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Madison knocks on the Arlington door. Natalia opens the door with Fluffy Bottoms tied to her back so he wouldn’t be attacked again without her knowing. Madison looks at Natalia with an awkward smile.
“Still prancing around with that thing I see.” Madison says. Natalia gives her a baffled look. Madison walks past Natalia into the house.
“How are you staying in the house?” Madison asks Natalia. “Our parents left us a fortune. We can afford to stay here. So don’t worry about us.” She says. “Good. Where is Joseph? I promised him I would help him on his date.” Madison said.
“I don’t know if there will be one.” Natalia says softly. “Why? What did the lug nut do to ruin his chances?” Madison says. “It wasn’t him.” Natalia says dancing around the subject. “Who then?” Madison digs. “I wish I could tell. You need to figure that out for yourself. It’s the only way you can help.” Natalia says.
“Okay? I’m just going to find my best friend and help him out. Okay?” Madison says walking by Natalia. Natalia stares at her while she walks up the stairs.
“I know she isn’t smart enough to figure out. But I’m trying Fluffy Bottoms. … … … I mean you could through the hint at her but would she see it? … … … … Why can’t you throw it at Joseph? … … … Too stubborn to believe? I guess that is true.” Natalia says walking back into the kitchen.
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Joseph lays out the set of clothes he was going to where for Saturday. Madison bursts into the room. Joseph turns around and she immediately throws his clothes on the floor. “Absolutely not. You want to impress the girl not bore her to death.” Madison said.
“Hello to you too Madison.” Joseph said rolling his eyes. “Did I forget to say hello again?” she asks with an awkward smile. “Madison, I’ve known you for a long time. Trust me when I say, it doesn’t bother me at all.” Joseph tells her picking up his rejected clothing off the floor.
“Sorry. I’ve missed you buddy.” Madison says to her old friend. “And I’ve missed have a partner in crime.” Joseph tells her, “You mind telling me how things are in Hollywood since here…well the most exciting thing that has happened is my parents being murdered.”
“I’m so sorry Jas.” She tells him. “Madison, it’s alright. I knew what I was getting into when I refused to kill that man. It’s only a matter of time before they try to come after me. I’ve come to terms with what I might have to do to protect my sister.” Joseph says to his old friend.
“You’ve been protecting people for as long as I can remember.” She says with a smile, “Remember all those years ago when you promised to protect me?” “Like it was yesterday.” He says looking in his drawers for more clothes.
“Yes. I was the most popular kid in first grade… until I made that blasted commercial where I had to fake poop my pants. Everyone saw it and called me Pooping Maddie… everyone except you. You stood up and told them to back off.
You sat right beside me and whispered in my ear you would always protect me. Remember?” “Yes. I do remember. I remember beating up two kids that day too because they kept hounding you. I got in trouble and have been continuing to get in trouble because of that blasted promised I made you.” He says. “It’s not all that bad is it?” she says smiling at him. “No it isn’t.” he says to her showing her a set of clothes.
“No Joseph. Keep it simple. A pair of jeans, a clean white t-shirt, and a plaid shirt to go over top of it. You’ll look just fine Jas.” Madison says. “You came all this way to tell me that? Madison! I’m yes it is good to see you… but don’t be wasting money like that.” Joseph reprimands.
“Always looking out for me Jas.” She says with her soft smile. “Someone has to.” He throws at her.
“Joseph I have something important to tell you.” She says with a glowing face. He looks at her with judging eyes. He knew it was going to be something he didn’t like. Her whole nature was glowing. It usually meant that she did something without thinking about it.
“Where is this going Madison?” Joseph asks. “Joseph, I’m a married woman now.” Madison says. “What?” He almost yells at her. “His name is Tony Parks, oddly enough. He’s in the army and…”
Joseph stops her from continuing. She watches him rise up to his full stature and his face was boiling with his anger. “It shouldn’t matter to you Joseph. It’s my life, not yours.” Madison tells him.
“But it does Madison! I meant that promise I made you, no matter how childish and trivial it seems to you. I was going to help you find the perfect person to walk down the aisle with.” Joseph tells her. “Jas…” “Madison, I know you better than your own parents do. They don’t care what you do as long as you keep making money. But I care. I don’t want you to end up hurt Madison. Rushing into a marriage like this is…” “Is stupid? I was already dating him before. I just didn’t’ let you meet him. I thought he would run off because he thought you were my crazy ex… or you would run him off simply because you didn’t like him.” She tells him.
