It was a beautiful, summer day. Hannah sat in a yard chair drinking a glass of Lemonade. She and her friends were at Alison Dilaurentis’ place. Hannah was outside by the pool, while the others were inside. They were all best friends, even though they didn't know why there were picked to be her friends. They used to be the outcasts of Rosewood, until Alison took the girls under her wing. As soon as she took them in, they became popular and everything.
Alison, Aria, Spencer, and Emily were in Alison's kitchen.
"So, it is summer vacation. What do you think we should do?" Aria asked.
"Camping?" Emily said.
"Hiking?" Spencer said.
"Do something new?" Aria said.
"I have an idea," Ali announced.
"Tonight we can play around with Toby's fireworks, and then we can have a sleepover. We can sleep over at Spencer's barn."
That night was when The Jenna Thing happened. They were messing around with fireworks when one went off and exploded into Jenna's bedroom.
They could only watch as an ambulance took her to the hospital. They felt bad about it but never said anything. Ali swore them to secrecy and made them all bracelets that read "Alison, Aria, Emily, and Hannah. Friends Forever."
A few nights later, they had their sleepover. Only, Alison died during that time.
Alison wanted to see if she could hypnotize them, when Spencer said the blinds should be opened. Ali insisted on them being closed and they had a fight. Spencer said for her to leave if she didn't like it, and to their astonishment, she left.
When they went outside to look for her, she was gone.
A year later, during the ninth grade, they found a body. It looked like Ali, but then they each got a text message. They pulled their cell phones out and read aloud to each other.
"I'm still here bitches, and I know everything'-A."
It was a beautiful day. They were all sophomores now at Rosewood Day High school.
"So, who do you think *A* is?" Aria asked, as they walked down the hall together.
"Maybe it's someone pretending to be Alison, or playing some game with us," Hanna said.
"It could be Alison herself," Emily suggested.
"We can't be sure until *A* tells us things. Things only Alison knew," Spencer said.
They agreed and went to class.
A few days later, they made a conclusion that it was indeed Alison. After all, the body the officials identified wasn't her. It was someone else that looked like her.
It was a dark night, as the girls trekked through the woods. They figured they would find something in the woods.
They stopped in front of a sycamore tree. It said, 'Barn is a clue.'
They walked into the barn and searched for another clue.
Aria found a note on Spencer's bed.
"Guys," she called.
They crowded around her, as she read it.
"You really want a clue, do you? You want to find me really badly. You want me back. I know you do. After all, I know everything. Here's something i'm hiding. Look for me and you'll find me tomorrow night at the wishing well. Meet me there by nine. No later. I'll tell you everything you need to know. Trust me. And Spence, I forgive you for that night. I also forgive you, Em. You know what I mean."-A
"Do you think it's really her?" Emily asked.
"I don't know," Hannah replied.
"She could be playing one of her games with us and using us," Spencer said.
"Let's just wait and see," Aria implied, as they walked away from their lockers towards class.
Later at lunch that day, they got a message.
Girls, let's not doubt me. You know me too well. We're friends. Stay with me. Please.-A
Hannah and Spencer couldn't stop but doubt everything, though. Hannah never understood why Ali took her as a friend. Hannah didn't think she would ever be what Ali was. Spencer just wasn't sure. She never doubted Ali before, except at the sleepover with the idea of hypnotism. They knew they just had to wait until nine that night.
It was a dark night, as they made their way towards the well.
"Alison? Ali? You here, Ali?" they called to their best friend.
"I'm here," she said, coming out of the darkness and shadows of the night from the trees.
When they realized it really and truly was her, the four of them had a group hug. She then told them what happened after she left the barn after the fight that night.
What happened was that she was supposed to meet Ian by the well, but he never showed. She got worried when someone tried to go after her and kill her. Then she ran and hid for a very long time.
The very next day, Alison was back and everyone knew about it. Everyone had missed her. The girls and Jenna probably missed her the most. So Hannah, Aria, Emily, and Spencer had their best friend back. Jenna had her back, too. So everybody lived happily ever after.