Intelligence; let’s call him Samuel. He was always a class-topper. Straight A’s, perfect writing and quick answers. Punctual as he was clever, he never failed a test, even if it were to be IQ or General Knowledge based.
Popularity; Mr.Sulo. Handsome, cute, hot anything you can categorise him into regarding looks. He was a girl favourite, almost any would jump on him. The downside was that he was annoying and rude towards his fans.
Both of them together created the perfect harmony, the perfect team...—except when it came to basketball. Both boys were addicted, it easily fell into their daily schedules. But you see, Basketball is not a single player game, let alone a easy-going one.
Outside the arena, they were just normal people, living normal lives. But as soon as they touched the court-line, they were friends-no-more. Hoops could be hit, many not going in; and arguments could be heard miles away. Screams that cheaters occupied the play area was a common insult.
They seemed to hate each other, and they did, but they both only hated ONE thing: when the other won. They were so possessive over their winning streaks that they just couldn’t stand the other beating them. They were just kiasu.