My name is Damon Salvatore and I am a vampire. My younger brother, Stefan Salvatore, and I were sired by Katherine Pierce in 1864. We're different now. My brother and me. My brother drinks the blood of forest creatures. I like to mock and make fun of him about that and it's fun, but I very seldom do. We only became vampires because Katherine, our sire and lover, loved us both.
I'm much different and stronger than my brother. I drink human blood, but I don't always kill. I simply compel them to forget they ever saw me. My gift is compulsion. My brother's is too, but he doesn't like to use it. My brother has always been the sensible one, while I'm mostly the opposite. But no matter how much we fight, hate, and despise each other, it all comes down to one thing. We're family. Brothers. The same blood. We would do anything to save one another.
In the beginning of our unlives, we were the same. We both fed off of humans. Mostly women. Pretty, young maidens tasted the best. We were reckless when we were young. Stefan even slaughtered an entire village. Then we got ourselves back into control. That's when things changed completely for us. We went our separate ways and he began feeding on forest animals. I kept on with my diet of human blood. Our brotherhood is complicated. It always has been. You couldn't possibly understand. Not unless you have the same relationship with your sibling. It'll never change.
We're different from other vampires. Katherine gave us each a lapis lazuli ring. As long as we wear it, we can walk in the sun. But without it, we'll burn and die in the sunlight. Katherine had a ring just like ours. She lost it when she was captured during the vampire raid.
Katherine wasn't the only one that loved both of us. We both loved her too. But she chose my brother over me, even though I'll always love Kat. I've moved on, though. I love Elena Gilbert now.
Love Circle
It's a beautiful day in Mystic Falls, Virginia. I'm in the Salvatore boarding house, having my daily shot glass of blood. My brother hasn't come home yet. He gave himself up to Klaus a year ago. An Original vampire. You're probably wondering what the difference between an Original vampire and a everyday vampire is. An Original vampire is one of the very first turned vampires. A regular vampire is like what you see in movies. Like Katherine. Dracula would be considered a mix between an Original and regular vampire, going by how he acted and how he became a vampire.
Elena Gilbert and I are upset by the fact that we lost him. I spent centuries doing my best to protect him. Now he's gone. Even freed from Klaus' compulsion, he's gone. He's never coming back. I lost my only brother, while Elena lost her love life. But now I'm her love life, too. We both know it. I spent centuries hiding my feelings, so I wouldn't get hurt again. Katherine hurt me by not choosing me. Now I can open up. Show and tell my feelings to Elena, not afraid to get hurt. She would never hurt me like Kat had. We love each other too much. But I can see through her that there's a part of her, a small part, that will always love Stefan.
The Warning
I set my glass down, now finished with my daily blood for the morning. Then a scent comes to me when she walks in and closes it behind herself. Elena. I smile inwardly and then turn around to face her, as she walks up to me.
I stop.
No. Wait. It's Katherine Pierce.
"Katherine," I say.
"Damon. Listen, I have news. I figured I should warn you."
"I'm listening. Warn me about what?"
"Stefan's being reckless. He's killing Klaus' hybrids. He's making him angry. Klaus just gave the word. He's sending hybrids after you. I'll try to knock some sense into Stefan. If he won't listen to Klaus, maybe he'll listen to me. I don't want either of you dead."
"Thanks for the warning."
She rests a hand gently on my cheek.
She looks into my eyes and I do likewise.
"Is it so wrong for me to love you both?" she asks me.
"No, Kat. It's not."
I slowly reach up and take her hand off my face, holding it.
We stare into each other's eyes.
I didn't realize she still loved me until now. After so long, I still love her, while she loves both of us. But unlike before, I can see in her heart deep down, that if I didn't love Elena, she would choose me.
"You should go. I'll pass the warning onto Elena," I say and then kiss her forehead.
"See you later, my Damon," she says, as she leaves.
I smile, as she closes the door behind herself. She never changes. She never did change. She used to call me 'my Damon' and 'my sweet Damon', back when the three of us were together as family.
The News
It's a dark night, as I drink a shot glass of Bourbon. Then Elena walks in, closing the door behind herself.
She walks up to me.
"Damon, hi."
I wish I didn't have to tell her what Kat told me, but we made a promise to never keep secrets from each other. Elena and me. And I keep my promises. Always. I don't like lying. I hate lying. I would rather say what I have to.
I look at her.
"Katherine came by this morning."
"What is it?"
"She has news. Stefan angered Klaus. Klaus wants Stefan to stop killing his hybrids, but he won't listen. Klaus is having hybrids come after me. Katherine is going to try and knock some sense into my brother."
"I hope it works. I can't bare to lose you. Never. I don't know what I'd do without you here."
She wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head on my shoulder. I know what she means. She probably would've been dead by now, if I didn't exist. A very long time ago.
"I won't let anything happen to me. I promise you that, Elena. I love you too much to let myself go," I reply, arms around her, breathing in her exquisite, familiar scent. Her human scent of innocents. I love her too much. I could never be selfish with her.
Happy Ending
It's a beautiful night, as I sit on my couch, beer bottle in hand.
Kat walks in and I look up.
She walks up to me.
"Any good news?" I ask.
"Yeah. Stefan's done being reckless. You're safe."
"Thanks, Kat."
"Anytime, Damon."
She walks out.
I go to stare at the fireplace, into the flames, standing. I let the beer bottle drop to the floor and smash into pieces.
I smile.
"He's slowly coming back. We never actually lost him."