958Please respect copyright.PENANAuSUzqBKMYA
20th August 79AD
Herculaneum was in pieces.958Please respect copyright.PENANABMQT0uKYYE
Where mosaics had fallen off the walls in Pompeii, in Herculaneum that had been all but reduced to dust.958Please respect copyright.PENANAIwADQJk9R5
Where cracks ran across tiles in Pompeii, they were utterly destroyed in Herculaneum.958Please respect copyright.PENANA0CquOSGQW2
The popular holiday resort for the elite and powerful was in chaos. Servants ran this way and that way, sweeping up the dust from shattered idols, trying desperately to glue back together a mural featuring the Emperor, picking up the pieces from their broken water vases and wiping a paste over the cracks in the columns holding up the ceilings in the vain hope that it would keep the building standing.958Please respect copyright.PENANAzqppvwZWdW
The ordinary inhabitants of the city were piecing their lives back together in the same fashion. Not as wealthy as those who holidayed there, some of the poorer folk, that lived closer still to the mountain, had next to nothing left.958Please respect copyright.PENANACenEZslPz5
Livia’s father, Lucius, surveyed the destruction. With his small piece of charcoal, he wrote down notes. He wanted to get into the infirmary, to assess the damage the earthquake had wrought onto the populace, but through the small door he could see a mass of bodies, all struggling to help the wounded. Some had herbs in hand, others strange potions with a curious mix of ingredients, others were holding newly glued-together statues of the gods, offering them to those suffering and begging them to pray.958Please respect copyright.PENANAAZwaBE3QCb
He shook his head and motioned to his companion to bring the horses around.958Please respect copyright.PENANAwM1kk3TkYk
“I think we’ve seen enough, let’s go home Arellius.”958Please respect copyright.PENANALw9dqSthJi
His secretary nodded, giving a nearby servant a nod of the head that sent them running to the stables. Both men were moved and saddened by what they had witnessed in their neighbouring town, for clearly they had done something grievous to deserve this punishment, but not a single soul knew what they had done that had offended the Gods so magnificently.
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“People of Pompeii, I implore you, listen.” Lucius stood on a raised platform in the centre of the Forum. The majority of the townsfolk were stood around him. Although the hour was late, there was no need for torches as it was late summer and the sun still had not set.958Please respect copyright.PENANAlUlg7Juj7y
“Today I visited Herculaneum.” Lucius continued. “The devastation there is more considerable than what we here have endured. Their wounded outnumber ours by far. Their murals are destroyed beyond repair. We should count ourselves lucky for the Gods clearly smiled upon us on the day just passed.” There was a general cheer from the crowd, pleased at their good fortune. Lucius held up his palm to silence them. “But, citizens of Pompeii, they may have smiled upon us yesterday, but what about tomorrow? Or the day after that?”958Please respect copyright.PENANALskjJs5oSs
He was met with silence. He continued.958Please respect copyright.PENANAnHe0PSvdji
“We here in this corner of the world have done something to anger our beloved Gods, for why else would they punish us with the rumblings of this volcano? We were punished all those years ago; some among you may remember the terrible earthquake we endured.” Some heads nodded, an old man standing at the front of the crowd shook his head in misery, recalling the earthquake of sixteen years before. Lucius met the old man’s gaze and continued. “But I fear that once again we have incurred the wrath of the Gods!”958Please respect copyright.PENANASCVKgCn3vY
Lucius looked at the crowd before him. Their faces were grave. Some of them had their eyes turned upwards, silently asking the Gods to forgive them for whatever it was that had offended them.958Please respect copyright.PENANAvm76ks1VQm
“I beg you, citizens, if before you have lacked in your worship - renew your faith! If before you had gone against the rules set down by our Gods - repent! We must allay their anger before it is too late. Before the fate that befell Herculaneum befalls us!”958Please respect copyright.PENANAvXPvZMPh9t
He stepped down off the podium to applause.958Please respect copyright.PENANAYwAqKJbvNu
That night, the temples were doubling their offerings, burning more candles, and saying extra prayers. The temple of Apollo lit large fires in brass bowls and left them burning through the night on the steps to the temple. The temple of Jupiter anointed the statues with oil and stayed until the sun rose, the servants on Jupiter on their knees worshipping their Gods.
