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Joseph enters the office of the great and powerful man, Paul O’Connor, leader of the IOSTA. Beside him was his known darling, Marcia. Beside Joseph was his father, watching Paul’s every movement closely.
Wait Joseph did not know about his father, was he and Paul were not buddies. The fact that his father messed up made him giddy with joy. Paul was that much closer to destroying his enemy, an Arlington.
“Well, Danny boy, it’s good to see you.” Paul says with a smile plastered to his face. “The pleasure is all mine, being in your presence.” Daniel says lying though his teeth. Joseph just stared at them both, wondering what in the world was going on. There was tension between the two obviously.
“So you finally brought your boy up to see me.” Paul says. “You called him to service, remember?” Daniel replies. “Right. I did not forget. I just thought you would have left him home is all… so we can talk.” Paul says staring at Joseph. “There’s nothing to talk about Paul.” Daniel says with a snappy tone.
“Hmmm… I like this one.” Marcia says circling Joseph. She ran her finger from his right shoulder to his left. Joseph however kept a straight face. He had too. He was here for business, not the foolishness going on.
“Sir. This thing… your little girl here and obviously you and my father, are getting in the way of the important thing. You called me here for a job correct? You’re ready to initiate me into the fold of the IOSTA? Well, get on with it.” Joseph says looking at Paul right in his face.
“Hmph. Presumptuous aren’t we? Then again, perhaps not. It is a wonder that you sister got in before you. Do you have a problem?” Paul asks. “No sir I do not.” “Good. Because if you did, things would be very bad for you and your family. I certainly do not want that. I’m a man that appreciates a good close knit family.” Paul says staring Joseph directly in his eyes.
Joseph however didn’t flinch a bit. He was not afraid of the man who held the power to clean Joseph clean off the earth. He was trained to be more than tough. He was trained to be calm and cool headed. He was trained to slow the pace of his heart and to abandon fear all together. A clean mind and clear head made it easier to see everything… things would even… slow down.
“Sir, I understand well. I just want to get this over with.” Joseph says. “Your life is mine, whether you choose not to or you actually get in. You die in the first, in the second, you live only to kill. For some, it’s not worth it. You sure?” Paul asks so sweetly.
Joseph looks in the eyes of the man before him. He knew well he was looking into the eyes of a man that was nothing more than a violent murderer. There was no soul of his left to save. He was too far going in the amount of blood he spilled… all without remorse. Joseph could not choose the first… as it would mean the Arlington name would be wiped out forever. The second was his only choice… be a killer forever.
“I’m more than sure sir. Can we get this over with now? I don’t have a lot of time on my hands you do realize.” Joseph replies. “Sure. Your mission is in Morocco. There is a General we need put down quickly. He will have resistance for you.” “I can do it with ease. Trust me.” Joseph says staring into the eyes of the insane mind.
Paul nods to Joseph. Daniel then gets up and Joseph gets up with his father. They both leave the office. Paul looks over to Marcia. “I have my money on him putting the guy down.” Marcia says. “Maybe he will. There’s something about him. Who knows? We’ll see soon enough.” Paul lies to her. He knew exactly what was going to happen.
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Hours later, Joseph was on a plane flying right over Morocco. He held on to a bar as the plane shook. A man was yelling at him but Joseph wasn’t really paying any attention. He was wondering if he could push himself to do what was needed. He had fierceness in him… now all he needed to do was clear his mind and do the job, through and through.
“HEY! HEY ARE YOU LISTENING?” the man shouts right in Joseph’s ear. “Huh? Sorry! I was just thinking to myself!” Joseph tells him. “No time for that! We’re about to drop you! You go in and you take him out! Just don’t get killed doing it! We’ll pick you up in two days! We’re not allowed in here just yet! We need to get a permit first! So you’re on your own till we get back, ‘kay!?” he shouts. “Got it!” “Move, Move, Move!”
The side door opens and air is sucked out. Joseph stands firm against it. He takes in a deep breath and clears him mind. He runs out of the door out of the plane. He falls out of the air listening to the plane fly away.
Joseph reaches on his back then pull his staff out. He twists it activating a hidden setting for flight. The wings pop out and the hand and feet props come out. He takes control gliding forward above the large city.
Joseph takes one hand off the prop then pulls down his glasses. He HUD comes online placing a flight path before him. He continues to guide his flight staff towards the target.
He reaches the target building in about two minutes. He lands on the building then shortens his staff placing it on his back. He walks to a door that enters into the building and opens it.
He finds a man coming up to smoke. The man looks at Joseph and Joseph looks at him. The man scrambles for his gun. Joseph grabs him by the head in that time frame and slams his head into the side of the wall.
The man falls to the ground unconscious. Joseph takes his staff back out and twists it. It lengthens. He then does a special twists breaking the staff in to two. He spins his clubs in hand then descends down the stairs to his target.
He stops on the thirteenth floor and opens the door into the hallway. He swings his staff clubs into the face of one man, knocking him out. Six other men starting shooting at him.
But to Joseph, everything was moving slow. His father had taught him when he was young an ancient technique that masters used. They calmed their mind, become devoid of any emotion, set their focus on a goal and this would slow everything down around them.
Back then, it was nothing to dodge ninja stars. The times were different, weapons are faster, but the principal of the technique applied. Joseph could nearly walk his way through the bullets they seemed to be moving slowly to him.
