Scene 3 opens with Veronica waking up
Veronica: *wakes up, yawns, and stretches* Oh, I had the strangest dream last night. *stands up and rubs her eyes* Oh, my goodness. *walks into the bathroom, turns the light on and looks in the mirror* What the…? *screams*
Johnny/SVF: *from outside, pacing on the sidewalk* *whispers* Wait a minute. She’s still alive?! *walks up to Veronica’s house and kicks the door open*
Veronica: *jumps and runs into her living room, facing SVF* You!
Johnny/SVF: How the hell are you still alive?!
Veronica: What do you mean ‘still alive?!’ Look at me! I’m a pale-skinned freak!
Johnny/SVF: Don’t be a racist, girl. *sighs* Lift your shirt up.
Veronica: What?! You’re a sick and perverted person!
Johnny/SVF: Could you just do it real quick instead of whining?
Veronica: *sighs with frustration and lifts her shirt slightly*
Johnny/SVF: Interesting.
Veronica: What?
Johnny/SVF: Give me your hand.
Veronica: Why?!
Johnny/SVF: Because I need to try something with it.
Veronica: Whatever. *reluctantly gives SVF her right hand*
Johnny/SVF: *holds Veronica’s hand, enforces his claws, and slices her hand off*
Veronica: *gasps and passes out, then falls to the ground*
Johnny/SVF: You shouldn’t be sleeping right now. You’ll be missing out on the coolest part of me putting your hand back on! *holds Veronica’s hand against its socket and watches it slowly regenerate* What in the world happened?
Veronica: *slowly breathes*
Johnny/SVF: I’m just… gonna leave you alone for now. *walks out of Veronica’s house and onto the sidewalk*
Demon 1/Jacob: *approaches SVF* Well? Is she dead?
Johnny/SVF: I stabbed her in the gut last night. *shakes his head*
Demon 1/Jacob: Why are you shaking your head? Is there something you’re not telling me?
Johnny/SVF: *sighs* This morning, I could’ve sworn she was dead, but she woke up and somehow, her wounds were gone.
Demon 1/Jacob: So, you’re telling me that she never actually died, but that she regenerated, ultimately resulting in you failing to do as you were commanded!
Johnny/SVF: I told you I thought she was dead! How the hell was I supposed to predict that she would’ve healed and lived another day?!
Demon 1/Jacob: That doesn’t matter right now. I said that if you failed, I’d get the job done myself.
Johnny/SVF: You think you can do a better job, boy?
Demon 1/Jacob: *enforces his claws and steps closer to SVF* Are you mocking me?
Johnny/SVF: *cracks his knuckles* I just don’t see how a demon like yourself could kill that girl if I couldn’t.
Demon 1/Jacob: Okay, that’s it! I’m tired of listening to that smart ass tongue of yours! *growls and tries to slash at SVF*
Johnny/SVF: *catches Jacob’s wrist and punches him in the shoulder thrice, then kicks him backwards*
Demon 1/Jacob: *falls onto his back from impact and groans*
Johnny/SVF: *growls and enforces his claws*
Demon 1/Jacob: *slowly gets on his feet* Oh, I’m gonna kill you now, pretty boy!
Johnny/SVF: *grins*
Demon 1/Jacob: *shouts and charges at SVF*
Johnny/SVF: *lunges at Jacob and punches him in the face*
Demon 1/Jacob: *slashes SVF across the face and backhands him*
Johnny/SVF: *spits blood out of his mouth* Is that all you got?! *uppercuts Jacob*
Demon 1/Jacob: I’m just warming up! *swings his claws at SVF*
Johnny/SVF: *sidesteps each swing*
Demon 1/Jacob: *throws a punch at SVF*
Johnny/SVF: *catches Jacob’s fist and slices his hand off*
Demon 1/Jacob: *shrieks in pain and grabs his arm*
Johnny/SVF: *stabs Jacob in the chest*
Demon 1/Jacob: *gasps and falls to the ground*
Johnny/SVF: Glad I don’t have to deal with you anymore.
Demon 1/Jacob: *vanishes*
Demon 2/Martin: *runs into room where Satan is sitting in a chair, brooding* Satan, sir!
Satan: *shakes his head* What do you want, Martin?