“I sure would have run him off Madison. If I don’t like him there would have bene a good reason for me not to care for the man. I have no idea who this man is and I don’t know what he is capable of.” Joseph says to her. “I don’t want you to know. You will do something that will both regret Jas. I love you but sometimes you’re just extreme. I just need you to stop being my bodyguard and be my friend. I want you to be happy for me. Can you do that?” She asks him.
Joseph sits on his bed. He scratches his head a few times. Madison kisses him on the cheek. “I’m not leaving for some time Jas. I know you’ll get over it by then. I hope you have fun on your date old friend.” Madison says walking out.
Joseph sits staring at the floor. He knew that he had to let things play out. Madison made her choice in life. It was not like he had the right to approve or disapprove. He had allowed himself to do it for far too long. It was time to let her go and enjoy himself.
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Saturday came. It was noon time. Joseph had gotten dressed and come downstairs. Madison smiles at him and walks up to him. She straightens his clothes for him.
“You have fun Arlington.” Madison tells him, “And please don’t bore the woman for goodness sakes.” She finishes. Joseph looks at his old friend. “I’ll take your advice Madison. I won’t be gone for too long. Keep an eye on Natalia. She isn’t exactly in the best place.” Joseph tells her.
“No kidding.” “Not the bunny. It’s been with her for the longest time. A lot of people hold onto something from their youth. So, on that note, I’m not too worried about my little sister just other parts of her that are hurting because of our parents murder… right in front of her.” Joseph tells her. “I still think it is weird.” Madison says. “Whatever makes you happy Madison. I’ll see you later.”
Joseph walks out of the door waving goodbye to Madison. He gets in his car and pulls off. Madison shuts the door behind her. As she turns around, she sees Natalia standing there with her weapons on her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Madison says grabbing Natalia by her arm and dragging her into the living room to sit her down. Natalia snatches her arm away from Madison.
“I was dropping hints all of this time that Joseph and Annabelle are in danger Madison. You completely ignored them. I can’t tell you what is going and I especially can’t tell Joseph. It would endanger Fluffy Bottoms.” Natalia tells Madison as she walks through the arch into the foyer.
Madison’s eye twitches. She had finally had it with the bunny. It was running Natalia’s life and everyone else’s. So Madison snatches the stuffed bunny from Natalia’s back. She brings her hand up to throw it on the ground.
In an instant her hand is crippled. Madison releases the bunny from her iron grip and it falls to the ground slowly. It lands softly on its tush and Madison begins to wrinkle even more. Natalia looks at Fluffy Bottoms a bit mad.
“Fluffy Bottoms! You can’t kill her. Joseph wouldn’t like that very much. You know what Joseph does to you when you act badly.” Natalia says. The crippling stops and Madison looks at Natalia as if she is insane.
“Is that thing alive?!” she yells at Natalia. “Of course Fluffy Bottoms is alive, silly. Why wouldn’t he… Hey! You thought I was crazy!” Natalia says in realization of what was happening. “Everyone thinks you’re crazy.” Madison responds, “I’m not even sure that really happened by Fluffy Bottoms’ hand. But I’m not going to argue right now. You said Joseph is in danger, then we need to go find him and warn him.” “Might be a little late for that.” Natalia says putting Fluffy Bottoms on her back.
Joseph arrives to the Lightman home, pulling into his normal parking spot. He just thought that maybe he could come pick her up earlier. He of course made certain he called first and she agreed.
As soon as he places his foot on the ground, military trucks, painted blue, slams in front of the home. Joseph looks taken in surprise.
Paul O’Connor steps out of the truck slamming his feet into the ground. He sees Joseph and shrugs him off walking to the door. He stops himself thinking about it though. He motions one of his men to knock on the door.
The agent knocks on the door and a shotgun blast sends him back. Joseph knew it was go time. He snatches his staff from his back. He spins it in his hand then runs towards the door. Marcia comes out of tear smashing her fist in his face.
Joseph rolls back lying in the ground. He blinks a few times then rises up. Marcia held her two knives in hand.
