Scene 6 opens with Veronica and SVF sitting on the couch
Veronica: Well, now that those demons are out of your way, what do you plan on doing?
Johnny/SVF: I… have no idea.
Veronica: *scoffs* Well, maybe you could go to school or something like that.
Johnny/SVF: I’m not so sure about that. The last thing I wanna do is make a fool of myself.
Veronica: I’m pretty sure you won’t be making a fool of yourself for trying to learn about new things.
Johnny/SVF: Eh, I’ll think about it.
Veronica: *yawns and stretches* My goodness, I’m so tired. I haven’t been able to sleep very well lately with all this stuff going on.
Johnny/SVF: I can’t sleep at all. Especially not with Satan behind my back.
Veronica: How about we watch some TV? Something to keep Satan off your mind?
Johnny/SVF: Okay.
Veronica: *grabs the tv remote to her right and turns on the TV to a stand up Christian comedy*
Johnny/SVF: What show is this?
Veronica: It’s just a show where someone goes up on stage and tells jokes and funny stories to entertain people. He’s a stand-up comedian.
Johnny/SVF: Weird.
Veronica: Yeah, but they can be pretty funny.
Johnny/SVF: *takes his hat off and lies down with his head on Veronica’s lap* You know, there’s something that I’ve been wanting to tell you.
Veronica: What’s that?
Johnny/SVF: Out of all the girls that I’ve come across on this Earth, you are the kindest one I’ve ever met.
Veronica: I just treat others how I like to be treated.
Johnny/SVF: You’re also the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.
Veronica: *gasps lightly, then blushes*
Johnny/SVF: Sorry if that came off as awkward.
Veronica: No, it didn’t. It’s just that… I didn’t expect such a sweet compliment from you.
Johnny/SVF: You deserve it. You deserve much more glory and praise than I do hospitality.
Veronica: I’m no better than anyone else.
Johnny/SVF: Are you sure about that?
Veronica: Very sure. Everyone screws up and makes mistakes.
Johnny/SVF: Have you ever killed someone or commit a crime?
Veronica: Well… no, but all mistakes and sins are equally evil in God’s eyes. He views all sin the same.
Johnny/SVF: What do you mean?
Veronica: Like, in God’s perspective, lying is just as bad as arson or murder.
Johnny/SVF: Geez. Sounds like there’s no gray area in between. It’s just black and white.
Veronica: Pretty much, yeah.
Satan: No, no, no, no, no! *grabs a chair and throws it across the room* This can’t be happening! *breathes aggressively* Wait. You! *points at a demon to his left*
XYLYD: *walks over to Satan* Yes?
Satan: I’ve got a special task in mind for you!
XYLYD: Sounds like fun!
Veronica: I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now.
Johnny/SVF: Now that you’re a superhuman like me?
Veronica: I don’t know if I can go back to school or not.
Johnny/SVF: I’m sure you can go back. Your friends there probably won’t treat you like crap just because your looks changed a bit. And if they do, then they’re just a bunch of asses that don’t deserve to be friends with someone as cool as you.
Veronica: Thanks.
Johnny/SVF: Yeah.
Veronica: Well, if we’re going to my school tomorrow, then we’d better get some rest.
Johnny/SVF: What do you mean, ‘we?’
Veronica: I want to show my friends the real you. Not the one that Satan was trying to control.
Johnny/SVF: Alright. But they better not try and piss me off.
Someone: *walks up to Veronica’s house and knocks on the front door*
Johnny/SVF: *rubs his eyes*
Veronica: *starts slowly waking up*
Johnny/SVF: *whispers* Keep resting. I’ll answer it. *lifts Veronica’s head off his shoulder and gently lies is on the couch* Who the hell knocks on someone’s door this early in the morning? *walks over to the front door and opens it*
Satan: Hello, Johnny!
Johnny/SVF: *walks outside and shuts the front door* What the hell are you doing here?!
Satan: I wanted to have a little chat with my boy! My very naughty boy!
Johnny/SVF: You’re calling me the naughty one even though you were the one who sent me to commit mass genocide to Christians. You’ve got some shitty logic.
Satan: *growls* I didn’t come here to talk about some damn logic issues! You killed my best demons!
Johnny/SVF: Those pricks had it coming. They shouldn’t have pushed my buttons.
Satan: I’ve had enough! If you don’t take care of Veronica, I’ll send the newest member of my army!
Johnny/SVF: *scoffs* Go ahead. I’ll just kill him too. *opens the front door to Veronica’s house, walks inside, and closes the door*
Satan: *shouts* When will he learn?! *walks away*
Johnny/SVF: He needs to stop embarrassing himself like that.
Veronica: *slowly wakes up, yawns, and stretches her arms* Who was that?
Johnny/SVF: It was Satan. I’m surprised he had the balls the even make it here considering I took out his best demons.
Veronica: Wait. The devil was outside my house?!
Johnny/SVF: Don’t worry, Veronica! You’ve got God protecting you! And Satan is here for me, not you.
