Scene 5 opens with Veronica and SVF sitting in Veronica’s living room on the couch
Veronica: I want to thank you again for what you did back there for me.
Johnny/SVF: Eh, it was nothing.
Veronica: Of course it was something! That demon was about to kill me, but you saved my life! Again!
Johnny/SVF: There’s something about you that makes me want to… protect you from harm.
Veronica: Well, like I said before, I have God by my side, always, protecting me.
Johnny/SVF: Yeah.
Veronica: If I’m being honest, I never expected us to be where we are right now.
Johnny/SVF: What the hell are you talking about?
Veronica: After we ran into each other, I honestly thought you were gonna try everything you could to kill me.
Johnny/SVF: Sounds normal if you ask me.
Veronica: Well, lucky for you, I’m not normal. *giggles slightly*
Johnny/SVF: *scoffs* No one is it seems like.
Veronica: True.
Johnny/SVF: *sighs* Anyway… *stands up* Mind if I use your shower? I’ve gotta wash this blood off my face and arms and I honestly need some time to relax and clear my mind.
Veronica: Go ahead. I can wash your clothes for you if you want.
Johnny/SVF: Thanks. *walks out of the living room and into the bathroom*
Johnny/SVF: *sighs and breathes lightly while sitting on the toilet lid with the shower running*
Veronica: *walks up to the bathroom door and knocks*
Johnny/SVF: Yes?
Veronica: I was just wondering if you’d want to… um… read the Bible with me more when you’re done in there?
Johnny/SVF: Yeah. Yeah, we can do that.
Veronica: Okay. And I’m making fried egg sandwiches and smoothies for dinner.
Johnny/SVF: Sounds good. I’ll be out soon.
Veronica: *walks away from the bathroom door*
Johnny/SVF: *rubs his chin* I’ve gotta hand it to her. She’s earned my respect. *scoffs*
Veronica: *finishes drinking her smoothie*
Johnny/SVF: *walks out of the bathroom with new clothes on*
Veronica: You’re welcome… for the clothes.
Johnny/SVF: Whose clothes are these anyway?
Veronica: They were my dad’s. I figured you would fit into them since you’re about the same size as he was.
Johnny/SVF: Well, they fit me just fine. Thank you.
Veronica: I left your dinner in the kitchen on the counter next to the stove.
Johnny/SVF: Thanks. *walks into the kitchen and quickly eats his sandwich and drinks his smoothie, then walks into the living room*
Veronica: You’re already done?! How’d you eat that fast?!
Johnny/SVF: Well, I haven’t really eaten anything since I was brought back to life, and I guess I forgot about eating when Satan and his demon friends came into the picture.
Veronica: I’m just glad you were able to eat something so you wouldn’t starve.
Johnny/SVF: I appreciate your concern for my well-being, but I’m pretty sure I won’t end up dying of starvation.
Veronica: You never know. *stands up and grabs her empty plate and empty cup* I’ll be right back. I’ve gotta do the dishes.
Johnny/SVF: Wait… Veronica.
Veronica: Yeah?
Johnny/SVF: *walks over to Veronica and gently grabs the plate and cup from her* Let me do them for you. I may have saved your life once or twice, but that’s nothing compared to you caring for me and helping make me a better person.
Veronica: *stammers* I…
Johnny/SVF: Don’t worry. I won’t break anything. *walks into the kitchen and starts doing the dishes*
Veronica: *smiles* I’ll be reading the Bible while I wait for you to finish!
Johnny/SVF: Okay.
Veronica: *flips a page in her Bible and reads*
Johnny/SVF: *walks out of the kitchen and into the living room*
Veronica: *looks up at SVF, then back down at her Bible* That didn’t take you long.
Johnny/SVF: I wanted to get it done and over with. *walks over to Veronica and sits down next to her*
Veronica: In case you were wondering, I’m reading Revelation 20:1-3. It says, “Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him so that he might not deceive the nations any longer until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be released for a little while.”
Johnny/SVF: So, you’re telling me that in this great war that Satan is in with God, he ultimately loses?
Veronica: Exactly. It doesn’t matter what he does. He’s gonna lose.
Johnny/SVF: *scoffs* Well, I can’t wait for that day to come then.
Demon 3/Aaron: Satan! *runs into Satan’s apartment room, where Satan is seen sitting at a desk, brooding*
Satan: Don’t bother me right now, Aaron! That girl that Johnny was supposed to kill is caring for him! And he seems to be taking her side!
