LIAM NEESON: Dante Brassen1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2yxx2kr9uU
WILLA HOLLAND: Kira Brassen1295Please respect copyright.PENANAfeYxQOwDya
KSENIA SOLO: T'Lara1295Please respect copyright.PENANApBGWcu1SuN
BLAKE LIVELY: Abigail Dayton1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPTN0bC2GPl
JUSTIN HARTLEY: Ian Hoyt1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGsIgAcP3oF
ROBBIE AMELL: Derek Hall1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxMpqHevxDq
NOEL CLARKE: Terrell Samek1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPWalDwyfp7
KEVIN SPACEY: Satar1295Please respect copyright.PENANAacYg3ryQQD
MICHELLE MONAGHAN: Thesara1295Please respect copyright.PENANA90c0XnoOTd
Check the names out on IMDB or Google them for images! Thanks1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhJRtJAW8j6
1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2PqsahXrAj
EXT. SPACE VIEW1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvUsk07sZAe
Shots are taken of the USS Legacy giving a complete look1295Please respect copyright.PENANAx4FHcNKOxn
around of the ship.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMvCVnZqQAP
There are a few patrons talking, blocking the view of two1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiXzp53MhMO
important characters. Dante walks up and breaks them apart.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAR3yIOEZYj3
He has a seat at the bar with Derek and Ian.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAo8IPMmylj
Captain! I didn't know you came1295Please respect copyright.PENANAP8WyeMNzJR
here. Actually, I thought you never1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXzsZlCbmFV
came out of your quarters at all.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANA32ZrULaZg8
I run a tight ship Ian, but that1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqCvtOQ2oSx
does not mean that you have to call1295Please respect copyright.PENANAX2O4ezSkhk
me captain, when I am off duty.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3e1LpZrRrN
So what can we call you?
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjjreJN4LOr
Mr. Brassen. I don't particularly1295Please respect copyright.PENANADvzaDeAWQU
enjoy being called captain when I'm1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4rQxmuPW8M
getting a drink.
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9u63vmPbQt
So what brings the captain down for1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqa0DSFSrZs
a drink among his crew?
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYpBdP0rm6S
Hmm... I don't really know. We're1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxIQmS9Yl79
headed to Vulcan and there are1295Please respect copyright.PENANA6M7mDPKN8o
things there that I do know about1295Please respect copyright.PENANANfoC2nOprO
that you would both be quite1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqsDtELtYVQ
surprised about.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqM6YXf3vBt
(Leans in to Dante)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtS2Qe3lnqC
Like what Captain?
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVY7AlZWxmj
Well, it's not really any of your1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMB4EdhL0dZ
business. The matter is, I'm not1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsEBqQmcxpp
worried for myself but T'Lara.
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAI5ad9E14wK
Why captain? She seems to be one of1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmUM3UDVF2Y
the most calm and collected of the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgM3iCICjd4
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWALrtrXFUP
Huh. That's what you see but not1295Please respect copyright.PENANArKvDoKafjz
what I feel.
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAn6fTSqD3Mt
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAoINcd0wXQj
Nothing boys. Enjoy your drinks.
Dante is given his drink and he walks over to sit with Kira1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQauLkm24DG
and T'Lara.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKmVymRy5cE
Is it me or does he only hang out1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsz0yQVtlv9
with those two?
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzavc8Nm6mz
It would make sense Ian. He did1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxKGjpmckF5
raise them both.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAljnt5WvzY
Really? How do you know that he1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwWltu50r6C
raised T'Lara?
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5MijkN9Nza
The way that she acts around him.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4YQlnrQCaw
The way that he acts around her and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlo5lSmt4en
the fact that he is very protective1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyG39HwdqDk
of her as he is of his own1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAh1fPeNp82
daughter.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAy4qrXlQGAJ
T'Lara is his adopted child.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAf04AgxwBGa
Yeah...mister know it all. You1295Please respect copyright.PENANAuMZedy2npZ
don't know that.
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAidYIh1X6l9
I was merely making a point.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlEhUgdiiRw
Wah wah wah. Drink your drink1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9UoZPfxMJm
before you make me sick.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANADSzQU4p8aQ
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAc5qwFPi8kv
The Legacy drops out of warp and starts to orbit the planet.1295Please respect copyright.PENANALRHtTn3856
Two Vulcan shuttles fly at the ship.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgP4yUnjV3p
Abigail walks to the main screen. Dante sits in his chair and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlgQdgyRyVR
looks with interest.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANABBussndGfV
Show me you best diplomatic smile1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKSpFNVj4Of
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyPeohfhXsV
I was not good at diplomacy. I much1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIQi7e29egf
better at fist fights. I am quite1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUueAXHSPLg
the tomboy.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHex6w7b3lJ
Well, you can fight all the boys1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9kUOLwoia1
you want after this. Proceed and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsG80mSvs5N
please try not to make our ship1295Please respect copyright.PENANAF711rv7kg7
look bad.1295Please respect copyright.PENANANwUEgGkBUK
They don't need to know that we1295Please respect copyright.PENANADwAlYur92R
aren't professionals.
The crew snickers and Abigail smiles. She turns to the screen1295Please respect copyright.PENANADXV4yPNdWz
and wipes the smile off her face. There is a chime for their1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYekRne0P3X
being hailed.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZ419uZx9WP
We are being hailed Captain. It is1295Please respect copyright.PENANA0wqtOSU1QM
the VO'Keth.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANA563ViRDpP7
Patch it through. You have the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMFQ0UyJsf1
floor commander.
Abigail takes in a deep breath and lets it out. Satar comes1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7O3d0TVGnm
on the screen. T'Lara's face goes cold instantly. Her face1295Please respect copyright.PENANADXEwamBpq3
twitches and there is a slight frown on her face. Kira walks1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMCUaqqTPml
to her and holds her hand.
KIRA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKflbZ3OVV7
(Whispers)1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7a4EOYnLV6
You don't have to speak to him.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAD8tlJvnzsP
Just keep calm. Everything is going1295Please respect copyright.PENANADgWemKzgWR
to be fine.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUDNYtdO4zq
Everything is not fine Kira. I want1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlLoa5lUiJh
that man executed for the shame he1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGLp0GgPTFp
has brought on my mothers name and1295Please respect copyright.PENANABk2f0xi0j8
the horrors I had to deal with in1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3kmFPPpD55
my dreams.
KIRA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYqFVfT9qkV
You may want that but it is not the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAP06nPHCbsr
Vulcan way
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxI4zalcKw0
I do not feel like a Vulcan at the1295Please respect copyright.PENANArAmU5QWd88
moment and it seems like a very1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2MctSAvRz2
human thing to do. That makes it1295Please respect copyright.PENANAE3dtFGIB2K
worth it to me.
KIRA1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2sCoEDcbRb
Just keep your cool T'Lara. Hold it1295Please respect copyright.PENANARwn1CXEjD3
together like I know you can. I'll1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZ19hGwaw1K
do the mean mugging here. We don't1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtZJLbnT8Od
need him to have a reason to pick1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKpZy3hqJOR
your family out.
Satar's eyes fall on T'Lara. T'Lara's face straightens1295Please respect copyright.PENANAEpP2JY8xay
slightly. Kira looks at him darkly.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmeE2B0D1cl
I am Councillor Satar of Vulcan.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKicbMFw2Kd
I am Commander Abigail Dayton of1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVv1Lr4RNxC
the USS Legacy. We are glad to be1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPUInLCSfqt
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2DIFHDZniY
Well, matters are going badly.1295Please respect copyright.PENANADgAmv5cMJW
There are refugees that we have1295Please respect copyright.PENANASxby3Inc50
taken in that must be... man1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJgSCNZh9XH
handled as you would put it.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiO4WdwwHQ8
Normally we would deal with such1295Please respect copyright.PENANACHrFUCrY1n
matters, but the Vulcans had a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAEez0Xk3vGF
falling out with them long ago and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAz0q0JbeLLX
do not wish to cross that line once1295Please respect copyright.PENANAX7Z3PerYN6
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANA80t8AdljQa
That is understood. We understand1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMYwTkqNsYx
that their settlements are on the1295Please respect copyright.PENANA95FN54Io50
west hemisphere?
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVNGVamLe5l
It is. There is a large temporary1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVM3qKazDUH
settlement there. We thank the1295Please respect copyright.PENANASk0Bqi2DjJ
Federation for coming to take them1295Please respect copyright.PENANALtx3FFt4j3
to their new planet.1295Please respect copyright.PENANADAybGOZN3t
At the moment, we do not have any1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOOsVasqjz6
vessels we can spare.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAq37kWxQV5Z
The Federation does not mind1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmpcaZvWpEM
helping. We need to test the new1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyp4eRXD1zv
ship out anyway.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQe6krQcbaw
(Raises eyebrow)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKhn5O1NPgY
The Legacy is new?
Dante rolls his eyes. He gets up and places his hand on1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbp5e4aZKcT
Abigail's shoulder. She bites her lip and walks behind him.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPlznXYT8t2
He looks at Satar darkly.
SATAR (CONT'D)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAskvXkv1vJ6
Captain Brassen. It is logical that1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxVAvay0VwQ
you would receive a new vessel of1295Please respect copyright.PENANABWJb8UlKh6
the Federation.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZrlm0W1Q8u
It is honor to see you again1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPTTYOdPa21
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsAOixm9zdt
The honor is all mine Councillor.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAuUwmI5L5aL
We will be in and out if possible.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAoSgDCRIgnv
No, please, stay. The Vulcan1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAARCt3Dz0e
council would like to extend their1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhltEF5kaSU
hospitality to you. We invite all1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtQtJAYTKDr
you crew to visit as the please. We1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqhZiw6ll2O
have many historic places ready to1295Please respect copyright.PENANA68SFvFDWFt
be seen.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANALkrbSAKOpx
I think they might like that. We'll1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKKuhnUagPu
See if we can't find some time out1295Please respect copyright.PENANA473kRFdxly
of our schedule for that.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWExUhhOrCZ
I really must be getting back to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXr9MK0PpRv
work Captain. I will leave you to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhErzEavS5T
your work. Live long and Prosper.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAae3LHvloyA
Live long and prosper.
Communications were shut off quickly. Ian and Derek turned1295Please respect copyright.PENANAglkNh3xOs5
around and saw that T'Lara was red. She turned around and got1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyixu4KJz10
on the turbolift.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAPC9y2uOWU
May I be dismissed captain? I need1295Please respect copyright.PENANABmUoVhoU7N
to meditate.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAb6WMwcHJha
Dismissed Ensign. You're dismissed1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUO31tiQko4
also Ensign Brassen.
