONT'D)1201Please respect copyright.PENANAmQHfS8vHOX
I believe I've worn my welcome out1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUvjomwUUe7
here on Cambria II sir.
You Nirvanian scum bags.
Kira was standing in the hallway with the dresses behind her1201Please respect copyright.PENANAjL5F8RFdWB
on a device. She stares at the Prime Minister.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwgzZtSDP2T
Is that what you think of me?
The Prime Minister turns around shocked. Vessa stands there1201Please respect copyright.PENANANNcvQdFooH
with her arms crossed.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAkw8vtYs2eh
No. Not you.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAZZ2LwXfQuq
But that is what I am. The man my1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJxgTVrY49N
mother was running from is you. You1201Please respect copyright.PENANAGpsB0JXNgx
wonder why. Look in mirror.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAg2QrCsmdf9
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANA4V9pIfECMo
Don't call me that. I'm ready to1201Please respect copyright.PENANArsBHp77W0w
leave daddy. I've seen what I1201Please respect copyright.PENANA8s9tzvY37Q
Vessa places the paper in Kira's hand. She nods to her.
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWmHtmQ4QAj
Keep in contact child.
Kira hugs Vessa. Vessa kisses her on the forehead. She kisses1201Please respect copyright.PENANA5UwGfTZ1ft
Dante on the forehead too.
KIRA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaE7ZdCgH9c
Until you can get over your1201Please respect copyright.PENANApixBD1h06s
prejudice and set ways... don't1201Please respect copyright.PENANADqtQxTqGYn
call me, grandpa.
Kira throws her head and pulls the device behind her. Dante1201Please respect copyright.PENANA3RJXU1b7EZ
looks at the Prime Minister.
PRIME MINISTER DORANSY1201Please respect copyright.PENANAD7Ou7C5U5S
You've done it again! You've taken1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJSUrxK0GfG
what belongs to me!
VESSA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAwRq2j9UT46
Shush Archen Lopolli Arten Artsy1201Please respect copyright.PENANAlPVqwJRZyH
Doransy! You've done it to1201Please respect copyright.PENANA2WQOxjTPa9
yourself. Have good trip and thanks1201Please respect copyright.PENANAaY6RhEXZCY
for stopping by.
Dante taps on his combadge and he and Kira are beamed up.
1201Please respect copyright.PENANAUQgFGd1c4L
Dante walks into his quarters. He sighs and takes off his1201Please respect copyright.PENANACH5uCfYTim
uniform jacket and throws it on the bed. He opens the drawer1201Please respect copyright.PENANAf0ACsSQeq2
and pulls out his night outfit.
There is a ring. He turns to his console on the desk and1201Please respect copyright.PENANAbVW21zXN6F
walks to it. He taps on it.
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAFYnFRRg4jx
Emma. What's this for?1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVAKfXxh9BL
EMMA1201Please respect copyright.PENANAAyReUfDzYw
There's been an issue. Drew has1201Please respect copyright.PENANAWtcfT9D8w3
attacked Lyla...
DANTE1201Please respect copyright.PENANAVyJc5IrV9W
Oh boy.1201Please respect copyright.PENANAJFhnZAWpM6
1201Please respect copyright.PENANARhV7aYdVx3