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21st August
958Please respect copyright.PENANAgvBB8GZoX8
The sun rose slowly that morning, setting the sky alight with a pink hue that turned the clouds golden. Marcus arose and, without having breakfast, simply stood in the training ground, admiring the sky.958Please respect copyright.PENANA1Yh5KqqSWz
In celebration of the Gods, a rather last-minute chariot race and gladiatorial games had been organised. Tetraites had been awake all night, barking orders at slaves to properly make sure that the horses were saddled, fed and rested, to make sure the gladiators had a hearty breakfast, to make sure that a foreign gladiator from another town could be acquired… there was no end to his lists.958Please respect copyright.PENANA7OJTtiTpNv
“Someone will die today, brother.” Caius said darkly, emerging from the kitchens.958Please respect copyright.PENANA53jU8Lnqnc
“You think Tetraites would allow a gladiator life to be lost in a local games?”958Please respect copyright.PENANA0u8RR7Hhqn
“These are not local games, Marcus. These are games to appease the Gods. These games are far bigger than any games they hold in Rome; these games decide the fate of all in Pompeii.”958Please respect copyright.PENANAImB3RVUzgv
“How can you be certain of which gladiator the gods wish to die?” Marcus asked curiously. Caius shrugged.958Please respect copyright.PENANAqCS8vOXY7t
“I do not think they care. They want blood, that is all. It does not matter the blood that is split is Pompeian or Capuan.”958Please respect copyright.PENANAGHQdvsVaf8
“A gladiator from Capua? I would have thought Tetraites would have jumped at the chance to import Roman gladiators here for their slaughter.”958Please respect copyright.PENANAuIc5mMnkDX
Caius laughed. “You forget these games were organised in a hurry. Capua is perhaps one of the closest cities to get fighters from - or Naples, perhaps. Besides, if he wanted to kill a Roman, all he’d have to do is put you in the arena against me.” He said with a grin.958Please respect copyright.PENANAtRx8TDtU6s
Marcus hit him on the arm.958Please respect copyright.PENANA4c1IAjrpF1
“Are we to fight in teams or is it to be one-on-one?”958Please respect copyright.PENANAmhLx1bvRuJ
“I think perhaps in teams. Tetraites always was fonder of group fights than single combat.” Caius picked up a spear leaning against the wall and turned it around in his palm. His eyes examined it mercilessly. His hand moved and his fingers pressed against the tip until a small bead of blood blossomed at the edge of his index finger and fell to the sand floor of the training ground.958Please respect copyright.PENANApmLxfOHdfY
“Sharp. This one shall be mine.” His eyes darkened and he stalked inside, still grasping the spear.958Please respect copyright.PENANA4mGg95jJll
Marcus realised with a jolt that although he had seen Caius fight in the training ground before, never had he seen him fight in the arena. He was used to the laughing Caius, tripping a gladiator and holding a spear inches away from his face. But he would always pull the spear away and offer his hand to the man on his back. This day would be different. Marcus saw a glimpse of the cold, emotionless man that was Tetraites’ most prized gladiator.958Please respect copyright.PENANAEQtXrnOPzf
Gladiators are killers, Marcus reminded himself, and with that he not only remembered that he would see his friend slaughter an innocent, but he too would have to take a life in the arena. Physically, he was able to fight, to injure, to maim, to kill and destroy. Mentally, Marcus was no more ready to be a gladiator than a child in a cradle.