The crew on the bridge watch them leave. Dante looks around1295Please respect copyright.PENANANu8OrRTJMg
his bridge and widens his eyes.
DANTE (CONT'D)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAC6pn8iBkx8
That didn't mean stop working. Mind1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzbpb4DJrJo
your own business.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7qYl7df2lM
Dante enters her quarters. She sits on her couch with tears1295Please respect copyright.PENANA8Md1K0eJ8d
in her eyes. Dante places his hand on her shoulder.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAc8U1orbbi3
I have been around humans for far1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAhXlrR0TEG
too long. I am displaying human1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgbOXYypei6
emotions. I truly do need to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyr3Q4W4yyc
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAj138a2qcmG
Cry. I know some Vulcans who do1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQcdLnSimZO
cry, in private. Bottling up ones1295Please respect copyright.PENANAl5P9bOvjvd
emotions can take their toll on a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyKVj7wpGHF
person T'Lara.1295Please respect copyright.PENANABdipZW2fsP
There is no shame in admitting that1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsiKIJXvwym
you need to release yourself at1295Please respect copyright.PENANALWndLhtjem
times. I'm letting you get away1295Please respect copyright.PENANAh5JgmWmRlt
with this one because I know the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYBpneQw8q2
circumstances behind it.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAw2YzBE1ogg
You are to kind captain.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFgXjR2cmGq
I'm not kind, I'm understanding.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA6s3ACW9VtS
Remember what I have in the old1295Please respect copyright.PENANAeOU7hE2Tzh
noggin floating around. Take as1295Please respect copyright.PENANAG87HhaQvR0
much time as you need T'Lara. I'll1295Please respect copyright.PENANAleGDaYlOcg
have a substitute take your place.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANARwgwxcvzQ8
Sir, it is my duty to..
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyxp9Jy4aHr
Nonsense. It is my duty to make1295Please respect copyright.PENANACEoR8QmYn5
sure that my crew is in working1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2UlzGGFuCZ
order and if you aren't, what good1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOdlgTayTAJ
are you to me? Rest.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbVgYMccpZ8
Besides, Kira knows your job inside1295Please respect copyright.PENANAd8dcE9JkLs
and out. That's what she is here1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjNd7H7qREF
for in the first place right?
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAthleeDkGcd
She's not going to stay on the1295Please respect copyright.PENANATZuwILVWpv
bridge, you do realize?
Dante chuckles and exits the room. T'Lara gets up and starts1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlQnAOzMyAl
picking up her candles to begin her meditation.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMqvJXxSVx0
Dante returns to the bridge. He looks around the bridge and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnR9GcdaGd4
gives his attention to Abigail.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3UsrXdAjJv
Where is my daughter?
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHsZbLlUbuf
She left. I'm guessing she went to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAc46YeXDmxp
go see if T'Lara is okay.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAb6tavEKuOM
(Sighs) Verily... I would like to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsP3yZUrW5y
speak to the temporary colonist1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9Ism7JVP4n
before I start "man-handling" them1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzy8Ngt3Ukb
as Satar suggested.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGRSYTo2qRq
We have made contact with them.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzyksm3eXBH
They have sent transport1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZCECRrQ1rw
coordinates to us.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAuxSJxdmvbZ
Very well. I'm headed to another1295Please respect copyright.PENANATigmzYz0pl
portion of the planet. Abigail, you1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzg52mrUqaE
of course take point on this1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIPd38mb2wu
mission...hmmm, take Derek1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtSQIVcS9qp
annnnndddd, um, Ian! Yes, that1295Please respect copyright.PENANASpBK9TPhk4
sounds sound. If they are indeed1295Please respect copyright.PENANAejra3lSED5
hostile, Ian here can rough them up1295Please respect copyright.PENANARe77vCg6cu
a bit.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqcfo4SpAsJ
I'll try not to sir.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAw1laya59BR
Thank you. I do not want to be the1295Please respect copyright.PENANATPbRgA2UZr
embarrassment of the Federation.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzXll2p3czc
The group of three leaves the bridge. Dante stays there and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAleszlQDRSU
looks ahead while fiddling with the controls on his chair.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhWWjXY5pZW
Abigail, Ian, and Derek beam down to the location. The look1295Please respect copyright.PENANAj6P6ZJy9iv
around at the beautiful red plains in sight. A young1295Please respect copyright.PENANAznYySpYyym
gentleman dressed in red, but what was once white approaches1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3MaQFRMIbl
TYKONITH SORSAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANALgCMWMHZ6X
Welcome to Vulcan friends! We have1295Please respect copyright.PENANASmxt0yNkXz
been long expecting you to come! I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAn4Nd8LRh09
am Tykonith Sorsan.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGqeusiAZZP
I am the first officer of the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAp3CpM26Y7c
starship Legacy. My name is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjbHbffhKBc
Commander Abigail Dayton. This is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAshUgcXbSw4
Lieutenant Derek Hall and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAr5LNOMTmmt
Lieutenant Ian Hoyt.
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxJD2z60j9j
It is a pleasure to be in your1295Please respect copyright.PENANAuDw0lWsoQx
presence commander. We are a small1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1OZM9Fcv4z
race, perhaps one you have never1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHwO84uyEM8
heard of, the Yules.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAybWJdPCp2A
We are a people who prefer1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7qfkXMjzU5
simplicity over warp technology.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAX8SkZzCld7
No we have not. It is a pleasure to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAuSjivnj7mq
come across new races. Believe it1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGaW4vhIXPM
or not, but we have encountered a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIjx9ltEfiN
number of species who have turned1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvqmiYT6LAV
their backs to technology, but we1295Please respect copyright.PENANARcfrjYzit0
enjoy learning from them all the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxNMlDc7uAD
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwTy7l6nkC7
Excellent Commander. Come this way.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaSI9c6fWDr
We would like to feed you before we1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiTvV0KaPKS
begin talking.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANArXn1YVRiTf
Um, just to let you know, I'm1295Please respect copyright.PENANApztlmZsspG
allergic to a number of things.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGkUjYBZvow
I'll have to scan...
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANArXiKWFvZv0
Do not worry. The old dishes we1295Please respect copyright.PENANADEFcpIkyUl
prepare are for ourselves.1295Please respect copyright.PENANATxVF8ZwMfk
Since we have heard that your1295Please respect copyright.PENANAU7cUrb68LE
people are very familiar with1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQA4JWmQ3co
vulcan dishes, we've made those. Is1295Please respect copyright.PENANATQN0RfSY5G
that fine according to your nature?
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANASo3QsQo9LO
Sure. I'm not allergic to Vulcan1295Please respect copyright.PENANATydPcTlHwB
dishes at all.
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0dh4PpzrU
He's allergic to anything with1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZrt1Y29N3m
earth or earthlike seasonings other1295Please respect copyright.PENANARteZ39VQ6D
than Salt, pepper, and garlic. So1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKWPLbxWHDB
make sure that nothing is like1295Please respect copyright.PENANADYG7gFY14U
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWFgT8ekSLj
No need to be telling everyone1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3SyCkyk2yi
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUt8iu85afJ
Of course, if you would take your1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqoXv1272wX
medication you would not have1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmY1fbkHFfC
complications as you always do.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANA097aIBoTYU
Bah. Come on and let's get1295Please respect copyright.PENANAm8iQXe3ZNT
something to eat, I'm starving.
They are led into the small settlement. Tykonith takes the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAj0iicYjbEN
lead and Abigail is behind him with the lieutenants, slightly1295Please respect copyright.PENANAULZ1bq78v0
back behind her.
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxdsBNFWKOE
We have not named our little1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKk2BYDq1E5
settlement, but we enjoy it here.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOKcJF2PmRX
It is such a shame that we have to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAstnKxLewR0
leave Vulcan.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxmrY5j4KM5
It's very...liveable...
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3yksnGyvFV, accommodating.
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWefKtoAeco
We are not a people that needs a1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5xEheRC9JV
great many things. We love what we1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKPOjgUZaKh
have and cherish it.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAADVOIBHYBT
What we believe most races have1295Please respect copyright.PENANAC2Di6R7tFn
forgotten is the value of family.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzKoZGiNg1D
We cherish that treasure most of1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKEVRlNCbRx
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7DXvqoTDVe
(Sniffs air) Smells like an ancient1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnRFUYtiETH
commodity called gasoline.
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7gJS9WcjsD
Oh yes! We use it to power our1295Please respect copyright.PENANAi04GGPmPVl
machines, what few we have. Because1295Please respect copyright.PENANAz5k4wGgEgg
of it's polluting affects, the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMljRrfqsYc
Vulcans have placed a barrier1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUYbaM5b5Sz
around the settlement that filters1295Please respect copyright.PENANAm2oQ8xjkjY
the pollutants and cleans the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhOnRY7wb38
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANArYVDXk3NnF
So why use it at all?
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANA6608rL1prL
We are a people that are self1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyx6fnL61El
reliant but will accept help when1295Please respect copyright.PENANAErS4XlBhgS
given. However, when we ask, it1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnNt4ovr3cS
means we are in desperate need.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjVqGQJjxKJ
We needed power and the Vulcan's1295Please respect copyright.PENANArr2PezflwJ
refused to supply it to us. So we1295Please respect copyright.PENANAq4dLSwddbr
have had to turn to an alternative.
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAeX5SXHWEr0
The Vulcan's refused to help?
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOgnZEar1gY
Well, not all of them. They have1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsW01Szv6CI
shown us much generosity as it is,1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2BBzxB3Wht
but they have refused because of1295Please respect copyright.PENANAuNylAke7yj
one soul.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtLdaDcMR4w
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvLqYy4YXdN
A Vulcan Male...I think his name is1295Please respect copyright.PENANABcc0AIEYc6
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAO1bdnALNu5
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANADbCrSrhwiy
Yes! That is his name! Very good.1295Please respect copyright.PENANALlbDCde2L5
He has convinced the council it be1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWX8zpyy0MU
best not to interfere with our1295Please respect copyright.PENANAilFOLRYPUu
affairs any more.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdt4GkTJ9Rd
Their kindness stopped with his1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGsfQ1x6nUB
word. Since then, things have been1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtXrToZp8kK
a little hard but tolerable1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmABe4E5HKX
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlM5kl3FzRB
You don't want to leave this planet1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAddAxLEJlo
do you?
