Summary: What if Courtney had never traded places with Alison? Ali goes missing and nobody knows where she is. Can they find her in time? Is she dead? Is she alive? Did she run away? Read to find out.
It was a beautiful day at Rosewood High. It was just before school. Aria Montgomery, Hannah Marin, Spencer Hastings, and Emily Fields were talking amongst themselves. They stopped to look as Alison Dilaurentis started towards the stairs with her friends. At least, that’s what everyone thought. When you’re rich and popular like Alison, you don’t know who your true friends are.
Just then, Jason came up to Alison. They were brother and sister. Jason could have a temper at times, though. Just not like Toby. Toby had a lot worse temper than Jason. At least, that’s what everyone in Rosewood said. Who knows what Toby was really like. Rosewood was too popular for spreading rumors.
Alison stopped in her tracks and stepped back a few paces from him.
“What do you want?”
“Ali, what happened last night…I’m sorry.”
“Do we have to do this now?”
Toby stepped between them, facing Jason. He looked like HE was protecting HER. Protecting her from her own brother.
“No, Ali. You don’t have to,” Toby told her, obviously knowing some hidden truth that only he, Jason, and Ali knew.
“Out of the way,” Jason said.
“Go away. Stay away from her. I mean it.”
“Fine,” Jason said, staring them down. Then he went into the building. The girls looked at each other and started talking again.
That summer, she disappeared without a trace. No body turned up for several weeks. Toby and Jason were the last people to see her. They were prime suspects.
It was a beautiful day. The girls were sitting on Hannah’s bed.
“I know we didn’t know her at all, but we should look for her,” Aria said.
“Ya. We should. She could be in danger,” Emily agreed.
“Ya. I guess. Any bright ideas?” Hannah said.
“Do we have a plan?” Emily asked.
Both girls looked at Aria.
“We go out tonight and start looking for her.”
So that’s exactly what they did. They met at the park and started searching for her not far from Spencer’s barn. They had flashlight that guided them through the darkness. They did it quietly, as to not wake Melissa, Spencer’s older sister.
They came into the woods.
“Are you sure about this?” Spencer asked.
“Ya,” Em said.
“We are,” Aria said.
“Positive,” Hannah said.
They stopped.
There was a half-buried hole of dirt. Someone was there. It was easy to see. She was half buried. Her head was above the dirt. They shone their lights to reveal blond hair.
Aria knelt down and felt for a pulse on the side of her neck.
“She’s alive.”
She felt for her arms after putting her flashlight down. She put her arms under hers and pulled her out. She gently layed her down and picked her flashlight up. They all shone their lights.
“It’s Alison,” Spencer said.
They called an ambulance.
They told the cops the truth of how they found her, and then were sent on their way. Ali was then taken to the hospital.
Ali was soon put in the recovery room.
After Ian left, the girls came in to see her. She was awake. She smiled at them.
“Thanks. You saved me. You saved my life.”
A few days later, she was set free and they were taken under her wing as her friends.