His head felt as if were smashed with a hammer. It thumped hard, he though his brain was going to leak out. He tried to open his eyes, but they hurt too badly. When he moved around, he heard can tins and trash moving around.
The bones inside his body were so sore. He was hurting so badly, he didn't know if he was able to move.
Finally, he gathered the strength to open his eyes. He blinked a few times, trying to get his eyesight to come to focus. It looked like it was night time, and he was an alleyway. His mind wondered at 100 miles per hour, trying to figure out he got here.
He blinked a few more times, trying to get his eyes to see clearly. After a while, he realized his eyes were as focused as it could get. Everything around him had an orange tint to it. He stood up from where he was, feeling heavier than before.
He slowly took a step and seemed to almost stomp the grab with every motion. He felt drunk. Was he? He prayed to God he was drunk and he imagined everything.
When he got to the light near the end of the alleyway, he looked at his hands. They were covered in skin-tight black gloves. Panic, he tried to take them off as fast as he could. The gloves would even move. He looked down to his legs, and they were covered in skin-tight black pants. His feet were nonviable.
"What the hell?" he asked himself. He was taken by surprise as he listened to his voice, a high pitch almost computer-like tone. What had happened to him?
Bravely, he walked out to the sidewalk and started to walk down the street. There weren't many people out. Just a few from the new restaurant. A few people were standing around, some had boxes in their hands.
Late! He was late! He wondered if Emily ever showed up to the restaurant. He had to tell her what happened.
He ran across the street, looking both ways. He felt paranoid and felt hat people were looking at him. He must have looked like a bum, for someone who just woke up in an alleyway. But it wasn't til a woman started screaming at the top of her lungs that he knew something deep down was wrong.
"What is that thing?!" someone shouted as some people ran away. Some ran to their trucks and cars, some went back to the restaurant. He heard babies crying and small children screaming for their mothers.
"I'm looking for-" he started, but more screams were heard.
"Someone call 911!"
"Kids! Get in the car!"
"It's a monster!"
Scott looked around, trying to figure out what people were talking about. He took a few steps back from the crowd and looked into the window. He saw his reflection and could see that they were screaming because of him.
He looked like a freak, a monster. His body was midnight black, with wires and bolts wrapped around him like veins. His face was covered in what looked like a gas mask with an almost like hard helmet attached to the top. He tried to pull it off, but it wouldn't even move.
"What happened to me?!" he asked, touching his face.
People were starting to run away from him. A few bigger men looked like they wanted to kill him. He heard police sirens started to head their way to the restaurant. He didn't know what to do, so he started running.
Harder and faster, just to get away from the terrified humans.