Veronica: Right. Let’s just go to my school and see how my friends react to… us.
Johnny/SVF: Yeah. Good call.
Johnny/SVF: *walks beside Veronica*
Veronica: *approaches Prosperity High with SVF and breathes deeply*
Johnny/SVF: You’ll be fine. Just walk right in like this. *swings the entrance doors open and walks in with Veronica*
Veronica: *looks around* Everyone must be out for lunch right now.
Andrew: Well, almost everyone.
Veronica: *turns around and faces Andrew, Hilary, and Jason all standing behind her and SVF* Oh, my goodness! It’s so good to see you guys!
Jason: We missed you! And you look so… different.
Veronica: You can thank him. *points at SVF*
Andrew: You’re the one who tried to kill Veronica and Xavier, weren’t you?
Johnny/SVF: Yes, I was. And trust me, the last thing I want to do to Veronica is hurt her.
Hilary: So, what exactly happened to you, Veronica?
Veronica: Well, I went home and fell asleep. The next morning I woke up looking like *gestures to herself* this. And I also got these weird powers, but I have no idea how to they work. I’ve only used them out of anger or self-defense.
Jason: Powers? Like what?
Veronica: I can emit electricity from my hands and I can regenerate.
Andrew: Are you serious?! That sounds dope!
Johnny/SVF: It is, but now I have Satan right on my ass because I killed some of his best demons and I bonded with Veronica, who is a Christian. And everyone knows how much Satan hates Christians.
Jason: Of course he does!
Veronica: Wait, I need to ask you guys, has anyone asked where I’ve been?
Hilary: Hell yeah! Practically everyone’s been wondering where you’ve been! Especially us!
Andrew: Mostly me though. *snickers*
Jason: *nudges Andrew* Ah, shut it. We’ve all missed you, equally.
Johnny/SVF: *hears a shriek come from a distance* What the hell could that be this time? *walks outside and stands on the sidewalk, looking out into the distance*
Veronica: Do you think that could be another demon?
Johnny/SVF: Most likely. You guys better go in and make sure nothing bad happens. I’ll go see where that sound came from. *walks off*
Jason: You heard him. Hurry! *runs inside with everyone else and shuts the entrance doors*
Johnny/SVF: *continues walking*
XYLYD: *runs up to SVF and knocks him aside*
Johnny/SVF: *rolls and gets to his feet quickly* So, I’m assuming you were sent by Satan to come and kill me, but instead you’re vocalizing.
XYLYD: *growls* Why don’t you just shut up and cooperate. It’ll make things easier for me!
Johnny/SVF: *looks at XYLYD’s shirt* How do you say your name?
XYLYD: It’s pronounced ‘exiled!’
Johnny/SVF: It fits.
XYLYD: *charges at SVF*
Johnny/SVF: *enforces his claws and backhands XYLYD*
XYLYD: *enforces his claws* You’re not the only one with shiny claws.
Johnny/SVF: Oh, shit.
XYLYD: *swings his claws at SVF*
Johnny/SVF: *dodges XYLYD’s claws and punches him in the side*
XYLYD: *elbows SVF in the gut*
Johnny/SVF: *growls and stabs XYLYD in the knee*
XYLYD: *shrieks in pain*
Johnny/SVF: *pulls his claws out of XYLYD’s knee, uppercuts, and kicks him backward*
XYLYD: *growls*
Johnny/SVF: Bring it on, you bastard!
XYLYD: *shouts and repeatedly swings his claws at SVF*
Johnny/SVF: *dodges XYLYD’s claws*
XYLYD: *slashes SVF in the chest*
Johnny/SVF: *grabs his chest and groans in pain*
XYLYD: *stabs SVF in the stomach*
Johnny/SVF: *shouts in pain*
XYLYD: *laughs sinisterly* Well, well, well. Looks like you’ve made your last battle a weak one.
Johnny/SVF: You forgot one thing. *stabs XYLYD in the heart*
XYLYD: *gasps in pain*
Johnny/SVF: You should’ve aimed for the heart. *pulls his claws out of XYLYD’s chest and kicks him down*
XYLYD: *falls to the ground on his back and disappears*
Johnny/SVF: Man, Satan just won’t give up, will he? I’d better head back. *starts walking back to Prosperity High*
Jason: How do you think things are going out there with that… thing?
Veronica: He’s not just a “thing.” He’s a superhuman… of sorts.
Andrew: No shit.
Veronica: And I think he’s fine. He knows how to defend himself.
Satan: Yes, he has proven that much.
All: *turn and look at Satan*
Andrew: Who… in the hell… are you?!
Satan: Come on, now. Do you really not recognize me?
Jason: Oh, my gosh. It’s Satan!
Veronica: We need to get out of here!
Satan: How can you get out of here without your friend, Johnny, here?
Andrew: *shouts and runs toward Satan*
Satan: *grabs Andrew and throws him against a locker* Tsk, tsk, tsk. Oh, Andrew.