Demon 3/Aaron: That’s what I came in to tell you. That, and he also killed Martin.
Satan: I know! My slaves are failing me! And it keeps pissing me off every time I hear people preaching or reading their Bibles and sharing God’s love with others!
Demon 3/Aaron: Satan, how long are you gonna keep going after this one person? Out of everyone on this damn planet?!
Satan: I will never stop! In fact, since you seem to be so sure that things are gonna be fine with Johnny, you can go down and see him for yourself!
Demon 3/Aaron: What?!
Satan: And you better not get yourself killed too.
Demon 3/Aaron: *vanishes*
Veronica: I don’t know when The Second Coming happens, but when it does, I know where I’ll be going.
Johnny/SVF: And where is that?
Veronica: To Heaven.
Johnny/SVF: How do you know if you go to Heaven or not?
Veronica: I know that you’ve gotta have a pretty solid relationship with God and you’ve gotta live like Jesus.
Johnny/SVF: Right. Sounds like I ain’t gonna make it to Heaven then.
Veronica: That’s ridiculous. Everyone has a chance to build a relationship with God and go to Heaven with Him.
Johnny/SVF: How can I though?! I made a deal with Satan, that I eventually broke, I’ve attempted to and successfully taken lives, and not only that, but I’ve got a crazy ass temper on me! How can someone like me get into Heaven for all the stuff I’ve done?!
Veronica: Well, *flips to Deuteronomy 7:9* It says here in Deuteronomy 7:9, “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations…”
Johnny/SVF: So, God keeps covenant and steadfast love, but how does that help my case?
Veronica: Wait. There’s another verse I would like to read to you. *flips to 1 Peter 4:8, then clears her throat* “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.”
Johnny/SVF: So, to sum that up, it’s basically saying that God’s love goes to everyone? Not just those who deserve it.
Veronica: Exactly. God loves everyone, no matter what. God will love you no matter what kind of trouble you’ve gotten into or if you’ve just given away to charity. There’s nothing you can do to make God love you more and nothing you can do to make Him love you less.
Johnny/SVF: That’s definitely something to keep on my mind.514Please respect copyright.PENANAReiB73QytL
(Someone knocks on Veronica’s front door)514Please respect copyright.PENANAbbcIoeQ0Pf
Johnny/SVF: Here. Let me get it for you. *stands up and walks over to the front door and opens it*514Please respect copyright.PENANA4ri41bKvTE
Demon 3/Aaron: *clears his throat and speaks quietly* May I speak to you outside for a minute?514Please respect copyright.PENANAbVNaGgm0F6
Johnny/SVF: Fine. But make it quick. *walks outside with Aaron and shuts the front door* What do you want, Aaron?514Please respect copyright.PENANAEJZWHbFnSi
Demon 3/Aaron: Things are getting serious, Johnny.514Please respect copyright.PENANAtXmbSVAMNN
Johnny/SVF: I’ve said this before, my name isn’t Johnny anymore.514Please respect copyright.PENANAutV6DLdqRC
Demon 3/Aaron: Whatever. Satan is gonna go batshit crazy if you don’t follow through with what you were commanded to do.514Please respect copyright.PENANA13CsDYABrn
Johnny/SVF: Similar words came out of the mouths of Jacob and Martin… right before they were killed.514Please respect copyright.PENANAsuC9drCsM7
Demon 3/Aaron: Don’t think you can just kill me with ease. I am currently the leader in Satan’s army.514Please respect copyright.PENANAl5iseaWsrZ
Johnny/SVF: So what? If you’re so powerful, then why did Satan send me down here and not you?514Please respect copyright.PENANA7XHgjAaBRf
Demon 3/Aaron: I can see why Jacob got so irritated around you. You never know when to shut that damn mouth of yours!514Please respect copyright.PENANAi87aoAuAh0
Johnny/SVF: If Satan wants to send me a message, he can send it himself, but while you’re here, I’d like to send him a message myself.514Please respect copyright.PENANAI35JDfZPLn
