7:35AM913Please respect copyright.PENANAsGQlrm706Z
Marcus awoke suddenly. The sky was still dark.913Please respect copyright.PENANA8WpfU8gXox
“Leave now.” Caius said stiffly. He stood at the foot of Marcus’ bed and was already prepared to leave, right down to the knots already tied in the strings of his sandals.913Please respect copyright.PENANAjNW9zMoIDh
“It cannot be morning yet. It is still dark.” Marcus said drearily.913Please respect copyright.PENANARNxshZOI4r
“The sun has risen, brother.” Caius replied darkly. “The ash cloud that had begun to shift has returned. Thicker, this time.”913Please respect copyright.PENANASIfOl4S142
“The mountain has stopped its rumbling Caius. The god’s are appeased.”913Please respect copyright.PENANA2fN1BUv1Ev
Caius snorted.913Please respect copyright.PENANAMBFbLg1lY4
“You think they are satisfied with a little blood spilt in the arena? I have lived under these gods my entire life. I see now their true faces. They do not wish to bless us. Their only intention is to bleed us, to hurt us and to curse us.” He paused. “Pompeii has seen enough of their blessings in these years past. Each one has ended with lives lost and buildings crumbling to dust.”913Please respect copyright.PENANAxa9JtRGnM8
With a swift glance out of the window, Marcus saw thin shafts of sunlight struggling to push through the dense cloud that had descended. The ash that had stopped falling the night before now flowed freely once again, and Marcus noticed cracks along the floor that had not been present before he had fallen asleep.913Please respect copyright.PENANAFYIjZzPmzQ
“We shall leave the city at once.” He announced. Caius nodded in agreement.913Please respect copyright.PENANAEAZp67ohZB
“Behold: the first sensible thing you have suggested all week.”
913Please respect copyright.PENANAOVsekNOHTz
Livia was awoken by the slamming of the heavy bronze door at the front of the house. Before she had a chance to gather herself, her bedroom door was unceremoniously thrown open and there, in the doorway, stood Ariadne and her fiancee.913Please respect copyright.PENANAwyhg2eK5Jt
“Where is your gladiator?” Maxentius demanded.913Please respect copyright.PENANAaUjpednGVs
“He shall be here presently, I would imagine.” Livia replied curtly, fighting the urge to insist that he was not her gladiator.913Please respect copyright.PENANAYe0jTNqhup
Ariadne was about to intervene, but was interrupted by screams from outside. The floor rumbled ever so slightly. They moved to the window, and saw to their horror, the cloud that had annihilated Herculaneum moving closer. It would be upon Pompeii within a matter of minutes. Rocks that had been pushed along by the current were thrown back out again at violent speeds, their temperatures enough to cause severe burns.913Please respect copyright.PENANAlhwzV23xQK
“Get outside!” Livia demanded. Maxentius paused.913Please respect copyright.PENANAz3hkMsPcq9
“Surely we should be safer inside?! We should not go out there into it! It would kill us all!”913Please respect copyright.PENANAh6tEChZjgT
“It will destroy the house. We will be safer in the hills, far away from here.” Livia insisted.913Please respect copyright.PENANAvtF4VldCaH
“Your cellar should provide adequate shelter.” He replied. His tone suggested that he would be the one to make the final decision. “Ariadne is with child. She is in no condition to be running through the streets. We shall take shelter here.”913Please respect copyright.PENANAvwXHamVBkC
Livia considered his point but wondered why, if walls were enough to save them, the remaining citizens of Pompeii were running through the streets seeking their safety.913Please respect copyright.PENANAhcnnTKszAI
“Walls shall not be enough.” She said softly.913Please respect copyright.PENANAFoyvOyj4EA
“They shall have to be.” Maxentius said bluntly, turning away and leading Ariadne down the stairs. At the bottom, he turned back to Livia. “Leave if you wish; I shall remain and take care of your parents. Find your gladiator, Livia, but know that you enter a world of chaos out there. A world that will almost certainly lead to your death.”913Please respect copyright.PENANAshjFd6Ergc
“It is a chance I am willing to take.” She replied. Turning to Ariadne, she shot her a pleading glance. “You are certain that staying here is the right decision?”913Please respect copyright.PENANA93pkz2FS5h
“Yes.” Ariadne said with a nod, “I trust Maxentius to keep us all safe. I worry only for you Livia. Is he worth risking your life for?”913Please respect copyright.PENANA6QkbobbCxP
Livia nodded.913Please respect copyright.PENANAhcSjtyuL3c
“Then I pray the gods smile upon you.” She said softly. She took Livia’s hands and held them tightly. She hugged her tightly. “Be safe,” she whispered as a stray tear leaked from the corner of her eye.
