After our unfortunate event, Clara, Sammy, Dexter, Daniel and I headed to a small motel to rest. It wasn't the greatest motel, but it would do for a few nights.
"Hey Clara, me and the guys are gonna go get some stuff for our stay. Could you stay and watch the place?" I asked her and smiled as she nodded, heading down with the guys.
~Third-person p.o.v~
It had been awhile since the guys had left and Clara began to get bored. "Nothing to do.." she sighed; getting off the sofa and wandering around. Suddenly, the windows flew open and slammed shut rapidly. Clara took a step back, horrifyed.
"Ha—ha...maybe its just the wind..." she nervously laughed and shuffled out of the room, to the balcony. She whipped out her phone and texted a message:
Clara: Peter can you guys come back quick?
Peter: Why? Our little kitty scared? 😂
Clara: No, seriously dude. Something isn't right about this place.
Peter: Alright, alright we're coming.
Clara sighed in relief. At least she won't be home alone.
A few minutes passed and Clara decided to investigate. She searched through cabinets and drawers for any sort of evidence. In one of the cabinets, she saw a newspaper and the wind made it shoot out and fly to the fan and got shredded by it. She screamed. A small piece of paper swayed to her with her name on it. She ran to the balcony to make sure she could see it clearly and there it was, her name.
The wind decided to come back at that moment and the paper flew out of a shocked, and completely shaken Clara. It took her a moment to process everything then she reached out for the paper, but it was too far.
"Almossstt goottt ittt!" she managed to grasp the paper but there was a sudden gust of wind that managed to push her over the ledge. She screamed her lungs out and tried calling for help but she didn't notice the sharp needle like decoration at the end of her fall.
Crimson liquid oozed out from her head and heart, which were pierced straight through by the large spikes.The bell boy on duty saw her and his face paled in horror.
"Help! Help!!" he shouted. Luckily Peter and the others were walking and rushed to see her immediately.