Demon 3/Aaron: *growls* You better not do anything that you’ll regret.514Please respect copyright.PENANAQRRYsuiOTO
Johnny/SVF: Don’t worry, I’ve only got one thing to say to Satan.514Please respect copyright.PENANAwhzPMVb9Fc
Demon 3/Aaron: And what’s that?514Please respect copyright.PENANA6ty7rA3G7e
Johnny/SVF: *enforces his claws*514Please respect copyright.PENANAIilQ1OXHll
Demon 3/Aaron: *shouts* You’re dead!514Please respect copyright.PENANAyugPE29sJ0
Johnny/SVF: *kicks Aaron backward towards the street*514Please respect copyright.PENANA3DqfNCKlue
Demon 3/Aaron: *gets on his feet and enforces his claws*514Please respect copyright.PENANAAedRsQDRFx
Johnny/SVF: *quickly walks over to Aaron*514Please respect copyright.PENANAI9LxGApd0B
Demon 3/Aaron: *swings his claws at SVF*514Please respect copyright.PENANAr1s48aBfCp
Johnny/SVF: *sidesteps Aaron’s claws*514Please respect copyright.PENANASL7MLEuRby
Demon 3/Aaron: *punches SVF in the stomach*514Please respect copyright.PENANAm30MRctE23
Johnny/SVF: *grunts and growls in pain*514Please respect copyright.PENANAk8uLomvhaj
Demon 3/Aaron: *throws another punch at SVF*514Please respect copyright.PENANA7MM16jkLMR
Johnny/SVF: *dodges Aaron’s punch and slashes him in the side*514Please respect copyright.PENANAqwsC9Ta9dY
Demon 3/Aaron: *shrieks in pain*514Please respect copyright.PENANAT7KJLo2Yfw
Johnny/SVF: *slashes Aaron across the chest*514Please respect copyright.PENANAhWSOTbqqUS
Demon 3/Aaron: *shrieks in pain again*514Please respect copyright.PENANATwUVJ3XHyG
Johnny/SVF: *grabs Aaron and kicks him back into the road in front of an oncoming car*514Please respect copyright.PENANAyYDstBFseH
(car stops quickly just before Aaron stumbles into it)514Please respect copyright.PENANAhKAKkUQmdL
Demon 3/Aaron: *groans in pain*514Please respect copyright.PENANAbTSwRr47uz
Johnny/SVF: *walks over to Aaron as the driver and passenger climb out of the car and run away*514Please respect copyright.PENANAZHFj3vovXA
Demon 3/Aaron: *scoffs* You think you’re so strong, don’t you?514Please respect copyright.PENANAlr5FYFsv0o
Johnny/SVF: Says the one who’s getting his ass kicked. *grabs the passenger door handle, grabs Aaron’s head, opens the car door and slams it against Aaron’s head, then releases Aaron*514Please respect copyright.PENANALIbPesdAoH
Demon 3/Aaron: *grunts in pain*514Please respect copyright.PENANAJ7fQMbsmxY
Johnny/SVF: *shuts the car door and grabs Aaron*514Please respect copyright.PENANAWi20lxdFWX
Demon 3/Aaron: *exhales heavily* You’re not gonna stop him. Satan will do everything in his willpower to take you down.514Please respect copyright.PENANA2GytyS6Gfm
Johnny/SVF: I don’t really give a shit. *stabs Aaron in the chest*514Please respect copyright.PENANAiMe8MIy2jf
Demon 3/Aaron: *gasps in pain and vanishes*514Please respect copyright.PENANAiJa2SpO6y1
Veronica: *runs outside and stands beside SVF* What on earth is going on?!514Please respect copyright.PENANA9Q3JG3M1EE
Johnny/SVF: It was another demon. His name was Aaron. The leader of Satan’s army or… was until I sent him back home.514Please respect copyright.PENANAKZgNmXgsDK
Veronica: What did he want to talk about?514Please respect copyright.PENANALHbOJ3uO0E
Johnny/SVF: Same as what Jacob and Martin had told me before, except Aaron had said something else before he met his demise.514Please respect copyright.PENANAbBXX4JkRHC
Veronica: What’d he say?514Please respect copyright.PENANATTBYNoIbYi
Johnny/SVF: He told me that Satan will do everything in his willpower to try and take me down. He thinks I won’t be able to stop him.514Please respect copyright.PENANAsGpv2nGGvz
Veronica: Here, let’s head back inside my house and talk more. I don’t want to upset the neighbors. They’re cranky, nosy people. 514Please respect copyright.PENANARGgKHnhfyN
Both: *walk back inside Veronica’s house* 514Please respect copyright.PENANAgDEyuTTHD3
Scene 5 ends