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Paul stands under the moonlight coming over the landscape. He admired its beauty. He was instantly disgusted by the white. He imagined how much more beautiful it would be if it were blood red.
His darling Marcia walks up to him. She pulls him around to look at her. “Paul, maybe you need to stop this right now. I don’t think this is the right thing to do. If Belle put it in her, maybe it is for good reason. We shouldn’t kill someone for eternity.” Marcia says.
Paul turns from his view of the landscape and looks at her with a raised eyebrow. “What is this we?” he asks her, “It’s a concentrate. It will only be enough to give one person eternity. Perhaps we can reverse engineer it but it would take years. Only Belle Lightman had the formula.”
“Paul, I thought this was about us.” She tells him. “Us?” he laughs, “Don’t be daft child. You’re nothing more than what I say. There is no us. There is only me and if you think that I’m going to sacrifice myself for you, then you were sorely mistaken.”
He pushes through her to look at his victim. Annabelle looks at her kidnapper in his soulless eyes. She had no fear of him. Her mother did not and she would not.
“Do you know what we are about to do?” he asks her stroking her hair. “You’re going to drain all of my blood out and extract the Fountain of Youth for yourself in its concentrated form in an attempt to make yourself eternal.” She says matter of factly.
“Oh… someone has their mother’s brain! Cute. Yes, I am. I wish it didn’t have to be this. I don’t have forever though. Years of research means that I am already dead. So I would much rather not chalk that one up. So let’s just go ahead and make me eternal. It’s not like I’m going to share anyhow.” He says to her. “Well, I’m not afraid of dying.” She says. “Good. You are.” He says backing away from her.
Marcia stabs some of the guards in the side. They all drop to the floor bleeding out. Paul turns around to Marcia. She was not a happy looking woman.
“You would make yourself immortal and not share? Then neither of us deserves it. Maybe there is a reason she has it and not you.” Marcia tells him.
“Marcia, you’re making a grave mistake.” Paul says holding his hands in the air. She aims at his heart with her knife. “You’re going to die today Paul.” She says to him. She throws the knife and he grabs it out of the air. With a quick motion, he tosses it back into her. She falls down holding her side.
“What a shame. You would have made a fine queen in your youth… and then I would have dumped you. Anyhow… let’s get this started shall we?” Paul says rubbing his hands together. “Joseph…” Annabelle whispers under her breath seeing a cloud of dust with headlights in it.
Paul turns his attention towards the lights in the cloud of dust. He frowns and looks at his scientist.
“Start as soon as you’re ready. I have some people to handle. It’s time for the meddling Arlington’s to finally their parents in the grave.” Paul tells his scientists. Paul leaps off the edge of the fort tower to the ground below.
He is handed a sword and an axe to fight with. He was going to make is something that they would never forget.
The TSX pulls to a stop about 30 feet from Paul himself. Joseph gets out of the car with his friends. Madison was dressed in armor and held large electro guns in her hand. Joseph and Natalia were dressed as agents mixed with armored black ops.
“Jas, you go get Annabelle. We could use a good shot. I’ll hold Paul’s attention.” Natalia says with a smile. She places Fluffy Bottoms on the hood of the car. She turns her attention back to Paul and runs towards him.
Joseph runs into a tear and Paul’s eyes widen. Joseph comes out at the stairs of the tower. Paul looks at Natalia who was now just about in front of him.
“Surprise? Fluffy Bottoms showed him how to “see” the tears in space and use them to jump from spot to spot.” Natalia says unsheathing her blades. She spins them in her hand and stares at Paul.
“I’m going to kill you.” She informs him. “Try your…” She cuts him off swinging her blade right at his gut. He slides out of the path of the swing. She tries to undercut him. He blocks with his axe, and she cartwheels him in the face.
He stumbles back, and she stabs him in the foot. She slides to his back and slams her elbow into his back. He starts to fall forward. She appears with the blade right where his head would fall.
Paul uses some strange ancient move to blow himself up with a breath. This puts him without air though, as he was old. Natalia wails on him with her speedy ninja moves.
Natalia was the fighting type that used speed. She was faster than the eye almost. Paul was taking some heavy damage from her quick attacks that he didn’t really see coming.
However Paul knew how to stop her speed. He waiting for her next attack. As soon as she struck him in the side where his kidney was, he sped grab her fist and yanked her to him. Paul grabs her by her neck dropping his sword and chokes her. She is lifted in the air and he brings his axe up to strike her down.
“You can’t be the master! The master beats you!” he screams laughing at her. Madison fires the electro gun stunning Paul in the back. He releases his death grip and shakes violently standing up.
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Joseph reaches the top of the tower. He looks at the scientist plugging up the tubes into Annabelle. He starts for her but stops. He sneaks over to Marcia. She was still on her knees holding her side.
“Marcia, are you alright?” he asks her. “I’ll be fine. It’s just a stab wound. I’ve endured worse. Get her. Stop this mess.” Marcia says, “This doesn’t mean we’re friends, only that you were right.” “I understand.”
