"I don't know what you're talking about," Edison said and took a sip from his water bottle.
"You can't fool me."
"You spend far too much time looking for drama. Get another hobby, Anna." Edison stood up, picked up his trash and walked away.
"You don't have to be rude. Hey!" Anna said as she followed him across the crowded cafeteria.
Edison threw the rest of his lunch in the nearby trash can and headed for the exit with Anna trailing behind him.
As he pushed open the double doors, he felt the sunglass-wearing punk's eyes on him. He turned around to frown at the guy but couldn't make out any expression. The punk's mouth curved into a smile and Edison felt chills run down his back. It was as if the jerk knew something that he didn't.
"What are you looking at?" he said coldly.
"You need to chill, bro."
Edison's face grew hot with anger. Who was this moron?
"Listen -" but his words were cut short when a cute brunette put her arm around the goofball.
Then he felt Anna's hand on his arm.
"Edison, let's go."
He shook his arm free. "I'm not in the mood, Anna."
"Thanks for waiting for me," the brunette said.
"Sure, babe," the guy said as he looked at Edison over her head.
"What's wrong?" the girl asked.
"This clown wanted to fight but I think he got smart and changed his mind."
"Keep your eyes off my girlfriend," Edison said.
"The hot redhead or Miss Popular Bitch, here?" The guy laughed.
"Watch it," Anna said.
The guy raised his eyebrows. "Or what?"
"Let's go," the brunette tugged at his arm.
"Sure thing babe. These two aren't worth it," he let himself be led to a table.
Edison stalked outside then paused as he took out his cell phone.
"What's wrong with you lately?" Anna asked.
He glanced at her impatiently.
"Stop pestering me, okay?"
"Not until you tell me about this mist."
He ignored her and stared down at his phone.
Anna's voice rose. "Stop being a creep."
A few other kids glanced at them.
Edison whispered, "Don't ever talk to me like that. Understood?"
"Sorry. It's just that you can't keep secrets from me."
"I have to go. See you around."
"Wait," she reached out a hand to him but then fell silent when she saw the scowl darken his face. He seemed different. Intimidating. Maybe even a little arrogant. Her hand fell to her side and she bit her lip as she watched him walk away.
He walked down the hallway and out the main double doors to his car.
After he was inside, he drove down the street where a secluded park was. He and Nora had played here as kids. He pulled his car into the secluded lot and picked up his phone, scrolling through the texts for Nora's reply. He saw one from Anna with too many emojis then he saw Nora's.
He quickly pushed buttons. I need to talk to you. I hate this distance between us.
Edison rubbed his face and rolled down his widow. The cool air felt good. He closed his eyes and sighed.
He heard the sound of an incoming text and quickly looked for Nora's.
I can't talk tonight. I'm babysitting.
Edison quickly typed. When can we?
I don't know.
Nora, this is silly.
I'll text you in a few days.
Why wait that long? Edison punched in the letters and waited.
Where are you, anyway? Class is about to start.
I'm skipping.
See you around, Edison.
Wait -
You can't do skip class just because you feel like it. Get yourself together. 'Bye.
He put the phone down and leaned back against the headrest.