We traveled in pairs along the road. Marius and Veran were in front, while Calavius rode alongside me on a massive painted stallion. At first we rode in awkward silence. I looked everywhere but to my left, admiring the trees planted on the right side of the road, and the plethora of wildflowers that grew alongside them.932Please respect copyright.PENANAc4gVPT8Hzj
"How are you feeling?" Calavius suddenly asked me. He kept his voice quiet, so only I would hear. I glanced back at him, tilting my head somewhat. I found his question curious.
Truthfully, I was feeling a wild mix of emotions that I could barely wrap my mind around, let alone explain. So, I simply settled with, "I'm fine. Why?"
"Simply asking out of curiosity. We're basically back where all this started."
"We are, aren't we?" I glanced around. "I never thought I'd ever cross the Bay of Storms. Yet, here I am, already having done so twice. It's strange, is all."
"Blown away by how fast everything can change, hmm?" I looked back to Calavius. His brows were furrowed, his gaze lowered.
"Yes, something like that."932Please respect copyright.PENANA2h095mQWCX
We went back to silence, but this time it was a bit more comfortable. I occasionally glanced at Calavius as we rode throughout the day. I noted that stubble had begun to appear along his lower face.932Please respect copyright.PENANAVGaWx3QYwK
Marius's Point of View932Please respect copyright.PENANANP83xsZVHv
I had not missed the subtle chill the Northerland's possessed. Even in summer, it was not truly summer here. Somehow, the wind still had a way of biting through one's clothing and sending uncomfortable chills up one's back. Soon enough, it was near time for the sun to set. Veran pointed to a small cluster of pine trees off to the side of the road.932Please respect copyright.PENANA5ouozIQJFF
"Perfect to camp at," he commented, before steering his horse that way. I guided Fury in that direction. At first, the massive white stallion wouldn't budge from his path. With another tug of the reigns, Fury snorted, and began clomping after Veran's horse.932Please respect copyright.PENANAHBgiZbllGM
After tying up the horses to a couple saplings nearby to let them graze, we all set to the work setting up camp. Zaraline started towards the trees. I went the other way, searching for firewood.
It took me awhile to find actual pieces of suitable firewood, and to my surprise when I returned, Zaraline was already attempting to start a fire with a piece of flint and a rock. I sat the firewood I had collected off to the side. Maybe we would need it later.
Soon enough, our meager little camp was set up, and we were gathered around a roaring fire, eating a dinner of dried meat and stiff bread.
"Whose up for a campfire song?" Calavius suddenly stated, a big grin on his face. I refrained from rolling my eyes.
"Start us off then, Cal," I said, resting my chin on my knuckles.
He was silent for a moment, trying to come up with the most annoying song he could think of. Then, his expression lit up.
"Ooooh, ninety-nine bottles of wine on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of wine!~ Take one down, pass it around, ninety-eight bottles of wine on the wall."
Veran groaned. "By all the Gods above, please don't sing that until the end."
"Come on, it's no fun if I sing it alone!" Calavius said, before he continued, "ninety-eight bottles of wine on the wall, ninety-eight bottles of wine!~" By this point, Zaraline joined in. "Take one down, pass it around, ninety-seven bottles of wine on the wall!"
I too joined in on the next verse, and we made it until ninety before it got old. I recalled one that seargent Lucius used to sing back in the day.
"Oh, I was born one night one morn, when the whistle went toot toot!" Calavius and Veran both recognized the song, I knew they did. Even Veran joined in, though his voice could barely be heard.
"You can bake a steak or fry a cake when the mud pies are in bloom~"
"Does six and six make nine? Does ice grow on a vine?
Is old man Poe a Gerahkki, in the good old summertime?"
Zaraline's laugh could be heard over the jolly singing, which only inspired us to sing more.
"Oh~ A loop-de-loop in the noodle soup, go give shirts a shine!
I'm guilty, judge, I took the fudge!"
Our nonsense continued for maybe an hour longer, before we quit and decided to sleep. Veran took the first watch that night, I the second, and Calavius the last.
The next day, we continued along the path to Fort Grey. The last time I was there, we'd left the place in shambles. Corpses were all over the fort itself. Remembering Zaraline's talk with him on the ship, he regretted not thinking to have his men burn the bodies.