Summary: Kalijah’s relationship from TVD S2-5 and Originals S1; from love to hardship; from desperation to survival; from truth to lies; from losing themselves to finding themselves; from heartbreak to grief; from hate to love again. This is their story.719Please respect copyright.PENANALeInItvekV
A/N: I was listening to “Apologize” by OneRepublic, and this came to mind.
*England 1492, Cabin*
I’m holdin’ on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I’m hearin’ what you say
But I just can’t make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down
While Rose and Elijah were arguing, Katerina Petrova, seeing no way out but death, and seeing that there was a rope hangin from the ceiling, hung herself by length of rope.
Rose and Elijah looked to see what she had done, which stopped them arguing.
But wait…
You tell me that you’re sorry
When Katerina woke up, she saw that she was on the bed with Elijah standing over her, and sat up in bed, realizing that she was in transition to become a vampire.
“Why’d you do it? I would’ve helped you escape.”
“No; you would’ve helped me run and that wouldn’t have been enough,” she replied.
They got to their feet and Rose tried to kill her with a stake, but she put the old woman who owned the cabin, in front of her which resulted in Rose accidentally staking the woman.
“Don’t you see? She used your love for her against you,” Rose said.
“I’m sorry. Forgive me,” Katerina said to him, before feeding from the woman. Then she through the woman’s body at Rose and fled from the cabin at vamp speed.
*Pennsylvania- 2013/2014*
Didn’t think I’d turn around
And say…
That it’s too late to apologize
It’s too late…
I said it’s too late to apologize
It’s too late, too late, oh, oh
Katherine Pierce snapped Elena’s neck from behind and looked at Elijah.
“Sorry, I got held up.”
“You killed Jeremy Gilbert.”
“Yes, Elijah, I killed Jeremy Gilbert, a bombshell I’m sure she just couldn’t wait to drop on you. Ironic, since she supposedly doesn’t care about anything.”
“Well, I care. Do you honestly feel nothing for this girl, a girl fated to live the same life that you’ve endured? And now you’ve just taken away the last of her family, just as yours was taken away from you.”
“Uh, why are you looking at me like I enjoyed it?” she questioned, and then he started walking away. She followed him. “Jeremy was collateral damage. I was doing what I had to do to survive.”
He stopped and looked at her.
“Is that what I am to you? A means of survival?”
“No; of course you’re not a means of survival. You looked out for me when I had no one. You’ve given me a second chance now, when no one else will. I love you. Elijah.” He pulled his face away and she put her hands down. “You don’t believe me.”
“I want to. It’s my disease. I just keep wanting to believe you, but how can I when at every turn, you give me a reason to doubt you? I don’t know you. I don’t think that I ever will.”
He began to walk away and she followed him again.
“Wait. You gave me your word that you would talk to Klaus. I can’t make a deal without you.”
He stopped and looked at her again.
“Goodbye, Katherine.”
She watched, as he walked away from her.
Elijah was walking down a sidewalk, when Kat approached him.
He started to pass her, but she stopped him with a hand on his arm.
“What do you want?” he asked her.
“To tell you that you’re right. I’ve spent so much time running and lying just to survive that I don’t---I’m starting to believe my own lies. I don’t even remember who I was when we first met. And I want to find out.”
She took a small black box out of her purse.
“You have the cure,” he stated.
“Yeah. And I can show this down Klaus’ throat and try to kill him, but even if I manage to do it…I’d lose you. And I don’t want that to happen.”
“How do I know this isn’t another lie? Katherine Pierce deceiving yet another man.”
She took his hand and put the box in it, holding hers over it. “Because I meant what I said about my feelings for you. And I’d like to think that you feel something for me, too. I need you to trust me. I want you to trust me…just like I’m trusting you. You don’t owe me anything. I’m gonna let you decide where we go from here.” She passed him and walked away.
He opened it and looked at the cure, and then closed and crossed the street, where Rebekah was perched on his parked car.
*Mystic Falls, Mikaelson Mansion, 2014*
I’d take another chance
Take a fall, take a shot for you, oh, oh
It was a dark night, as Katherine stood in front of Elijah at the Mikaelson mansion.
