This chapter is from Edison's POV:
The next chapter will be from Nora's POV.
The phone rang a third time. Edison looked at the girl/thing on his bed. "Give me some privacy, please."
"Sure thing," she snapped her fingers and her form was gone. Edison wasn't sure if she wasn't truly gone, but as long as he didn't have to look at her, he could talk to Nora.
The strange, warm feeling seemed to hang in the air, along with a jasmine scent.
Edison clicked answer on his cell phone and sat down on his bed. "Hey, Nora, what's wrong? You never call this early. Did you dad do something again-"
"No. I just had the creepiest nightmare and I had to call you, I had to."
Her voice sounded truly scared which wasn't the norm for Nora.
"It's probably all those alien and horror movies you watch. Try easing up on them, " Edison joked.
"It's not that." Nora shivered. "It felt like something was in my room. Looking at me. The feeling woke me up. Sorry to be such a baby, but it was just so freaky."
"You never bug me. It was just a dream. We can talk till it's time to get ready for school in a couple of hours. I'll stay on the phone with you, okay?"
"You're such a good guy, Edison. I really appreciate you."
"And you know I feel the same."
There was an awkward silence, then they both spoke at the same time.
"You go first," Edison said.
"I-I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I've seemed kind of weird lately. Maybe your house isn't haunted. Maybe I didn't see anything in the mirror that night."
Edison felt something tear rip at his heart as he encouraged her to believe the lie. "Yeah, no worries. Listen, you've been under so much stress, Nora. No one your age should have to go through what you do. I'm always here for you. And..." Edison faltered for the words.
Nora was too quiet.
"You're crying."
"How do you know that?"
"We've had a bond since kids. Not to sound corny."
"This is our last year of high school. We can make it through. Then I want us to be together. I'm applying to all of the schools you are. Wherever you go, I go."
"Oh, Edison, no, you follow your own goals. If we're meant to be together, we will be."
"Are you kidding? I'm not leaving your side."
As soon as Edison said that, he felt a searing pain along his arm. He muttered a swear word under his breath and rubbed at his skin.
"What's wrong?"
"Cramp or something. I'm good."
"Edison, are you sure everything is okay with you? You've been so different lately. I don't know what it is...and that thing that attacked Carter and Trey-you never talk about it. Something was in that hallway with us."
"Uh yeah...I know I need to talk to you about it. I just don't understand it all yet. You still trust me, right?"
"Then please know I'll talk to you about it soon, I promise. Deal?"
"Yeah, alright, but you're not involved in anything creepy or...I don't know, have you made new friends I don't know about? Someone who's a bad influence?"
"No," he laughed. "No new friends." Edison felt his soul become a bit darker as the lie left his mouth. But it's not really a lie, he told himself. That 'girl' wasn't a friend.
Hey guys, I hope you stay with me. I'm not making any excuses, I'm just still trying to get the plot working well and everything connected. Please keep hanging in there with me and I hope you like Edison and Nora. More to come soon!
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