Sol..? How-?
Shut up and run! You need to move, now!
He’s here, I don’t know if I can save you from him. Please, just run!
Wth that, Solstice severed the telepathic conversation, pouring all her strength into swimming to Harvey. She stopped for a moment, charged and ready, she opened a portal to where Harvey had been minutes ago.
She quickly pulled in her wings. Humans shouldn’t see this...
She was in the middle of a street, people bustled on the sidewalks, cars honked, and trains sped by. She spread her senses...Harvey was trying to run, his limp slowing him down...
Her eyes snapped open. If she could sense him, so could...
Solstice never finished the thought.
She heard a roar, and a massive fist slammed her into the side of a store. Solstice lay on the ground, coughing out dust. She picked up a slab of concrete that pinned her to the ground and flung it off her. She stood up defiantly, glaring at Erigor. His hulking figure was easily three times her height, his six arms spread out, his huge horns curled on his head. He laughed.
”This is pitiful...I came here expecting a challenge...not some little brat from the Circle...”
”You just watch,” Solstice snarled. “This realm is mine, and you can’t touch it!”
Erigor threw back his head and gave a nasty laugh. “Fine then.”
Solstice only felt a sudden agony in her side before she realized Erigor had started his attack. She was thrown down onto the road, gasping and spitting out red. Solstice gritted her teeth against the pain, watching Erigor stalk closer. She glanced down at her side; the skin was burned and red with blood, he had branded her. He didn’t even have to make an effort to have her at his mercy.
She didn’t have a chance...
Solstice watched as Harvey jumped up onto Erigor’s back, his body barely making it past the demon’s waist as he reached up and stabbed the sensitive spot in Erigor’s spine. Erigor howled and lashed out at Harvey, his claws stretching out to kill him.
In a blur of motion, Solstice found herself screeching at Erigor, her wings stabbing furiously at his eyes while she grabbed Harvey. She snatched him by the arm and yanked him off Erigor’s back and away from the fight, her wings beating fast.
”Sol! Sol, are you OK?” Harvey said.
”I’m fine you moron,” Solstice hissed. “I told you to run, not stick around for the fight. You could have died! You aren’t strong enough to fight another human let alone a demon from my world!”
Behind them, Solstice could hear Erigor’s roar as he took to the skies, gaining on them with every second. Solstice could run and teloport with Harvey somewhere else in the world, but Erigor would always find her. Even if she could find a way to teleport, she wouldn’t have any strength to fight Erigor a second time.
”You can’t run, Sol.” Harvey said sadly.
Solstice flew on, she could hear Erigor right behind them, taunting her. Playing with her. Solstice flew up high, she could hear Erigor’s confused growl as her scent seemingly disappeared. She was far above him by now. Instead of feeling satisfaction, fatigue and exhaustion bore down on her, her injuries and Harvey’s added weight pulling her down slightly, losing speed.
”Sol, I’m an old man... I’m just slowing you down.”
Solstice looked down at Harvey and noticed the gash in his leg for the first time. He looked up at her, his watery gray eyes pleading.
Solstice felt a stab of horror before Harvey pried his wrinkled hand from hers and dropped straight down onto Erigor. She heard nothing for several seconds, then a shriek. And a minute later, a sickening thud of two bodies hitting the ground far below.