April 5, 1864
It's so strange being a new vampire. All the things I can hear, see, sense, and smell that I couldn't as a human. Katherine, the woman that I so dearly love, was the one that sired my brother and me last night. Apparently, she loves both of us very much. So much that she sired the both of us. It's bad enough that I had to watch him when I was a mortal. Now I'll have to keep him out of trouble in the afterlife, too. As I was saying, it's strange being a vampire. The plus though, is nobody messes around with you. Anyone that you want, you can kill. I already killed three maidens last night. Oh the blood! When you drink human blood, it's like sweet candy. It tastes so good. And it heightens it when they're afraid. Such fear. I love it. I get to live forever because of their blood. I'm free. Katherine Pierce freed me when she sired me. No longer will I have to listen to father. No longer will there be rules to abide by. I'll never see my family ever again. My human family, I mean. After all, Katherine, Stefan, and I are a family. That's what she says. And that we have to stick together.
December 22, 1864
There was a raid in the village last night. Father found out what Katherine is. Stefan told me that he tried his best, but he wasn't able to win. They took Katherine. I could only watch from the shadows of an ally with my brother, as they took Katherine and others away in a carriage designed for prisoners, pulled by horses. I've lost her. The only love in my life. I want revenge. I want to rip those humans apart and drink them dry. I want to torture them one by one. Stefan though, always the sensible one, says I shouldn't. I know he's right like always. But he also says that Katherine won't be coming back. I won't give up. I'll search for her for the rest of my existence until we're together again. I'll find her. This I vow.
March 25, 2009
Stefan and I have been watching her. This girl. She has every trait of Katherine. Her face, her beauty, her looks, and her voice. But her smell. She's human. She smells nothing like Katherine. Yet, we both can't help but to love her in more ways than one. Her name, as we have heard been uttered, is Elena Gilbert. I would like to take a closer look, but I won't. It's too dangerous. I don't want her to find out what both of us are. Vampires.