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1pNAKs8fJh
No we do not. We have come to love1295Please respect copyright.PENANARRoomrrMQa
the red desert that stretches over1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPNvsJ6N2pW
the planet's circumference. There1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXcIORtyMme
is no place as beautiful as this1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqHib32CnI5
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAchAExKlbdt
(Mumbles) In the eye of the1295Please respect copyright.PENANALkPAjU7LsE
Derek shoves Ian in his side with his elbow. They enter a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAubCYuaRCXK
large home. People were inside sorting things out for the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhqlXt0hUsp
arrival of their guests.
Derek, Ian, and Abigail have their seats at their respective1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnV4KqMhWkN
positions according to the customs. Tykonith starts passing1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYewp6vtNMb
around the food.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtBjjCOunAW
Dante, Kira, and T'Lara beam to the surface of the planet.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQswACaErnh
There was a single home before them. They all approached the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZRCeT9ilfs
Dante knocked three times. The door opened showing the view1295Please respect copyright.PENANAC3fs97fJ0l
of a youthful and beautiful woman.
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANArIEBmDNOiW
Captain, Kira, my daughter.
They entered the home. Thesara took her daughter to another1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXxpTg8uQiq
room in privacy. T'Lara sat on her old bed and seemed to fall1295Please respect copyright.PENANANTYJmLHaMJ
into old memories, but quickly controlled the facial muscles.
THESARA (CONT'D)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjXId2HgG7u
It is good to see you my daughter.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAX9CRbV8vnP
And you mother.
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMSoYRrkHX0
We are in private my daughter. I1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2pzVDkdhQH
can feel you anxiousness. I can1295Please respect copyright.PENANApNSKnP6oj8
sense your emotions coming to rise.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9Bj9U8ERzV
You may...
T'Lara showed the crack of smile and it took over. She jumped1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWJpmvLtddt
on her mother and hugged her tightly. Thesara hugged her back1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaSSv0UgyFy
but with only the hint of a smile.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJ0X3MEzCv4
I have missed you mother.
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgy3WMK48Sa
As I of you child. It was necessary1295Please respect copyright.PENANAftkmD3UJ0G
to send you to earth my child, to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmYRAeSHaqY
be with those of your fragile and1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3vXwx9EsQD
odd nature.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzcPSGQZI4T
I have received you letters of how1295Please respect copyright.PENANAebZ1hV8dIQ
you have finally entered the vast1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzbXIJLKmTF
ocean of blackness and stars.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAul1GmFuGir
Child, I wish you not to hide1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7teTwCcXyM
yourself from me. I sense duty and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAtLYrcqfXs
obligation in your writings, not1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtAyXhvNeci
the emotional nature of yourself.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxEJxBYlGgU
I have to be careful mother.
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWa3HWeFsGX
Not around me. Remember how you1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXom82RYvqm
were conceived and what nature you1295Please respect copyright.PENANA0GWkqDBDsm
were born with. It is not a curse.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9Erm85h6Li
You will hurt yourself if you don't1295Please respect copyright.PENANA8Byq3HOydb
let loose at times my daughter.
Thesara rises up and helped her daughter up. She looks at the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQNKgLfsVYj
picture on the wall.
THESARA (CONT'D)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHzJsRCau7h
There was once a time when my1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2O2AacSoRH
daughter allowed her beautiful1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPv0Fvcak4P
emotions to run free as seen on1295Please respect copyright.PENANAo9gKkHIOFF
this picture.1295Please respect copyright.PENANALJzy8VJ9ZP
What happened to my child?
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANA34yfqRxikE
Life mother. (Begins to return to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHZiCZL9OKV
her Vulcan Stature)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAkzpYF5Dejs
What has changed since I have been1295Please respect copyright.PENANAq3bAD7jq2J
gone mother?
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtdqbOwMILA
Much. However, the most notable of1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgZjyAyGkFg
it all is your father, Satar. He1295Please respect copyright.PENANAn4zX81pVpn
has risen to higher power than even1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7NQ7OOKxcI
he imagined and he uses it all to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAEGFgtZGYnw
cover up some grand scheme.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANARROfKbVY8h
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAK4ikdyTjMl
I believe him to working on1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaWxFT0GiH9
something that of a vile nature.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5W385qZsNI
Vile nature? Are we sure that he is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxqPbfyvhp3
not a Romulan in disguise?
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2JmMO4omhN
He is Vulcan my child. His heart is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAID7v3lb8AP
not even close to Romulan's1295Please respect copyright.PENANAu7Fv536fhJ
either. At least they bear some1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOrf2c7nJIv
honor in their ways.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyhf207t88W
Satar is truly evil in nature and1295Please respect copyright.PENANALnNePlUdV1
perhaps has been all his life. He's1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaJw9tHJ7Xg
been all his life.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHoTByZLWfC
Can we stop him?
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMWxbaFwvPa
No, I don't believe so. He is far1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJLSALWZYcI
to high in power and his1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlhPt8y3XA0
connections are deep.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnwG550oZ6x
Come child, let us not keep our1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUHGtkyOKf6
guest wondering.
They both return to the living room. It was decorated in a...1295Please respect copyright.PENANACDmazC2EgE
logical manner, to use the space wisely.
THESARA (CONT'D)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdinvEJg2b5
My, my, how you have grown Kira.
Kira gets up with a smile and hugs Thesara. She backs up and1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1VQZYzpv5l
sits back down. Dante gets up and gives her the customary1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgt82gM1wiH
Vulcan greeting.
THESARA (CONT'D)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqMrtxQTVX5
T'Lara has told me much about your1295Please respect copyright.PENANABUthP3LEUK
missions of late. The one that1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxhDBJiygYq
captured my attention was her1295Please respect copyright.PENANASxAXhDGgYc
experience as Cleopatra. From what1295Please respect copyright.PENANA71kUqVr9Pe
I here, she was an old Earth1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlqobHOaY17
myth... and truth.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHo20lTiayC
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAT6TKu4z8vj
Something on your mind Captain?
KIRA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYVwoUJlyI4
Is it Satar? I think it is Satar?1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdEzg9zqRKQ
I'm right aren't I daddy?
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANA92Fw6C5nd2
It's not polite to communicate1295Please respect copyright.PENANAS8Ay6fUdjS
telepathically with others around1295Please respect copyright.PENANAfF4iNl3LCn
unless necessary. If you have1295Please respect copyright.PENANAeqiCFewChh
something to say, say our loud.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVVFIL82qdw
Yes, it is about Satar. I saw him1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXaxjL1CZZH
on my ship, and it seemed... no,1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9firnBya9Z
much rather, I felt that he was1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZVQr6dZAyb
rather confident.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAEEAoZXgmPM
It caused me to think that he is in1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHR9rw1OJMi
a position of immense power.
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhOlBGATcPE
You would not be wrong in your1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPtCXAiVvQ1
thoughts Captain. You do have the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAR2iXeFnGr1
logical mind of a human.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAi7PsTrqTjb
What is he up to you think?
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANALvzmFNlDK3
You find him untrustworthy do you?1295Please respect copyright.PENANACX8IK4cF9g
A wise course of action after what1295Please respect copyright.PENANAasR1yvFehc
he has done to me but certainly not1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsGrneAx7cC
a good reason to not trust a man.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhUlkzB81zT
It's not logic, it's a gut feeling1295Please respect copyright.PENANA84tGxIRhdV
KIRA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAInfzf7NMLB
Dad's not usually wrong about1295Please respect copyright.PENANAw5vxGb0ppY
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANATCu3oo9ykC
No... dare I say he is not. I will1295Please respect copyright.PENANAx0cIBCm0LZ
show you what I have but only to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJL0vcIit0x
you. These two will have to remain1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbyu8hfrtkV
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGK1E0L2G5Y
You have your orders you two. Don't1295Please respect copyright.PENANAcY1a9BmaKb
move from this very room. I don't1295Please respect copyright.PENANAi0gt0WyxA0
want you two to stir up any trouble1295Please respect copyright.PENANAP92m64R67A
KIRA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAu2t6njFVOu
(Mischievously) Alright daddy ...1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQEi6xvDu8g
we won't.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVpD9I94LAw
They were in the home of Tykonith Abigail, Derek, and Ian,1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7G2by3zCjE
finishing their meal.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAG082KyK0F9
So why are you leaving?
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvy1IX1e9E3
We do not have a choice in the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiszrlg4k7t
matter anyhow! It is not our world.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPhOcl4feVy
Then there is the fact Vulcan lug1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjQejh1w5eI
head is convincing everyone that we1295Please respect copyright.PENANASr1nkbTjBh
need to be considered as off1295Please respect copyright.PENANAROxJUN6lNn
worlders and thrown off as such.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtccha02X7c
Who exactly?
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAH6QgCdIygk
Don't you know? Satar. He's the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPsSu8bJbz6
most dangerous person I know. Any1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2HQQOeJJRO
person fool enough to associate1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiRXbSEburL
with him will become as black1295Please respect copyright.PENANAj27LFCAsXU
hearted as he.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9Wq2ttk5Ox
You're telling me that a Vulcan is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxZXyESEt6R
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAh7YNegGeDh
Things aren't always as they seem1295Please respect copyright.PENANAK38CQqYpxi
Lieutenant. Sometimes you must look1295Please respect copyright.PENANANpe9uEbGxr
past a guise to see the truth.
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVNLgDiC4Nl
It is difficult to believe that a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbivSwPafGt
Vulcan can be considered evil.
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFbYxj9Dw3d
Well that is what he is. My1295Please respect copyright.PENANARgXgnVrW9L
informants assure me that he is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiWbF1Ist3p
Vulcan and not Romulan or some1295Please respect copyright.PENANAydTef2vEoX
shape-shifter.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjFDCn3f9zE
He's simply a man in power. With1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwqVGP8DNVM
his kind of power, he can do1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZmUT5wGC3P
whatever he wants.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9r4vrhRSLL
The council is he's do to with as1295Please respect copyright.PENANAkh1y8uKGMG
he pleases. They are his puppets.
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKY1TwdDkUR
Correct. He can direct any matter1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPcWS7BHikb
as he sees fit. There is something1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZaMrcik0qZ
that I feel though.
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGaP5VkjFMc
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMFS67ED2kP
I don't think that he is directing1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgQgupEd9S2
matters completely. I think it is a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsypooC2rgb
sick pleasure really. I think there1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwJmVgyFYFd
is another behind this.
