I continued on my way back to my parent’s house. I didn’t own much, but I had the pressure of time to find a different place to live from now on and move all of my possessions there before the police will arrive in a few hours. Within an hour, I had all of my possessions packed away next to the back door. I walked around the house one last time to see and remember everything about my old life before I walked out the door to start a new chapter of my life. I entered into my parents’ room for the first and last time. On their dresser, there was a picture of all three of us smiling happily. I picked up the picture to get a better look at it. I didn’t cry nor did I smile: my mother has taught me too well for me to allow myself to show my emotions even when I’m all alone. A loud thunder boomed behind me and lightning flashed as I stuffed the picture into a secret pocket I had made inside my shirt. In order to move forward in life, I always remember where I came from.