Anna opened the door to English class. Everyone looked up to see who was late.
"Take your seat, Ms. Devereaux. Open your book to page 45 please," said Miss Holly, the pretty young teacher said in a friendly voice as she stood at the front of the class.
Anna nodded and walked slowly to her seat which was the desk in front of Edison, showing off her short red skirt and legs clad in black leggings. Her blonde ponytail swung as she walked.
"Hi," she whispered to Edison as she hung her designer purse on the bag of the chair and sat down.
This was very odd, as she usually ignored or made little jokes about Edison. She was never friendly just for the sake of being friendly.
"Hi," Edison said warily.
Anna smiled and faced forward.
Carter sat in the seat in front of Anna. While Miss Holly was reading from the English lesson, he turned his head and said to her, "Stop flirting with the geek."
"Don't tell me what to do. It's not like we're dating or anything," she whispered.
"We have an understanding."
"Oh?" Anna asked innocently. "I don't recall any understanding."
"You're such a bitch sometimes," Carter muttered under his breath.
Near the end of class, Anna took out a piece of notebook paper and quickly wrote a few words. She folded it and tapped Carter on the back. He turned around.
She held out the note to him and he put it in his book so it wouldn't look too obvious as he covertly read it.
Anna's elegant handwriting said, "I'm the queen of this school. Treat me as such from now on or you'll live to regret it."
When class was dismissed, Anna looked at Carter and Edison.
"Edison, would you like to join us for lunch?" she asked.
Carter looked stunned.
"Sorry, what?" Edison was distracted by trying to stuff his notebook and books into his backpack. He noticed Nora waiting in the doorway for him and waved at her. She smiled.
Anna caught the look. "Bring Nora along too."
Edison looked at Anna as he rubbed his neck. "Sorry, we have plans. Maybe some other time?"
"Sure," Anna smiled but her eyes were cold as she watched Edison leave.
"I see what you mean about him," Anna said to Carter.
"And you thought I was a liar."
"No, I just thought you were exaggerating," she said as she slung her leather purse over her shoulder and gathered up her books.
"The one thing I am not is a liar."
"Let's talk outside," Anna said as she eyed Miss Holly glancing at them.
"See you tomorrow, Miss Holly," Anna said sweetly and she and Carter passed her desk.
"Have a good morning you two. Oh, and remember you're partners for next week's project. It would be wise to get an early start on it."
"Yes, ma'am," Carter said.
Anna giggled, knowing how fake and impolite Carter truly was.
They walked down the hallway to the cafeteria.
"Make friends with him," Anna ordered Carter as they reached the double doors.
"With who?"
"With Edison."
"Why do you want him?"
"I don't want him. I want what he has."
"I think he's into Nora."
Anna sighed. "Sometimes you're so dense. Something special is happening to him and I plan on making use of it."