So he weaseled his way through. The first man’s gun was hit in the air. Joseph swung the palm of his hand into the gut of the man, sending force through his entire body and knocking him back into a wall.
Joseph rolls out of the path of the other man pointing his gun point blank at Joseph. Joseph comes out of the roll with an uppercut into the second man’s face. He stumbles back into the third man beside him.
Joseph runs at the second man, grabs his should, pushes himself into the air knocking them man down, then swings his both his legs into two more men taking them down. He sees the final one pulling a pistol.
Before that man knew it, he had a knife in his hand. He screamed in terrible pain. Joseph grabbed him by his neck and slowly put him down.
For Joseph, it was all too easy to do. He had been trained by the best, his father. Going through the men guarding his target was not a difficult task at all. In fact, standing between him and the door to the man’s office was three men left.
Joseph spun his staff clubs in his hand with a smile on his face. One of the men runs at Joseph. He had no weapons in his hand, and chose to use mixed martial arts instead. Joseph blocks all of his attacks without so much as breaking a single sweat.
His breaks through the man’s poor defenses and slams his clubs all over his body. The injured man falls down and Joseph finishes with a nasty kick in the face. The other two men charge. The one on the right found the staff in his gut and his wind knocked out. He falls over at once.
The last one pulled a scimitar out. Joseph gives him the smallest smirk on his face. The man swings his blade down. Joseph swings his club to the side of the weapon, knocking it out of his hand. Joseph punches the man in the face, then swings his club across his head. The man is knocked out.
Joseph picks up his other piece of his staff. He connects it together then stands before the door to his mission. It was the final part of the job. All he had to do was go in and kill the man.
He knew well that whatever was behind the door… It was going to be trouble. It was a trap set for him. So Joseph got on his knees. He started to fully calm his mind. He pushed the excess out in order to cause things to move slower than they had ever moved for him.
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In New Heights, there was a knock at Arlington home. Natalia opens the door seeing Annabelle with a smile on her face.
“Can I help you?” Natalia asks. She was slightly annoyed with her presence since she was talking to Fluffy Bottoms. “Yes. I was going to give your brother a proper thank you.” Annabelle said looking her in her eyes.
“Joseph isn’t here. He’s in Morocco right now.” Natalia tells her. “Morocco? He’s moving again?” she said with a laugh. “No. He’s there for business.” Natalia says with dead seriousness. “Oh. I didn’t know. Well, tell him I came by. I won’t forget to give him my proper thank you.” Annabelle says to her.
“I sure will.” Natalia says. She watches Annabelle get on her bike then pedal off down the street. Natalia shuts the door then looks at her stuffed bunny. “I think she wanted to kiss him.” Natalia tells the bunny.
She gives it a strange look. She blinks a few times. “You sure it wasn’t a kiss? It was some kind of food? What a waste of a girl Fluffy Bottoms. … … Sometimes things aren’t as they seem? What’s that mean? … … … She’s special? She didn’t look like much to me. … … … I’ll find out soon enough? Whatever you say Fluffy Bottoms. You, know, you’re a little insane. … … … I’m insane? Okay.”
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Joseph rises from his kneeled stance. He places his hand on the doorknob. As soon as the door comes open, his staff was spinning in a blur, blocking the bullets coming at him. He saw his victim between the slow moving bullets being pushed away from his body in order for them not to do any harm. He saw him sitting on the Gatling gun laughing at Joseph’s supposed death.
The gun stops firing and there was nothing but a bullet marked spot where Joseph had once stood. The man gets up looking at it curiously. He was then thrown through the air by Joseph yanking his clubs on and from the man’s neck.
The target fell on his side. Joseph stands over him with dark eyes staring into the soul of his soon to be victim. His target scrambles to his feet and places his back against the wall.
“The IOSTA deserves to be destroyed… killing folks with no cause! You’ll all pay for what you do!” he screams in his language. “I don’t understand you. But you must know that I do this to protect those I love. It has nothing to do with you.” Joseph says to him. “So you say!” he replies in English. “My family is in danger if I don’t kill you. So you will have to excuse me. Forgive me for my act… my sin…” Joseph says pulling a silencer gun from his leg pouch.
He points at the man’s head. He stares the fearing man in his eyes. He was a corrupt man Joseph saw, but he also saw he would be ending a life that had no business with him at all. He was taking law into his own hands. He was exacting justice he had no right to do.
He himself was only a man. How could he… a man like the target, say in all honesty that he deserved to be killed by his hand? Joseph’s hand shook with the thought of ending a life. The target laughs and Joseph brings his hand down.
“You are weak! You have no guts?” the target offends. “You have no way to have children.” Joseph says firing his weapon at the man. The man falls down screaming and Joseph bends down. “You don’t know what I have done. I’ve spared your life and ended four others for saving one. But I can’t go to the grave knowing I’m a killer. I’m not. I’ll hurt ya… but I’ll never end a life. I can’t. It’s not me. So be appreciative.” Joseph says. “You shot me…in the…ohhhhhh…”
Joseph hears men coming. He knows that it is his time to leave. So he leaps out of the window and his staff changes to flight mode. He glides away from the building.
As he flies away from his marked target, all he can think of is his doom and the doom of his family. He had brought death on their heads. His action would cost them their lives. But it was time to stop the bloodshed on the Arlington name. There was too much as it was. He was not going to add himself to the line of hated men. It was time to go out in peace and tranquility, with a mind clean and free of murderous ways.743Please respect copyright.PENANAVI4d3QRrb4