Note: Point of View is not organized yet. Thank you for staying with me. I appreciate you all very much.
Behind her? What was he talking about? No one else was in the infirmary.
Edison mumbled "I don't want to..." but Nora couldn't understand the rest. His eyes were still closed tight and his breathing was heavier than before.
The door clicked open and Nora glanced up to see Anna. She looked genuinely worried.
"May I see him?"
"First I want to talk to you a minute. Okay?"
Anna nodded and the girls walked until they were out of earshot.
"Why did you say you were sorry? When Edison fell?"
"Oh," Anna waved her hand as if everything was casual. "I meant that I was sorry. You know, for his pain."
"Something weird is going on but I can't put my finger on it."
Anna sighed. "Nothing is going on. He doesn't want to date me, so don't worry."
"No, I meant you were close to him when he fell, and --"
Anna stood up. "Are you accusing me of causing him to fall? How could I? You think I'm a witch or something?"
"Of course not."
"You sound crazy, Nora. If I had been the one to hurt him, why would I come and check on him?"
"Everything feels so confusing."
There was an awkward silence for a few moments.
"Mrs. Langley said he'd be fine," Nora broke the quietness.
Anna looked relieved. "I'm glad to hear that. Thank God."
"Yeah. I'm sorry if I suggested you had something to do with it Anna, it's just...I don't know what I was going to say."
A cool breeze floated by the girls but there weren't any windows open. Anna shivered.
"I'm freezing."
"It was really warm in here a few minutes ago."
"They need to fix the damn thermostat."
Anna got up and went to look at it. "It looks like it's working."
As she walked back to where Nora sat, her eyes were drawn to the corner of the room.
Nora had never seen Anna look unsure of herself. Anna's expression had changed in a matter of seconds.
"What are you staring at?" Nora asked, following her gaze.
"Nothing," Anna said and tugged at her ponytail.
Just then, Edison sat up. "Hey."
Nora and Anna hurried over to him.
"You're awake!"
"How do you feel?" Anna asked.
Edison rubbed his neck. "I feel fine. Just a little tired." He looked around. "Why am I in the nurse's office?"
"You don't remember?" they said in unison.
"All I remember is that we were walking to class."
Anna asked, "You don't even remember having the worst headache ever?"
"No. I've had a couple recently but not today."
"I'll get Mrs. Langley," Anna said and walked away.
"What's the big deal?" Edison asked and swung his legs over the side of the cot.
Nora was quiet.
"Something's up. You're not even looking at me," Edison said.
"On our way to class you fell and were in terrible pain. In your head. Then, in your sleep, you said 'she's behind you.' I don't see how you can't remember that."
"Easy. I must have been dreaming about a girl. Maybe it was you," he smiled.
Anna appeared with the nurse who took Edison's vitals.
Mrs. Langley looked puzzled as she said, "I've never seen anyone recover so fast from a fall before." She examined his head and neck. "You look fine. Do you feel okay?"
"Maybe you three should get back to class, for now."
They left the nurse's office and went out into the hallway. As they all had the same art class, they walked together.
Anna stopped for a moment to rummage through her purse for her compact mirror to check her makeup.
When she was nearly caught up to Nora and Edison she froze as she watched a mist surround Edison, and turn into a feminine shape. Its silver eyes locked onto Anna and drilled right into her soul.
"Liar," it whispered and smiled at her.
Anna's purse fell from her hand and clattered to the floor. Nora and Edison turned around.
"Here, I'll help," Nora said and bent down, picked up Anna's things.
"Anna, what is it?" Edison frowned.
Anna looked up from where she knelt. The mist was still there, watching her.
Some things still need more work, but I wanted to post this so everyone knows this story is still alive. Thank you for reading and please Like if you feel it deserves it.