These two were the closest of friends, only to be seperated by their own hearts desires. Now they stood, opposite ends of the field. Different people to fight for; different people to kill. Both of the trained assasins locked eyes with each other and realised they both had a mission: make sure the other didnt come out alive. It was the middle of a political meeting, both of them on the roof to either assasinate or protect someone. Skylar bolted towards him, a knife in her hand as to not leave any shells afterwards. Dante's heart broke a little over what he had to do over the woman he once loved, but he came to terms that she wasnt that woman anymore. Then again, he wasnt the same man.
He went towards her aswell, silently dodging her attack with graceful ease. After all this time and she still cant be subtle, Dante thought and quickly sliced her shoulder into a dark flow of blood in a counter attack. Skylar was the rookie of the two, but she wouldnt go down that easily. In an instant she did a gold medal worthy flip and pinned him down, soon to slice his throat open and finish her mission. However, he pulled her over and now she was the one under him. Her blood kept pulsating out, and he knew she would die soon anyway from her wound. He grabbed something from his pocket, broke it in half, and put both halves in his mouth; she struggled underneath him but he passionately kissed her, making her stop struggling. When it was over, one half of the pill was in her mouth, the other in his.
"What did you just do?!" Skylar screamed as she started to loss consciousness, and Dante fell to her side, falling into an internal sleep.
"I just killed myself."
"Why?!" She swallowed the pill, accepting her fate of dishonor, but confused with her old companion.
"Because I love you." He breathed out, closing his eyes; Skylar herself was becoming drowsy and started to cry on his chest and fall into darkness aswell.
They were seperated through self greed, yet reunited through selflessness.
They never thought they would kill each other that night, but they had to; and they did.
(Side note: that was hella cheesy sorry i needed some romance ending and sorry if i played with your emotions)
(Other side note: dont kill yourself along with your special partner as a means of affection. This is only a story. Do not, by any means, try this at home. Or at political meetings)