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwIPX7jzqPA
It is possible that this is true.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYQGN0Wk1ll
It is not unknown for someone in a1295Please respect copyright.PENANA83APBJBI3W
position of power to actually have1295Please respect copyright.PENANAopW8xpRZuK
another telling him what to do.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQcLeoA4sL3
Right. Well, maybe we can talk to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAoqGNeUEtLM
the council and get them to let you1295Please respect copyright.PENANAK3yR1bomtt
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAy9jqxZLToj
No matter how we feel about staying1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhZMFTRM1fR
here, we can't. We do not feel safe1295Please respect copyright.PENANARD0H2oXStX
as long as he is in power.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAt2d6dZCAXk
We'd rather leave than suffer his1295Please respect copyright.PENANARBPLuiMx9e
subtle oppression.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJKMlUXdkpe
We understand.
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5y1rceFBcI
I will prepare my people. We do not1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxbxHjh6JN7
have much and can be ready to leave1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIOeB9XlRxT
by tomorrow. I will get you places1295Please respect copyright.PENANAN5qDFhBFd6
to rest now.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAw8a61dHbh3
Thank you Tykonith. You hospitality1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2UoBTwLwLd
is much appreciated by us.
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjN9eGQpkr9
Do not fret over it. The Federation1295Please respect copyright.PENANAm65wbarsb4
does us a great favor by coming to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAivi57OIoVF
help us in our time of need1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVgXVXEVqhT
Tykonith leaves them to themselves. Ian looks at his1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7hP19FQj4H
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAoucYd15ZjU
I don't like this Satar business.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwzJXp0QbHZ
Something isn't right with this1295Please respect copyright.PENANADorIPnJsAz
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsJE5EZrl1H
T'Lara was not particularly happy1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmCn6hl0kCR
to see his face.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7bbTIA5cQm
Neither was the captain and Kira.1295Please respect copyright.PENANARQUDcMOUeT
They know him personally I assume.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3k802JMWbO
What can we do about it though?
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAn33K2nFXMs
Nothing. We can only sit and wait.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiaY6EMOy9m
We need to get these people of this1295Please respect copyright.PENANALulbdFKHTq
world and that is what we are going1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwcuy00MyW4
to do.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVgoI5zsGXK
We can't pretend to have power we1295Please respect copyright.PENANAakPxaE7JGt
do not have. Generally, I'd agree1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnRgmd51j16
that keeping them here is a good1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQsGmmXssqL
idea.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA86kRXcVI9X
But in light of the fears and1295Please respect copyright.PENANARAeZt41xIN
attitudes towards Satar, I think1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7RIf5EXaJ1
anyone getting of this planet has a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiqpCdsDEDs
better chance out there in the1295Please respect copyright.PENANABtQWgUzy99
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANApgfS2VmBXV
A great poet, Jack Flannigan, once1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsRw9NgKGK5
said "The stars only mask a fear...1295Please respect copyright.PENANA0BGTfPw6OD
the fear of universal connection.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFYCHvK62LS
A place to hide exists no longer.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAI68y7R7ZzA
Only the darkest pits of exile and1295Please respect copyright.PENANATMfmuRqIpf
pain are left out of the light."1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZMTE5VMnak
No matter where we go... the galaxy1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKInkQNEXCk
is getting to be a smaller place to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAoWUxR7LAlO
hide anywhere.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAx1hbwIU8If
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjcokOFezK1
I have rooms for you ready. Come1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYaWfLYPoAx
with me.
They all rise to their feet and straighten their uniforms and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbV2vbV9VPj
follow him.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlRPqW13Zoh
Ambassador Koren stares out of the porthole. The stars streak1295Please respect copyright.PENANAedsfIxwfPi
by slowly. A hand falls on her shoulder and she looks around.
Captain Kim gives her a slight smile. He circles her and1295Please respect copyright.PENANADCdHnklASv
takes up the seat by her. He looks out of the porthole too.
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwuvDiuZERp
That's some drink you have there1295Please respect copyright.PENANA06X3xtwlCP
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXeO3QPCapM
I'm sure it is Captain. I wish it1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOQ5J6r8KLG
were true alcohol. I could really1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgPxwwcDxz7
use some right about now to get my1295Please respect copyright.PENANAb9GnXVAfkA
head to swirling.
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7OtLKoNl7Y
Why do you say that?
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJNYJRuo67Z
Right now, I'm not in the best mood1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVEuqVbWtme
for clarity.
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9jKJtjv65C
Something happen on the Desani1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPeegTpvyUl
Capital ship?
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANANnJU4qabgv
A lot of things happened on that1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvFM8IADNk9
ship sir. To be frank, I wish that1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsJwcJNcCfA
I never went on that mission.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYVHa5144Ni
I was not made for these things.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4GIIzK6npR
(Sighs)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbjr0i1toNg
But when you have an opportunity to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyzE0HbZpw9
test out your skills with a people1295Please respect copyright.PENANAt9MGmbsu8l
that are supposedly hard to bargain1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMs7Ex0AQhF
with, you take it when it is in1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyKKnlc0sHx
your field.
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJtiOPtJ5X1
Right. I remember those days when I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAV5NLpeIP4W
was just an ensign. I was one of1295Please respect copyright.PENANAL6LqJb6J0o
those prep boys, just out of the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQy1vGELbyy
academy, fresh and new.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnTOv4nrbTP
For years, I didn't advance1295Please respect copyright.PENANAswZGbYbH3l
anywhere. I was the kid that sat1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjzmlnWFTBr
behind my console.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9m4Dzisg5y
When I didn't, horrible things1295Please respect copyright.PENANADaeXa9Ut9i
happened to me. Those things1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5PLQoTNIvD
though, were what I signed up for.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2ptVDQbYmG
StarFleet is nothing but the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhgKL4TyXVt
unknowable.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiVb8Q70he2
We are out here daily risking our1295Please respect copyright.PENANA0CgAuzdiVt
lives against forces we truly don't1295Please respect copyright.PENANApZFvNFrpTf
understand.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAExDbE314MF
We have only scratched the surface1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3QRPK3bzR
when it comes to knowledge. So many1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnQuudD0JfC
vessels have come across1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlRtAL8SKoU
unexplained features of this dark1295Please respect copyright.PENANASAnnfx2mf7
expanse.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7IRMwKgt86
I'm out here right now, trying to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKSlQWv0fTq
find them... well get you to your1295Please respect copyright.PENANAp3cZw3gB8b
rendezvous first. (Chuckles)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAeQ8swoNZO1
But you know something? I was an1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZt1FqZcDSl
ensign even after I came back for a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOq99vI58Av
short while. I didn't make myself1295Please respect copyright.PENANA8BTpx6u2Zq
an invaluable part of the crew I1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1pKQmB7nhC
was on. Voyager was amazing no1295Please respect copyright.PENANADkZCOT7Iio
doubt, but I didn't make myself1295Please respect copyright.PENANAr2tsX9M6Cm
just stick out.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMkhwTBqDm4
Taking risks shows the Federation1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnz2w6uTNkk
that you are useful. So I grab that1295Please respect copyright.PENANA88RQFoU0UZ
coat of bold and put it on and look1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXaSeUVEt68
where I am today.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHBX59uECqT
A Captain of a science vessel?
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANA69LpRlTJmh
(Laughs)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnJm0rF0K59
You got me there Ambassador. Still,1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUrBVCdSI0y
I'm somewhere I never thought I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAR1OGi8atxR
would be! I'm a captain. I think it1295Please respect copyright.PENANATCpJ79YM82
is good that you took the chance1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIuV7lsS1oQ
and made the leap to go on this1295Please respect copyright.PENANAc3dHtgKQZB
mission, one you didn't1295Please respect copyright.PENANAuJQSLS22I6
particularly want.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVVRPRUCVpf
I wanted it. Now I don't want it1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPFWGltWHCU
but I made the commitment. It's so1295Please respect copyright.PENANAF3oq5g804V
hard to be the daughter of two1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMoyfgRw2PA
famous people of the Federation and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzB88RlMrBv
try not to disappoint anyone.
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANAt8esg1I4nO
I know. You should do all things1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyqzkjOUWDY
for yourself though. It's important1295Please respect copyright.PENANAeHSD8USdIl
to make sure that you're happy1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVIBMpPRj8w
before you start making a decision1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhjqcoTrvSl
that would make someone else happy1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzv1cACBDW7
and you miserable.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANADM7OjOymAi
I became an Ambassador because this1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGw4ecj1Pyh
is what I wanted to do.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2Vi46JSe1m
I want to meet with all the races1295Please respect copyright.PENANAY3Jhel2Ca7
and be a part of the unity of the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAcYbJ094pRX
galaxy.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAf3H7SwW8DK
I wanted to be the person who could1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqlw83ODZvS
say in her old age, I got the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbJC8N7JAbd
Romulans to join the Federation! I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAds1CcAen1e
got the Yules to a population of 801295Please respect copyright.PENANArGnF2LQwpq
Million in 60 years! I want to do1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhg9DiaSrxk
those sort to of things.
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqUcKgyufpH
What changed?
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwax80yhi0K
Nothing changed. I still want to do1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3TkxsaguVX
those things. It doesn't matter1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaQE7ZxLrgN
anyhow Captain.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQ74vaN01MM
The job is mine and I'm going to do1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbEiyldsSqH
it right if it is the last thing I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVJGwCKsAPP
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANASBEW0k0yeK
Something tells me that the Desani1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYoR8nQGcmV
weren't exactly the only ones to1295Please respect copyright.PENANABO4uqr1sqt
blame for you looking our of a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAs0zUvITKgZ
porthole when you could be flirting1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPyk4y0dVAZ
with the men on my ship.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAj3wKbh61AI
Ha, ha. I guess so. I really don't1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiqlvocKTv0
think I should talk about it. I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIhm1VY2ZYZ
don't want to talk about it. It's1295Please respect copyright.PENANAI3rlUgTqRL
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9QyNd0rKAH
No. Believe me, everything you say1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5GgMmlFTqd
to me stays with me. I am one of1295Please respect copyright.PENANAchY2rsGQgF
the greatest secret holders in1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXTo920k0Zd
history.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvCbsaLqRUS
I have a lot of facts about Voyager1295Please respect copyright.PENANAEgm8Z6DJOD
locked up in this old noggin of1295Please respect copyright.PENANATUDQmGCAY5
mine that no one knows but the crew1295Please respect copyright.PENANAx00vlu8Ihr
and I.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAe3z0on6sxZ
I'm sure that is so.
