Summary: Set in S1 or 2. What if Daryl hadn't had a hallucination of Merle? What if Daryl hadn't pulled that arrow out? What if Andrea was the only one around at the time?
It was a beautiful day, as Daryl rode on one of Hershel's horses in search of Carole's daughter, Sophia. He had a lot of hope that Sophia was alive, because he had found her doll by a stream.
Suddenly, the horse got spooked and reared up, making him fall off and roll down the steep hill. And at the bottom of the hill, he landed on his back with an arrow in his side from his crossbow. He then slowly sat up and looked up at the steep hill, before slowly getting to his feet and inching towards it. He had to get back to Hershel's to the others.
It was agony, as he climbed, but he had to get back to them. He wasn't going to stay there to become a helpless victim to the walkers, or become one of them. Becides, he wanted to live for the group and his brother. He didn't want to die without knowing whether or not his brother was still alive.
Andrea was on top of Dale's RV, helping to look after the group by looking out for any walkers. She picked up and used the binoculars, seeing a figure coming from the trees. And once she adjusted them, she saw who it was. So, with rifle in hand just in case, the others off too far away to hear her, she ran towards him.
“Daryl!” she yelled, as she got closer.
A moment later, she reached him.
Seeing the shape he was in, more specifically, the arrow in his side, she couldn't stop herself from saying, “Oh, my God. Daryl, what happened?” Then, “Come on. You need Hershel.”
As she helped him walk to the house to get Hershel, he let her.
A couple days later, the arrow out, his wounds taken care of, he was himself again. So everybody lived as happily ever after as they could. After all, it was still the zombie apocalypse.