"Guys Im gonna go and check out what happened at the hotel." Peter stated as he rushed off, not waiting for his friends' replies. Daniel and Dexter looked at each other sadly, "It couldn't have been a suicide!" Dexter cried out. Daniel shook his head, "It cant be a murder, there's no weapon. And no signs of struggle either..." Daniel sighed. They began looking for clues until a doctor came out from the building. "Excuse me but the people who came in with Ms.Clara. We need to speak with you." He said, oblivious to the body in the car. Daniel nodded and patted Dexter's shoulder before walking in.
While he was gone, Dexter continued investigating. He found Sammy's glasses, they were shattered but he could see a small smudge on the corner. 'Maybe this was left by the killer..' he thought and examined it. It was a word, for sure, but he couldn't make it out with all the shattered glass, the only thing he could make out was the letter: D.
Keeping that in mind, he continued searching. But then he suddenly realized what couldve happened... "But how was the radio off when we came..?" he thought out loud. Then it hit him; the car short circuited when Sammy broke the radio. Dexter backed away from the car slowly, his breathing heavy. "Nononononononononononononono!" he spat out gibberish and fled. He couldn't think or even see straight.
He lost breath while going down a dark alleyway, he whipped out his inhaler. Trying to control his erratic breathing, Dexter inhaled deeply but shakily. He continued running, with the inhaler in his mouth, just in case he had trouble breathing. However, his vision blurred as tears flowed out and he didnt notice the pole infront of him. Until it was too late...
The impact of him hitting the pole caused Dexter's inhaler to launch itself through his throat; snapping his neck in two. To make matters worse, the inhaler got stuck within the bloody mess, so Dexter couldn't even call for help if he could.
~back at the hospital~
Daniel walked out, slightly in tears as he noticed Dexter had vanished. "Where'd he go..?" Daniel pondered and tried calling him. The ringtone could be heard barely in one direction, so Daniel walked towards it and saw his friend, who had already bled to death. He dropped to his knees and dialed Peter.