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANAfMFehjWthG
Come on. Go on.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANA8PFCa3RGAC
(Sighs) (Leans In and whispers)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAChfP1RcxcE
On the Desani vessel, I had an1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlng3d3zRyM
unpleasant encounter with Admiral1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1nX6PFgIpu
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyLultg7HZP
That's it? Everyone does. Plus, I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlxAnhZnHkQ
am sure that you're not the first1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5G33WwF13a
woman that hit on.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAinMGsl8hlY
No. He didn't hit on me. He was1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgIJKpYHgxx
abrasive and controlling. I found1295Please respect copyright.PENANAC6g98Wg9Pd
out things about him that the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGZMikS8ptS
Federation knows but continues to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFfVvM6tCFC
ignore.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXKMQgYPHIT
The man is a pyschopath with some1295Please respect copyright.PENANA22hhnEkd1k
sort of mental powers.
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdLsooi2gEQ
Mental abilities?
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2cjawSnvlY
Telekinesis for one. I think that1295Please respect copyright.PENANATyvUNJhWyI
he has telepathy to. But that is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAitL93YCIxI
besides the point.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwtHM5dkX7p
The man has no problem murdering1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMULk8z5E7Q
someone else. He also acts as if he1295Please respect copyright.PENANATRI4eIdrTC
can control everyone and1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1Jv4afCa9q
everything. He has no idea of1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvqYP3LviGy
sympathy or love. He only knows1295Please respect copyright.PENANASywNsQPccE
that he wants what he wants and he1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdOxZ5CMK8f
can get it because he is bad to the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAfweQ8KDMey
bone... so to speak.
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjdFuXprJGX
I've known him for a while. I know1295Please respect copyright.PENANA0Lk4VkCPRJ
he is abrasive but that does not1295Please respect copyright.PENANAybIvMCnUv9
sound like him to me. He can't1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdCIIkwWuIJ
control every situation.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzpTYg325Zq
I think he can and he does. He's1295Please respect copyright.PENANACiRXFAMUj0
powerful in the Federation and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjbf0YGj9WT
influential. He threatened me! How1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQcE10ipG8a
is that not a sign that he needs to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOzzc0wAFmH
be knocked down a step or two and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWmKdlOmubT
put back into perspective.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4qd156lABc
He's to dangerous to be kept in1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIXyk3bTVfM
power as he is.
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIaWDjfk39A
It may seem that way. I know with1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHztxtnMK7F
my heart he'd never do such a1295Please respect copyright.PENANASgTPqB1zsQ
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaj8rlbfkHF
Huh... I don't know why I am really1295Please respect copyright.PENANAoXUZ3vbWZX
talking to you. He could have just1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiw0LOMypl6
as easily brain washed you like any1295Please respect copyright.PENANAllraiTIVTJ
other.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAclbgu0o9AK
(Chuckles)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAx9X4OKW46G
Believe what you want about the man1295Please respect copyright.PENANAo8xTRpWI4Y
but he is evil to the core and you1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJf0jpvcEpR
just can't se it. You will one day1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQQRdD8dv1j
though. All will see his true1295Please respect copyright.PENANAR8SMnCT4QA
CAPTAIN KIM1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZPL64mx88w
I'm sorry that you feel that way.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAq9oM21QGgs
Drink's one me by the way.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1mqVRpVCqk
Funny... real funny.
Captain leaves her to look out the porthole. He walks out the1295Please respect copyright.PENANASu20LSkEHT
recreation room. Ambassador Koren places her hand on a padd.
AMBASSADOR KOREN (V.O.)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHOzpyENPU5
Dear diary, today I just told the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQdyQyD8xzN
captain what I believed and he1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9fW9hELx6D
thought me a fool for it.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYA4Kd6w1ZC
I can't say that I blame him. I am1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKPOL87kaGL
accusing a highly decorated Admiral1295Please respect copyright.PENANAN5fPBPnH46
of being vile. Not only that but1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXVPnzqbhu2
his family name itself is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUQ0klR9Q0J
decorated, right down to his baby1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJziV3g4AxK
brother.1295Please respect copyright.PENANACSNQwBYIkg
The forces are against me. That1295Please respect copyright.PENANAge3P3HFAen
does not mean I won't stop1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlzprNUekKG
searching for the true motivation1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHbfun5fM4N
behind Admiral Brassen. I will find1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUrMweZrjas
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMSQRVOwB2D
Ambassador Koren walks into her quarters. She undoes her hair1295Please respect copyright.PENANALDxutOiJ8R
and glides across the floor towards the bathroom. She starts1295Please respect copyright.PENANAj3W86pcYTx
the shower and there is a chime.
She sighs and spins around to answer it. She walks to the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJWLB3qK48Y
door and it opens. Standing there was Carter.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAq4RYLuUYgg
Carter? What are you doing here? I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGEKAIqHUpg
thought that you were...
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9W6kTemqQK
I know what you thought. I think1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtx1zncFXku
that you are in danger Ambassador.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUgpJoKWYQH
You think?
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJHxNdRItON
I'm not trying to freak you out or1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjUx1fEb8sm
anything but Admiral Brassen must1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2DHTRq404W
not be toyed with. I think that1295Please respect copyright.PENANASPOjcf2pA6
he's targeting you.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmr4WT8kfjy
No kidding. He did make a threat1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtt9gbwq1Ws
against me earlier. I took him1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1NkavYa9wK
seriously of course, after watching1295Please respect copyright.PENANA52dV8uSNAM
him kill a DeSani with one back1295Please respect copyright.PENANANSPEza81JV
hand strike.
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOyZY3OGtG9
So he has shown no fear of1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYcVr5vRGYd
revealing his abilities to you did1295Please respect copyright.PENANASYDNn7z5TM
he? Makes sense. He doesn't think1295Please respect copyright.PENANAl534y9YgEl
you to be a true threat.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAk4mB5uulEP
I'm not a threat? Never mind that,1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjjfUECUHY9
why are you working against him? I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAiP1jYFXGp
thought you were on his side, in1295Please respect copyright.PENANA0SZPwHxCCa
his debt.
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANA8IgYTGQDdS
I am I just believe that something1295Please respect copyright.PENANAF49gEBzw7j
has to be done about him. I don't1295Please respect copyright.PENANAt5uPtzYqlm
think that he is inherently evil.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqtRVbGR0eU
He wasn't always this way. Sure, he1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzoidXB71No
was abrasive but nothing like what1295Please respect copyright.PENANACKlIk1uqIT
I have been seeing lately.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmvbLhuIdCP
Which is?
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaaArq9knd7
Talking to himself...talking in1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMbhHOZNvlV
secret, etc, etc. Then I found this1295Please respect copyright.PENANAcUvTz3iWm5
note on his desk.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQw0nx9CwKz
He has on it, cause you to fail the1295Please respect copyright.PENANA0pogQXUgRy
negotiations with the Desani.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAV608W4Nc3
I had thought that it would have1295Please respect copyright.PENANAg65AgwDcCH
been this time but I think that it1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMjPTo2HYow
is to come later when you did get1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaZZYpqb9dW
them to settle one something.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANA6kEqLw6ppe
He believes that I can get them1295Please respect copyright.PENANASiSEXWNsJr
settled on an agreement?
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAv4sEtMZoAK
Well you're one of the best1295Please respect copyright.PENANASkgfCUSqis
Ambassador's in the Federation. You1295Please respect copyright.PENANA73fPSI4cYa
are an excellent spokesman for us.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAfSIpkxWzXw
There is no doubt that you can do1295Please respect copyright.PENANAblbuGKOuMV
it. The only thing I can't figure1295Please respect copyright.PENANAuUHSj9B90U
out is why he would want it to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZQBMWJ6mOB
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvM85NRV0zg
War. I think he wants it to be1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmDcRwNJLcy
another war with them. Those five1295Please respect copyright.PENANALUUR7HEI8E
years were brutal for us. We lost a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzyHdbEJY8Z
lot of good men and women.
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3xW1eZyKis
Including the Brassen's1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5nDzWq7PV4
parents...the seemingly everlasting1295Please respect copyright.PENANATZs8IN5yHO
couple. Could it be for revenge?
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVsO5D9IqDE
Could be. I don't know though.
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4mD4ezb30m
Revenge is to obvious and subtle at1295Please respect copyright.PENANAoxYdWtzNmq
the same time. I doubt that he had1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7eDyO2NKGs
a problem with them dying. He could1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAnaLYjDJ6V
not stand his parents. He thought1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdR9YxwDClj
that they preferred Dante to him,1295Please respect copyright.PENANAU8PHMt9Ah6
which in a way they did. Dante was1295Please respect copyright.PENANAf6IvkOoygK
the calmest and most level-headed1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMOtzoWCUOj
out of the three of them.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaDCBUCocYz
So what could it be? Any ideas?
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAfT9NdWCb5p
I thought that maybe you might have1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAgaiQfe7vL
an idea. I'm not particularly the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAWAgvw7lLp
most prejudice against my mentor.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANA8WjNv1rtc9
I'm prejudice against him.
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANADrsZtyWv8R
Yeah...kind of.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9ySxUsTleD
(sighs)1295Please respect copyright.PENANA69EgzkE07c
I'm not sure if I have something1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaogWT8IRk9
against him. I mean the only thing1295Please respect copyright.PENANAV6uc3SZFoJ
I can see is he is completely off1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwqaB1UCYF8
his rockers.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAe7TBUtHjyU
His psych profile says that he is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAeVqoMUaI5V
disturbed and that he is not level1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgUTF3mRWO0
headed. He's most probably the most1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsQJi8ceR7M
dangerous man alive.
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAfnfTaV9IY6
That I could have told you. No, I1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7RWah1vq7e
need a motive, I need a reason to1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5uyrKgKACh
put him down.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAym23nG5ZH4
Put him down?! What do you mean by1295Please respect copyright.PENANAc38GWfCzdx
put him down?
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANANRMjf5xYon
I'm going to murder him.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAfKz2w1DkVg
Okay, now you're just pulling my1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQKZ9sQFc1b
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdIgj28i7Qg
I'm not kidding Koren. This is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAW7M0NEmI5P
politics that we are talking about.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUEpOUKM0Fz
If he can cause the galaxy to spin1295Please respect copyright.PENANACjPt5lsXvy
out of control someone is going to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyVHyjXjbo3
have to put him in the ground.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA44zzNzu43L
I'm the only one who can get the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaywEABWGf5
shot in. He can't sense me when I'm1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2N73AZxMyC
about to do something horrible.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjdZsSXEtsf
He trained me to be faster than1295Please respect copyright.PENANAneYwoyxbrn
him, in case he ever wanted me to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZwr6kS05Uk
take out his family.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANARz5MziCEr0
Dante and his sister? Wow, that is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMPOonoK7eB
some brother they have.