913Please respect copyright.PENANAYeBukx5G9B
7:45AM913Please respect copyright.PENANA4P3gFgy4uq
The ash storm that was approaching finally hit the centre of the city. She watched as the second story of buildings was eviscerated and thrown to the ground. She heard the screams as buildings fell and toppled. Every instinct was telling her to run, to find cover and to stay there, but her legs would not move. Her eyes were transfixed upon the wall of dust, ash, rock and heat that was methodically sweeping across the streets of Pompeii.913Please respect copyright.PENANATkj8KQQ8Qh
When her feet remembered how to run, she turned and tried to refrain from looking behind her. She could smell burning and her lungs ached. She inhaled ash and debris as she ran, the taste causing her tongue to recoil and her eyes to water. It tasted acrid and sharp and it seemed to stick to her tongue like a stubborn paste that was hesitant to go away.913Please respect copyright.PENANARRPuJ3j8TE
913Please respect copyright.PENANAkSKYHLNJRJ
Arriving at the gladiator’s barracks, Livia spied Marcus and Caius leaving swiftly. She ran to them, and was caught immediately by Marcus’ arms, catching her in an inescapable hug.913Please respect copyright.PENANAztL7Ui7PkG
“I was coming to get you. We need to leave.” He said into her ear.913Please respect copyright.PENANAiJjNQU8mp9
“We cannot outrun it.” She said quietly. It was approaching quickly, and no matter how fast they were able to run, Livia knew in her heart it would catch up to them.913Please respect copyright.PENANAVxfG5vQ8cL
“We can try.” Marcus said simply. His jaw was set and his eyebrows were furrowed; he was determined to make it out of the city alive. Taking her hand, he ran forward, casting only a backward glance at the certain death that lay behind them. Checking Caius was still with them, Marcus took off down unfamiliar back streets.913Please respect copyright.PENANAwwptGrtQI1
All lights had been extinguished, like it would somehow save the inhabitants from the debris and destruction, and visibility had become difficult. The ash cloud that hovered above the city still rained down upon them, and although the sun was now nearing its highest point in the sky, there was not an ounce of daylight to be seen. The cover of darkness coated them thoroughly.913Please respect copyright.PENANA3y4o0X0yZv
“One would think the sun had forgotten to rise today.” Livia said lightly.913Please respect copyright.PENANAQMAS6b2yA3
“The sun has forsaken us.” Caius replied darkly. Marcus glanced sharply at his fellow gladiator.913Please respect copyright.PENANAYzqBLJkVWA
“There is no need for dark omens, Caius.”913Please respect copyright.PENANAI0HSRVOkrQ
“Omens? This is no omen! Can you not see that the world is ending?! Day has become night, the sky is falling in! The sun has not forgotten to rise; the sun is dead.”913Please respect copyright.PENANACXMTJvmqYz
Marcus stopped.913Please respect copyright.PENANAtyXlJh4sSC
“If you insist on projecting your negativity, perhaps we shall leave you here!” He said only inches away from Caius’ face. “I for one intend to leave this city intact, and if you would only stop whining for a moment perhaps you too would have a chance of living past this day Caius!”913Please respect copyright.PENANA76EAfYfvxF
Caius remained silent.913Please respect copyright.PENANAgs56TJT7ei
“I apologise, brother.” He said softly. “My tongue consults not with brain in times of panic. I do not think before I speak.”913Please respect copyright.PENANAf3c8cuU9ET
Marcus clapped his friend on the shoulder.913Please respect copyright.PENANAlG0iyn2M0p
“You are forgiven. Now, shall we stop stalling and continue?”913Please respect copyright.PENANAVlhNuOZgV6
Livia, watching the encounter unfold before her eyes, was at once confused by the temperament of men. Shaking her head, she moved past them.913Please respect copyright.PENANAGtNXfBqMiZ
“Yes, now that you two have made up, perhaps it would be a good idea to carry on with the leaving part of our plan.”913Please respect copyright.PENANA0QNKUvOMjr
Caius nodded. Glancing behind him, his eyes widened and his pace increased.913Please respect copyright.PENANAxGA7TLsmzk
“We shall have to run if we are to dodge this.913Please respect copyright.PENANAPFcqamg7tI
