Chapter 9904Please respect copyright.PENANA3NTs05WMd9
21st August
Ariadne instinctively held a hand over her stomach. Although it had the slightest bump, she was not beginning to show. Telling her fiance had gone better than she had expected; he had frozen momentarily, before beginning to thaw. A smile spread across his face and he was genuinely pleased. He hoped it was a boy. He wanted to name the child Julius.904Please respect copyright.PENANA4QXAYBtpps
Ariadne walked slowly to the racing ground, wanting to catch Livia before the races began. The women sat separately from the men and so she bid Maxentius farewell and found her friend sitting on the stone benches.904Please respect copyright.PENANAgHGpJBH1ng
“I was wondering when you would arrive.” Livia said casually. Lowering her voice, she added: “How did he take it?”904Please respect copyright.PENANA4SDljTXAiO
“Well. He took it well.” Ariadne whispered. Livia smiled.904Please respect copyright.PENANARPhyU1kPMs
“It looks like the green flag shall be the victor today.” She said, raising her voice back to it’s normal level.904Please respect copyright.PENANAUDF2vZ4hHz
“How can you know? The race hasn’t even begun yet!” Ariadne asked, her eyes scanning the oval racing ground.904Please respect copyright.PENANAFObwfoCsMV
“No; but green have the best charioteers. And the best horses. You can see by the shine of their coats and the health of their hooves that they are in better physical condition. The other horses have been run ragged, even I can tell that.”904Please respect copyright.PENANAKUckZPwacq
Ariadne looked closely and saw that Livia was right, the horses on one team looked far better than those on the opposite side.904Please respect copyright.PENANA9ULrHfHdVp
“Then I shall tell my father to bet on green.” Ariadne said and Livia nodded, waiting anxiously for the race to begin.904Please respect copyright.PENANAnI7fNNFRUc
Since she was a child, she had loved the racing ground. When she was younh, she would sit with her mother - her father would sit near the front; being both a man and a politician, he was entitled to better seats than the women - and clap her hands and hit her feet on the stone floor, cheering for her favourite side. Her mother would bring a small amount of food, usually bread with some jam or butter, and Livia would eat it eagerly, not taking her eyes of the horses running in large circles before her. When it was over, she would go home with the noise of the crowd and the thunder of hooves ringing in her tiny ears.904Please respect copyright.PENANAeykuYDwDNo
But this race was different. This race was not to celebrate the gods; It was to appease them.
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Caius sharpened the point on his spear. His darkened eyes gazed around the room he was in; a changing room of sorts. Gladiators around him were strapping on leather knee guards and polishing daggers. Marcus sat with a rather helpless expression on his face.904Please respect copyright.PENANAzVbuvn3oFp
“If you keep that look on your face you’ll be an easy target. You may as well hand yourself over to the underworld. I’m sure Pluto will welcome you with open arms, Roman.” Caius said, his tone more harsh than he intended.904Please respect copyright.PENANAXsXNcP07Za
“Why does Tetraites put his newest fighter into the arena?” Marcus asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANA1YBxZ3YUCf
“Because he knows there are fighters like me in there to save your sorry asses.” Caius said simply, only half joking.904Please respect copyright.PENANAplc4L7Wb68
Marcus closed his eyes. He was not afraid of the fight, nor of death, he simply hoped that the games would be enough.904Please respect copyright.PENANA6QLEBCcy3H
Tetraites called his gladiators to the entrance to the arena. The sun streamed through the gate. Caius and Marcus stood at the front of the line, looking out into the empty arena that was filling up with people quickly.904Please respect copyright.PENANA9czsiSV2vz
“The deaths that happen, Marcus,” Caius said, looking at the sand floor of the arena behind the gate. “They have to happen.”
