The Useless One slides its hands into its host's mind and slowly but surely removes the reasons for living, until the simplest of things become a colassal chore. Sometimes it manages to convince the host to do the unthinkable; end it all!
The Beast does quite the opposite. Actually the host enjoys the Beast's company for quite some time. It bestows gifts that are sometimes real, but mostly not. Slowly the host's relationships with loved ones, collegues and even random people on the street start to deteriorate. The beast makes the host do things, it would normally never do. The beast likes substances, gambling, spending money in vast quantities and anything else that feeds its feel good meter. In the process it doesn't allow the host to sleep or eat properly. The beast consumes all, eventually even its host.
What scares me the most is that these monsters are real. They use their dark magic on people all over the world and they DON'T discriminate!
I fear them greatly, because they almost took this host down twice!