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAS118GcG6ju
It is. I can do the same to him1295Please respect copyright.PENANANlyypIzCQF
though. I only need a reason.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANArMTpLx5ysV
I won't be a part of murder. I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAf0cHL8PGe9
can't.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAuyKzlwGWrS
I mean, what if anyone heard this1295Please respect copyright.PENANAfpCdwLHyCd
conversation Carter? What would1295Please respect copyright.PENANAg03hmkV9as
they think? We would be court1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbOSMkgoTJV
martialed, blacklisted, and sent to1295Please respect copyright.PENANATg4pieJWFl
Penthe, Penthe, without a second1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJhdebj2Mr2
thought.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhyAOZiorxP
I'm not built for that type of1295Please respect copyright.PENANAe8ob4IscBp
environment Carter. I'm not built1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHpKEgNQNFR
to work against people and get them1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOKUiwiMXi9
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzUZDyAHJQt
Maybe you're not ready but one day1295Please respect copyright.PENANARgqyED4mdZ
you will be if everything is at1295Please respect copyright.PENANAfD7FFJDFSU
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAs8p2DuDkqW
What's that supposed to mean?
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAISnusboM6g
There is a plan far bigger than1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYKAP61l1sP
either of us can imagine. We may1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvGCuGpmz4D
have to put a stop to it and then1295Please respect copyright.PENANADn5QjwYzYZ
you will have to come up with a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAft3BZ64HNK
reason to put him down.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANArsaVGxi5th
And why should I hold the key to a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAa0mlS5yTjE
man's life in my hand.
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAmgONY5fmC
Because miss... You're the only1295Please respect copyright.PENANA98JOq3Qk8J
person I'll kill him for.
Koren steps back in shock. Carter turns about and walks out1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJ8G7RAZsp9
of her door. He turns to her with a slight smile.
CARTER (CONT'D)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvly86qulQB
Keep your head down and don't look1295Please respect copyright.PENANASXR9NaITJb
so suspicious. And most definitely,1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyb9Z8ijAC8
do not tell anyone about your1295Please respect copyright.PENANAykXhhqnis6
suspicions against the Admiral.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAeqN6p29AVK
We don't know who else is in on his1295Please respect copyright.PENANARtBmFJysI0
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAEyrxrHrQb5
I may have told Captain Kim...
CARTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1mGqCq0sZ6
Kim? Him? He practically kisses the1295Please respect copyright.PENANASVhUe7EBAo
ground that Drew Brassen walks on.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYN99HtJN17
I'd be careful what you around him.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMQvbU3WJ04
Just don't tell him anything else.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAeVQRYB5Yu0
I don't think that he'll say1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyMO6cjo3N5
anything, but try to keep the whole1295Please respect copyright.PENANARbX6myMVVP
assassination thing to yourself.
AMBASSADOR KOREN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGSXyfnibK7
I will.
Carter walks down the hall and door closes behind him. Koren1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtjvDsmK206
walks back into the bathroom and cuts the shower back on.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9QfrThkNBL
Inside the private room of Thesara were a number of padds.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7jHWUAvUrx
She pushes them to the side and pulls up a holoscreen on her1295Please respect copyright.PENANAElT8CtMLEu
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJt2JYXmXby
This is what I have gotten on him.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOrQUDPChkv
What is it exactly?
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANA0Xp4VA8lzG
A video of he and some other1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjXhZwkZd6S
person. He kind of reminds me of1295Please respect copyright.PENANAolX5aQrj3R
you but I did not think it was you.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAkx1mFd3Gma
You were on a mission when I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAphdHNBIL6m
recorded this video.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYvRK5j77be
It might have been my brother.
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9yDareRMRH
Drew? Perhaps it was. The clarity1295Please respect copyright.PENANAD0261vVHyG
is not at it's best. This was taken1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOr84GiyGlq
by an old recording device. I have1295Please respect copyright.PENANADkL0RmxBvL
tried every method of enhancement1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4mxpKBxQuC
but it has all proven futile.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4KtNFQcvZk
My eyes can adjust accordingly.1295Please respect copyright.PENANANEbLOEVdiO
It's part of my Meta human1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwUuWFpd3FU
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXa35emzfbv
One day, someone is going to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPaHWaF9Cu7
dissect you...
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdEgwfsmbkH
Not without a fight. Show it to me.
The video begins.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUHRsVUmQPc
In the marketplace stood Satar dressed in purple robes. A1295Please respect copyright.PENANANs3k6vuQ8i
matter transport beam appears nearby. A man s revealed and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQeB2rURWG1
the clarity clears (Signifying Dante's enhancing eyes) to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGyVf5vWVcU
reveal it to be Drew Brassen.
Drew glides towards Satar, as if levitating. He stops near1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUTWXhzwRaC
him. The camera zooms in as if instinctive to watch these two1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhXuzP4r4xk
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzNResPMnIc
You're early.
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzNstC5hZ6h
As I should be Satar. What is going1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvCU3BnAPvz
on here? I have heard about some of1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXtwOQzHgjq
the passing of the councilmen.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYEACvhKtbw
A treat for me. Those pompous1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzWocHZz5Nt
buffoons were well past their time.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOS0Sj6NMmh
I needed to replace them with1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgq91c6hLD8
more... "malleable" men and women.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPQz14tw5pX
They were refusing every proposal I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqMOmwAC9sE
brought up. I think they were1295Please respect copyright.PENANAcXOQo9qWza
getting suspicious.
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFuaQIP3uXE
That was calculated. You did not1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGsiE3rEUdv
have to poison them. Now we have to1295Please respect copyright.PENANABImYUJbt2o
cover this up. You're Vulcan, so1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUKQNdSoUEk
stop being so reckless.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUd5N05MaVl
They were not "poisoned". I placed1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiI6FGyVrJ9
a mild "heat" in their drinks when1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbWZwo0sLrd
they came to my home.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPlJzuS4p0M
I timed it perfectly, so that it1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXJp6Ei9HY8
would be days before they perished.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAcw2wwPPzQi
I would not be a suspect... But1295Please respect copyright.PENANArOuOXgbASl
even better, I designed the poison1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGLbsH6WuiP
myself.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvtboR0HDxp
It is completely untraceable. There1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlayyPaNrPJ
was no poison in their systems.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA40NWWDJePM
There is no need to cover this up.
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHZrsJHXcyH
What about the fact that you are1295Please respect copyright.PENANA8M1UyO9OlO
now the only Senior member of the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmPqK7sGfxB
council? What will the people think1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHEX9Bkld9J
about that? Don't you think that is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAE3DX9wcrQc
suspicious? Plus, they all died on1295Please respect copyright.PENANAm3bBwFwRGn
the same day. That's even worse.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmkn0SkUaNK
A mere coincidence. They can prove1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWdMrUEucTk
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqCM1KsIxmc
But public disdain is not in our1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaeYXlGZdr7
favor and our plan Satar and you1295Please respect copyright.PENANANBt907usaR
know that. We need the support in1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmX4Yvc9zx3
order to move for. You will fix1295Please respect copyright.PENANATDiXWsq0bC
this, I don't care how but you1295Please respect copyright.PENANAu0BwrJNqQG
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAg8rwWd0K7
I thought clean up duty was your1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlRcYucEIVp
Drew grabs Satar by his robe and holds him in the air like a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPc1kKlUD6W
piece of paper and shakes him violently. Satar laughs.
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGjKzIydD1B
You think this is some kind of joke1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjZpzY2EBj8
do your Satar? May I remind you1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdtrpD5gcDK
that it was us who liberated you1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1Q2kfatgDT
from you Vulcan state of mind! We1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIAP8bdDZHz
can easily destroy you.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmw1LA5FxFs
I'm supposed to fear you because1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdlW8blFzgh
you can throw me around like1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPKiqkPU5Xn
nothing? Tell me, what would happen1295Please respect copyright.PENANARSWgg5OStm
if the entire galaxy knew what you1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4T3Yi8jvxD
and the rest of the Brassen clan1295Please respect copyright.PENANAd3xQ55fxpq
could really do?1295Please respect copyright.PENANATpo8ngTtH7
What, you'd run? You'd fight? You'd1295Please respect copyright.PENANARu2YGkYlVI
take over the galaxy violently? I'm1295Please respect copyright.PENANAszJj3Yk7Jx
not afraid of you. No one would be.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmUMtRmH14E
We out number you. 3 people versus1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7OkhAnv6K0
the entire galaxy? Hardly seems1295Please respect copyright.PENANA19iqxK5wVJ
fair for you.
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwvbtaofKrD
You have no idea what we are and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPeSSKQaatU
why exists out there do you?1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5cmNjarWZd
Humans, Vulcan, all1295Please respect copyright.PENANAThobeDw1X3
think you're supreme beings. If1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAwZcY8eaaa
only you knew the truth what I1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4TLXqjsZUG
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsApFRp7Zor
What is that?
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANA0dpAiW6dwT
You're just a scratch on the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiIqHC5NiHD
surface.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMXMzx8FoHZ
I am the ultimate creature...the1295Please respect copyright.PENANABL5KRvSsEa
one that this big universe fears.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXGgXWevcwx
You night want to join in on that.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANABIJNiWhWPt
And if I don't?
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFK7IIbIpd1
I hope you have a good neck doctor.1295Please respect copyright.PENANANjcom6njtF
Clean this mess up. I'll be back.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhBhY5idJ7I
I will...Admiral. Tell me, does the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWwhFu6ffSV
Federation know your master plan?
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYBi9bqDkuh
No. You don't know my master plan.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYi5vaAek5A
I don't do I? I'm just a pawn.
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANAf30Y0PHigV
More like a bishop. Our plan is1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhClI3esFP6
going well Satar. Soon, everything1295Please respect copyright.PENANAS8eSmRwbGB
will be just as we have planned and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMuJtjxkWMi
there will be no power to stand up1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUPM0UM1h6k
to us.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgXuKEBN5GB
I look forward to it.
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANAORjpcTafKB
Don't mess this up for us. I don't1295Please respect copyright.PENANATP2WQeYVKm
have time to fix everything. I have1295Please respect copyright.PENANAS1e1pGifot
to attend to an Admiral's matter.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsnlm5jBuzM
Tell me... how is your sister1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwkpPSXCFAW
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvu6irVeO28
Still married.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlGjwKYEv4a
A shame. Perhaps...
DREW1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7zE4GB8ygU
No poison. He's still useful to me1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWVWFKC9nkJ
at the moment.
Drew walks off. He stands at the same spot that he had beamed1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgyly5oRPox
to and is beamed up. Satar brings his robes hood over his1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvh5BR4dkQu
head and disappears into the crowd of people that1295Please respect copyright.PENANA29mwirI7du
mysteriously appear.