913Please respect copyright.PENANAivLTQriXWw
7:50AM913Please respect copyright.PENANA22KH2varUX
Ariadne sat in Livia’s cellar. Her father had been carried down the steps by some slaves - his drunkenness had made him difficult to wake. Her mother sat next to him, holding tightly onto his hand, despite the fact that his was not holding onto hers.913Please respect copyright.PENANA8X5qXZUqiq
Maxentius sat next to Ariadne, his arm around her shoulders.913Please respect copyright.PENANATwbdWnPHYO
Above them, they could hear the heavy sounds of footfall as all classes of citizen hurried past on the ground above. The windows at the top of the cellar sat level with the ground, and Maxentius had closed them in order to stop debris finding its way inside. It was becoming hot in the cellar, but outside it had fallen quiet.913Please respect copyright.PENANAduToDDJK2E
“Why has it stopped?” Ariadne whispered. Maxentius shrugged.913Please respect copyright.PENANAxLBlcYOHer
“Perhaps it is over.” He said quietly. “I told you we would survive this. I told you I would protect you.”913Please respect copyright.PENANAc6xuwaI4sa
“You did.” Ariadne said, burying her head into his shoulder.913Please respect copyright.PENANAp2Ogx9EMxo
“We shall leave for Rome as soon as we know for sure it is safe.” He said. She nodded in agreement.913Please respect copyright.PENANABsVGJbSDzv
Outside, it seemed that all footfalls had fallen silent. Not a soul was to be heard. The temperature was rising.913Please respect copyright.PENANAOwQzEgVcN8
And then, as though all of Hell was breaking loose, the glass in the windows shattered and into the cellar swept an almighty gust of wind, noise, heat, rock and ash. The noise of it was deafening; the heat unbearable. Ariadne clinged tightly to Maxentius and closed her eyes. One hand rested on her stomach, trying feebly to protect the child she was carrying. Maxentius' arms encircled her and for half a moment she believed it would pass.913Please respect copyright.PENANAg0KpZCeb7x
And then it was over.913Please respect copyright.PENANACzMoCrUSJ2
It was silent again. The dust and ash stopped; the rocks stopped falling. It was over within seconds. The current moved on, leaving only corpses behind in Livia’s cellar.
913Please respect copyright.PENANADdavfgiDpl
Her feet pounded the pavement as she ran. Her legs had never moved so fast and her hand stayed tightly in Marcus’ grip. He pulled her along and she knew that if he were to let her go, she would falter and fall back into a pace that she could manage. But a pace she could manage would not keep her alive; a pace she could manage would get her engulfed by the cloud that seemed to move even faster as the death toll climbed higher.913Please respect copyright.PENANAt3JyQGQPPB
“I cannot breathe, Marcus!” She protested. Her lungs that were aching before now screamed in protest. Her vision was shifting, and each breath she took delivered a fresh influx of soot and ash into her chest.913Please respect copyright.PENANA1JMa5OjKig
“We need to keep going!” He shouted. Above the noise it was difficult to discern the words they spoke to one another.913Please respect copyright.PENANAsvexUBCfnh
The cloud of debris kept moving forward, and with it came a gust of wind akin to a hurricane. The wind rattled in their ears and combined with the sound of shouts and cries, it was nearing impossible to hear. Children stood in doorways, wailing desperately for their mothers. Livia looked backwards at them, feeling her heart tear into pieces as she saw them. A small girl stood crying by the side of the road, the fear in her eyes enough to make Livia pull her hand free of Marcus and stop beside the girl. Marcus whirled around and placed his hands on Livia’s shoulders. His forehead rested upon hers.913Please respect copyright.PENANA8hP4Kz6IvK
“We cannot stop Livia.” He said sternly. He looked into her eyes and saw the words of protest rise to her lips. “Livia. We. Cannot. Stop.” Tears fell down Livia’s cheeks, and then Caius, in one fell swoop, picked the child up into his arms.913Please respect copyright.PENANA3mzx2ONDWo
“Go! Now!” He said, setting off again at a run. Marcus did not question the actions of his friend, and instead took Livia’s hand again and followed Caius, running down the streets coated with a thick layer of ash.
