The next morning, I awoke to the sound of a bird chirping. I squinted, looking up. Buzzing around the room, was a small purple bird. It looked something like an oversized hummingbird.882Please respect copyright.PENANAfyBP7DsnHk
I shifted, carefully removing my arm from behind Zara's head, who was still fast asleep. I hope she wasn't too upset that I fell asleep on her.
The hummingbird and I locked eyes. It chirped, hovering downwards, until it was eye level with me.
"Curious little thing," I muttered, holding out a finger, just to see if it would land there. Which, to my surprise, it did. It's little talons dug deep into my fingers, but not enough to draw blood. It cocked its little head at me, and then chirped.
It didn't stay long. It took flight, leaving a shallow gash on my finger, and then darted up the ramp. After it was gone, I moved over to the display case that contained the merged fragments of the runed blade.
Now that I knew what it was, I could feel somewhere deep in my gut the innate desire to see the blade completed so that it could be wielded. So that I could wield it.
Or maybe that was just my imagination.
I heard footsteps approaching, and looked over my shoulder to see Veran coming up to stand next to me. His expression was unreadable.
"So. A demigod. Look at you," he commented. I detected a hint of sarcasm in his tone. I scowled, irritated.
"If you have an issue, you can speak freely," I stated, my voice stern but quiet. I didn't want to wake Zara.
"I can't help but to get this feeling, Marius," Veran began. He turned to face me now. I knew what this was about before he even continued. "You think we're nothing but fodder. You try to cover it up, by calling us your friends, but do you even feel remorse for Khaeso and Calavius?"
A bolt of anger coursed through me. Of course I did! How could I not? I'd known all of them since I joined the military. I was trying to avoid dwelling on their deaths, trying to bottle it all up, until I had the chance to properly grieve.882Please respect copyright.PENANAj6F5B75Yvm
"We all knew the risks of this mission," I replied, struggling to keep my voice calm and quiet. I had to keep my cool. "You should know that their loss pains me more than words can describe. But, we can't let grief distract us from our duty."
"See, it's when you spout lion shit like that, it makes me wonder if you're even in possession of a heart."
I stared at him for a moment, shocked that he actually had said that. I was speechless. Those were the exact words she had said to me, all those years ago, and I knew Veran knew that. I had told him, Khaeso, and Calavius about it. The shock quickly molded itself to rage.
"Then you're under no obligation to stand with me," I snapped.
"But I am. We all swore and oath, and the gods are our witness," Veran spat. "Even if I want to strangle you, I swore to stand by you." He turned away, heading for the exit. "At the very least, I will stand by you for Calavius. He looked up to you more than anyone." Then he left. I stared at the arched doorway that led to the ramp where he disappeared. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAlsz7bH1IVZ
A wave of guilt washed over me. I couldn't help but to feel that there was even the tiniest fraction of truth to what Veran had said. Was it really so wrong to put duty before one's feelings?882Please respect copyright.PENANAjZJy0NszR5
"I don't think you're heartless." My gaze snapped to Zara. Her side-braid was an absolutely mess, and she was working on untangling it with her fingers.882Please respect copyright.PENANAR2gwSa0e4H
"I apologize if we woke you," I looked down at me feet, rubbing the back of my neck. While her statement was appreciated, it didn't do much to make me feel any better. 882Please respect copyright.PENANA77vHNSeTcj
"It's fine." She pushed herself up from the plush couch, her untangled hair cascading down her back. Zara stretched, a few pops coming from her back. "Now that we're all awake, we should see if Morganna will take us to Grindyr now."882Please respect copyright.PENANAY1H8v693aI
"You're right."882Please respect copyright.PENANAbTZHpbqpKG
Together, we made our way out, and headed up the ramp in search of Morganna. Only, on the way up, she ran into us.882Please respect copyright.PENANAveLchOdlyQ
"Oh, good morning." Morganna greeted us. "I was just about to come and see you all. Grindyr is eager to speak with you. Where is Veran?"882Please respect copyright.PENANAS212tPxZrJ
"He went outside, likely to get some fresh air."882Please respect copyright.PENANAJ9MWaqvVIP
"Ah, we'll get him on the way then!"882Please respect copyright.PENANARWdmKJ0ACP
~882Please respect copyright.PENANA9RO8ibrel2
Zaraline's Point of View882Please respect copyright.PENANADD4kZLP7K0
After we retrieved Veran, who came along in silence, we circled around behind the tower, where there was a small pond in front of an arch of black stone, half-shrouded by a willow tree. In a neat line were perfect stone circles only a step a part from eachother that spanned the length of the pond and led under the arch. Without hesitation, Morganna stepped out onto the first, and led us across the pond.882Please respect copyright.PENANAAqwoeq7GwX
After passing through the weeping branches of the willow tree that had obscured our view, I saw the familiar shape of Lake Voemm. This was it, the lake from the oracle's vision, with the massive black cliffs surrounding it. We came to halt on a strip of sand that separated the small pond from the actual lake itself. Morgann stepped forth. She cleared her throat.882Please respect copyright.PENANAM9Fy2bxi6y