“Be smart, Elijah. Klaus is stark raving mad, not to mention completely irredeemable. Leave him to set off on this new adventure, and let’s you and I go on ours. I have lost so much of my life to Klaus. So have you,” she said, as she looked up at him. He had just told her that he was leaving to help Klaus in New Orleans. She rested her hands soothingly on his arm. “It’s our turn, Elijah. Please.”
“Katerina…” He placed a hand on her cheek and drew his face to hers, before kissing her forehead. “Goodbye.”
She stood there silently after he had vanished, upset about his choice and felt that it was Elena’s fault.
*I Know What You Did Last Summer/House of the Rising Son*
It was a dismal night, as Katherine walked towards the plantation home where the Mikaelsons were staying at in New Orleans. It had been a long and hellish summer for her, not knowing if one of her supernatural enemies would come around the next corner. Because she had been so angry that she had tried to kill Elena, Elena had shoved the cure for vampirism down her throat. Now Katherine was human, homeless, hungry, tired, and dirty. Her hair hadn’t seen a brush all summer and she had been a vampire for so long, she didn’t know how to be human. Now she saw herself as a worthless, weak, slow, and fearful human. She kind of was. Supernatural beings were stronger and faster than humans and she was afraid. Now she was about to ask an Original for help. She hadn’t been able to reach Elijah, so she was going to her worse enemy; her greatest enemy, for help and protection. She had thought about what deal she would make with him and figured it would work.
She stood outside and knocked on the door.
A moment later, the door opened to reveal the devil in disguise; a very angry and worked up Klaus. Rebekah and Hayley were in the background, Hayley getting her breath back and Rebekah looking angry at Klaus.
“I can’t get a hold of Elijah, so I’m come to you for help. You’re the most powerful thing on Earth and I’ve gotten myself in the worst case scenario. I’ll make a deal with you,” she said, before he could say anything.
He gave an amusing smile, amused that the once powerful vampire was now a worthless human.
“You are the most hilarious sight,” he said, chuckling.
He stepped aside and she walked in.
He closed the door and they faced each other.
“I’m out of here. Try not to kill the Wolf Girl,” Rebekah said, before leaving.
Hayley went to her room, while Klaus and Katherine talked in the parlor.
“I’m glad you find my misery so amusing,” Kat commented.
“It’s not every day I find my former doppelgänger on my doorstep,” he replied. “What deal do you want to make, luv? I have an old friend to take down.”
“It’s simple, really. I help you make an army of hybrids and in return, you give me protection. In the end, you let me have my happiness with Elijah and give me freedom from you.”
“You raise a high bargain. I like it. Deal.”
So, in the end, Elijah was saved and Klaus let them have their happiness.
*The Casket Girls/50 Days of Grayson*
It was a dark night, as Kat headed down the stairs to get something to drink. Everyone at the compound was asleep after everything. Davina had attacked Klaus, Marcel, and Elijah so she had had to talk Davina out of it. After that, everything had been quiet.
Suddenly, half way down the stairs, pain surged from her left arm and traveled to the left side of her chest. She put a hand on the left side of her chest. She didn’t know what was happening, but assumed this was it.
A moment later, she tumbled down the stairs and everything went black.
A few minutes later, Elijah came home from having a drink at the bar, only to see her on the floor on her back.
He was instantly at her side.
*Après Moi Le Delunge/ 500 Years of Solitude*
Elijah stood in a hallway as he watched the doctors try to revive her. He couldn’t lose her; not when they had only just began to have the life they had always wanted together. She was his hope and light. He couldn’t bear the thought of the world existing without her in it.
Twenty minutes later, they revived her and she was sent to bedrest at home. The doctors didn’t think she’d make it through the night.
I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it’s nothin’ new, yeah!
I loved you with a fire red
Now it’s turnin’ blue
And you say…
Sorry, like an angel
Heaven let me think was you
But I’m afraid
Knowing she was close to death, it broke his heart. He was afraid to let her go for the very last time, but he couldn’t do anything but watch her die. All he could do was spend time with her during her last moments.
He sat down on her bedside and gave her a smile.
She smiled back.
“I’m sorry you have to watch me die. I know how much it hurts,” she told me.
“Close your eyes, Katerina.”
“But I want to see you.”
“You will.”
She closed her eyes, as did he, and he went inside her head, giving her the happiest moment that he could, until she finally died.
He left her head.
It’s too late to apologize
It’s too late
I said it’s too late to apologize
It’s too late