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The arena had quickly filled and as the sun rose higher in the sky, they began to grow impatient. The temperature was increasing and growing almost unbearable for those without shade or water.904Please respect copyright.PENANAHWbRwpBsUi
Tetraites called his gladiators to him, shooting glances at the trainer from Naples who too called his gladiators into a huddle around him.904Please respect copyright.PENANA6KH9LHJ7qJ
“You are not usually one for motivational speeches.” Caius said lightly, but the darkness that Marcus had seen in his eyes still remained.904Please respect copyright.PENANADHpvJVn7B6
“Usually, I do not send nearly all of my gladiators into the arena at one given time.” He tried not to portray his worry, but he knew that if he lost this fight then he would lose the vast majority of his fighters. The losses over the past year had almost crippled him; if he lost this, he knew that he would be ridiculed in Pompeii. His status as one of the greatest gladiator trainers in the Empire was already on the rocks. He knew that if today ended in failure, that title would be lost to him forever. “You are all good men,” he continued. “I believe that you can win this, but know that the people want blood. They do not want a courteous fight. Do not offer your opponent mercy; they will afford you none.” His eyes scanned each of his fighters. Then, placing a hand on Caius shoulder, he said: “Go out there and make me proud, men.” For only a second, he let slip his facade and allowed his gladiators to see their master as a genuine and honest man, rather than the tough and strict trainer they were used to.904Please respect copyright.PENANAepRkSIwTby
Caius nodded.904Please respect copyright.PENANAMYkzwGunqR
“You gave me mercy when I was a child. You took me in and you trained me when I was old enough. No matter how many fights I win, I shall never, ever be able to repay your kindness. If I die today, I will know that I died appeasing the Gods to save your soul.”904Please respect copyright.PENANAex08nvV3jB
“You shall not die, Caius. Because we shall win this match and all of you shall return home and when you do, I shall have the cooks prepare an excellent feast.” Tetraites said earnestly. “Now. Get out into that arena!” He barked, and the men smiled slightly before turning towards the iron gates that covered the arched entrance.
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The majority of the gladiators from Naples fought with spears, and all of them were steel with long, sharp points. Caius glowered at them menacingly. Marcus wanted to speak to his friend, to ask him for last minute advice, but he knew that Caius would not hear him. Caius was immune to everything around him and the only conceivable thought in his mind presently was ‘kill’.904Please respect copyright.PENANAgwK8pSDXnt
The first man to make a move was a young man from Naples. Sensing that Caius was the toughest out of the lot, he made his way for him. Caius defended himself impeccably; the man barely got to within a foot of Caius before he was dead. Caius’ spear moved so fast Marcus did quite realise what had happened until the man fell to the ground and Caius was wiping the blood off his face.904Please respect copyright.PENANACNUsqH3WI5
It scared Marcus, to see the lack of emotion on his friend’s face. To see how easily Caius kicked aside the man’s lifeless body in order to attack another. To see how quickly the bodies piled up around him.904Please respect copyright.PENANAvM0cGxYvMi
Marcus did not have the time to dwell any longer, for he was set upon at that moment by a man twice his size. He moved backwards, his feet moving swifter than he ever thought they could. The man looked menacing, with a scar spanning the whole of his left cheek and no small amount of bruises on his arms. Marcus did not have time to think of his next move before he was forced to duck; his opponent had thrust his spear forward with as much force as he could muster and it merely grazed the top of Marcus’ head. Raising his hand, Marcus felt blood, but knew that he had narrowly missed a killing blow.The gladiator opposite him stood in anger, for he was sure that the blow would have met its mark. Without waiting to consider his next movement, Marcus took advantage of his opponents momentary lapse in concentration to thrust his spear firmly through the leather armour and straight into his stomach. He fell to the ground in agony, but Marcus had not the time to feel guilt.904Please respect copyright.PENANA85D0p4sZNx
His eyes scanned the arena, and he saw that Caius was fighting two men at once, needing no aid from anyone else. The other Pompeian gladiators also seemed to be winning, though a fair few littered the ground near those from Naples.904Please respect copyright.PENANAS8LmoEP5jY
When there were only six from Naples remaining out of the original fourteen, the organiser of the games stood up. Caius halted, his dagger only inches away from the neck of a Neapolitan.904Please respect copyright.PENANAD0j3haoVPw
“Enough blood for today, gladiators. I do believe the god’s are appeased.” He said, looking up at the cloudless sky. Marcus breathed a sigh of relief, and Caius moved his dagger away from the gladiator and offered him his hand to help the man up off his knees. The Neapolitan looked up in thanks to Caius, who could offer only a small smile. He had not yet broken his arena mindset, and so stalked back inside as soon as he was able, leaving the other gladiators (Marcus included) to stand before the population of Pompeii and listen to their cheers.904Please respect copyright.PENANAsbuoQt827w
Marcus felt exhilarated. Coming so close to death and yet escaping gave one an incredible rush, and as he glanced up into the crowds and saw Livia among the ones clapping eagerly, he could not think why Caius had taken such a dislike for the glory one receives in the arena.
