Summary: Set in S3/4. Ric finds her in a road when he's making a run. Will she be okay?
It was a sunny day, as Ric walked, on his way back to the prison after going on a run. Now he had a bag full of weaponry, food, ammo, and first-aid stuff.
Suddenly, he stopped, seeing Andrea out cold on her back on the gravel road. Being careful that walkers weren't around or the Governor, he went to her side. He didn't see any bites on her, so that meant she hadn't been bitten by any walkers.
He gently pulled her into his arms and got to his feet with her, before heading back to the prison.
When he was inside the prison and she was in bed in one of the prison rooms, the group started questioning him, wondering what the hell happened.
"All I know is that I found her like that. We won't know anything more until she wakes up," he informed them.
While they were talking, Hershel was taking care of her.
When she slowly awoke, she saw that she was in the prison. And there seated in a chair at her bedside was Ric.
"How are you feeling, Andrea?" He questioned her.
"Better," she answered him.
"Good. What happened?"
"I left. I was on my way back here, but I got chased and attacked by him."
Ric knew whom she was talking about. It was the Governor.
Bastard, he thought.
"Well, you're safe now," he assured her.
"Thanks," she said to him, relieved to be home at last.
"You're welcome," he replied.