Summary: Set in S3E13 “Arrow on the Doorpost” when Ric and the Governor wouldn't tell Andrea what they needed to talk about, and when the Governor told her to leave.
A/N: If the Woodbury guy's name isn't Jeremy, please let me know what his name is, since I don't remember what it is.
It was a beautiful day, as Hershel and Daryl stood outside what looked like an abandoned shed where the Governor and Ric were at.
“I don't see any cars,” Daryl told him.
Just then, an old pickup truck pulled up not far from where Daryl stood, crossbow aimed, ready for anything.
Jeremy got out of the driver's side and closed his door, followed by Milton whom got out of the backseat and then Andrea whom also got out of the backseat.
Jeremy said a few things, which made Daryl do the same, while Milton wrote things down in a little black book.
“Who are you?” Hershel asked Milton at one point.
“Milton. I'm his adviser.”
“What sort of advice?"
Milton began to answer, but then said, “I don't know you, so I don't feel that I have to explain myself to you.”
“If we're going to be pointing weapons at each other all day, why don't you shut up,” Jeremy told Daryl.
A few minutes later, both were silent.
“I'm going to see what's going on in there,” Andrea announced to them, before opening the sliding door and walking inside.
She went to stand by the table between both Ric and the Governor.
“What's going on?” she asked, looking between the two.
“Just making a truce,” Ric answered Andrea, before taking out a map and tossing it across the table to the Governor.
“Here's the map. We can make a border between us and then it'll be settled. Nobody bothers anyone,” Ric then offered.
The Governor looked at it and then at Ric.
“Andrea, step outside,” the Governor told her.
“No. I'm not going anywhere,” she replied, not wanting them to harm or kill each other. She also wanted to know what it was they were planning. She knew it wasn't good, knowing the Governor. She also knew Ric very well. She was more worried about what the Governor was going to do than what Ric was going to do.
“We have a lot to talk about,” the Governor added.
She looked between them, before angrily walking out. She then sat on a bench by Hershel.
“They won't tell me anything,” she informed them frustratingly. She ran a hand through her hair, before putting her hands together in her lap. She looked at Hershel. “I don't know what I'm doing here.”
“You're trying to help,” he told her.
They were silent, before she finally informed him, “I can't go back there.”
“You are one of us. You're family. But if you come with us, it's final,” he told her.
“I know,” she replied, before adding, “I don't belong there. I know that now.”
After the Governor and Ric had their chat, Andrea joined the group, instead of going back to Woodbury, and they all welcomed her back. So everybody lived as happily ever after as they could. After all, it was still the apocalypse and they had to find a way to get rid of the Governor.