Demon 2/Martin: It’s about Jacob! He was killed!
Satan: *stands from his chair* What?! Who could’ve killed him?!
Demon 2/Martin: Believe it or not, but that Johnny kid that was brought back to life and morphed, he was the one who killed Jacob.
Satan: Damn it! Who’s supposed to stay down on earth then?!
Demon 2/Martin: Let me sir. I can take his place.
Satan: What if I need you here to keep souls from trying to escape?
Demon 2/Martin: I can multitask.
Satan: *sighs* Fine. I’ll have Aaron check the souls occasionally.
Demon 2/Martin: Okay. *walks out of the room*
Satan: *groans* What would cause Johnny to act so aggressive and kill Jacob? *shakes his head* Whatever. As long as he’s still doing as I commanded him to.596Please respect copyright.PENANAWqV3UZnJG4
Johnny/SVF: *walks back inside Veronica’s house*596Please respect copyright.PENANAkQdl2AIp8s
Veronica: *slowly wakes up and shakes her head*596Please respect copyright.PENANAKONoWAz3XJ
Johnny/SVF: Look who finally decided to wake up.596Please respect copyright.PENANAvlaYKllw48
Veronica: You! *looks at her hand* What the…?!596Please respect copyright.PENANAtmA0P4VGFg
Johnny/SVF: Yes, I cut your hand off, and yes, it regenerated and healed back up as if nothing ever touched it.596Please respect copyright.PENANA3mo6Ggk4vp
Veronica: But… how?!596Please respect copyright.PENANA3J1Ti92VVN
Johnny/SVF: Don’t ask me.596Please respect copyright.PENANAlEIssHp8qS
Veronica: *groans* My life seems to just be getting weirder and weirder.596Please respect copyright.PENANAzJyc0icYBL
Johnny/SVF: You’re telling me.596Please respect copyright.PENANAjOQkUEeqjZ
Veronica: *sighs with frustration* Besides, what do you think you’re doing in my house?!596Please respect copyright.PENANANsYYJVtfJ0
Johnny/SVF: Making sure your hand had regenerated properly.596Please respect copyright.PENANAvA5eOKZMkM
Veronica: And it has. So you can leave now.596Please respect copyright.PENANAYFixdkKfT2
Johnny/SVF: But, I won’t have anywhere to go. I’ll be out there all alone.596Please respect copyright.PENANAdJG1l0wJ22
Veronica: You’ve clearly shown me that you can probably defend yourself against any kinds of danger.596Please respect copyright.PENANAUAQ8tqYm56
Johnny/SVF: Yeah, but there are other demons roaming around besides me. Like I said before, you’re pretty damn lucky I didn’t kill you when I had the chance!596Please respect copyright.PENANAN89YqA95EC
Veronica: But you turned me into… this!596Please respect copyright.PENANAB2uzT1rgN3
Johnny/SVF: Who knows? Maybe you’ll do something good with your “abilities.”596Please respect copyright.PENANAohw5S7RgXL
Veronica: *walks up to SVF*596Please respect copyright.PENANAwbr8etWvuG
Johnny/SVF: Oh, what? Are you gonna try and put up a fight with me?596Please respect copyright.PENANAqjcJjdIkeU
Veronica: *grabs SVF’s shoulders, suddenly electrocuting him*596Please respect copyright.PENANAskvGCaeNsu
Johnny/SVF: *spazzes briefly, then jumps back* How… in the hell… did you do that?!596Please respect copyright.PENANAefIxjRpUQs
Veronica: *looks at her hands, which are currently emitting jolts of electricity and sparks*596Please respect copyright.PENANA0QmPMKuy4W
Johnny/SVF: *pops his neck*596Please respect copyright.PENANADpklUJXpvc
Veronica: *shouts and lunges at SVF*596Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0PDEEwbbo
Johnny/SVF: *sidesteps Veronica and scoffs*596Please respect copyright.PENANAhCbujpdE2l
Veronica: *stumbles a bit, but remains on her feet, then turns facing SVF*596Please respect copyright.PENANAgTjywGbtoi
Johnny/SVF: Why do you even bother trying to fight me? We both know how this is gonna end. *enforces his claws*596Please respect copyright.PENANAyitOWRoV0g