"Grindyr!" She began, her voice ringing out over the lake with ease. "A shuva rrukrra rasha gshapq ug rasha upq repuuq, rasha gshapq ug Eion, uxq raear guwruxaux." The foreign words sounded more like a serious of rather specific growls and hisses than actual words. Deep down, I knew this had to be the language of the dragons. I'd heard it spoken before, when I had spoke to the last dragon I'd seen. She tried to teach me a couple words. I recalled in particular, that rasha was the word for child. I only remember that word, because that's what she had kept calling me.882Please respect copyright.PENANAobAdjgk9z4
The world around us came to silence, and we stood like that for a few moments. Then, the surface of the lake shifted, and from it, surfaced the head of a blue dragon, with a massive crown of horns sweeping back from his head. One of the bigger ones had been broken off long ago, and had been filed down to a smooth surface by time. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAAAUzuexGp2
Water rolled off him in great streams as he continued to rise from the waves, which expanded to the outer reaches of the lake and washed over our feet. Grindyr stretches his wings out, and opened his maw wide, letting out a rumbling yawn. I spotted gills on the sides of his neck.882Please respect copyright.PENANAQXXIj9tNK5
"Kraaraaxk, Morganna." Grindyr said, his voice booming. He lowered his head to the surface of the water, stretching out his wings so that they floated on the surface. His brilliant amber eyes settled upon the three of us. "It is an honor to meet you three, truly. I trust that Morganna has treated you well?"882Please respect copyright.PENANAXQVUA4g8AA
"Yes," I began. "She has been a most generous host. It is a great honor to speak with you, noble dragon. We traveled all this way and sought and audience with you at the behest of an oracle's prophecy."882Please respect copyright.PENANARh3FtOlUq9
"Yes, I know why you are here," Grindyr began. He paused to slither over the lake's surface, covering close enough so that I could feel his breath faintly wash over us. He inhaled deep, smelling the air. "Yes, you are the ones. The child of the North, and the child of Eion. Hearken, young ones, for the message I bear is of great import."882Please respect copyright.PENANAO8TSJUkTWv
I looked over at Marius and Veran briefly, trying to gauge their reaction from their expressions. They were as curious as I.882Please respect copyright.PENANAqMLtBMooZ5
"From tracing the Fabric of Time, I have discovered that a great disaster looms on the horizon, the details of which have been shrouded even from my keen eyes. I have foreseen that the two of you will lead the charge in the world's struggle against the darkness to come."
I tried to wrap my head around that idea. What could possibly be so bad that the world had to come together to face it? Another army of the dead? We barely survived the last one.
"What must we do, Grindyr?" Marius had asked. "We are but three now, with allies few and far between."
"Yes, I understand. Through the journey, you will find allies, people willing to help unite the world. My kin, though few we may be in these recent centuries, will fight when the time has come. Like me, they have seen the darkness that looms." He snorted. "Only, the races of these lands north of the mountains are stubborn, and refuse to see truth."
"Races? You mean there are others who live here besides elves and dragons?" I asked in disbelief.
"Many, yes." Grindyr slowly rose from the water. "But first, you must be made ready. Marius and Veran, was it?"
"Yes," Marius and Veran replied at the same moment.
"Morganna says that you have already discovered Stormbringer. You know it is incomplete. The last piece is hidden away in a great pyramid in the west, a temple dedicated to the storm god." He briefly looked to Morganna. "What do they call him over there?"
"They refer to him as a her, actually. Gerashka."
Grindyr wrinkled his snout. "Ah, yes. Westerners always know how to twist things, don't they?" His words brought a faint smile to my lips.
"So, yes. You'll be looking for Gerashka's pyramid. Surely, it won't be hard to find. The real challenge would be getting in."
"Why is that?" Marius asked.
"The pyramid is under constant protection. The bottom floor is open to any pilgrims. Naturally, they wouldn't keep the hilt there, or else I'm sure someone would have stolen it by now. No, I assume it is either at a chamber in the very top of the pyramid, or in some chamber deep below it."
"Exciting. We'll just go to the other side of the world, stroll about for a little bit, break and enter a holy site, and then rob it."
"Yes," Grindyr drawled out. "Exciting, isn't it?" The dragon was trying to mimic his sarcasm, which earned no further response from Veran other than a faint scowl.
"As for you, Zaraline, I would request that you stay here and learn all that you can from Morganna and myself."
I stared at him in awe. I did a double take, wondering if what I heard was actually what was said.
"To learn? Magic?"
"Yes. Among other things. Things that will be discussed when the time comes for them." Grindyr raised his wings, engulfing us in the shadow they casted. His words were cryptic, but I felt no sense of foreboding from them. I was excited, if anything. I never thought that I would ever get a chance to learn magic.
"Anyhow. I do have an errand I must run. It truly was a pleasure to meet the three of you." He turned an amber slitted eye upon me and Morganna. "And I will be seeing the two of you upon my return."
After we bid Grindyr farewell, the dragon dove out of the water, catching himself on the side of a cliff, where his massive claws dug into the ebony rock.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Morganna weave a spell with motions so swift they were a blur. A translucent blue barrier formed in front of us, blocking the giant wave that Grindyr had made.
The massive blue dragon pulled himself the rest of the way onto the cliff, before he leapt into the air, flapping his mighty wings to further increase his altitude. Then, just like that, he vanished over the tops of the cliffs to run his errand.