The video then ends. Thesara looks at Dante with raised1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaK3WRmU7YQ
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANADrSlTKRq4g
What do you think?
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9rXBbAqS59
I think that this is bad...really1295Please respect copyright.PENANALBvJpqhUjp
bad. My brother is a tactician. If1295Please respect copyright.PENANAkyxdHBN7CA
he is on some big plan or even the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAk1RjDGKL3W
master mind of it, there is no way1295Please respect copyright.PENANAe6aQPRRL3J
that we will be able to find out1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQlFOklogo8
what it is.
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVs312t9Qtl
What about using your Telepathic1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1RLlpTZRFq
nature to pry it out of him.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANApfl8tqUQkK
He may not be the most developed1295Please respect copyright.PENANAP0S9USsaDc
Telepath but only a fool would try1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVkdueXJ3iW
to wrestle with my brother. I can't1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxhI4OkqpE0
wrest control of his mind even if I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYNwSqPl8K0
tried.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIWRkfiBrBn
No, I have to get in on the plan1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFN8v6scvEu
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGDYSZA2g5F
I'm not sure if that will be1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5ktlcTHi8s
possible. It does seem like they1295Please respect copyright.PENANAW2I6NiVt6N
have closed ranks.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwmha2aXrRu
Which means I have to find an1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOlOgjtVdDv
underdog. Clearly the underdog will1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaITCWYYPIm
know nothing though. A "Bishop"1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOAQN8HkjHZ
doesn't know the final plan or1295Please respect copyright.PENANAK2Ahzh3XGN
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFZXVYFIzVt
Well, as you work from your end I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUkdj5Um3Op
will continue to monitor Satar.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAN5yqcJTS3o
Tell me, are you completely over1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaSLUwmEU5e
him? I continue to feel conflicting1295Please respect copyright.PENANAScEdzd7BdE
feelings within you.
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAkbqBlH7dsR
I cannot lie. There is something1295Please respect copyright.PENANAo2T49Un3wm
there for him.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3eTSnWJ2tL
But revenge fits the profile1295Please respect copyright.PENANAh3rxp8BKpf
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANA8TKbLdcqln
A Vulcan does not seek revenge. We1295Please respect copyright.PENANAILLJKmfqKG
control our vengeful emotions.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqSdLXFah3i
Right. It's okay to admit that you1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmlT1GLsU0A
want to bring him down a peg or two1295Please respect copyright.PENANAboCAACxia9
for using you and then abandoning1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMeJibMmhRc
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAeECYQSx6JH
I was made a public spectacle1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsx75euaCgv
Dante. I do know how these things1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIPW3dND07x
work. I know how revenge works, but1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKXKohkPbLs
I choose not follow that course,1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlCzmTy62nQ
for my daughter's sake.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtGJYFhFtmb
No matter what you may believe, we1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdmdrUODZgu
are Vulcan's at our core. Emotions1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7FnNzbzpJQ
are not exactly our forte.1295Please respect copyright.PENANASXaObPcE1n
I do this out of consideration for1295Please respect copyright.PENANA8Bh60M861U
the galaxy. This could escalate to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAl171JQW2SZ
a galactic state of disorder.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4ACP9WRhCB
I am protecting the lives of all.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAouWHrsRel4
I understand. I really do. We can't1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5MFsiiTtAn
tell our children about this1295Please respect copyright.PENANAynltL99PMN
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFkUp6b9e3p
Why not?
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1dnEX5BsLb
T'Lara is more susceptible to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAL1iMJRxkYU
emotion than you are. Kira will1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPylzWBZygg
find a way to butt her head into1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7saIGhiJlb
matters I prefer she stay out of.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1x3reP5EoY
It's not a good idea to let them1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyXZ6KbszfJ
both in on this secret.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA8pjXiXqWhu
The both of them get into enough1295Please respect copyright.PENANATQPpDPv45t
problems by themselves.
THESARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAV1qAREwNWN
They leave her private room. Kira was talking with T'Lara.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnYnx5CSg0N
T'Lara spins her head to Dante.
T'LARA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVpqx4zNwdr
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsnjMlyNfJK
I think that it is time for us to1295Please respect copyright.PENANALu2rGIzWl8
go Kira.
KIRA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAfELjPmBHFs
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANA6vvHgRiGAy
Time to go. We don't have very long1295Please respect copyright.PENANATh9roU00Gy
on this planet as it is. Let's1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYFIw6StYh8
leave mother and daughter to bond.
Kira nods. Dante wraps his arm around her shoulder and they1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKAEWa9yhtI
walk out of the home. T'Lara and Thesara stare at each other1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvgtk1h5RxD
for moments.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANA34FRwTHF3A
Terrell Samek walks past the crewmen quickly. He stops at a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXErbEtA1x5
console and fiddles with it for a moment and continues to1295Please respect copyright.PENANApxXk5vm33r
move forward.
ENSIGN ACKER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAno1fchV3AP
Sir, is there a problem?
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANApSqT6AyZBp
No there is not. We must get1295Please respect copyright.PENANAabF1IwqVMA
everything ready for mass transport1295Please respect copyright.PENANATtI0AcBBAa
ENSIGN ACKER1295Please respect copyright.PENANACECH9xiLek
Has the captain returned?
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAB0nGYGLmjU
Yes he has. He has assigned me to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwOi8C8UMQD
the task. Can you check the pattern1295Please respect copyright.PENANApmAutVRsAt
buffers make sure that they are in1295Please respect copyright.PENANA01K8kbLMDq
the best shape. We're about to tax1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQskVQneks5
them now.
ENSIGN ACKER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAFts8NehFN
Yes sir.
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAS8HiItJeFb
You! I need you to move everything1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAnkOIk2KCd
in cargo bay 4 to cargo bay 2. And1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3vCej2P9m0
you, you move everything out of1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3Hz44zcFGV
cargo bay 3 to cargo bay 1. I'm1295Please respect copyright.PENANADVLgsN9bXO
going to need those for their1295Please respect copyright.PENANASCTfLsLU3Y
personal effects.
The officers nod and motion other officers to join them.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAVlkx1PqoPY
Terrell looks at the warp core.
TERRELL (V.O) (CONT'D)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnH0arzBu7T
Perhaps it is not logical to think1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMQayEZFDzK
that everything we do in this1295Please respect copyright.PENANAoclkQIKBiU
universe is really not for a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsaxylpHxaa
purpose, but I look at this warp1295Please respect copyright.PENANA0rIarLCQXk
core and I see emptiness...
Terrell walks to a ladder and climbs up it. He starts using a1295Please respect copyright.PENANAtHVGsvH763
console on the second floor.
TERRELL (V.O) (CONT'D)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnt4lyfrpUl
I look at this warp core and I see1295Please respect copyright.PENANA8m7x40T0Dy
nothing but equations. We move at1295Please respect copyright.PENANA0fRWcbY7DR
speeds faster than light, something1295Please respect copyright.PENANAz2STzSC3f2
our ancestors could have never1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIWNcUn24XC
Terrell climbs down and leaves engineering. He walks down1295Please respect copyright.PENANAeTs6F4J67P
the halls.
TERRELL (V.O) (CONT'D)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQL7LOQDsRG
Is there a point to traversing the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAuoD5IojFo
great expanses of space when we1295Please respect copyright.PENANASSn9RHZcel
know we will never scratch the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdd3DQ8Cwsy
surface, that we are mere specks1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbgoq4iYqXL
amongst the stars?
Terrell passes some smiling men and woman. He nods to them.
TERRELL (V.O) (CONT'D)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJ4ltYILKBq
But then I remember that I am no1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqBOBI1yQ3W
this ship to learn about emotions.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA6S70HMgMdE
I am here to learn...happiness in1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZ5jJei99be
it's full definition.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAo1GkP9uHMy
I will not fail that task...but for1295Please respect copyright.PENANAheMq1rZkHd
right now, I need to get this old1295Please respect copyright.PENANAc5GFkU1ZT4
rust bucket up running in tip top1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWdTA4WyAux
Terrell stops and walks into a room. He opens a panel and1295Please respect copyright.PENANATMcMfvPE4W
climbs into a tube. He crawls down the Jefferies tube.
TERRELL (V.O) (CONT'D)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJqxHplZyRb
Computer, seal off junction 18 and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAW8kWbxMOix
junction 16.
COMPUTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2Nzg6jZN8
TERRELL (V.O)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAe0UJZwfxjd
Running an electromagnetic pulse on1295Please respect copyright.PENANASdoeZxO8MQ
the transporter buffer matrix in1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbtiaK3iSaB
this section.
COMPUTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAly3yInXivn
Terrell looks at the forcefield an a blue field of energy1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzFCuF9I3Oz
strikes against it. He does not flinch though.
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFRY4JLH9gK
Run diagnostic on buffer...
COMPUTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANApYGdJyrNww
Diagnostic running...problem1295Please respect copyright.PENANAs75knQcR1q
detected. Main transporter buffer1295Please respect copyright.PENANAF2C6Lbhyqn
is out of alignment.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOqNER7Xgtb
The power matrix is feeding it1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmIntRIaNcc
power if cannot process.
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMYgmTWMckx
Will it be able to transport people1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5S4OpP5U52
planetside for the 2 hours?
COMPUTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbiyicTGJQk
Calculating... You have a timetable1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9m42LsfMGW
of 1 hour 30 minutes 24 seconds of1295Please respect copyright.PENANADxarYgQgh4
successful continuous transporting.
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANANvqlbSgJoW
(talking to himself)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbgOaGil3hZ
It'll take about four hours to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsPuOghwD0V
replace the main buffer...then I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqcDwziyuU2
will have to run a six hour1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmSkpgrxBUG
diagnostic for safety...basically1295Please respect copyright.PENANAAeMSKG4whI
I'll be up all night.
Terrell's combadge chimes. He taps it quickly.
KIRA1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4DOZDtxl2C
This is Ensign Kira Brassen.
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANA2TRuFzmYcN
Ensign Brassen. How may I help you?
KIRA1295Please respect copyright.PENANAuDcVCmwS2q
Dadd...The captain has just1295Please respect copyright.PENANAu97JsWqnUR
received a message. We are going to1295Please respect copyright.PENANA6meTZeVTmN
have to transport them off the1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4L0DQCxZbR
planet tonight.
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnNBz7wJLIO
Tonight? I can't do that Ensign. I1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzthZjvo38N
need to replace the main pattern1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlJhrg7eOuS
buffer. At best I can have it ready1295Please respect copyright.PENANAjKvuOMVXhH
in seven hours.