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As the morning wore on, the arena was still empty. The spectators were all still watching the chariot races, and only when those were over would they come to witness the bloodshed.958Please respect copyright.PENANAtELfRdGCrD
It is little more than rumour that a gladiator was killed in every gladiatorial games; more often than not, both parties would live. The owner of the victorious gladiator would have to pay for a replacement otherwise and as gladiator owners were slightly tight-fisted, they preferred to let them live. On this occasion however, the gods (and the crowd) were baying for blood.958Please respect copyright.PENANAbrwYTBQD1c
The gladiators arrived at the arena before noon and continued training. Each man kept to himself, even Caius - usually so loud and talkative, sat in shadow by himself. His head rested in his hands and he was focussing on keeping his breathing steady.958Please respect copyright.PENANALlnaqn9KR1
Marcus, although his mind told him to stay away, took the seat beside his friend.958Please respect copyright.PENANAlgW8ZGXJ3h
“I did not think the games would affect you so.” He said quietly.958Please respect copyright.PENANAoqFn1n4nkP
“They do not affect me.” Caius said gruffly. “I am trying to get myself in the fighting mindset.”958Please respect copyright.PENANApbJHHQJz3t
When Marcus raised his eyebrows, Caius lifted his head from his palms and looked him straight in the eyes,958Please respect copyright.PENANAM0bueaMG2C
“You have never been in a fight to the death, Marcus. Trust me when I say it is no picnic.” He paused for breath. His voice then took on a softer tone and his eyes turned skyward. “You may have seen gladiators fight from the stands as a spectator brother, but you have never lived it. Never have you experienced it. Never have you seen the life leave a man’s eyes as you drive your spear into his stomach. Never have you had a man on his knees before you as you looked up towards the master of the games, begging for them to shake their head and allow him to live. Never have you experienced the guilt when he nods, eager to see death, and you are forced to push your dagger into a stranger’s back.”958Please respect copyright.PENANA4oDw0gn71o
“I did not think it bothered you so.” Marcus said softly.958Please respect copyright.PENANAPp7j7ExQKx
“Of course it bothers me. It bothers me that to live myself I have to take life. It bothers me that I am valued as property - even by a man so generous as Tetraites. I am still his. I am not my own; I am merely a commodity to be bought, sold and eventually killed. For that is where our lives will undoubtedly end, Marcus. We shan’t die when we are old and surrounded by our family, when we have children and grandchildren. We shall die young. We shall die in an arena such as this and the people around us will cheer, not mourn. It is on days like today, days when they will be cheering as our opponent takes his last breath, when I feel most grieved by our occupation.”958Please respect copyright.PENANASAnPaNTO7T
Marcus had never considered how his life should end.958Please respect copyright.PENANAp3NcSHrYuy
“That is why the gladiators keep to themselves on days like these?”958Please respect copyright.PENANA3LBb3GK1Sl
Caius nodded.958Please respect copyright.PENANAGfAUUFDeTa
“They do not wish to see their friends die. It is why gladiators are advised not to bond with their fellow fighters. But if we don’t, what do we live for, Marcus? If not for the bonds we form here, what do we have to make the days easier? To make the training bearable? To ease our pain and heal our wounds?”958Please respect copyright.PENANAiIaDzKfPTQ
“Nothing.” Marcus said. “We have nothing.”
A/N - A few things: Firstly: the destruction in Herculaneum is, as far as I know, a product of my imagination. Whilst there was proof of repairs going on in Pompeii in the days leading up to the eruption, I am not sure if there was any in Herculaneum.958Please respect copyright.PENANAi1MdRIdIQ4
Secondly, I wrote this chapter because I wanted to show the alternate side of a gladiators personality. Up to now, there has been no gladiatorial deaths, and their occupation being what it was, I imagine death was something they would deal with frequently and I do not think its effects would vanish as soon as the games were over. Also Caius is by far my favourite character I have ever written and so it was interesting to portray a darker, more sadistic and pessimistic side to his character.958Please respect copyright.PENANAR0kWG1jOQm
Thirdly, I am sorry this is so short. I have coursework deadlines left right and centre at the minute, as well as being given extra hours at work and trying to maintain a social life so I physically do not have enough hours in the day to get everything done! Longer update should be coming soon!