Veronica: *shouts and charges at SVF*596Please respect copyright.PENANAA6EMrkO1M7
Johnny/SVF: *swings his claws at Veronica*596Please respect copyright.PENANAuPa710zULw
Veronica: *ducks and avoids SVF’s claws, then kicks him in the knee*596Please respect copyright.PENANAjEd2QVytQZ
Johnny/SVF: *grunts and grabs his knee*596Please respect copyright.PENANAYgOyWQgSCV
Veronica: *roundhouse kicks SVF in the face, then grabs his neck and electrocutes him*596Please respect copyright.PENANAxmJXqmZV8z
Johnny/SVF: *growls and grabs Veronica’s neck, choking her*596Please respect copyright.PENANAe5YfhBfL0X
Veronica: *grabs SVF’s shoulders and attempts to electrocute him*596Please respect copyright.PENANAakwpJvtUXj
Johnny/SVF: *continues to choke Veronica*596Please respect copyright.PENANAyZSMCGxodh
Veronica: *gasps for breath*596Please respect copyright.PENANAb0BjEkGgJd
Johnny/SVF: *releases Veronica*596Please respect copyright.PENANAo4FiVExumE
Veronica: *falls to her knees, then inhales and exhales deeply*596Please respect copyright.PENANA0q8GW9Y6Va
Johnny/SVF: Well, you did last about as long as that other demon I killed. *holds his hand out to Veronica*596Please respect copyright.PENANARb8LV6jqIY
Veronica: *looks at SVF and grabs his hand*596Please respect copyright.PENANAGahNMtR5lW
Johnny/SVF: *pulls Veronica onto her feet*596Please respect copyright.PENANAkJC9T5CmIN
Veronica: Thank you.596Please respect copyright.PENANAoadWyXktY1
Johnny/SVF: What the hell are you thanking me for?596Please respect copyright.PENANALcGPKqsoIn
Veronica: For not killing me… again. Even though you easily could have.596Please respect copyright.PENANA8Co3dISYlW
Johnny/SVF: Eh. Whatever. I’ll leave you alone, for now.596Please respect copyright.PENANAUuxEMzPCvn
Veronica: I can’t go to school like this. I’ll just call in sick or something. *walks back into her house, shuts the front door and locks it*596Please respect copyright.PENANAU4H9pas3CI
Johnny/SVF: *sighs*596Please respect copyright.PENANA9OJsYN7eL2
Demon 2/Martin: *approaches SVF*596Please respect copyright.PENANAJhiefRxJmt
Johnny/SVF: Why is it that every time that girl walks away from me that you or Aaron or Jacob came up to talk to me immediately after?596Please respect copyright.PENANAphMIjBVCMD
Demon 2/Martin: Must be a coincidence. And about Jacob, why did you kill him?! Satan’s pretty pissed right now!596Please respect copyright.PENANAerW9qVM0rt
Johnny/SVF: I don’t really give a shit about that right now.596Please respect copyright.PENANAYAybZ0GPUV
Demon 2/Martin: You should! I’m supposed to be helping the man out with making sure souls don’t leave Hell!596Please respect copyright.PENANAd49mymyKCH
Johnny/SVF: Satan can do that himself. Besides, he doesn’t even live in Hell right now, he’s literally sitting on his ass at his apartment!596Please respect copyright.PENANATAkEaJxNT2
Demon 2/Martin: While that may be true, you still need to do as he commanded or else I’ll take matters into my own hands!596Please respect copyright.PENANANQgSM34qbB
Johnny/SVF: *sighs* Whatever. Jacob said the same thing and look where that got him.596Please respect copyright.PENANA7pTC30OfQz
Demon 2/Martin: I’ll make sure the job gets done. Even if that means going through you.596Please respect copyright.PENANAS0YyEVgaAc
Johnny/SVF: *growls quietly*596Please respect copyright.PENANAWZN34gaUDs
Demon 2/Martin: Don’t make things harder than they already are. *walks away from SVF*596Please respect copyright.PENANA5HP0pHBQKn
Johnny/SVF: If Satan wants all this stuff to get done, then why doesn’t he just do it himself. *shakes his head*596Please respect copyright.PENANAQNKEeTVHNG
Scene 3 ends