Characters: Kat, Elijah, Davina, Hayley, Elena, Damon, Silas, Rebekah, Klaus
Summary: Set in S4 and 5 of Vampire Diaries and S1 of The Originals. This is showing how Elijah and Kat will always find each other, no matter what.
Datherine (mentioned)
You know how they say you’ll find “the one”? They say everyone has that one for them that will die for them any day. Well, not everyone gets to keep their soulmate. There were once two vampires who were completely in love. Elijah loved her so much that once, he betrayed his brother to save her life. She was the loved of his life, but after running for 500 years, she changed into someone else. She was no longer the girl he fell in love with. She became Katherine, who others called evil, conniving, and a bitch. For 500 years, he had always been there for her, but when he got tired of not knowing her true intentions, he broke up with her. They didn’t see each other for a very long time, afterward. This is the story of Katerina Petrova, later Katherine Pierce, and Elijah Mikaelson. This is their story.
It was a dark night, as Katherine stood in front of Elijah at the Mikaelson place in Mystic Falls. He had just told her that he was leaving town to go help Klaus in New Orleans. He was technically breaking up with her and leaving her for his brother.
“Elijah, it’s our turn. Please,” she begged him, trying to get him to stay.
“Goodbye, Katerina,” he said, before kissing her on the forehead and vanishing.
As she stood there, she knew now that he had lost all trust and Faith in her. It was her fault for lying so many time, but she didn’t know how else to act. All she knew anymore was how to run and lie to survive. Now she was completely and utterly alone. It wasn’t just her fault, though. Elena Gilbert had said something to him back in Pennsylvania, when Elena’s humanity had been off. She just didn’t know what she had said to him.
Later at the Mystic High, she ambushed her in a hallway, angry, and through her against a set of lockers.
“What did you say to him to make him turn against me?” she growled.
Elena got to her feet.
“You ruined my life. I never got to have a graduation, or, well, a life,” Katherine continued, as she through her again.
“I ruined your life? You killed my brother,” Elena growled, before throwing a locker door at her.
Katherine through it aside with an arm, before it could hit her.
“Okay; I’ll admit, that was nasty.”
When she had beaten Elena up pretty good and she was on her back on the floor, Katherine dug a broken wooden mop handle in her throat, but before she could inch it towards her heart to kill her, Elena shoved the cure for vampirism down her throat.
As Katherine lay on her back on the floor, out cold, Elena turned her head to look at her.
“Have a nice human life, Katherine.”
For an entire summer Katherine walked the streets alone, homeless, hungry, and not knowing what to do. But at the end of the summer, she let herself into the Salvatore boarding house and grabbed herself a shot glass of Bourbon, slowly sipping it. She was tired of being afraid, running, and having no plan of action. She needed help and Damon had once loved her the most.
A few minutes later, he walked inside that night, closing the door behind himself, and walked into the living room.
“Hello, Damon.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I need your help. I have enemies. If word gets out that I’m human, I can’t protect myself. I’m weak and slow. Do you know what it’s like to run in heels? I have blisters, Damon.”
“You’re miserable.”
“Please, I’m a survivor,” she replied.
He bit his wrist and held it out to her.
“Drink up.”
“No one’s taken the cure before. There’s a chance I might never wake up. And deep down in that Elena-loving heart of yours, there’s a part of you that doesn’t want me to die,” she reasoned.
Seeing her point, he promised that he would protect her, but she drove off when he broke his promise. He was going to hand her over to Silas, so she sped out of Mystic Falls.
Before she knew it, she was in New Orleans.
Elijah was on his way home, when he smelled blood and a very familiar scent.
Once by a desolate street, he saw a car that had obviously crashed into a street light pale. The car was all dented and crinkled, while the windows were all shattered.
“Katerina!” he yelled, as he raced towards the wreck.
Once at the driver’s side, he forced the door open and looked down at her. He could easily see that she was injured, what with the blood.
“Katerina,” he said.
He bit his wrist.
“The cure did something to me. I can’t digest vampire blood,” she informed him weakly, as her vision blurred and dimmed.
His wrist instantly healed and as he gently pulled her into his arms, everything went black for her.
With Katerina in his arms, he blurred towards the only working New Orleans hospital. Even though he left her a few months ago, he was determined not to lose his Katerina. She was his love of 500 years. He’d die before he let anything happen to his Katerina. She was the love of his life.
An hour later, the doctors had taken care of her and he was seated on her bedside, waiting for her to wake up.
He rested a hand on top of her right one.
“Oh, Katerina,” he said, thankful he had been there to save her, but wishing he had been there for her earlier. She either took the cure, or someone had shoved it down her throat. He hadn’t been there, but he was now. Why hadn’t she called for his help? He would’ve come as soon as he knew what had happened. Just because he had broken up with her, didn’t mean he didn’t care about or loved her anymore. He would always love her. She was one of those types of girls that you could never get over. A part of her would always be with him.
When she woke up, she saw that she was in a hospital with Elijah seated on her bedside.
She smiled.
He smiled back.
“Welcome back, Katerina. What happened to you?”
“I’ll give you the cliff notes,” she replied, before telling him everything.
“Why didn’t you come to me sooner? I will always help you, no matter what. You know that,” he said, once she had finished.
“Because we broke up. I didn’t think you would help me.”
“I will always save you, Katerina. You are a part of me, always and forever.”
They smiled and then kissed.
The pulled away.
“Let’s go home,” he said.
She agreed and he took her home with him to the plantation home he, Hayley, and his siblings were staying at until they could get their family home back from Marcel.
A few weeks later, she had her full strength back. She even stayed there with them, though Elijah’s siblings and Hayley hated Kat being under the same roof as them.