Andrew: *groans in pain*
Jason: *quickly walks towards Satan* Stay away from him! *throws a punch at Satan*
Satan: *catches Jason’s fist and twists it*
Jason: *shouts in pain*
Satan: *grabs Jason’s neck and throws him aside*
Jason: *lands on the ground and groans in pain*
Satan: *walks towards Veronica and Hilary*
Veronica: Stay away from us!
Satan: I asked Johnny to do one thing!
Veronica: I know! He told me everything!
Satan: *sighs with frustration* Figures.
Hilary: What’re you gonna do?! Kill us?!
Satan: Most likely, yes.
Hilary: *pulls out a pocket knife from her pocket*
Veronica: *looks at the knife* Why do you have a pocket knife with you?!
Hilary: For a moment like this. *throws the pocket knife at Satan, but it misses*
Satan: *laughs* How pathetic!
Johnny/SVF: *swings the entrance doors open and walks inside* Satan!
Veronica and Hilary: *look at SVF*
Satan: Johnny! What are you doing here?! I sent XYLYD to execute you! How is this possible?!
Johnny/SVF: In turn I executed him. You’re welcome.
Satan: You’re going to regret everything you’ve done!
Johnny/SVF: Why don’t we settle this right here… right now? *enforces his claws*
Satan: Good idea. *clenches his fists*
Johnny/SVF: Veronica, get you and your friends out of here. Now!
Veronica: *runs past Satan with Hilary to get Jason and Andrew*
Satan: *throws a punch at SVF*
Johnny/SVF: *dodges the punch and slashes Satan’s side*
Satan: *shouts in pain*
Johnny/SVF: *slashes Satan in the back*
Satan: *groans in pain*
Johnny/SVF: *grabs Satan’s shirt and holds him against a locker*
Satan: *breathes heavily* You won’t win, Johnny.
Johnny/SVF: What makes you say that?
Satan: *headbutts SVF and kicks him backward*
Johnny/SVF: *grunts in pain, then growls*
Satan: *grabs SVF’s neck and tries to choke him*
Johnny/SVF: *grabs Satan’s arm and tries to make him let go of his neck*
Satan: Face it, Johnny! You weren’t meant to win!
Johnny/SVF: Maybe not, but you were meant to lose! *stabs Satan on both sides*
Satan: *releases SVF’s neck and shouts in pain as he grabs his sides*
Johnny/SVF: *knees Satan in the face*
Satan: *falls onto his back*
Johnny/SVF: *slashes Satan in the chest*
Satan: *grunts in pain*
Johnny/SVF: *leans down to grab Satan*
Satan: *kicks SVF in the groin*
Johnny/SVF: *groans in pain*
Satan: *kicks SVF backward, then stands up*
Johnny/SVF: *remains on his feet and holds up his fists, his claws still enforced*521Please respect copyright.PENANAwDjQghCKTr
Satan: We could go on like this all day, Johnny.521Please respect copyright.PENANAnrRVrRJcKV
Johnny/SVF: I agree. So why don’t you just give up already?521Please respect copyright.PENANANfWMcqFylR
Satan: Because I’m not giving up on my plan!521Please respect copyright.PENANAJmu6EN1oqq
Johnny/SVF: Of course not. That’d make you look like the shitbag that you are!521Please respect copyright.PENANA0hsc8p2waV
Satan: *shouts angrily* I’m tired of hearing that mouth of yours!521Please respect copyright.PENANABttEaYVVjl
Johnny/SVF: What’re you gonna do about it?!521Please respect copyright.PENANAMOHRacBeeV
Satan: *sighs with frustration* I’ll be dealing with you later! *walks out of the entrance doors*521Please respect copyright.PENANAVN4TwgJ5Na
Johnny/SVF: Ha! *turns around and walks toward Veronica and her friends* Is everyone alright?521Please respect copyright.PENANAjL5cHAHAZI
Andrew: I think Satan threw out my back. *groans in pain*521Please respect copyright.PENANAaV9IvooZxn
Johnny/SVF: *stands Andrew up and pops his back*521Please respect copyright.PENANAmJymAv968O
Andrew: *shouts in pain, then sighs in relief* That feels much better.521Please respect copyright.PENANAie8lhSombt
Johnny/SVF: *shakes his head* Veronica, are you okay?521Please respect copyright.PENANAzSfef5V5ac
Veronica: I’m fine.521Please respect copyright.PENANAfqdHNHreLp
Jason: Same. *grunts* But, my back is killing me after Satan threw me aside.521Please respect copyright.PENANAm6CSLjkyqZ
Hilary: I never thought something like this would ever happen in my life. So much for that pocket knife of mine.521Please respect copyright.PENANA7YmQUJQScN
Johnny/SVF: It’s only a matter of time before Satan brings his sorry ass back.521Please respect copyright.PENANAzS2kh1zg07
Veronica: What do you think he’ll do?521Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5OCfwYHhB
Johnny/SVF: I have no idea.521Please respect copyright.PENANA9xZLRu9DYt
Scene 6 ends