I had a hard time sleeping that night. I had so many thoughts running through my mind and I kept replaying the moments over and over again from dinner earlier. Showing off your dancing skills was very different from being a charmer and impressing people. I kept having worries that I'll screw up and Ji Suk - I mean the Starry boys wouldn't like me enough to want me to be in their group. I can see them picking someone like Hong Goo who seems to be natural at talking to people, but for me? And that's why I hadn't fallen asleep until like five in the morning.
The next morning, I actually slept in and I didn't mean to. I was just so tired and jet lagged, but I bet nobody cares about these excuses since we're on a mission. I managed to drag my body out of my bed by eleven and when I went out to greet everybody else, I noticed that the only person in the house was Jung Hae In.
"Oh....Jung Hae In. What are you doing here?" I asked after I stepped out of my bedroom, looking like I just rolled out of bed which I literately did.
Jung Hae In smiled. "I've been waiting for you. I already drove the others boys to their destinations today so that's why they're not here."
"Oh yeah? Where are they?" I asked.
"They're hanging out with some of the boys from Starry. Lee Hong Goo went with one of them to eat breakfast, Ma Hae Dong and Yeo Baek Hyun are both hanging out together with two other boys. They decided on going to the local aquarium and Choi Shi On went to the arcade with another to play games.
"Oh." I smiled. "That's cool."
I glanced around, rubbing the back of my neck. "So...what about Song Ji Suk? Is he busy?" I casually asked, not wanting to seem too eager to learn about what Ji Suk is doing.
"You're in luck. If you were planning on hanging out with him by yourself, he's alone at the studio rehearsing the newest choreography." He replied.
I couldn't keep the smile from appearing on myself. Not only is Ji Suk by himself, but he's also rehearsing? I've been known to have a hard time taking breaks from dancing so getting to watch or even dance with Ji Suk sounded a lot of fun, but I tried to reply coolly.
I crossed my arms casually. "Well, in that case, I guess I'll go hang out with him then. I'll go get ready and then we'll leave."
I hurried into my room and took a quick shower then I slipped on a plain t-shirt with loose pants and some sneakers. I grabbed my things and left the house with Jung Hae In.
After I arrived at the studio, I said goodbye to Jung Hae In and went in. I walked down the empty hallway until I suddenly heard Kpop music playing and right away, I recognized it as one of Starry's songs. I smiled brightly then I followed the music until I arrived at a room that had a large mirror on one side of the wall and there was a table and bags inside. I peered in and saw that Ji Suk was practically dancing his heart out. He looked so graceful and I could feel his emotions oozing out of his dancing.
I wasn't sure how long I've been watching Ji Suk because he eventually saw me and stopped dancing. He smiled and motioned for me to come in as he turned off the music.
"Wanna join?"
I blinked my eyes.
"Really? I uh...didn't really plan to dance."
Ji Suk chuckled and pointed to my clothes.
"It looks like you came ready to dance." He pointed out playfully.
I looked down at my clothes then I smiled shyly.
"Oh, well..."
I stepped into the room and walked over to Ji Suk. "What are you rehearsing?"
"This new dance we learned for our concert coming up. It's actually the concert where we'll be revealing the newest member of our group from the contest, but don't tell the other competitors because none of you are supposed to know." He said with a wink.
I did the motion of zipping my lips. "My lips are sealed, but...you just told me."
Ji Suk grabbed his water bottle and took a swig of water. "I trust you." He admitted.
"H-huh??" I suddenly felt my heart thumping in my chest just from that.
"We...barely know each other." I pointed out the obvious.
"Well, isn't that why my manager gave you guys this assignment? So you guys can get to know us better?"
I nodded. "True, but still."
Ji Suk waved me off. "It's fine, Park Min Joon. Let's dance, yeah?" He said then he turned the music back on.
I nodded then I got right to dancing with Ji Suk. Even though this was my first time learning the dance, I felt my body moving fluidly to the music. It almost feels like I've been doing this dance for months. I felt that comfortable.
After the dance was over, Ji Suk turned off the music and clapped.
"You're a natural. You look so comfortable dancing."
I smiled proudly. "Thanks! I love to dance. It's kinda like...a second language to me, you know?"
Ji Suk smiled and nodded. "I definitely get that feeling. It's nice to see another person who is that comfortable and passionate."
I smiled shyly at Ji Suk's compliment.
"So, wanna continue?"
Ji Suk and I continued dancing. Though, instead of rehearsing the choreography, we decided to be a little playful and do our own kind of dancing. Ji Suk grabbed my hands and made me dance with him. I couldn't help to laugh at how foolish we were being and that's when it happened.
I tripped and fell back onto the floor, taking Ji Suk along with me since I was still holding his hand. Landing on my back wasn't the most pleasant feeling, but once I saw and felt Ji Suk on top of me, all that uncomfortableness went away and I was left staring into his beautiful soft eyes.
I half expected Ji Suk to quickly get off and apologize, but he didn't. He just hovered over me, staring right back into my eyes. I wasn't sure what was supposed to happen now. I had an urge to kiss him, but I felt like that might be too forward or weird. Especially since we're both guys.
What were these feelings growing inside of me? It's a no brainer that I'm attracted to him, but...is there more? And if so, do I even want there to be more?