Summary: Set in S6E24 “Semper Fidelis” with the Tony and Michael fight. What if Tony was the one that got hurt, instead of Michael? Will he live? What will Ziva do with Michael after what he did?
A/N: Got the idea after rewatching the episode.
It was a dark night in Ziva’s home, as Michael and Tony fought. Tony was going to arrest him, but Michael attacked him. That’s why they were fighting. Tony hadn’t even known that Michael was at Ziva’s. He had gone looking for her to ask her questions that involved their latest case, but Michael had answered the door, so he had to question Michael. Afterward, he was gonna arrest him, because he thought Michael had killed the guy. And then Michael attacked him.
Michael and Tony rolled in the fight.
Tony landed on the glass table, which broke in pieces with his weight, but Michael didn’t stop. He started towards him again, after getting to his feet.
“Don’t do it,” Tony said, as he layed there in pain and with one hand, pulled a big shard of glass out of his right side. He then let go of it and put his left hand to his right side.
A moment later, Ziva walked in to see the scene. She couldn’t believe that Michael would do this, but she couldn’t just not do anything, So, she raised her gun to Michael whom she had loved for a long time.
“Freeze!” she ordered.
“I can explain,” he said, stopping.
As she reached him, all she said to that was, “You’re under arrest,” before handcuffing him and putting her gun away.
Michael stayed there, knowing he was defeated, as she rushed to her partner’s side.
As she knelt by him and applied pressure to his wound, she used her free hand to call an ambulance.
As his vision blurred, he saw Ziva in front of him.
“Boy am I glad to see you,” he commented.
“Hold on, Tony,” was all she said, as she applied pressure and waited for the ambulance.
Once Tony was at the hospital, she informed Gibbs, and Michael was put in jail. And even after everything, she never left the hospital. She had lost enough. She didn’t want to lose Tony, too. She didn’t know what she’d do without Tony in her life. If anything happened to him, she’d miss everything about him. She needed him alive. So, once he was in the recovery room and allowed visitors, she sat in a chair by the bed and never left unless to eat. Other than that, she stayed at his side. She cared deeply for him and she knew he’d do the same thing if their positions were in reverse.
When he woke up the next day, it very much relieved her, because she knew that he’d be okay. He wasn’t leaving her anytime soon.