“Today you die Arlington, and this whole town will go up in flames. Time to die.” Marcia says tauntingly. Joseph spins his staff in his hand. He slams it in the dirt once and points it at her.729Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1ia98SKfl
“You bring all you have to the table and hope that it’s enough for you.”
Joseph blocks a swing of the knives. She flips over him trying to stab him in the shoulder blades. He rolls out of the path, then swings his staff across her throwing her back. She lands on her feet then pushes forward in a run.
She continues her slash attack. His staff spins in the path of her slashes. He didn’t even look as if he was really trying… but she was doing the same. Her slashes were getting faster and he was matching her attack pattern.
She stops the slash attack, throwing her foot into the staff. He pushes her off of the staff then swings it down at her. She rolls over it, places her foot on it and swings her other leg across his face. He back bends, whilst yanking the staff from under her foot.
Joseph turns his head towards the door firing more shotgun shells into men coming up. They stopped heading to the door then started to move to the windows. Joseph starts to run at the house, but Marcia lands in front of him.
She swings her palm into his chest. He slides back a few feet. She spins at him with her knives and he blocks with his staff. He spins the staff around her arms and yanks her into the ground. He tries to slam the staff down on top of her. She rolls out of the way. As she gets up, she does a top spin swinging her legs at him. He blocks the attack with the palm of his hands.
Marcia reaches her full spin, pushes up on her hands and lands on her feet. She runs at him. She swings her knife right and he ducks to the right. She brings her other knife to the right in the same motion. Joseph nearly runs himself through with it but swats her hand away. He then punches her with a right cross. Marcia falls to her side.
Joseph sees Paul coming out of the house with Annabelle being dragged. She was fighting him with all her might. She clawed at him and bit at him but nothing would allow her to be released. Joseph grabs one of Marcia’s knives. He starts to throw it at Paul but she pins a needle in his leg.
Paul pulls Annabelle into a tear with him. Joseph looks back at Marcia in anger. He lifts her up like a ragged doll and tosses her a few feet back. He twists his staff and the bladed ends come out. He spins them at her, walking slowly to her.
“You’ve made a big mistake coming after me!” he yells at her. She looks left and right. She finally gets up running to the right. She starts to disappear in a tear but her foot is pinned by the staff. She falls over looking back to her defeater.
“Why does he have Annabelle?” Joseph asks walking closer to her with fearsome eyes. “She won’t talk.” Madison says, “Tell him Natalia.” “Jas, Paul knows where the Fountain of Youth is.” Natalia says. “Where?” he asks. “Annabelle is the fountain of youth. Fluffy Bottoms knew Belle Linteger. He watched her create the formula long before Annabelle was ever born. She injected it into herself believing it would work. However… it doesn’t work that way. It is a trait passed on to a child.” She informs him. “But she is… he’s going to kill her.” He says.
“How do you know that?” Madison asks. “If I’m right, the only way to inherit the formula is being a child of one injected with the serum or having the serum, already and passing it on to the next child. But there might be a way around it. If they were to take all of her blood, extract the element he is looking for in a concentrated level…then he could possibly make himself eternal.” Joseph says.
“Well lookie here. He’s a smart isn’t he?” Marcia says with a vile look on her face. “Marcia, change this right now. You have the power to make things better and you’re not going to do so. Look… Paul is an insane person and you know it. We need to put a stop to him right now before things get out of hand. Help us defeat him.” Natalia says.
“Look at what you brother did to my foot. You can’t honestly believe that I would want to help you defeat the love of my life after what he did to me!” she asks looking at Joseph. Joseph looks away from her.
“We can defeat him all by yourself Madison and Natalia. We don’t need Marcia. But I do have one thing to say to her. If you think that Paul is going to share his new found power with you, then you are wrong. I’m going to release you… you’re of no use to me nor him pinned in the middle of road. I do hope you’ve chosen he right fellow though.” Joseph says, “Come on. We have a war to prepare for.”
Joseph walks away from Marcia with his staff in hand. He twists it shortening it and placing it in its holder strapped on his back. Natalia spits at Marcia and follows her brother. Madison does a quick curtsy and runs after her friend.
Marcia hobbles into the tear…729Please respect copyright.PENANAgZVpwS0Vad