Creature Name: Moudird (m-ow-d-er-d)975Please respect copyright.PENANAA0r17NnquF
975Please respect copyright.PENANAnF3USGrj8m
Creature Race: Demon/Beast975Please respect copyright.PENANA52iXO1Ie35
975Please respect copyright.PENANAgqBkvYGYnG
Location: Mountains & Deserts975Please respect copyright.PENANA0XfstCHO5n
975Please respect copyright.PENANAvDvwcD6jKm
Region: Unknown975Please respect copyright.PENANATj6WDAG22s
975Please respect copyright.PENANAlD4TfO7OoY
Realm: Aphelia975Please respect copyright.PENANAHZ5afZK42j
975Please respect copyright.PENANAZYU9XnbNF0
Body Size: Compared to a large bear on average, some can be a foot to few feet larger975Please respect copyright.PENANAFDTeVy9Su2
975Please respect copyright.PENANAXgPVhYU2rO
Feet: Walks on 2 feet, sharp bird talons with thick scaly skin975Please respect copyright.PENANAPPDWfJ1829
975Please respect copyright.PENANAieylQLBh6X
Body Type: Covered in feathers it has two large wings which fold close to its body. These wings hide two sacks where it can store live prey.975Please respect copyright.PENANAGVtX1hGqLn
975Please respect copyright.PENANAjAklWQxJiC
Body Description: At a distance appears to be a large hunched over bird or hunched over creature. It has long tail feathers that some, who are able to and daring enough, have used for roof coverage. The feathers hold small crystal like stone along their surface to give the beast protection in the wild. It's head can retract back inside of its body like a turtle. The head is fleshy and soft with very short feathers around the neck. The beak is sharp and strong, curved and compared to that of a vulture.975Please respect copyright.PENANAp655FZlhM9
975Please respect copyright.PENANAhpvMAw8gso
Eating Habits: Being a carnivore it eats meat. It's main preferred food source is humans or humanoid creatures.975Please respect copyright.PENANATqQJ3tdJdp
975Please respect copyright.PENANAE80IqvDPC6
Magic: No or none that is used outside its body. It can at times release a toxic gas from its mouth if it feels threatened with no other options to survive. The gas can melt the flesh off a human in under 1 minute, a demon in under 4 minutes depending on the type of demon and other factors. If the exposed threat can escape out of the toxic gas then they have a chance at survival if treated quickly and properly to stop the flesh melting/body shutting down from the toxin.975Please respect copyright.PENANAML9DpoKnyK
975Please respect copyright.PENANASharXZ3mo8
When the beast releases a toxic breath then it must wait 1 to 2 weeks before its body can reproduce said gas for use again.975Please respect copyright.PENANAzinCbaKKmA
975Please respect copyright.PENANAYDqUBtDc2F
Unique Facts: It has a covered fleshy hole around its back around the area above its neck. When it eats a human or humanoid being then the following takes place listed below.975Please respect copyright.PENANANzOnefZwhH
975Please respect copyright.PENANATknPvMrUrc
> The creature is swallowed alive975Please respect copyright.PENANAzB8VhvqemB
> In the throat the creature is met with stinging acid like vapors975Please respect copyright.PENANAxX6AEuPhCc
> The muscles push the creature into a second stomach like sack975Please respect copyright.PENANA4bY9GzpBKK
> In this sack the creature is assaulted by vine like internal appendages975Please respect copyright.PENANAO9LYn9AcDB
> The appendages squeeze, crush, and invade the creature975Please respect copyright.PENANAZR2LNdWiU3
> When invaded the appendages open and release skinnier appendages975Please respect copyright.PENANAuCAOQlOQSs
> The new appendages spread throughout the body of the creature, this is very painful if the creature is still alive975Please respect copyright.PENANAzr28oocKab
> The new appendages wrap around, enter, and pulse to take control of the creature's body and bodily functions975Please respect copyright.PENANAV4ryAhdwwq
> The creature is moved by the invading appendages out of the sack975Please respect copyright.PENANAutMeSRM0C9
> The creature is forced up through the fleshy hole so its upper body resides outside the beast975Please respect copyright.PENANAWBIpmZ76LG
> This appearance can be compared to how a Centaur looks975Please respect copyright.PENANAeTHfxARZNN
> If the creature is still alive they are unable to speak and suffer a slow death at the beast's mercy975Please respect copyright.PENANAPfdhfM7O8O
> The invading appendages release nutrients into the creature to keep its body alive/from decomposing once it has died975Please respect copyright.PENANABK11sjyhjl
> When the beast senses the creature is becoming past its expiration date it will find another and repeat this process975Please respect copyright.PENANA0FG00pjsAX
> Once a new creature is consumed and the process begins again, the old creature is pushed out by the fleshy muscles of the hole after the appendages all retract975Please respect copyright.PENANAk2Os7kxqf2
975Please respect copyright.PENANAvVfsGvutPY
Reason: The beast does this to more easily lure in unsuspecting prey by hiding its body and allowing only the creature to be seen by passersby. When the passersby nears to see what the creature wants or what/who the creature is then the beast can strike with its head shooting out to capture the new prey for a tasty meal.975Please respect copyright.PENANAipVoRkW4jr
975Please respect copyright.PENANAO76W0ZTzQ9
Reason Behind Hidden Wing Sacks: Allows the beast to have 2 backup creatures to replace the current creature in times of scares prey. Below is how the process happens after swallowing.975Please respect copyright.PENANAb0PBo3jM4u
