This chapter is dedicated to @khushir_05 who graciously designed the cover for the book.
Question: Readers, do you prefer when I put the POV at the beginning of chapters, or should it just be self-evident if I write it clear enough? Please let me know and thank you!
Carter opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. What the f--k had he just seen? Sweat trickled down the hot skin of his neck and he wiped it away.
Anna stood next to him, looking concerned instead of scared. She furrowed her pretty brows and started to slowly pace the room, talking to herself. When she passed by Carter again, she gently put a hand on his arm, making him jump.
"Try to calm down," she said, looking up at him.
"I can't believe this. It looked right at me, Anna, and called me a witch."
"To be technically correct, it's warlock for guys."
"I'm not one."
"You must have some hidden ability."
Snickers appeared from under the bed ruffle and peeked her head out. When she was satisfied that no danger still lurked, the kitten climbed up onto the bed and curled into Carter's lap.
"I just want to have fun my last year of high school. I don't want anything to do with do with demons!" Carter started to pet Snickers which relaxed him a little.
Anna rolled her eyes. "Stop being afraid of one demon. They aren't even that smart."
"I'm not into this, man." Carter ran his hands through his hair. "I should get going."
"You're not going anywhere. I need you to help me figure this out, okay?"
"I don't want to figure this out. What're you going to do, put a hex on me and force me to stay?" Carter's voice became higher.
"Of course not. Now get yourself together. If we learn what your power is and team up, who knows what we could do." She led him to the bed and sat down beside him.
"I don't care what that f--ed up looking thing said. I don't have any powers."
Anna said, "Take a deep breath. Come on. In. Out."
Carter did as she told him.
"Good. Keep doing that. I'm going to get us a drink. Be right back."
Carter put his hands on his knees and tried to keep his mind focused on his breathing and on the warm, furry ball snuggled against him.
A few minutes later, Anna returned with two shots of whiskey. She handed one to Carter.
"Alcohol?" he said as looked down at the amber liquid.
"Only one shot."
Carter's hand shook but he downed the shot.
Anna took his empty shot glass along with hers and put them on her desk before she sat down again beside him. "It's interesting how she seemed to be afraid of you."
Carter started to feel a bit dizzy. "Can I lie down for a little while, Anna? I don't feel so good."
Carter sighed as he felt her cover him with her comforter. The kitten curled by his head and went back to sleep. Hazily, Carter glanced at Anna. "Was something in that drink, Anna? I feel really messed up..."
Anna bent over and gently kissed his cheek as his eyes closed. "You could turn out to be a useful weapon, Carter."
I hope you had fun reading. If you liked this chapter, please like or comment. :) Thanks!