My name is Ziva David. I am the daughter of Eli and sister of Ari. I was born and raised in Israel and trained as a professional assassin. When I was given orders, I always obeyed, no questions asked. I was very loyal.
One day I met Gibbs, Tony, and McGee when I was sent to meet with Gibbs. I met Tony first. I liked him that first day. He was sweet and had a way with words. He was trying to make a good impression, but was trying too hard. Gibbs, when I met him, was like a second father. I couldn’t decide what to think of McGee. He didn’t say much to me.
After I became an NCIS agent on Gibbs’ team, I had to prove myself to him that I was loyal to Gibbs and would do anything for Gibbs and the team. That time came when I had to shoot my brother to save Gibbs’ life. That was when he finally trusted me and accepted me as a member of his team.
Somewhere along the line, after I had been with NCIS for a few years or so, Tony and I developed more than business-related feelings. We tried to pretend that the feelings didn’t exist, but it became harder and harder to pretend. So, after a few months, we told each other in an elevator that we loved each other and were tired of pretending. Then we kissed. That was the first step towards a relationship.
A few weeks later, I told Gibbs our feelings and said goodbye. Then I left, hoping to leave my NCIS life behind.
After I had settled somewhere in Israel in a place where no one recognized or knew me, I was met with a surprise. Tony found me and met me on my doorstep. He loved me so much, he never gave up looking for me, despite what everyone else said and thought. He was even willing to stay with me and spend the rest of his life with me, but I convinced him to go back home to D.C.
Before my life at NCIS, I never believed in miracles, love at first sight, coincidences, or “the one.” Tony taught me that anything can be possible, if you believe in it. I never left my heritage behind, but I learned what it’s like to be an American. I also got to have the feeling I never felt before; someone had my back, no matter what. I felt alone for most of my life, but Tony made me see what it’s like not to be alone. He was my light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel. He helped me see the light. He was there for me through everything. Tony is someone I will never forget.