He gets up and charges at the scientists. He swings his staff right into the face of one of the scientists putting him down instantly. Joseph takes them down quickly. He yanks the devices out of the Annabelle who now opens her eyes to see what had happened. She found Joseph’s undeniably caring face looking at her.
“How are doing Annie?” he asks her. “Fine…” she responds as he helps her out of the chair. “We need to kill Paul O’Connor and end the IOSTA.” He says.
“I agree. You ready to do that now?” She asks him. “I’m ready to do that now, if I have to.” He says taking her hand. “What are you doing?” she asks. “Taking the shortcut.” He says smiling.
He guides a few feet to the right into a tear. They both appear as Paul swings his axe down. Joseph stops the blade from hitting his sister with his staff club. He pushes Paul back.
“Oh… so this is how it is going to be? Four against one man?!” he asks watching Natalia hand Annabelle two guns. “It’s over Paul!” Joseph tells him. “It’s not over yet. You haven’t seen me evolve yet!” Paul says pulling the glowing green light liquid. Marcia looks over the edge down to the group about to attack Paul. “Don’t let him inject…”
It was too late. He stuck the liquid in himself. Paul screams in pain falling on the ground, grabbing and pulling his hair. He shakes his head violently and beats his fist on the ground. His veins pop out… his hair elongates. His muscles tighten and he rises up to his full height once again.
“WHOO! What a rush!” says to them. “I’ve got this.” Joseph tells them. He jumps at Paul bringing his staff clubs down. Paul blocks with his arm and a shockwave is emitted. He throws Joseph 10 feet in the air. As soon as Joseph falls, Paul swings his fist into Joseph knocking him 30 feet away.
“I feel so alive!” Paul says showing his fearsome teeth. Natalia spins at him with her blades slashing him all over at least ten time. The wounds begin to heel quickly. Paul backhands Natalia into the tower.
Annabelle aims for the head and fires. Paul claps his hands together blowing she and the three bullets she has fired away. Madison fires her electro gun and Paul cartwheels out of the way.
Joseph runs out of a tear. “He’s mutated! The only way to take him down is if we don’t let up on him. Everyone… keep it up!” he yells out at everyone.
Joseph slides under a swing Paul had for him. He slams his staff clubs into Paul’s knee caps. Paul yelps out. Natalia flips over him in a bursts of speed slashing him across his arms. Annabelle puts two bullets in his shoulder. Madison fires her electro gun just to the side of him making him roll into it.
Joseph clubs him against in the gut as he gets up. Paul tries to grab him. Joseph goes under and pushes his staff clubs up into Paul’s arm. Paul yelps out.
Natalia slashes him in another rush of speed across his chest, causing him to grab right there. She goes through his legs, cutting them nearly in half. Paul plops down.
Annabelle fires the rest of his bullets wherever she could. Paul gets up before Madison could fire again.
“That’s enough!” Paul cried out, “I’m a divine now!” He slams his fists into the ground. A shockwave blows them all away from him. “Let’s see what I can really do!” Paul cries out.
His hand forms a ball of green energy. He brings both of his hands in the air forming an even larger ball of energy to kill them all with.
“Jas, we can’t beat him!” Natalia says looking up from the dirt. “We can!” Joseph says, “We just need to weaken him somehow… to bring him down for the final blow!”
“But…” Annabelle says looking at her empty guns. Paul’s laugh roars as they all get up ready to take the blow. His eyes open from their closed laughed with surprise in them. He pulls a needle from his neck.
He turns back to Marcia hanging off the building with a faint smile. He begins to look dizzy and the ball of energy fades. Joseph looks at his friends. “Let me!”
Joseph runs at Paul and beats him within an inch of his life. Paul is brought to the ground from the mighty blows of justice and vengeance in the heart of the man. He brings up his staff club activating its blade feature to finish his enemy. He however drops the club… not being able to do it.
He senses something above him and rolls out of the way. A giant stone lands on skull of Paul O’Connor crushing him completely. Joseph looks up at Marcia barely standing up. She disappears from his sight walking into the darkness and corner of the fort.
Joseph looks back to everyone to make sure they weren’t hurt too badly. Natalia spins her swords and puts them away.
“We’re done here Jas. Let’s go.” Natalia says. “Not yet.” He tells her. He walks over to Paul’s body and takes his walkie talkie off his person. “This is Joseph Arlington to all IOSTA agents. The IOSTA has fallen. Paul O’Connor is dead. I repeat, Paul O’Connor is dead.”
Joseph drops the device on the ground. He grabs everyone in a big hug. “It’s all done. What now?” he asks everyone with a smile. “Who knows Arlington?” Annabelle asks with a flirtatious smile. “Ugh… obvious much?” Natalia says. “Let’s just see shall we Jas?” Madison says getting into the car.
“Yeah. We still have to talk about you getting married.” He says cranking the car up. “By the way… this date was horrible Joseph.” Annabelle says. “I’m hungry.” Natalia throws out there. “Okay… we’ll just go to Big Lucy’s. How about that?”
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