"Nooooooo!" I cried, hovering over my friend's lifeless body. The worst thing was that Peter wasn't even picking up!! I dialed him for the 5th time; I think?? I honestly cant be bothered at the moment.
Finally he picked up, "PETER WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I screamed with sadness lacing my voice, I didnt cry, there just wasn't any tears. I felt empty. He shot back, "Im at the hotel, how's Sammy? Where's Dexter??" I choked on air before responding with the unfortunate truth. "WHAT?!?!?" His voice boomed, I could hear him sobbing, "I..I'll be right over, text me the directions."
After I sent him the directions he told me he'd take a taxi over. As I waited for him to come, I checked Dexter's pulse to be sure. I stared blankly and in denial. A sudden wave of rage washed over me.
It was all Peter's fault!
~Peter's p.o.v~
I cant believe it.
I just cant
My best friend is dead.
Once I arrived I sprinted over to Daniel and lifted Dexter's body slightly. He was overly pale and he was so cold.. "Peter." Daniel spat out, his voice was so icy. I felt like a icicle pierced my heart. I looked up at him, "This is your fault!" he pointed at the vessel in my hands, I shook my head and blinked away my tears; standing up with him. "How the hell is it MY fault?!? You let him out of your sight! I had to go see if I could find anything about Clara!" I shouted in agony, "It IS your fault! If you hadn't saved us from the plane then we wouldn't be here!" "You'd be dead then, and your going to die next!" I blurted out, he kept absolutely quiet, as if challenging me.
"You're next to die on the list! Believe me I KNOW!" I yelled, "And why should I believe you??" he snapped, "I believe you three times and in the end what happens? People DIE." I sighed in frustration, observing the area to see that our little scene had caught people's attention. I also noticed a small garden shed and quickly dragged my stubborn friend over and locked us both inside.
"Listen," I said, trying to regain my composure, "I dont know what will happen, but I know you might die next. So if you care to lis—" I was cut short when he shoved me hard against the door, pinning me against it. "WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE YOU!?!? FOR ALL I KNOW, YOU COULDVE KILLED THEM!" I shoved him back, "Why the HELL would I kill my best friend?!" I defended. We started pushing each other back and found while shouting offenses at the latter.
As we pushed, we didnt notice we knocked down the tools as well...
I pushed him for the last time, seeing him stumble and fall thanks to a shovel that just so happened to fall right there. What neither of us noticed was that when he fell, he accidentally flipped the switch on the lawn mower behind him. The rapid machine flung itself forward; cutting down whatever was in its way. I was about to call out but I was a millisecond too slow. The lawn mower pounced on him, shredding him like a meat grinder.
Blood flew everywhere, and so did some chunks of meat. I cowered in a corner in case the mower were to move again. But all it did was sizzle and burn out. I sighed in relief that the killing machine had short circuited but terror infected me when I had realized what I did....