Everyone knew how this fight was going to end. All of the viewers watching the news had seen this before. Good would triumph over Evil, the Superhero would escape while the villain was monologuing, fighting and winning. Then the Superhero would come back victorious, go back to living their perfect life until the next battle. They all knew how it was going to end. Good would win the final battle.
Until they didn't
The world was in shock. A superhero died. I mean sure, there are many others to fill their place, but this was the first time a villain won. People began to truly fear villains for the first time in centuries. They wonder how such a powerful villain came to be. The Villain must be incredible powerful to have defeated a superhero. So the people sent another Super after them.
But the super was killed
So they sent another, and another, and another.
But they never returned
Now people quiver in fear at the mere mention of The Name. Superheroes wince. Fellow Villiains feel deep respect. The Villain is the most feared person on the planet. How do they do it? How did they become so powerful? It's actually very simple.
"The Villain" has almost no power at all.
In fact, they're one of the weakest people you will ever meet.
The only reason that they have any power at all is that they don't do
the one thing heroes count on.
Here's the thing,
I just never started monologuing