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“You thought he was going to die, didn’t you?” Ariadne said gently.904Please respect copyright.PENANABRKIFfmEsj
“He came close.” Livia said rather bluntly. “Besides, what makes you think I care for him?”904Please respect copyright.PENANAthsAOUw3C1
Ariadne smirked.904Please respect copyright.PENANAgMWgyT8OKS
“Nothing.” She said simply, with a shrug. She began to walk away and then turned to face her friend with a larger smirk on her lips. “Except that I could practically feel your heart stop when that Neapolitan grazed his head.”904Please respect copyright.PENANAN8x9CoDVtJ
Livia shook her head, laughing slightly, before catching up to her friend.904Please respect copyright.PENANAPHoJPeNnua
“Perhaps I should pay a visit to Tetraites. I will be able to see if Marcus is alright that way.” She suggested, no small amount of hopefulness in her tone.904Please respect copyright.PENANAnTHYiwaB0D
“I rather think that would raise some eyebrows, my dear friend! Besides, I want you to help me pick the fabric for my wedding dress, and you simply cannot abandon me during my hour of need.”904Please respect copyright.PENANA2ipmjjjuMi
Livia laughed, weaving her arm through Ariadne’s.904Please respect copyright.PENANAg0wAROHnrV
“You are right, I could not possibly leave you, especially not in your condition!”904Please respect copyright.PENANAenCcDHylZe
Ariadne hit her friend on the arm, and shushed her.904Please respect copyright.PENANAvMRa2ZP4Ra
“You are the worst secret-keeper in all of Pompeii! To think I should have you as my closest friend and the only person I can share my secrets with! Oh to be so unlucky!!” She laughed.
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“How did I do?” Marcus asked Caius that evening. Caius shrugged.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8hncmomUMf
“You survived.”904Please respect copyright.PENANAb31r229U1l
“Well, yes. But did you not see how I-“904Please respect copyright.PENANAF78mP0EARb
“Marcus, friend.” Caius said bluntly. “I do not wish to speak of battle.”904Please respect copyright.PENANAH7BJvsu9Dc
Marcus nodded.904Please respect copyright.PENANAsuGRVvelO8
“I see. Then let us discuss lighter matters!”904Please respect copyright.PENANAxVDbIDHQP9
“Such as?” Caius said, glancing up and looking at his friend in interest.904Please respect copyright.PENANAfIZtXHjXhl
“Such as the woman cheering my name today in the arena.”904Please respect copyright.PENANAd0F7OfvGhC
Caius snorted.904Please respect copyright.PENANAksiwSSerWi
“To cheer your name would be social suicide for her; no husband would ever have her. She may have cheered for you Marcus, but she was not cheering your name. There is a fine line.”904Please respect copyright.PENANAJiCh6ibPtt
Marcus scowled for a moment, before shrugging it off. It was true, after all.904Please respect copyright.PENANABhcp3ffa5n
“Ah you are right. But she was worried for me, I know it. I saw it in her eyes.”904Please respect copyright.PENANAC7kGHiL8Xf
“In her eyes? She was miles above you! I am amazed you could see her at all, never mind make out what was in her eyes!”904Please respect copyright.PENANAB6yKxtO948
“Are you determined to thwart my every statement?” Marcus said lightly.904Please respect copyright.PENANArLbE1prUIH
“I am determined to set you straight when you are clearly delusional, my friend!”904Please respect copyright.PENANA7xEytOe5yq
“I shall show you, Caius. I shall show you that the lady cares for me.”904Please respect copyright.PENANAeQlKlGD7Gv
“And, pray tell, how?” Caius said, leaning back in his chair like a teacher looking at a pupil.904Please respect copyright.PENANAGNKHJW25Cq
“I shall sneak out. Tonight.” Marcus said energetically. “You shall help me! I have a plan.” He demanded.904Please respect copyright.PENANA9xjSUO0aQs
“I shall do no such thing!” Caius said, feigning outrage. He paused for a second, and then leaned forward. “What do you have in mind?”
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A/N - Pluto was the Roman name for the God Hades.904Please respect copyright.PENANAZyhuj3ICgN
Also the quote ‘the deaths that happen, have to happen’ is from a TV show called Da Vinci’s Demons.
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