It's a dark night as I walk down the streets of Albany, New York alone. My name is Damon Salvatore and I am a vampire. Not like my younger brother Stefan Salvatore. He prefers to prey on forest animals, while I would rather be like other vampires who drink human blood. To be honest, I haven't seen or heard of my brother since 1868. He's weak compared to me. Any vampire that drinks animal blood instead of human blood is weaker than vampires like me. But I don't always kill. I only take enough to satisfy me if I feel like it. And then I compel them to forget me and what I did before leaving them. And I do love drinking and a good party. It's a good combination. Don't you think? It's my idea of a good time. I'm used to it.
You're probably wondering how we so happened to both become vampires. Well, there was this girl we both were very fond of. We loved her so much. But in my mind, she was mine. No one else's. I loved her. Katherine Pierce. I'll never forget her. We never knew she was a vampiress until she gave us each a reasonable amount of her blood and told us. Stefan was the first one to turn. When I found out that he was going to tell our father that Katherine was a vampire, I tried to persuade him not to. It was useless.
My brother and I tried to help her, but were stopped by our father. I blamed him, but I knew if we had the chance to save her, we had to work together. So I put aside my self pity and we tried to find her, but couldn't. So we figured she was dead. Especially, one sunny day, when we found her dress lying near a tree. Even her necklace was there.
I only turned because I was forced to. It was in the middle of a war and I was in my blue soldier uniform. I was fighting alongside my fellow soldier men. The next thing I knew, I was shot and fell on my back, dropping my rifle.
As I lay there, knowing I was dying, there was my brother. He knew I was dying, too. Instead of letting me die, he did the one thing he wanted to do. Give me his blood so that I would become a vampire. I didn't want to, but he insisted on it. So I became a vampire to satisfy him. And now look at me. I'm a vampire having a time of my life. Even though I am though, I still keep my promise whenever we meet up. Because he made me a vampire and Katherine died, I vowed to make his life miserable for eternity.
After we both were vampires, Katherine's maid Emily, gave us each a lapis lazuli ring in favor of Kat. Kat had told her to give us each a lapis lazuli ring, apparently. Kat is what I loved calling her. But only in private. Stefan never knew.
I'm walking down the desolate streets in a place where alleys are everywhere, when someone comes up behind me and stabs a stake in my gut from behind, catching me off guard. Then he throws me across the pavement and I land on my back in pain.
I look up at him in agony, as he casually starts walking towards me. I want nothing more than to pull it out, but it's been a couple days since I've fed. My healing will be too slow for me to not bleed out. I know my attacker well. I was once close to death because of him. Stefan and I barely escaped. I know I'm in danger as he saunters over to me.
Through the pain in my gut, I'm able to say his name.
"Hello, Damon."
He gives me a wicked smile and then everything goes black.
I'm not sure how long I was unconscious, but I'm weak from blood loss and hunger. I feel like I'm going to pass out again. I'm barely coherent. I can barely comprehend where I am and what's happening. I'm chained to a wall by my wrists in a basement. Klaus is watching me as I suffer in pain.
As flashes of Katherine come, I close my eyes. Then it's like a vision or dream. I see Kat standing in front of me. She's just as beautiful as I remember. Like an angel. We're in a pasture of green grass with hardly any trees.
She smiles and I do likewise.
We look at each other with so much love.
"My sweet Damon," she says, standing before me so close we can kiss.
And then we do kiss.
I know it's not real, but I can't help it. I'll always love her. I have no strength left to fight, anyway. So why try? I just want to give in and let her take me away to where she now dwells.
"I should go."
As she walks away, I try to call her back to me.
"No! Kat! Don't leave me!"
She stops to look over her shoulder at me.
"I'll never truly leave you, my Damon. I never did. I'll always live in your memories. I'll never be forgotten."
Then everything disappears to be replaced by darkness.
"Katherine," I murmur.
"Drink," I hear Stefan say.
I feel the familiar liquid as I drink. It's nourishment unto me. Even if it does taste differently from what I'm used to. It's my brother's blood.
I open my eyes to look up at him.
He takes his wrist away and helps me to my feet and out.
I'm thankful for him saving my life.