913Please respect copyright.PENANAkq1dpePhjB
8AM913Please respect copyright.PENANAm015tT2BmY
The world had now turned completely black. The shafts of sunlight that had fought their way through before were now finding it impossible to push through the dense cloud that had descended. The cloud moved closer. As they reached the gates to the city, they found that it was almost empty; everyone else had decided to try their luck at the harbour. Caius still held the child he had picked up on the road, and Marcus still gripped Livia’s hand as tightly as he would grip a rope when dangling over a precipice.913Please respect copyright.PENANAY0olxYatub
“Stop.” Livia said, letting go of Marcus’ hand once again. “Stop.”913Please respect copyright.PENANAQOkxm7uXwg
“We cannot stop now!” Marcus said incredulously.913Please respect copyright.PENANA5nDPFwTrQy
“We cannot outrun it Marcus! We shall die running!”913Please respect copyright.PENANAdHLXWrQqL7
“We shall die on our knees if we stay here!”913Please respect copyright.PENANAfKYkLdTLZW
Livia was breathing hard, trying desperately to catch her breath. Caius had stopped too.913Please respect copyright.PENANASPelEaYMFh
“She is right Marcus. We have no chance.”913Please respect copyright.PENANAlrL3FHok5V
Marcus looked at the darkness that was nearing them. It was only meters away. He could almost feel the heat.913Please respect copyright.PENANAOQSd7ktZOI
“Gladiator!” A man called from beside the gates. He was old and withered, but in his eyes he harboured an air of kindness and generosity. In his hand his held the reigns of a pony. “Can she ride?”913Please respect copyright.PENANANS2f1Lq3Wl
Marcus glanced at Livia. “Yes, she can ride.” He replied. The old man shook his head.913Please respect copyright.PENANAbHAN6OFZlZ
“Not her. The girl.” He said, pointing at the young child in Caius’ arms.913Please respect copyright.PENANAXziuvUFQHL
“Can you ride?” Caius asked. She nodded.913Please respect copyright.PENANABxHI7PVP22
The man approached her and handed her the reigns. “Ride, child. Ride for Rome and tell the emperor what has occurred here.”913Please respect copyright.PENANAoJTEm9ADg8
The child looked up at the old man with wide eyes. She looked at Caius for approval. Caius nodded and placed her on the pony. The animal was small and could probably hold no more than what the child weighed, but it would suffice. Caius smiled at her.913Please respect copyright.PENANAx4MVN2hY3L
“My name is Caius, by the way.” He said with a soft smile. “I want you to ride as fast as you can, do you hear me? Ride as fast as you possibly can and get as far away from here as possible and do not stop until you are out from beneath this cloud and you can feel sunlight on your face.” He said kindly. The child nodded numbly; she had lost her mother and had found Caius. Her entire world had been saved by Caius, and though he had held her in his arms only a mere five minutes, Marcus could see the bond he had formed with the child.913Please respect copyright.PENANAsN4s1hiHS6
“Run.” He said. The girl clapped her heels on either side of the pony. It set off at a gallop and carried her out of the city walls and up the hills to safety.913Please respect copyright.PENANA1jNLHqxRsY
“What do we do now?” Livia asked.913Please respect copyright.PENANAq5qsr2eoxI
Marcus looked at the cloud that was approaching fast and took her into his arms.913Please respect copyright.PENANAQc6qgtbOcM
“Close your eyes.” He said softly. She did as he said, wrapping her arms around his neck and pushing her face into his chest.913Please respect copyright.PENANAqCu0iwdTUM
Caius fell to his knees.913Please respect copyright.PENANAH2EyxsvjLa
“I was supposed to die in the arena.” He said bitterly.913Please respect copyright.PENANAp8bwEnSERZ
“The whole world is an arena Caius.” Marcus replied. “All of us live inside the Gods' own personal arena.”913Please respect copyright.PENANAKmr2sxSW6i
Caius managed a small laugh.913Please respect copyright.PENANALIPTXgmeuz
“How poetic of you, Roman.” A tear fell from his eyes and he began to cough as the dust entered his lungs. “I thought I would die fighting a Roman, not alongside one.”913Please respect copyright.PENANAxDyNe6gK7C
Marcus laughed.913Please respect copyright.PENANAUl8dy2OwIA
