Summary: Set in S10E21 “Berlin.” This is my own version of the car crash, since I haven’t seen the episode yet, but I got inspired by some YouTube videos I’ve been seeing.
A/N: I haven’t seen the actual episode yet, so tell me if the guy that crashed into Tony’s car is out of character or not.
It was a dark night, as Tony Dinozzo drove, Ziva seated in the passenger’s seat of his red car. They were heading home and talking, when a black car came racing towards Tony’s. They didn’t see it at first, though.
“Tony,” she said, seeing it first.
“Ziva!” he said, seeing it, when it was almost on them, and used himself to shield her from the impact the best he could, while trying to swerve out of the way. Then it crashed, which almost totaled Tony’s car.
Ziva was still conscious, as the guy headed towards them. And as he did, she grabbed her gun from under her leg.
When he came up, she recognized him.
“I told you to walk away, Ziva.”
He pulled a gun on her, but she was quicker and shot him. She then put her gun away and finally looked over at Tony. He had most likely saved her life, once again.
After being taken care of by a doctor and letting Gibbs know about what happened, she sat down in a chair by Tony’s bedside. He had saved her yet again without her asking him to. She wasn’t quite used to that yet; others saving her. She was used to looking out for herself. Why Tony felt that his job was to protect her, she didn’t know ,and probably would never know.
A week later, he was released, and a few days later he was able to go back to work. Also, the guy was put in jail for trying to kill them both, so the case was officially closed.