975Please respect copyright.PENANA6i6ho0LA1A
> The creature/creatures are swallowed alive975Please respect copyright.PENANAbUpV5qMuPe
> In the throat they are taken down and met with the same stinging acid like vapors975Please respect copyright.PENANAa2gj3bsU4S
> The throat muscles push and the creature/creatures are shoved into the stomach975Please respect copyright.PENANAVO5iKwKtFq
> The stomach compresses975Please respect copyright.PENANAUE3sUB8YsB
> This compression pushes the body through a tight hole into a tight, dry fleshy sack975Please respect copyright.PENANABDHQY3dsB3
> Inside the tight sacks the body churns and fills with a rotten smelling gas975Please respect copyright.PENANALRA1zbvZCA
> The creature/creatures choke then fall asleep/pass out975Please respect copyright.PENANAIMW5DFkpYe
> The sack compresses as it fills with a numbing fluid975Please respect copyright.PENANAd9FhA3xk0L
> This fluid numbs the body but allows the creature/creatures to breathe as they are fed nutrients through this liquid975Please respect copyright.PENANAfWJIDuLgoU
> The fluid drains away 2 days before it will need to replace its current creature puppet975Please respect copyright.PENANAa34w2QuatL
> This allows the body to fill the sack with a sour gas to bring the creature for use around975Please respect copyright.PENANAMY3kPO792u
> When the creature can feel and starts to stir they are squished and pushed into the second stomach975Please respect copyright.PENANAgxXIMDhE5C
> Once in the second stomach the awake/waking creature experiences the above process975Please respect copyright.PENANAHox0h9ITHJ
975Please respect copyright.PENANAJIPVl5umzE
Fact About Sacks: 975Please respect copyright.PENANAB2MAZtF0YO
975Please respect copyright.PENANAg4r6l9ckFj
> When the beast raises its wings then a being will be able to see if a body is curled up inside it even when there is fluid filling it975Please respect copyright.PENANAQy6fMosn8U
> When filled the sack does not bulge out to make its wings stand out but they are lifted a little bit, about 2 to 4 inches away from its body when in resting975Please respect copyright.PENANADpbsxfAZeP
> The sacks can be sliced opened by a sharp enough blade, traditionally one made from the fangs and scales of dragons. 975Please respect copyright.PENANA20MaULq9bC
>> Other blades that work are ones crafted from or coated in a diamond/similar substance. 975Please respect copyright.PENANAtOGyrImZLr
>> Methods of magic use has mixed results. The right spell can work but the wrong can cause more harm than good to the trapped creature. 975Please respect copyright.PENANAInSsiqRdN9
>> The sacks can be opened after the beast is slayed but it must be done quickly within 1 to 2 minutes or less. This is due to once the beast dies the internal magic in the fluid that allows the creature trapped to breathe, loses that trait and begins to drown the creature in a foul water like gooey substance. 975Please respect copyright.PENANAMgEFCtiExk
>> The creature can recover over a 2 to 4 week time with the proper medicine and care, depending on the length of exposure to the numbing liquid.975Please respect copyright.PENANA2Dosl7Jt8H
> The sack is view-able outside the body975Please respect copyright.PENANA5YmdcMJMcy
975Please respect copyright.PENANAIEHvVMrE7E
Life Expectancy: 200 to 400 years975Please respect copyright.PENANAp9FpQ4MkxW
975Please respect copyright.PENANAr7OSjgbkGW
Breeding: Mates 2 to 5 times a year975Please respect copyright.PENANAYri0ms5r7O
975Please respect copyright.PENANA8NO6WJx5fE
Reproduction: Lays up to 3 moderate to large sized eggs in a nest975Please respect copyright.PENANA8VNnVULyVd
975Please respect copyright.PENANAPJfUCsQKFW
Babies: The young once hatched eat on regurgitated bile from the mother and/or father created from their most recently devoured and digested meal975Please respect copyright.PENANAXkh3eX6ncm
975Please respect copyright.PENANAxfieEHmLx3
Other Facts:975Please respect copyright.PENANACTD6hCeWR7
975Please respect copyright.PENANAQZu8Wn3zTu
> Males are very territorial and will kill other beasts of any kind if it feels the being is there to take its turf from it975Please respect copyright.PENANAu8u8jpvXjb
> Females are very violent when they have young in their nest towards any not the father975Please respect copyright.PENANADrGG82KWp9
> They are dayturnal beasts975Please respect copyright.PENANAOSBV1n22cR
> They have poor vision in the dark/hazy weather975Please respect copyright.PENANAl0TfPvbR55
> Their meat is a delicacy in some countries/regions975Please respect copyright.PENANA01fYpzDnzG
> Some describe their cry to that of a crow and raven warped together975Please respect copyright.PENANArzpLxlulPf
> Keeps its head pulled into its body when sleeping for protection due to its hardened feathers975Please respect copyright.PENANA1WxIiXwomi
> Not often seen flying but they can fly975Please respect copyright.PENANAWpglpvvKUw
> Cannot speak English/human but are smart enough to survive and be considered a dangerous threat to those unaware of them975Please respect copyright.PENANAoH33jeR1do
> None have tried taming these beasts and had success975Please respect copyright.PENANAZnthkkvdfg
>> Exception to this is the rare 4 times a person with demon/beast qualities with/without magic managed to tame 1 to use like a mount for travel and combat975Please respect copyright.PENANAToN3T45i1X
> When one dies any near it will eat what they want of its flesh and abandon the rest by flying and dropping it away from the mountain or desert area they call home975Please respect copyright.PENANAqJobnN4Uvs