KIRA1295Please respect copyright.PENANABfBMmcSFUE
Looks like you've got 30 minutes to1295Please respect copyright.PENANA555QoegkXj
get everything ready. They are1295Please respect copyright.PENANApJ32Nm5D60
rounding everyone up on the planet.1295Please respect copyright.PENANASyPV2XjomX
Ensign out.
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWkiv4IN7IA
Oh...that is just great. Computer,1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnEz9FMTxRE
is there anything that I can do to1295Please respect copyright.PENANARUg4kBFIEJ
keep the buffer from overtaxing1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7RhclNbuuk
before we are finished.
COMPUTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANANnHBXL7WpN
No current solution found.
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAbvONL5hslA
Okay. Looks like we're going to1295Please respect copyright.PENANARhcwKv29ZC
have to do this fast. How many1295Please respect copyright.PENANA6CdsazK9yl
transporter rooms are available at1295Please respect copyright.PENANAfXbUmhMX76
the moment?
COMPUTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANARkg6bAL6uP
Two of the six transporter rooms1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwZ1BXRWPZF
and 1 cargo bay transporter is1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9wMst3YJBQ
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3AMhn6VvXL
Activate them.
COMPUTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANARnqTbWS3ty
That is not a recommended course.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAHB6bs7ttQE
The rooms have not yet been1295Please respect copyright.PENANAebzAZ0J5LJ
certified for transport of any1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPFHFhgtAqM
living objects.1295Please respect copyright.PENANACVco99U9rl
They are not yet complete...
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANApgWq6Gtjr4
I get it...they handed me a ship1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9ay4Vmc57y
that I basically have to together.1295Please respect copyright.PENANALmvAtPexPh
(Taps combadge)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAylXbY5G7LU
Captain, I need permission to1295Please respect copyright.PENANAe9OLW7r5HR
activate the other transporter1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOTorZNIALz
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAm7Y1dFcr4Z
Granted. Use your passcode.
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAkI161hclWV
Thank you sir. Computer activate1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4e01c5JAxE
the remaining transporter rooms1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1RGk3bhjqe
Samek Alpha, Sigma, Alpha, Ceti,1295Please respect copyright.PENANAdVSOOPUKCl
prime, Omega, Omega 5-4-4-11295Please respect copyright.PENANAag2XMiX4jo
COMPUTER1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFeczcvZ8hq
Command pass recognized.1295Please respect copyright.PENANArerJyvcpwi
Activating. All transporter rooms1295Please respect copyright.PENANAaHgoKhDqOV
are available.
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAiHD8kZqE9U
1295Please respect copyright.PENANALnSI49pPlW
Abigail runs away from the beasts running after them. She was1295Please respect copyright.PENANABzNawuHQcy
followed by Ian
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKznxnPIh2d
Who's bright idea was it to come1295Please respect copyright.PENANA24iqN9FbHw
here without weapons?
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIbpdu48nzX
They were not necessary at the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAeTRrAbkKho
moment Commander.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAEGJB5x7H2a
What about now?
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAvaiF0M7X7I
Yes...I think we need one.
Tykonith jumps out of bush and grabs them. He pulls them into1295Please respect copyright.PENANAezciSHYoD3
the bush.
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAYE3kEGQSbu
You see what I mean? He is after us1295Please respect copyright.PENANAwakyED0j5v
and he is going to kill us if we do1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3GxoyQ18gJ
not hurry this up.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAm3t8XT6HJv
What was that by the way?
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAPtKXFp4WyB
A rare creature... It hunts1295Please respect copyright.PENANATOAMR96dIg
everything that it sees. Let's just1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgAOisMALmn
say there aren't many, but the few1295Please respect copyright.PENANAG7I0N0Rl88
that exist are basically1295Please respect copyright.PENANA1Xi591ajEA
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANALYzioFC4SO
And the Vulcans freely live with1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlnxIjVTA0G
these things? I'd be worried about1295Please respect copyright.PENANAS8YgPgqoUb
getting my head ripped off my body.
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZVXn57uSKe
Not ever planet is the same Ian.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAF6ZhXjEcrt
They live in harmony with their1295Please respect copyright.PENANAob3iIqkIIH
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXMp8DD31By
I can see that! It's trying to kill1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgPMHAs2TNb
us for being on it's planet.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAu47v531Uh7
I will inform the captain of this1295Please respect copyright.PENANALC3C4OEjH3
event when we return to the ship.
TYKONITH1295Please respect copyright.PENANAw6f22kpNZ2
Do not even worry about it1295Please respect copyright.PENANAyf6kWtj3LO
Commander. It will be something in1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQnLPEtLvLR
the past when we leave this planet.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzRT34pRxm9
We did not belong at it is.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGMM7A2zdvb
No, but terrorism is strongly1295Please respect copyright.PENANAgTSrCuOovv
disapproved by any member of the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnPRjAGkJ9R
A young child trips in their sight. The dark night made it1295Please respect copyright.PENANAg1Ob4KzU1Q
hard to see. Ian turns attention to the beast sniffing the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGWyypnZeYm
air. He averts his eyes towards the young child.
Ian leaps out of the bushes. Abigail tries to pull him back1295Please respect copyright.PENANAmkJM5ftPnm
in. Ian runs at the kid and the beast runs at the child to.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIDstyzsWRi
Ian jumps at the child and rolls with it in his arms as the1295Please respect copyright.PENANAcWwI8yAZXV
beast runs past the spot.
It snarls and turns back to Ian.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFWBInbXBsd
Run to that bush! I will distract1295Please respect copyright.PENANAu52pzQrGDX
The child takes off running. Ian starts waving his arms and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAd9uMPOOqfz
making noise. The beast runs at Ian. He closes his eyes and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAxWsCgSNj6S
stands there.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUCQO4ofoK1
Ian opens his eyes and laughs. He looks at Abigail.
IAN1295Please respect copyright.PENANAoAow5Qkxyn
I'm alive.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAhucX10jpjH
This time. Good job.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzcyRxc9X06
Bridge...all of you. I have to do1295Please respect copyright.PENANA5cC4NWVMvr
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAzAUgmVTkci
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANA0ehegdKVYG
Bridge. Beam me to the Vulcan1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUS9YEG3xH3
The transporter officer nods. Dante steps on the pad and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAnpQTiKsgmW
fades in the matter stream.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAoogWVnXVD1
Dante beams down. He pulls out the pieces of a weapon and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMoOq7pcd2v
assembles it quickly into his preferred self-designed weapon.
He walks in and the members were having an emergency meeting.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAelnLzkBJBr
They turn their attention to him.
COUNCIL MEMBER 11295Please respect copyright.PENANACtRAQRKqXn
What is the meaning of this1295Please respect copyright.PENANAQLzujdzWQi
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANA8qiu6nlNHD
Satar is under arrest for treason1295Please respect copyright.PENANApQrHFU6TZr
against the Federation.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAWhsh9j9lKv
That is preposterous.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAUVriAHMOK9
Maybe, maybe not. I know the law1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3KFJxLzqzm
here though and in the Federation.1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3PE1lijRbL
I can take him under questioning1295Please respect copyright.PENANAW8sKaJNDjR
wherever I want. I want him on1295Please respect copyright.PENANAlGjGT6siIc
earth for his questioning, not1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3dbtC8nTby
here, under your eyes.
COUNCIL MEMBER 21295Please respect copyright.PENANAV7J4EWRSXd
You can't do that.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAEJoglxhzrh
I can and I am. Now, you can make1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXmN4sOuP8I
this an incident and I'm hoping you1295Please respect copyright.PENANAz473t0TFRB
do so his case falls through, or1295Please respect copyright.PENANAIZsZZ3CNdp
you can give him up willingly.
COUNCIL MEMBER 31295Please respect copyright.PENANAWPNHnAdwPC
You can't just barge in here making1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqR7WRowmDZ
demands. You are a captain!
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAeJXygDxKm7
A versed one as well.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3dCbnRXzcM
You should have brought more men.
Guards came in and formed a circle about the council members.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAFQgxKXrGqA
Dante sighs and rolls his eyes. He brings up his weapon and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAU6kTQuhYpk
fires in rapid progression.
The guards all fall to the floor stunned. He pointed his1295Please respect copyright.PENANAJFaCOdFU5B
weapon towards them.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGOxxuN24pX
You don't want to know what this1295Please respect copyright.PENANAv48AfOxSL1
feels like. Satar, come over here.
SATAR1295Please respect copyright.PENANAqt5M14ENci
Dante fires at him and Satar slumps to the ground. He walks1295Please respect copyright.PENANArpRZwUoPqU
in the midst of them and grabs him up. He carries him over1295Please respect copyright.PENANAetHC4rzXpG
his shoulder and holsters his weapon.
COUNCIL MEMBER 21295Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4LstK8SgW
We will remember this captain.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAMctfJiasMK
Why? What can you do? I am breaking1295Please respect copyright.PENANA4226Kt507r
no law here. He is part of the1295Please respect copyright.PENANA3lcGfdtw97
Federation as you all. Oh, that's1295Please respect copyright.PENANAF3kGietWZp
right, Vulcans are very picky about1295Please respect copyright.PENANAi5ccnIvNZ5
each other!1295Please respect copyright.PENANAsu9FS4uEP2
I suggest that you suck it up and1295Please respect copyright.PENANAXNk7zoFG1C
get your panties out of a twist.1295Please respect copyright.PENANAuUeWKMq6bg
(Taps combadge)1295Please respect copyright.PENANAGPaVKxqkvu
Legacy, two to beam up. Set a1295Please respect copyright.PENANA7I7qxWqJcY
course to Starbase 5 as our first1295Please respect copyright.PENANA9AhtSGLQTA
Dante is beamed up with Satar in his arms.
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAP2Xy6U4HNy
Dante sits in his chair. The screen come on with Terrell on1295Please respect copyright.PENANACivK8SxQ4g
TERRELL1295Please respect copyright.PENANA76Ahc7Hpio
That's everyone sir. We are ready1295Please respect copyright.PENANAoReHMP6bfI
to jump to warp whenever you are.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAr5IQIEej4d
Very well. To Starbase 5 shall we?
DEREK1295Please respect copyright.PENANAKqxDrw7Hhl
Engines primed sir.
DANTE1295Please respect copyright.PENANAOzAxS5r8jJ
Commander, you have the honor.
ABIGAIL1295Please respect copyright.PENANAEfxLeQ5tbL
1295Please respect copyright.PENANArxI8xy6ttB
The Legacy turns away from orbiting Vulcan. It jumps to warp.1295Please respect copyright.PENANATq3aW8HDqf
1295Please respect copyright.PENANAZwrbWpLjfE