Summary: What if Alison never had a twin half-sister? Who would’ve killed her if Courtney hadn’t existed? What if it had been her own father? Who is really ‘A’ if Courtney didn’t exist and it wasn’t Ali’s father, Ian, Maya, or other suspects? What if it had been someone the girls knew that they didn’t know they knew all their secrets? Set somewhere after Ian was found dead, the possible murder weapon was found, and Jason kissed Aria that night.
It was a dark night, as the girls sat on Hannah’s bed. They were talking about Jason’s actions.
“I can’t believe he kissed you,” Hannah said.
“Does he even know that you already have a boyfriend?” Spencer asked.
“You have to stay away from him,” Hannah said.
“We don’t know what he’s up to. It could be crossing enemy lines,” Emily said.
“Actually, he does know.”
“Be careful,” Emily warned.
“I will.”
The next day after school, the girls were by their lockers when they got a text. Since nobody was around, they read it aloud.
"I know who did it and so will you. Be careful. Not everything is what it seems.-A.”
That night as Hannah drove home, several cops sped past. She wondered what had happened. She decided to follow them.
Several cops were lined up at the Dilaurentis residence, as she pulled up. She cut the engine, grabbed her keys and purse, and closed the door behind herself.
When she saw her friends, she went to stand beside them.
“What happened?”
“They found out who killed Ali,” Aria answered.
“Her father,” Emily replied.
“Her own father?”
“Ya,” Spencer clarified.
“We would’ve never guessed,” Hannah said.
They watched as the cops left with Mr. Dilaurentis.
A few nights later, Jason Dilaurentis was arrested for sending those threatening texts to the girls. Jason had been A. So everybody lived happily ever after.