“I would die by no one else’s side other than yours, my friend.” He said softly. Caius looked at him earnestly, before turning away and bowing his head.913Please respect copyright.PENANAnRlzdiY3N3
“Marcus,” Livia said. “I know we are to die, and I know that perhaps it is the circumstances that entice me to say this, but-“913Please respect copyright.PENANAvOXssxob69
“I love you.” Marcus interrupted. Livia smiled.913Please respect copyright.PENANAlNEa2lHEe5
“You stole the words from my mouth.” She said softly.913Please respect copyright.PENANALi7foYUHT8
Marcus looked at her sadly, and saw in her eyes the life that they could have had. If only he had never come to Pompeii, if only they had met under different circumstances, if only…913Please respect copyright.PENANApDpFYZHZzo
The temperature got hotter, and Livia had to fight the urge to run any further. Her legs were tired, her throat was sore and it hurt to breathe.913Please respect copyright.PENANA0VUHWlJ53e
Opening her eyes for the briefest second, she saw the darkness consume them. She shut her eyes tightly as the heat engulfed them and the world fell away. She tightened her grip around Marcus’ neck as the debris began to gather around them. Falling to her knees, Marcus followed her down, refusing to relinquish his grip on her. Closing his eyes tightly, and unable to even lift his head, he cradled her body as the current took the last few pieces of strength he had left.
And then it moved on. The cloud had passed, and behind it was only bodies and ash. Not a single soul remained living in the city of Pompeii.
913Please respect copyright.PENANAZdgMe72FJs
9AM913Please respect copyright.PENANAIFSgCgSkv2
The ash continued to fall, forming blankets on all those that appeared to be sleeping. The girl watched at the fires began to dwindle and the ash began to settle. She remembered what Caius had told her. To ride until she felt the sun on her cheeks, to ride to Rome and to ride as quickly as possible.913Please respect copyright.PENANAA7ZddOP6TZ
She turned her pony around. She shed tears for the family she had lost and for all those that had lost their lives in the city. She knew as she beheld it before her, a smoking and crumbling counterfeit of the magnificent city of Pompeii, that no life remained. She looked no longer upon the city of the dead, and instead turned her gaze forward. Sunlight still shone. The sky was still blue. It was not the world that had ended. Only Pompeii.913Please respect copyright.PENANAFt2UTy8DrM
913Please respect copyright.PENANAL4EI9qCPC3
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~913Please respect copyright.PENANAqzzdd2Cv8t
The bodies that were recovered were found intact and uninjured. More like sleep than death. Most remained buried and crushed beneath the weight of layers and layers of ash. I could boast that not a groan or cry of fear escaped me during these perils, but I admit that even I believed that the whole world was dying with me, and I with it.913Please respect copyright.PENANAJfIlnZJTjJ
And so ends our tale of Pompeii. A tale of destruction and despair that will strike fear and sadness into the hearts of many for years to come.913Please respect copyright.PENANA1wJpb4rIqH
And thus I take my leave of you.913Please respect copyright.PENANAfZstheN8ZO
- Pliny the Younger913Please respect copyright.PENANAAhwUcWThHx
913Please respect copyright.PENANArXxtufv2HD
Authors Note: The ending is a slightly modified excerpt from a letter by Pliny the Younger explaining the tragedy of Pompeii. I received a review a while back stating that the first person narrative at the start of the very first chapter was confusing - I'm not sure how well this comes across, but I was aiming for Pliny to be the storyteller. His letter and introduction is supposed to frame either side of the narrative. He both begins and ends the story, and as an eyewitness to the events (he was across the bay in Naples when it occurred) i thought it was fitting to include him in here somewhere.913Please respect copyright.PENANAVj7cQpalTw
Anyway, this brings an end to the story and I would like to thank those of you that have stuck with it the whole way through. I wouldn't have any motivation to write at all if it wasn't for you, so thank you.913Please respect copyright.PENANAOsQ2iLWtK6