Hey everyone! So I need a favor. I just need your guy’s opinion on my Nanowrimo, I a think I am going to write it in free verse poetry style but I am really on the edge about it. What do you think?
In other news… My closest friend’s birthday is approaching. She as requested a painting. If I can figure out this computers camera I will post an image. She has requested something Doctor who themed. I was going to paint 10’s sonic screwdriver but I went with the TARDIS (time and relative dimension in space) It is looking pretty good. The shading has it looking pretty 3D. Speaking of which if you could paint extremely detailed paintings on thin (we are talking mm) slices of glass then layer them you could get some super cool paintings.
Well, I have a math test so there goes my grade. You cannot fathom my loathing for math. Which sucks because I adore science and would happily devote my life to it, but it is sssooo full of math. Astronomy is the most fun. Have you ever heard carl segens “pale blue dot” ? It is one of the best things I have ever heard right up there with “I am the doctor” by Murry Gold and “Bullet”/”Rain”/”I don’t wanna die”/”Believe” buy Hollywood undead.
You know I am feeling kinda….. blah. I don’t know. It is like I have lost something important. I don’t get it. It just seems like I am repeating the same things over and over again. Maybe I just need to do something, something stupid or fun or mildly interesting. Maybe my amygdala is just underdeveloped for a teenager, that might be why I am not impulsive and why I spend hours planning stuff…. Ohh I know I am going to just randomly paint my door. I will paint whatever pops into my head and just run with it.
But I should probably go to bed…. I am writing this at 10 pm central time and I need to be up at 5 to shower before school (I have very curly hair and it is a fight to get through it). Ad I go to school at 7:30 which is an hour early. So I am going to attempt sleep.
Have a good day! Keep writing!!!!