The worst of the worst, the deadliest of all, the most vial in existence.
People tend to exaggerate such trauma, phobias can make people scared of small insignificant things
This monster goes by many names, as it is seen differently from every sighting... Only those it chooses to live but this comes as a twist to trick and mess with people. It has many forms catering to each individual that it crosses from what is told, it can be a floating shadows with a evil grin, to a pack of sharp claws and deadly blades. This abomination can cause all kinds of overkill horrors and psychological mayhem, yet it never seems to always get its prey one way or another. It likes to act like a person, chasing those it wants and to never come back the same, they can be manipulated to do its bidding to such a deadly extreme. Yet are never mind controlled or forced. They can be murdered easily too, yet strange things can occur, like missing all the blood but still leave marks, it can have no bones, but not even a scratch can be found. Its only been known to hunt a small amount per year... So those many crazy people say. They ramble on of how it chased them, then let them go, to kill those close and make them see things. Anytime most of them say it, they go violent and do... Things that should never be seen. It lurks as a figure but then changes. Only a few ever say this, and they are affected with something bad, some... Unexplainable force that drives them to this point. Worry crosses their face just from seeing a shadow.
How can something exist to do all this? No one has been dead from this kinds of things, or been doing horrible acts by fear? Most of these stories tend to spend into weird stories.
Many say it makes fear too... But how can A thing do it. Only things we are scared of makes us fearful. Whatever has hit them, has been used many times on them. Could it be people? A new type of criminal activity? A possible madman causing these terrible acts?
Well, nothing is for sure with this. None of it is certain.
What can be said but this is great.
They are scared like little children, how can they ever escape such fear.
They have nothing left for them, they do damage to themselves and others, wonderful to see. A treat to be delighted by.
Best part, it can be done so, so, SO slowly. Making them break in such ways that are great. They fear what they don't understand, what they don't know.
From what it can do, it makes the world slowly light a flame. Like a paper that eventually burns sticks, to logs, to more... It spreads as well, much to grin towards.
Phobias. An interesting aspect of humanity, more powerful then fear. A best yet there are many can be even more stronger and EVEN better.
People can get more! A lot more!
Maybe its a supernatural force? a living monster? Maybe...
Its an entity, ha ha ha. It could be writing something, as its next plot.
Now what if... Just if, one can get all fears, yes even fear itself. Well even if this thing exist. I wonder how bad it make the world.
It can be both an end an a beginning, maybe Phobia IS the thing they see.
It has been known as Phobia. It can be its lie, to make people unaware of its existence!
Its growing stronger! More powerful! HA HA HA
These people have seen it have they! HA
HA HA HA HA HA HA, it could be multitasking, it could be taking more on, to change this world! HA HA HA. To make this all change. Some sort of revolution!!!
All fears.
HA HA HA i've gone a head of my self. I should stop refering to a 3rd person style and use some... of this "force" to make my w0rd5 in70 numb3r5.
Pathetic how many are blind to it. A phobia of every single fear. Not a singe dictionary has it. it should.
Otherwise I'm just waiting...
Let them earn it carefully and unexpectedly...
Making me stronger in my ways..
Phobophobia. A fear... Of fears. I like that... I like that a lot. This host can do some wonders. These books they have, I could make more. It spreads well like a plague.
I wonder if this book has gone to far or too random? Or that is what i want them to believe...