****Disclaimer this chapter is not of a suicide. It is just of Lucky training to conquering her fear of heights.****
I stared down at the almost bottomless abyss. Beneath me is what appears like tiny ants bustled around completing their daily activities towards for their queen. A pigeon squeaked as it flew dangerously close to my head making me jump backward a couple of feet. I looked all over to see the bird had landed next to me on the concrete. I sighed deeply to calm my nerves as I peeked back over to where I was just standing. From my view on top of the soaring building, I could see the sun begin to set over the great New York City, over the multitude of ants that would barely acknowledge the transfer of light from the sun to the moon. I quickly walked back to my former stance on the side of the building. The sun’s rays were slowly dying up and I pulled myself up to the edge of the building. The best way to get over a fear is to conquer it in such a grand way that it won’t affect me later in life, or at least that is what my father told me once. Just as the single last ray of sunshine slowly faded out, I followed it as I threw myself off the building towards the world of the ants below.