He saw her apartment lights were still on. The image of her crying stuck in his head. Not once has he ever stood her up. Not even when he was young and stupid.
Shadows moved all around the apartment, lights turning off in one room and turning on in the next. It must have been an hour of him watching the building. He was planning on how to come up to her.
Finally, after a little longer of standing around, he took the steps across the street and slowly walked up to her house. He almost knocked on the door but knew her better. She would pretend she wasn't home, pretend she didn't live there. It must have been one in the morning.
He went on the side of the building and opened the window after a few tugs. It worried him how easy it was to enter her apartment, but he needed to see her. If anyone in this world, she would still love him. She would accept him.
Trying to tiptoe around her place, he could hear Coldplay softly playing in the next room. Her favorite band in the world, and he had promised himself he would take her their concert one day. Guilt and regret had washed over him as he realized he had so many promises that were unfilled.
The door swiftly opened, and he could see Emily, sleeping soundly. Studying her, he realized there was so much to her. The way her long dark blonde hair touched her pink skin, and her long eyelashes made her look at peace when she closed her eyes.
"Emily," he whispered. She moved a little, oblivious hearing him.
"Hmm," she mumbled.
"It's Scott, it's me. Something terrible happened to me."
Her eyelids opened swiftly, and two large brown eyes were staring right at him. It wasn't happiness or joy, but pure terror. Panic took over her body. She kicked the blankets off of her, and fell out of bed. She screamed loud, enough for next door to hear her.
"Emily, it's me," Scott pleaded. "Please, believe me."
"Help!" she screamed as she ran to her closet. Her gun was in there, ready and loaded.
"Emily, Emily! Please-"
She already had the gun out, and without a second thought, she shot him. She hit him in the left arm, and he screamed. He needed to get out of there.
Taking one good long last look at her, he turned away and ran out the apartment. She was still shooting at him, but he was gone. He disappeared in the night.